HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICHAEL!!! - leave your message here! [all threads merged]


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know I'm early with this thread, but I wanted to leave my birthday wishes behind since I will be away on vacation when his bday rolls around. Seems he's not up for celebrating it this year but I didn't want the day to pass without doing a little something.

When an actuall bday thread is started, maybe someone will be kind enuf to copy and paste my card thingy in the thread for me. Thanks in advance for anyone who's kind enuf to volunteer. :flowers:


And this is the gift he would have gotten had we been able to get confirmation on where to send things. Since he loves to read and loves Egyptian history, I thought this bookmark would have been nice to send. Plus, it's in GOLD which is a representation of his 50 years on the planet. Sorry for the reminder, but yay for 50. I wish him many more! May he find comfort in the fact that he's not as old as the guy on the bookmark. hardy har har.


If he chooses to celebrate his day in any way, I hope it rocks for him!!!

Peace and I'm out! BLESS!! :cheers:
Happy birthday michael!!!!!!!

i know that there are so many threads about michaels bday and even a sub-forum dedicated to it but i thought we should definitely have an official thread on the main forum where everyone can come and wish michael a happy birthday. in case michael decides to visit the forum it'll be great for him to see this thread and reads the fans messages.

so heres mine:

Dear michael,

i wish you to have a wonderful day with your family. may you always be perfectly healthy and happy and all your dreams come true. you are the sweetest and nicest man i know and i wish you all the happiness of the world. :heart: you're a sweet angel who has taught us all so much and has made us better people. thank you for being who you are. you are a giant sweet heart and we're all so lucky to have you. God bless you and your family always and forever. :wub: :heart:


Re: Happy Birthday Michael!!

Wow! What a gorgeous bookmark. Too bad you had no way to send it to him. I bet he would have really liked it. :yes:

And your B-day Banner/Card for him is very attractive as well. It blends so nicely with the photo of the bookmark.

Very thoughtful, wendy2004. :)

And a very cute Disney Happy Birthday balloon, also, Roxanne!

~ To you I wish, Mr. Jackson, for you are such a good, decent, and deserving man, all the abundance of good things God has for you. May He release His storehouses filled with blessings onto you that day, your birthday, and all through the coming year. May He restore for you, the years the locusts have eaten in your past, and may He turn all your mourning into dancing. Happy Birthday. God bless you.
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Re: Happy birthday michael!!!!!!!

Happy twodaysbeforeyourbirthday BIRTHDAY! :rofl:
Re: Happy birthday michael!!!!!!!

Yeah same!!!

HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!!!:D Enjoy yourself...:holiday:
Re: Happy birthday michael!!!!!!!

Happy birthday michael.

Have a wonderful day.

Lots and lots of love xxxx
Re: Happy birthday michael!!!!!!!

i know its early but

Happy Birthday Michael!!! :D :clapping: :dancin:

Hope you have a wonderful day, have fun :D
Re: Happy birthday michael!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, two day's early, Michael!

I pray you have a wonderful day. Take a break from working in the studio and spend it with your children and family!

All of your fans will be thinking of you in their hearts!!
Happy 50th Birthday, Michael Jackson. I love you MOST and hope that you can enjoy this special time with your family. God Bless you now and forever. Hugs and kisses, baby!
Dearest lovely :heart:Michael

I wish u a wonderful Birthday with your lovely children, full of fun and excitment.
We, ur fans from all over the world will alll be there with u in spirit and we allllllllllll will celebrate it in our hearts. :)

I also would like to thank you for the endless joy and excitment you've brought to me through my life, all the hope, courage you have given me and all the lessons you have taught me. I owe u so so much. You are the King of my hearts and You will always remain safe there. :heart: :)

Precious :heart:Michael
Thank u for making our world brighter and more beautiful.
Thank u for your magic.
Thank u for sharing ur talent with the world.
Thank u for sharing your pure love.
Thank u for trying to make this world a better place.
The world owes u for all u've done during ur glorious life. You are precious indeed and the world will one day learn to respect you and appreciate ur love, magic and talent.


and may God realize alllll r dream.

I love you { :heart: , :heart: , :heart: , .....}

one of your humble fans
Gandom, 25, Persia (Iran)
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oh hey, I ate chocolate birthday cake today for you! (actually for me cause my birthday is in a few days too and my aunt took me out). So I celebrated without you. dangit. You shoulda been there. There was plenty of cake left over for you. It was a HUGE piece.

Have fun this week for your birthday. Really enjoy yourself, you deserve it!

(us fans may as well too)
Happy Birthday Michael! Hope you have a wonderful day with your kids:angel::)
Happy Early Birthday Michael my :heart: I wish you absolutely nothing but the best of everything wonderful this world has to offer! You are a true ANGEL ON EARTH!! Thank you so much for sharing and continuing to share your life with us! :D You are looking & sounding better than ever, so don't let the number 50 get you down, because that ain't nothin' but a number and all these younger people out today are nothing but imitators and wannabes. You Are the BEST and you always will be! They don't got nothin' on you baby!! :wub:

I am so excited about the future baby. May God Bless You and keep you and your family safe, happy, and healthy on this birthday and many, many, many, many, maaaaany more to come!! :flowers:

I love you with all my heart and soul forever

Panda :wub:

And may God Bless all of us aswell!
Here's to the future everyone! :D
Happy Early Birthday Michael!!!!! I love you very much, and hope that you have a beautiful, and wonderful 50th birthday!!!! Enjoy it with your family, and friends :)

Thank you for all the lovely music, and magical moments you have shared with the world.

I just want to add!!We Love you Michael!!!God bless you, your children and your family!!!
My Dear,Michael

I try to find the perfection of a poem words that can translate my feelings for you.But I never feel content.Michael, you always deserve more and better!

Hard to believe that people like us loves you, because we know the idol, the artist.The man and the citizen Michael Jackson? We knows? I believe that yes ...

We found his soul in everything that you do.Your art expresses the beauty and defect we all have, but in your case is special.

If God sent angels to Earth, of course, you is one of them! Thank you, thank you and you!

Happy Birthday, my angel! God bless you!

We'll stay with you.Forever! LOVE YOU!

Happy 50th Birthday to the Best to ever do it. may you be blessed with another 50 and continue to touch people all around the world with your gift. all the best and your music has been the light that so many souls have felt.
Happy Birthday my dear Michael! Hope you have a wonderful day and get to do all the things that make you happy! I'll always love you :wub:

I just wanna wish u a very happy birthday and hope all your dreams and wishes come true!
Also wanna thank you for the wonderful joy that your brings to me and all of your fans! :)
We hope this birthday will as memorable and beautiful as the last.And hope you will be able to share it with your beautiful children, family and friends.

love jessica
A fan for life! :)
That's What Friends Are For

Dionne Warwick

And I never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you

And if I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today
And then if you can remember

Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for

For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Well you came in loving me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you

Oh and then for the times when we're apart
Well then close your eyes and know
The words are coming from my heart
And then if you can remember

Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for

In good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for

For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for

For good times and for bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
(Thats what friends are for)



I hope your birthday is fill with contentment, peace and love. I hope all your dreams come true, you prosper and your goals are made reality. Have all the cake you can handle :D!! And bless you and your beautiful family with many more years of your light. Thank you for your music, art, and heart which you've given to all of us. The joy you have brough me I will always cherish and honor, thank you, I love you. Heres to MICHAEL!!:cheers:

....chocolatey mmm lol