Goodnight Michael

Buonanotte Amore


Viaggia la nostra mente, insieme,

posandosi poi,

dolcemente sulla riva,

il fiume scorre,

innanzi a noi la notte,

tu che miri gli occhi miei e io i tuoi,

senza mai distoglier sguardo.

Brezza leggera,

luce di stelle e luna,

battiti di cuore ci avvolgono costanti,

in un abbraccio voluto, continuo,

liberandoci dai pensieri più nascosti.

Solo la notte ci chiama poi nessuno,

solo noi, siamo soli,

abbiamo tutto.

Inspira espira,

buonanotte amore.​
Michael, my sweet love, I feel like I don't know what to say this evening. I am feeling so sad right now, and it overwhelms me. Michael I love you so much, and you have no idea how much you mean to me. I try to be happy and think happy thoughts of you, but it is so hard not to cry from the sadness. My heart is really aching. :weeping: I am going to head to bed soon, but I just want to say again that I love you so much. Goodnight, my lovely one. I love you always and forever.
Michael my eternal sweet L..V.E. I had spent the day really missing you. Especially when I had listen to this song called Hai Guzarish. This is one of the most beautiful songs ever made. And I just end up crying whenever I hear this song. Because it just tends to make me think of you. I am crying now as I am listening to that song. Which is why I am going up to bed now my L..V.E. To get the little amount of sleep that I get anymore. So goodnight and sweet dreams my L..V.E. I L..V.E. and miss you as always. And I still very much wish I was with you now. :heart: :wub:
Every Night I Say Your Name

Sweet love flowing through my veins
Praying we'll always be together
Came along and eased my pain
Want to stay with you forever

Heat and passion are in my heart
Wondering if you could ever feel the same
Hoping that we will never have to part
Each night before I sleep, whisper your name
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Michael, my prince charming, I love you so much, and it brings me great joy to tell you so everyday. You are always on my mind from the moment I wake, to the moment I fall asleep, and when I am lucky, I get to have dreams of you. I am in love with you Michael, and I love you from the bottom of my heart. I miss you, and I cannot bear this pain that I am going through. I wish you were here right now. I am going to say goodnight now, so I can get some rest, but I hope to see you in my dreams. I love you always and forever, Michael.
Aspettando la sera

Nella quiete
trascino il mio corpo
e sogno di averti per sempre
in un abbraccio che perduri
e contenga
come un groviglio irrisolto

La luna è bella
penso mentre la guardo
ma non si lascia sfiorare
ed allora torno nel mio nido di insicurezze
ed attendo la sera
quando il buio spegne tutte le esigenze
ed ancora una volta
saranno i tuoi silenzi d'amore
a chiudermi gli occhi.


Michael, my sweet love, I am going to head off to bed now. I am really tired and will make this kinda short tonight, but I just wanted to tell you goodnight. I love you always and forever. When I sleep tonight, I hope I have sweet dreams of you. Goodnight, my sweet love!

I mourn for you
I await in darkness
For you to come back to me
When I know that there is no way; you're dead.
No matter what people tell me,
I can't accept you're dead.
I cry for you

Michael, my love, I guess I should go ahead and go to sleep now, before I stay up so late, and have to fight with myself just to get up in the morning. I love you so much, more than you will ever now. I sure hope that I can see you in my dreams tonight, my love. :wub: Goodnight Michael, I love you always!

Tra le pieghe del mio cuscino sogno di te…
Stringo fra le mani il tuo pensiero che mi parla di te…
Ascolto il turbinio del vento che accompagna la notte…
Sorrido al ricordo di un tuo sopito bacio…
Gli occhi miei chiusi ondeggiano fra le spume del tuo amore…
La luce del cuore mi accompagna da te…
Insieme raccogliamo la dolcezza dei nostri sorrisi gioiosi…
Restiamo uniti nell'abbraccio dell'etereo sogno…
Un attimo che sa di infinito…
Michael, my one true love, I will probably keep this a little short tonight, because I am really tired and I know I need to get to bed, but I love you so much, and I really miss you. I hope I have pleasant dreams about you tonight. :wub: Goodnight my endless love! I love you!
Michael, my love, my sweetheart, it is getting kinda late, but I don't feel the least bit tired tonight. I seriously could stay up all night thinking of you, listening to your songs, etc. I love you so much, and not a single moment goes by that I don't think of you. :wub: I know I need to try and get some rest now, and, like I always say, I will be dreaming of you tonight. Goodnight, my sweet love!
A Promise In The Dark

Kiss me, oh so tender and slow
stroke my easily soft ego
whisk me away under moonlight
touch me, oh so softly and tight

Create a quickened breath within
give us lovers' chance to begin
look at me in a way that's right
touch me, oh so softly and tight

Lavish me with comforts kisses
promise me all the worlds wishes
we are such a beautiful sight,
touch me, oh so softly and tight

Kiss me, oh so tender and slow
touch me, oh so softly and tight.
Michael, my love, last night, I kinda had a weird dream. It wasn't about you and it wasn't a nightmare, but it just seemed kinda unusual. I have to say Michael, it is so comforting opening my eyes and seeing a picture of you nearby. I sure hope I have dreams about you tonight instead! :wub: I love you endlessly, Michael. Goodnight, my sweet love.
Michael my eternal sweet L..V.E. it is real late here and I know I should be up in bed now. But I am not going to bed my L..V.E. Because I can't sleep and I am just too upset over you to want to go to sleep. I am crying over now as I type this. So goodnight and dreams my forever eternal L..V.E. I L..V.E. and miss you so very much. And I wish more than anything I was up in Heaven with you now. :heart: :wub:

Melt yourself into my arms,
For you are part of me.
My joy, my love, eternal sun,
you are my heart, the only one,
so melt yourself into my arms,
entwined inside of me.
Michael, my love, I am going to go to bed now. I am sorry to make this short, but I am just tired… really really tired. I love you so much Michael, always. Please know that. Goodnight, my love, and I will talk to you soon.
Michael my eternal sweet L..V.E. I had miss you so much today. Which is why I had spent part of the day today sleeping so I didn't miss you as much as I already did. So I am going up to bed now my L..V.E. Cause I am feeling really tired and I have not been feeling very well lately. So goodnight and sweet dreams I L..V.E. and miss you as always. :heart: :wub:
Michael, amore mio, stanotte non riesco a dormire, forse sono io che NON VOGLIO dormire, preferisco continuare a pensare a te, ai tuoi occhi, al tuo sorriso, a quello che ho ed ho avuto grazie a te. Mi manchi sempre di pi? Angelo mio. Ti amo
Time to get some sleep.
Wish Michael could be here, really here, to kiss him goodnight and wish him all the best and the sweetest dreams :(
Michael my eternal sweet L..V.E. I had spent another day of really missing you. Plus again I have not been feeling well all day today which is why I am going up to bed really soon. So goodnight and sweet dreams my L..V.E. I L..V.E. and miss you as always. And I still wish more than ever I was up in Heaven with you. :heart: :wub: