Have anyone given up on Michael?

No I will never give up on Michael. He will come back soon and he will reign again in the charts. I know deep in my heart that he is going to show us that he still can do it after all these years being away from the music industry. With his recent messages and such he is letting us know not to give up hope and that he truly does love us and can't wait to show us what he has in store for every fan. I think it is very admiring to have Michael do that for us, which we know he has done that for years.

Keep the faith and don't let all the negativity get to you on keeping the torch lit for Michael. The torch will be brighter and brighter as we bring Michael Jackson back home to the music industry. Once everyone sees the light they will know that Michael is here to continue his legacy. A legacy that has been going on ever since he was a little boy as the lead singer for the J5.

Never give up hope because he is a perfectionist and we all know that once Michael comes out with his projects all the waiting will be worthwhile because Michael's music touches not only the soul but the whole spirit. He will show everyone what music is about and that there still such a thing as music that can be entertaining. Today music is not anything to write home to or to jump for joy. The music industry is failing big time and to have such a living legend to come back will make the music industry come back to life.

Michael will breath life back into the music and into the fans who are so eagarly awating his arrival.

Remember though he has never left and we should be celebrating the fact that he has made it this far and has showing the world over what a true entertainer can do. He has toured the world over and has sold many albums to make others envy him. His influence is world-wide and the spirit of Michael is everywhere regardless if we don't see him or hear from him for awhile. His spirit will turn into reality once he steps back into the lime light. :)
well i am a tutor in a college and recently my colleague had his birthday. they all know that i am a fan, no secret of it (on the contrary). so this colleague of mine was listening to Billie Jean during the break and he said hey show us moonwalk. and i was like "ok" and he put the song on and i felt like dancing the whole song. Like many fans i just studied Michael's dancing from TV and so i danced the whole song and did moonwalk for them.

I was so surprised!! Because immediately there were students all around, like the audience of may be 50-60 people watching this Billie Jean dancing and they were all sooo excited. They're no fans. None of them. But they were like dancing and clapping and putting off their cell phones to film me. Apart from the fact that it was a tutor dancing - there wasnt anything special, i dance no better than other fans who are doing that unprofessionally. They kept listening to the Thriller album till the end of the day.

I thought to myself "what would happen to you my dear students if you saw Michael performing? hee hee, may be you would faint then if you were so agitated now" and these guys are all from 18 year old and up

People love him, love his music. When he's ready to come back - they'll buy his albums. No one has given up on him.
i'll never give up on him ,none of us will do .We just should give him some time .
well i am a tutor in a college and recently my colleague had his birthday. they all know that i am a fan, no secret of it (on the contrary). so this colleague of mine was listening to Billie Jean during the break and he said hey show us moonwalk. and i was like "ok" and he put the song on and i felt like dancing the whole song. Like many fans i just studied Michael's dancing from TV and so i danced the whole song and did moonwalk for them.

I was so surprised!! Because immediately there were students all around, like the audience of may be 50-60 people watching this Billie Jean dancing and they were all sooo excited. They're no fans. None of them. But they were like dancing and clapping and putting off their cell phones to film me. Apart from the fact that it was a tutor dancing - there wasnt anything special, i dance no better than other fans who are doing that unprofessionally. They kept listening to the Thriller album till the end of the day.

I thought to myself "what would happen to you my dear students if you saw Michael performing? hee hee, may be you would faint then if you were so agitated now" and these guys are all from 18 year old and up

People love him, love his music. When he's ready to come back - they'll buy his albums. No one has given up on him.

I wish you were my college teacher. Then we could've talked for hours on MJ-related issues, and I ouldn't get laughed at or mocked if I turn in a report using MJ as key examples (it dosen't matter what subject, I've always managed to work him in somehow).:D
He is a living legend,and we should be grateful that he is with us,and we can see him time to time.If one day he will live us,we will be destroyed in our hearts,and we will only dream at times like thise.
Be grateful,he's with us.It's enough for me.
I am very very patient
I believe he knows what he's doing
No. In my book the concept of "giving up on MJ" does not even make sense. What exactl is there to give up on? If you mean have I lost hope that he will release new material, or make some new kind of entertainment, then my answer is still no. He will do something and it will be worth the wait.
I definately havn't given up but i dont like check the fan sites everyday hoping for new news etc like I used to, im just waiting for it to happen in the back of mind sorta thing. I think Michael has the most loyal fan base in the world, other artists fans would have given up a log time ago i think, i still believe he can make a comeback, just a matter of time, he'll do it when he's ready, you gotta remember he has children now and as much as he loves his fans, his children are always going to come first to him.
i like this post.

the reason why i like MJ and no other artist is because of the way he operates. if i wanted speed, i'd pick any number of other artists out there to like. but their music does nothing for me. MJ's music does.

and besides..asking me to give up on MJ is like asking me to fall out of love. MJ is a love that has taken over me. it's not something i control.

and besides...there are so many fans in this world, and new ones everyday, that if some were to give up..others would take their place. it's happened for years. the great music is just unstoppable. and there are always fans that return.


