Have anyone given up on Michael?

Given up on Michael? Absolutely not...that never even crosses my mind. If he wants to retire, let him...it's up to him, and after so many years in the business, he deserves it if he wants it. All I can say is "thank you for what you've given us" and make sure he knows that he's appreciated not only as an artist, but as a person. If he chooses to work and make more music, etc...I can only say the same thing. Either way, I'll never give up on Michael. He's a good man, and he has had too many people give up on him, turn on him, use him, betray him, etc. It's only fair, after all he has given to everyone, to always believe in Michael and be loyal to him...always be there for him.

I agree that he has every right to retire, but I'd still like to see at least one more solo album from him before he does. That would make it an even 7. :)
ive defo not been as Michael focused as i have been and i think thats down to lack of new material, a lot of fans will feel like that, but hopefully we will get summit soon
Why can;t things be like the 80's where they didnt judge you or slam you for any little thing... now it;s like what did a person do to thier face why aint there a new cd or why aint there no new photos or concerts why cant a person just be able to relax and spend time with their family without all the harrassment.. you know.. why is it always give me this or that and work work work do something you freak...
I mean I want to please people but im sacrificing my family...
I wish i was back in my 20;s When people showed real love... there was so much more love then now>>>
thats how i feel about music... i want to quit... but id be misrable if i did its my first love and marriage ; i hurt over and over again... for what to be talked about made fun of lied to and used for different things.. i somtimes wonder is it worth it... not all are best selling music..
i give it my all... dont worry im not quitting... i promise I Love you all more God Bless You
Negative things keep going on and on again...another ridiculous trial...another gold digger... >< i have no idea why and how come Michael keep involve in this matter...just because he is famous?easy target?there's bunch of celebrities out there...><

sometimes i think like...Michael...what the hell are you doing?what did you do?why these retarded people keep bugging you around?

but whether there is a new album or not...i will never ever give up to love him...this guy had been there for the whole life...bashed,ridiculed,faced stupid trials...he doen't even give up.we are nothing compare to him,we just sit and listen to his songs,enjoying his smile...
if this is a war,we are just a baby who sleep calmly in a nice warm bed while Michael is at the front...fighting hard,cryin and bleeding to protect us.and if he isn't give up,why we have to give up?
Michael do say that we are his light...imagine if he is a candle,when the candle isn't give up and try hard to stay standing tall...how come we give up to light the fire?
really dont wanna answer this thread but my answer is



Why can;t things be like the 80's where they didnt judge you or slam you for any little thing... now it;s like what did a person do to thier face why aint there a new cd or why aint there no new photos or concerts why cant a person just be able to relax and spend time with their family without all the harrassment.. you know.. why is it always give me this or that and work work work do something you freak...
I mean I want to please people but im sacrificing my family...
I wish i was back in my 20;s When people showed real love... there was so much more love then now>>>
thats how i feel about music... i want to quit... but id be misrable if i did its my first love and marriage ; i hurt over and over again... for what to be talked about made fun of lied to and used for different things.. i somtimes wonder is it worth it... not all are best selling music..
i give it my all... dont worry im not quitting... i promise I Love you all more God Bless You

MJsDoll225, I agree with you, and the quote. The thing is that people seem to be more about taking rather than giving nowadays. They're too interested in themselves, and their life always has to have something brand new in it constantly, and when they want it. They put themselves before others. It needs to change because otherwise, where will society end up? People need to concentrate more on what they have rather than what they don't have. People need to start giving rather than taking all the time. They need to start putting others before themselves. So many people fail to realize that Michael has been in the entertainment business almost all his life, and has made so many sacrifices. He has also had to go through and endure so much...more than the usual person does, and very publicly at that. Would it be nice for him to put out a new album? Sure, but I won't give up on him or take a fit if he doesn't. I'm happy with what Michael has given to us and the world already, and I think it's only fair to be understanding of him, put him first, and give back to him. He gave the world his life, his freedom, and his privacy. If he wanted to retire, then he deserves his life, freedom, privacy, happiness, peace, etc. in return. He has always deserved that, but things didn't turn out that way. What we have, and what Michael has already given is great, excellent, the best, and whatever he chooses to give us in the future is only extra and that much more.
My two favorite artist :wub:Michael and Sade:wub: both seem to take their sweet precious time when making classic albums. It's not like Michael was mass producing music like these bubblegum artists of today, all his albums have several years between them. True fans will never give up on MJ, as for all his other fair-weather fans they will jump on the bandwagon as soon as Michael puts out a single/video. Then when he announces a tour those same "Michael will never be like he use to be" fans will be the first ones logging onto ticketmaster.com(US ticketing website) to buy up a row of tickets.
As for me, the day I give up on Michael is the day I stop listening to music and take up whale watching.:bugeyed
Even the genrel puplic want's MJ to get back big time!

It sure would be amaxing if he returned to the popularity like he used to in the 70's, 80's and 90's.