Have anyone given up on Michael?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It's taking quite a while for Michael's comeback. Especially since nothing has positivily been confirmed. Do you think that the media, fan, and the general public has given up on Michael's comback? Or do you think that they don't care if he does or not?
I don't know how you just give up because something isn't happening as fast as you'd like it to. If you really care about Michael, which we fans profess to, then regardless of whether he ever puts anything else out or not you just have to keep faith and understanding. He always takes a long time. Either way we shouldn't forget he is a man who has been through a ton of crap and is still going through crap. I wouldn't give up but sometimes the anticipation takes a nap.
^^ yeh i agree, sometimes my exitment dies down and i kinda say to myself 'aw hurry up nd do somthin michael!! im gettin bored!!' lol. But then i remind myself that maybe the longer he takes, the more he cares on making his comeback something special. I do get what you mean on people giving up on michael.... it could be very easy just to be impatient. But if you really want michael to do his best then i think we gotta be patient with the guy... I think MOST mj fans are pretty loyal enough to be patient even though we want him to kinda hurry up nd do somethin... but one of the great things about mj fans is that alot of us are really optimistic for michael and will be patient with him as much as it can get boring and frustrating at times :) BUT heyy we do have like 40 or so years of michaels work to tide us over in the meantime :D
to most of the peeps in the world he IS already history. Things go and new things come. That's what life is like. They will be suprised ... sure. But i dont think that it will be like 10 years ago ...
No because i beleive he is ready, everything takes time. he is getting his business together and i think the Bahrain lawsuit is the last
I'm not really sure. I know a lot of people are itching for a new album, but I also know a lot of people (both in the press and the fans) are getting to the point where they're like, "release something already!"
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I am very sure we haven't heard the last song from MJ!!

Some people has no doubt given up on him, those are the ones that are really in for a huge surprise when the new album comes. Hopefully he'll blow them away!!

I think many people want him to release new music, some because they wanna see if he still can make fantastic music like he used to, and some because they just hope the album will flop so they can make fool of him, but I don't care about those creeps!

I believe in MJ!

i will never give up on :heart:Michael even after i die! in the other world i will continue believing in him.............:wub:

i like this post.

the reason why i like MJ and no other artist is because of the way he operates. if i wanted speed, i'd pick any number of other artists out there to like. but their music does nothing for me. MJ's music does.

and besides..asking me to give up on MJ is like asking me to fall out of love. MJ is a love that has taken over me. it's not something i control.

and besides...there are so many fans in this world, and new ones everyday, that if some were to give up..others would take their place. it's happened for years. the great music is just unstoppable. and there are always fans that return.
nothing positive has been confirmed? michaels has sai himelf hes recording, tpain has cut two tracks with michael,and michaels fan notes held some pretty heavy ish. so wtf r u talkin about?
^^^ true, verryyy true. I'm feeling like we dont have much longer to wait for somethin new... he just seemed ready right now... in his notes he said hes missed us and he really cant wait to perform, and the way hes lookin right now, it just feels like the right time... lets hope so!! onli time will tell :)
Mj will have an amazing new album, not comeback, new stuff has been released in 2003 2004 and for what we know he started his new album in 2006 leaving only 2005, thats like saying it's a comeback because he didn't make anything in 2005 which is completely dumb, nobody has given up on him, iTunes are throwing it at you, thriller recently hit number 1 for halloween, the media are obsessed with him performing at the O2.

And even if someone did give up on him they would be dumb because every one of his albums have had at least 1 number one with most albums having many more, that is including blood on the dance floor ( I'm from the UK )

And his new album will have number ones too, maybe even 4.

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Mj will have an amazing new album, not comeback, new stuff has been released in 2003 2004 and for what we know he started his new album in 2006 leaving only 2005, thats like saying it's a comeback because he didn't make anything in 2005 which is completely dumb, nobody has given up on him, iTunes are throwing it at you, thriller recently hit number 1 for halloween, the media are obsessed with him performing at the O2.

And even if someone did give up on him they would be dumb because every one of his albums have had at least 1 number one with most albums having many more, that is including blood on the dance floor ( I'm from the UK )

And his new album will have number ones too, maybe even 4.

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Mj will have an amazing new album, not comeback, new stuff has been released in 2003 2004 and for what we know he started his new album in 2006 leaving only 2005, thats like saying it's a comeback because he didn't make anything in 2005 which is completely dumb, nobody has given up on him, iTunes are throwing it at you, thriller recently hit number 1 for halloween, the media are obsessed with him performing at the O2.

And even if someone did give up on him they would be dumb because every one of his albums have had at least 1 number one with most albums having many more, that is including blood on the dance floor ( I'm from the UK )

And his new album will have number ones too, maybe even 4.


Geez, I was just posing a question. I honestlydidn't mean to down-right offend anyone. I can just feel the anger seeping out of that post.:hysterical:

Anyway, I wasn't saying that I gave up on Michael, or suggesting that one should give up on him, but I wanted a person's opinion on how Michael's current statis as a Pop Star is viewed.

3 years is a long-time in hollywood and to the press, and while other stars are putting out albums, tours appearances every other year, Michael stays stagnant.

today's youth wants everything right now, and the press and media is the same way. So in lieu of this situation, I do wonder if Michael have been given up on.:timer:

well...the definition of giving up is indifference. tmz still chases MJ..theyre not indifferent to him. you see this and other sites dedicated to him. the evidence of lasting fanship and interest is all around you. lol
There was a period of time where people were talking about a comeback, whether it be MTV, VH1 or BET. Even ET was hyping MJ working with WillIAm. MJ should have struck while the iron was hot an released some kind of material that would have got the general public talking again. If and when his album nears release, media and people will start to talk again.

