Have you ever...?

No, I have trouble relaxing under water, with breathing. I can't even snorkel :lol:

Have you ever seen a shark in the ocean?

haha I was going to ask that question :p
No I havent.

Have you ever swum with sharks?
No!!! I went to that underwater place in Manly last year, and there were people in there swimming with sharks. I would be too scared I'd make a sudden movement and one would attack me!

Do you WANT to swim with sharks?
Recently? :lmao: No! haha I may have as a little tacker, but I can't remember! I don't think I ever did.

have you ever been water skiing?
Nope...lodry Im dull haha

Have you ever hugged someone when they were going for a shake? Or vise versa?
Hahaha, thats such a Seinfeld scenario!

I don't think I have. I'm not a bigger hugger, I only hug few people that I know, otherwise I feel a little uncomfortable.

have you ever lied during a job interview?
Not in the sense which I think you mean...I have caused an accident with me & running into the ground :p

Have you ever been on a road trip?
yes! I love going out on the road! I dunno what it is but being able to have the music on loud while letting the cool fresh hair blow in my hair as I eat my favorite snack in just awesome! Also the conversations being made are priceless lol.

Only with my family so no where near as enjoyable haha

Have you ever seen an eclipse?
oh yeah :cry: on my finger lolz but it hurts like hell
that happend long time ago,like the last year
awww you remind me of it :( :lol:

have you ever......................umm........slept in the class?!!

Yep...turned out to be a pretty good class :p

Have you ever been caught in a rip?
It has felt like it on a couple occasions, but I'm a very dramatic person.. :blush: :lol:

Have you?
haha sorry :)


Have you ever seen a significant leader President/Queen/Pope etc?...& not on tv! :p
Um.....not that I can remember. I have seen Dave Grohl though....for many years he was my "leader" :lol:

Have you ever eaten kangaroo?
Aaarghh, I'm slow.... No I haven't eaten a kangaroo.. does it taste like chicken? :lol:

Have you ever been to Africa?