I'll never give up on Michael,he's my life! He's the GREATEST! He's professional & he knows exactly what he's doing & when he's gonna release the album! He's preparing for the tour! I hope we'll see him live again! So some fans have to be patient,he's not a robot to carry out all your commands,he's human too,ok?!
He's not forgot about us,always thinking,caring about us,nobody doing that now,no one care about their fans like Michael did,does & will do! He's the one & only! So respect him,he worked hard for 40years & still working! But now he's more with his children,relaxing! Some fans upset me & that's how you're reciprocating? SHAME ON YOU!

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I love the guy to bits, his music never gets boring to me, nor do his videos, concerts etc. However, I think I've given up on Michael doing anything in the future. Thriller was done and dusted in 2 months, this "new album" has taken over 2 years and is dead on the ground. The problem is MJ has lost his passion and thirst, and worst of all he's taking us for granted. Remember when HIStory was released? The fanfare that surrounded it. The amazing music which made up what I believe to be his best ever album. That was Michael working his backside off. What we've had since the trial is MJ sitting on his bum doing nothing but spawn out greatest hits.

For the past 3 years I've been getting excited about every snippet of information - possible tours, magazine covers, producers talking about new tracks, the never released Katrina single... It all just amounts to nothing.

I always thought of myself as his biggest fan, but I now feel like he doesn't really give a damn about himself or his fans. He expects us to wait forever, but with every passing day he loses more fans and secures his new label of 'former pop star'. But I hope I'm wrong, I really do.
well how do u know the ongoing trial no hasnt stopped him from releasing anything due to him supposedly being under contract to the prince?

What we've had since the trial is MJ sitting on his bum doing nothing but spawn out greatest hits.
well considering the amount of news we have ahd about him in the studio thats hardly correct
Let's break it down here

2001 - Invincible was released
2002 - MJ probably wasn't thinking about doing another album at this point
2003 - 2005 - The dark years
2006 - MJ starts work on his new album

So he's only really been working on the album for three years and it usually takes him about 4-5 years to release a new album.

Some fans seem to think that he's been working on this album since 2001 lol
well tbh i dont think he started work on a new album til 07 the stuff in ireland with will was for thriller 25. proper work and making contacts didnt happen till he came back to the usa
The problem is MJ has lost his passion and thirst, and worst of all he's taking us for granted. Remember when HIStory was released? The fanfare that surrounded it. The amazing music which made up what I believe to be his best ever album. That was Michael working his backside off.
Agree on this post. MJ does seem like he has lost his passion and thirst. I so miss the HIStory era MJ, remember the HIStory teaser? it was so 'larger than life' and he was full of confidence and ambition. :(

I haven't given up on him. I'll wait for next year and see if the world tour he talked about is true or not.
If nothing comes out of it, I know it's time for me to let go.
well considering the amount of news we have ahd about him in the studio thats hardly correct

Well that's my point, all we've had is news, and not much of it at that.

Yes there is normally 4-5 years between albums, but that's not the time he spends working on them, it's mostly the time he spends promoiting the last one. Take Dangerous, end of 1991- end of 1993 was promoting it, touring, releasing videos etc, then from the start of 1994-June 1995 he worked on and released HIStory. Then with HIStory, promotion carried on into 1998 with the tour and BOTDF, and 2 years later Invincible followed. And in those 'in between' periods MJ was always busy, with special appearences etc.

In 3 and a half years all we've had is the odd rumour and bit of news, none of which ever came to anything (except of course more greatest hits and re-releases). It's such a shame, cos the guy used to have a real passion for entertaining the world and proving the critics wrong, that's what made him so exciting. Now, it's just nothing.
well hes been at it for so long and after whats hes been through itwould hardly be surprising if his priorities have changed. history teaser was in the warm up to a release you dont know what will happen when/if the new album gets released
No I will never give up on Michael. He will come back soon and he will reign again in the charts. I know deep in my heart that he is going to show us that he still can do it after all these years being away from the music industry.

Once everyone sees the light they will know that Michael is here to continue his legacy.

Never give up hope because he is a perfectionist and we all know that once Michael comes out with his projects all the waiting will be worthwhile because Michael's music touches not only the soul but the whole spirit. He will show everyone what music is about and that there still such a thing as music that can be entertaining. Today music is not anything to write home to or to jump for joy. The music industry is failing big time and to have such a living legend to come back will make the music industry come back to life.

Remember though he has never left and we should be celebrating the fact that he has made it this far and has showing the world over what a true entertainer can do. He has toured the world over and has sold many albums to make others envy him. His influence is world-wide and the spirit of Michael is everywhere regardless if we don't see him or hear from him for awhile. His spirit will turn into reality once he steps back into the lime light. :)

Exactly,Agree 100000%! Michael Jackson Rulez!
I haven't given up on Michael. However, during the lulls I don't keep up with his happenings like I once did. Sometimes you gotta step away from the fire and do other things. Michael's gift AND curse is his perfectionism. Sometimes I think it's more curse than gift because when I hear those unreleased tracks he puts out in like Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection I'm like "Damn Mike! These coulda been on the album and become hits themselves!" Sometimes I'm like he should kept a few of those songs off Invincible and put THESE ones out.

I think he second guesses himself too much and things end up like "Duke Nukem Forever" (videogame fans will get that joke). This current mess with 2Seas Records I don't know anything about but I was disappointed that nothing came out of that project. It really sounded promising. Just like the Katrina single coulda been.

I never doubt Mike's talent or ability but when things take a long time I just step out for awhile and wait until he pumps up the fanfare himself. It's ready when it's ready.
Furthermore I DO believe he needs to reconnect with "The Jacksons" because he has securely established "Michael Jackson". The brothers ain't getting no younger and I really believe that will have more impact than a new Michael album. I've always hoped he would downsize some of that production and simplify. Listen to how free Speechless from Invincible sounds. More craft on Michael's singing and a little less on Michael's dancing. A concert of him showing off that one of a kind voice just 'SANGING'. No backup tracks to cover for his out-of-breathness doing those heavy dance moves. That'll redeem the fans and shutup the doubters. Think about Gone Too Soon performance from Clinton's Inauguration Party.

Whatever he does I'm behind. Like Nintendo, I don't have to do a quality review. I know it will be good because of a well-established track record. But he takes a long time to put something out and I have to shelve my anticipation until he's on the ball with completing the project. When he's ready, I'm ready. When he's not, I'm not.

It doesn't mean I have given up on him but I can't wait like a kid waiting for Santa Claus on Christmas forever.
John Lucas
Well that's my point, all we've had is news, and not much of it at that.
well thats all u get inbetween releases or when hes working on stuff. the amount of names that got mentioned during vince (when it was being recorded) or history was massive. thats all you here until theres real news about the album. its no different to normal just that fans are frustrated because its 7 years since vince and how that was ruined by sony. ontop of the issue of this lawsuit which could have stopping things
I don't know why but something tells me the whole material writing, recording etc is nearly complete and he is working extremely hard behind the scenes for the 'comeback'.
But this nonsense that has just apprant will delay it all coming to light.
It's only a matter of time before he's ready to show the world what the music business has been missing.....
The problem is MJ has lost his passion and thirst, and worst of all he's taking us for granted.

NO,he's never took us for granted! He's always thinking about us,he's working,preparing for the tour! But you have to be patient! I don't give up on him just because of this album! I adore him for what he's already did & still does! He's the GREATEST & at the same time he's so kind after all he's been through! So respect him,he's human too!
I don't know how much more you can get confirmed untill the album has an official release date.. then we find out the shipping info.. Then we actually call stores and ask if they have it.. Then getting it.. then having it..

I mean how CONFIRMED do we have to be to believe that it's happening..

WE KNOW! all we need to know

P.S. don't forget what kind of pressure Mike is under to have a BIG comeback.. Remember the 1995 MTV performance? WHY do you think it was extra special? Because he KNEW it was his first performance since the allegations and needed extra preporation, extra rehearsal, extra focus.. His next album, his next performance, his next EVERYTHING will be more observed and critiqued then ANY other MJ thing in the past.. He has alot riding on this next project and needs to spend as much time as it takes..

Those who are saying Mike is taking FANS for granted, are taking the recording and creating process for granted and expect a CLASSIC album made out of thin air.. He's working his BUTT off.
Michael didn't begin work on the album until this year, lol. If we're to believe some reports, that is. Which pretty well could be the case.
Giving up on Michael???I would never do it.

To give up on Him,means to forget all that he did for me.

I never give up someone i love.Andwhat i feel for Michael is so deep and genuine,that i think that there's nothing that could happen,that would make me give up on him.

If he is not been seen public much,i hope and wish him well.