In terms of me........eh not so good. I feel like i've been listening to the same tracks too much, and on a daily basis for that matter. I like thousands of other fans have explored his early solo career, his Jackson 5 material, and also his unreleased material. But I feel as if right now i've exhausted my excitement over listening to all of his music unless I give him a few days or a weeks rest.

And my faith in him releasing a new album has waned. We never got anything from him being with 2 Seas Records. We never heard a Katrina song. WMCIG dissapeared. OMC would have had a great short film but that also was shelved. And I believe there's been countless occasions where MJ should have shown his face at Awards shows or performed but he didn't......(BET Awards for Diana Ross, countless VMA's where he could have performed, and most importantly he could have done a routine in Memory of James Brown at the Grammy's, AND I hope no one forgot the tribute we were supposed to see for the 25th Aniversary of Thriller.)

I could go on and on about my expectations and my hopes, but MJ's in a different world now. I really think music, and performing doesn't matter that much to him. The loss of James Brown and the trial have clearly demoralized him, in my opinion.
There was a period of time where people were talking about a comeback, whether it be MTV, VH1 or BET. Even ET was hyping MJ working with WillIAm. MJ should have struck while the iron was hot an released some kind of material that would have got the general public talking again. If and when his album nears release, media and people will start to talk again.

In terms of me........eh not so good. I feel like i've been listening to the same tracks too much, and on a daily basis for that matter. I like thousands of other fans have explored his early solo career, his Jackson 5 material, and also his unreleased material. But I feel as if right now i've exhausted my excitement over listening to all of his music unless I give him a few days or a weeks rest.

And my faith in him releasing a new album has waned. We never got anything from him being with 2 Seas Records. We never heard a Katrina song. WMCIG dissapeared. OMC would have had a great short film but that also was shelved. And I believe there's been countless occasions where MJ should have shown his face at Awards shows or performed but he didn't......(BET Awards for Diana Ross, countless VMA's where he could have performed, and most importantly he could have done a routine in Memory of James Brown at the Grammy's, AND I hope no one forgot the tribute we were supposed to see for the 25th Aniversary of Thriller.)

I could go on and on about my expectations and my hopes, but MJ's in a different world now. I really think music, and performing doesn't matter that much to him. The loss of James Brown and the trial have clearly demoralized him, in my opinion.

so..i take it, you are ready to change your username? lol
And my faith in him releasing a new album has waned. We never got anything from him being with 2 Seas Records. We never heard a Katrina song. WMCIG dissapeared. OMC would have had a great short film but that also was shelved. And I believe there's been countless occasions where MJ should have shown his face at Awards shows or performed but he didn't......(BET Awards for Diana Ross, countless VMA's where he could have performed, and most importantly he could have done a routine in Memory of James Brown at the Grammy's, AND I hope no one forgot the tribute we were supposed to see for the 25th Aniversary of Thriller.)

My feelings exactly! But I'm trying not to be negative and lose hope in Michael:angel:. I just have to give it time.
Nope ,not for me ....never .
it would be criminal if i did .
It's taking quite a while for Michael's comeback. Especially since nothing has positivily been confirmed. Do you think that the media, fan, and the general public has given up on Michael's comback? Or do you think that they don't care if he does or not?

you are tripping.
mike said it himself.
and i couldn't care more what the stupid media thinks. i believe in michael. i have doubts sometimes as well,but i don't care what ppl say about him. they will be running to his concerts the moment they are announced.
Please,please,please, dont give up on michael people,he needs us and we need him! all we can do is carry on waiting and when the time comes(which it will) and he releases his album and goes on tour or whatever he plans to do, we will be saying to ourselves i am so glad i was patient and waited because it was well worth the wait!!
and then you can say to all the people that had given up on him,oh look whos back,hate to say i told you so!!!!!
its about the MICHAEL not the music :p

we've had a full week full of new pictures of Michael... I haven't given up on Michael scince i became a fan...
Only got one thing to say.
If everyone has given up on his comeback, why are we still here?

that wonderful question is a great answer to many of the questions that are asked about MJ...and the worries people have..and the doubts based o constant media lies albeit the media is still interested...lol
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Given up on Michael? Given up on the greatest performer of all time? Given up on a true genuis of an artist?

No chance.

MJ can take as long as he wants.
The funny thing is the anticipation hasn't even begun, on the large scale. We all know Michael is working his butt off, and the way his new work will be receieved has nothing to do with how long he took to release it - it's to do with the quality of his work. When he does make his grand entrance, who's going to remember how long it took him to do so? It's irrelevant.

The journey hasn't even begun yet. And I believe the real anticipation hasn't either. He'll know how to build it.

MJ is gonna come back to the world stage like the phenomenal artist that he is.

I love Michael more than anything!
I trust him and I will support always.
When you say that loves someone you dont may expect nothing.Just love and support.
I love you and I'll never give up on Michael!:heart:

ps:With or without new album.With or without performances.No matter what happens!
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for me l don't care if he'll be back or not the important that he is healthy and he enjoys with his kids,we have enough album and enedit tracks for him and concert. and he was is and will be the king of pop for all time.