Happy Birthday Michael Jackson :We Miss You Michael

Happy Birthday Michael. Playing your music out loud - neighbours not so happy right now:) Celebrating and remembering your life always...

Much love.......
Happy Birthday sweetest Angel! You are forever... Rejoice with the Angels in the beautiful realm of Light!!! The world loves you and shall celeberate your light, love, legacy forever...thankyou forever for everything...:yes::flowers::wub:
Happy Birthday Michael! All our love and many wishes for hapiness and peace where you are now. We were honored to have you here with us, in this lifetime, and we miss your presence so... This day will be a happy one, as your life should have been.
So long Angel!
Happy Birthday, Michael. We will continue to carry on your legacy, just as you wanted us to.

WE love you more!
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So sad that I always took this date for granted. I never thought you'd leave so soon and never could have imagined that you'd be spending your 51st Birthday in heaven instead of here with us and your beautiful family and loved ones.

But I hope you're resting well now. We all love and miss you more than you could ever imagine!!!!

Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowers: :flowers:
God bless you Michael, Happy Birthday. I love you with all my heart, missing you terribly.

Please look down on your family and your fans today honouring your very special life :flowers: I'm looking foward to meeting you one day in Heaven with all the other people that have since left this earth.
Happy Birthday Michael. The world was shocked by your death cause you were our number one. For always in my heart!
Happy Birthday Michael!!! you were one of the greatest entertainer that ever lived!! your spirit will live inside me forever!! i miss you, we all miss you!!
Happy Birthday Michael
you will never die from our hearts
in this day we shall listen to your music and come together as one
thank you Michael for the music, for the entertainer, for the love and hope you gave us

here is a video i made for you and it goes to all the MJ fans your Children and family
God bless all of you

"With your passing, there's something missing, and it's felt by all....
It's like looking at a faded area....of where a picture hung on the wall They say with death, comes peace, but it still hurts my soul to know
If you're on another plane, then help Heal the World, and pray our love grows."

Happy Birthday Michael! I loved your intentions and your kindred spirit.:angel:
Happy Birthday Michael!
I really can't put into words how much listening to your music is helping me right now. I am happy knowing that you are safe and dealing with no more hurt.
I bet your having a one of a kind party up there with all the angels!!! You deserve it!!!

God bless you Michael Xxx
Happy birthday michael, where ever you are, i love you now and forever. I miss you and you will remain in my heart always. :wub: :wub:
Happy Birthday Michael!! Wish you were here to celebrate it with us. Everybody misses you greatly, I should be leaving for London tomorrow to see you in concert!! Hope all is well wherever you are. I miss you!