Happy Birthday Michael Jackson :We Miss You Michael

Dear Michael,

Happy Birthday. It is not a happy day for me because I am selfish and want you here on earth with me. However, I can look beyond my petty insecurities and wishes and know that you are finally at peace and that this is for you, a happy birthday. I do hope we will meet again in the 'other world' that none of us, except the deceased, are fully 'aware of'.

I carry with me your love, your longing for peace and desire to heal the world. You were and are now again a part of the cosmos. I remember an interview where you said that all of creation must have come from a massive, harmonic, symphony, filled with sound. At the end of the same statement, you made sure to tell us all that the 'sounds' that comprised our universe, were not some random assortment of waves, but instead were a beautiful symphony. I have never heard a more perfect definition of God. You will always be an integral part of that ever lasting song. You will always be one of the lead singers ever willing to share the mic. You will always be one of those, who on earth, was able to tap into the universe and translate the beauty of the cosmos into song, art, creation.

Those who tried to understand you and stood with you will carry on the work you started, however small the deeds may be. My hope is that they will add up to a change. You told us how to do it. You acted as the singing, dancing messenger from God and told us time and time again to make the change. Now that you are no longer with us, the time has come to focus on OUR continuing the work you so beautifully executed in life.

My admiration for you is never ending. Like so many others here on this message board, it comes without thought to call you an angel. You were my angel in life and now in your passing, I realize that you will remain my angel and an angel for so many for all time. I pray that you may rest in peace. Your beautiful children will be taken care of and your fans will make sure to carry on the love and the truth that were your life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the great sacrifices you made in your life in order to bring wonderment and beauty, love and understanding, and safety to this world and to those of us whose hearts, like yours, do not understand why there is hate and not love; why we look to tear down rather than build up. Thank you for your friendship and for saving my life from an abusive home. Your words will stay with me forever and I will keep them private.

Katherine, you brought forth to the world a musical genius and a grand humanitarian the likes of which we will probably never see again. This is your day as well. You are a wonderful mother and while you did everything you could do, this was Michael's fate. Know that he is safe and at peace in heaven. He always believed in Jehovah. He also believed in Abraham, Allah, God, the Goddesses, and every other connotation of God. I believe he could not adhere to being a Jehovah's Witness because he was able to see God in everything. It was not a flaw, but a gift. He created his own 'religion' by studying them all. Most of all, God worked directly through him. In this, we know that he is safe and protected. We will all meet again.

With all my love and sincerity,

Bryan Alexander
happy birthday michael. I'm sure the universe had something great instore for you in your next life :) maybe a bird or something just as free. You were a good person and karma always rewards those who do good in their lives :)
Happy Birthday Michael, rest and blessing my child. You're at peace now. No more worries,no more pain.You are surrounded with nothing but love.
Aww you would have been 51 today. I want to wish Michael a very happy birthday and it's not the same without you. :wub:I will celebrate your birthday every day for the rest of my life. This day 51 years ago you were brought into this troubled world. YOU MADE IT A BETTER PLACE. :cry:

I don't know who will save the world, now that you are gone. I hope you are smiling down from Heaven, and dancing freely, and hangin out with all the greats.

Just to let you know, I and a bunch of other people released some balloons for you with loving messages written. So they will find their way to Heaven, and you can read them!:angel: I love you Michael, and you are forever in my heart.

I will post the video as soon an I am done for the fans to see... Love you MORE...
Happy birthday michael!!! I feel so blessed to have lived at the same time as you. You brought so much wonder into this world, you are forever with us.
I made a drawing of his birthday cake, I've been working on it for a few hours yesterday. It's a nice 3 layered chocolate cake, topped with vanilla frosting, I also added cherries, strawberries, bananas, an apple, a grape and 5 blackberries and let's not forget a glass of orange mango juice since we all know he loves to eat fruits because he loves to be healthy. The candles on 5 and 1 fused out and 1 light lit up represents that Michael is no longer with us, but he's now in heaven. Happy Birthday Michael, we all hope you have a fantastic birthday up in heaven.

PS, please excuse my error on "birthday" on my drawing, I guess I kinda rushed a bit.
Happy Birthday Michael!!!!! I love you so much. Let's celebrate y'all!!!
Happy birthday Michael!!! You are forever loved and greatly missed. You will always have a special place in my heart. Now you are at peace. I hope you feel the love we have for you. I love you more.
Happy Birthday Michael Jackson. Although the sadness of you gone is still present, I'm happy to celebrate your life with a lot of love and happiness.
I made a drawing of his birthday cake, I've been working on it for a few hours yesterday. It's a nice 3 layered chocolate cake, topped with vanilla frosting, I also added cherries, strawberries, bananas, an apple, a grape and 5 blackberries and let's not forget a glass of orange mango juice since we all know he loves to eat fruits because he loves to be healthy. The candles on 5 and 1 fused out and 1 light lit up represents that Michael is no longer with us, but he's now in heaven. Happy Birthday Michael, we all hope you have a fantastic birthday up in heaven.

PS, please excuse my error on "birthday" on my drawing, I guess I kinda rushed a bit.

I'd love to eat that.
Mike, gotta tell ya.
You ain't gon' NEVER die as far as I'm concerned.

I'll miss you in the earth realm but we'll kick it one of these days. Then I can thank you for all the good times.

Happy Birthday, King! :hi:
John Lucas
michael lives forever, in my earphones heart, mind my air, and in life. I love u michael jackson and happy birthday

Andres Aracena , Love u more
Happy birthday! Though you're not here on earth, I know you are still with us, and celebrating your special day with all the joy, love, and happiness that you deserve.
Happy Birthday, Michael.

I want to thank you for all the good times while you were here. Thank you for making growing up fun. You were there every step of the way.

I thank God for allowing me to meet you and for allowing me to find out for myself that you are a very sweet person and that the love that you have always put into your music is the love that you actually had inside of you. None of what you did was made up. It was from you.

I am so glad that I decided to go to LA at the drop of a hat back in April to see your exhibit and to visit your star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame because when I did that, you were actually still here. So, now because I just jumped up and did it like that, I can say that I saw your star and saw your beautiful personal belongings while you were still breathing. And you know what? I feels much better that way.

I love you, Michael. I'll see you later on, okay, Boo? *hugs and kisses*
Happy Birthday Michael!! I love you more then ever!!! I wish you were here. xxxxx
I will miss 'til the last day of my life Michael! If therés really a phase or place to go after this mortal life, I really wish you're enjoying yourself.
Where ever you may be I really wish you Michael a :birthday: :give_rose: