Goodnight Michael

Stay With Me Tonight


Fall into my world,
Be embraced by my fire,
Give into temptation,
Be consumed by your desire.

Feel the heat,
Of my touch upon your skin,
Don't try to fight it,
You know I always win.

You kisses are sweeter,
Than the world's finest wine.
Come to me now,
And let me make you mine.

Feel the passion,
Of love's greatest dance,
Let the rhythm move you,
And fall into my trance.

Stay with me here,
Until the dawning of the sun,
Lay with me tonight,
And join with me as one.

Feel the love,
As the night begins to die,
Remain by my side,
Please don't say goodbye.

Dream now my love,
Slumber long and deep.
Lay with me tonight,
And together we shall sleep.

When the morning ultimately comes,
And we are finally torn apart,
Please know I won't forget you,
I shall keep you in my heart.
Michael, my sweetheart, I love you so much! I can never get tired of saying that to you. You mean so much to me, and I would do anything for you. Just the thought of you makes me smile, and I wish I were with you. I hope you have a wonderful night my love, and I hope I do as well with you in my dreams, so I can spend my time with you all through the night. :wub: Goodnight, Michael, I love you endlessly forever!
Michael my eternal sweet L..V.E. I had spent another horrible day of really missing you. I hope your days up in Heaven have always been good ones. Though I still very much wish I was with you. So goodnight and sweet dreams my L..V.E. And as forever always I just L..V.E. and miss you so much. :heart: :wub:
Build A Rainbow

I'm going to need a miracle
To get me through tonight
I'm lonely and so empty
Without you, things aren't right

I'm sitting here, thinking,
What to do without you
And how to make all these dreams
In my head come true

I'm going to build a rainbow
From my heart to yours
So I can get to the other side
To catch my pot of gold

I'm going to make my rainbow
Seven colours wide
One for each of the feelings
You make me feel inside

I'm going to make the biggest hug
And wrap it with a kiss
I'll blow it your way as I close my eyes
And make the biggest wish

I will follow my rainbow
Until I reach the other side
Where you'll be there to catch me
As I fall into your eyes

Your smile will lead me
To an entire new world
I'll lose my breath as you say
I'm your precious girl

I'll love you right there
Like I've loved you in my dreams
Everything you've told me
I will finally believe

The feeling of your fingers
As they will run through my hair
Will make me always
Want you there

Don't stop kissing me
It's too passionate to quit
I'll never forget the place
Where you laid your lips

So right now, I'm building
A rainbow to get to you
I am promising that
I will be there soon
Michael, my love, my prince charming, I couldn't stop thinking of you today as always. I love you so very much. I am going to keep this kinda short this evening, but just know that I miss you a lot, and I will be thinking of you always. Goodnight, my sweet love.
Michael my eternal sweet L..V.E. I had missed you so much today especially earlier tonight where I had really cried over you. For probably a good 10 minutes or so. I tried not to but I just couldn't help it. And I am ready to cry over you now though I am really trying not to. But because of the way that I feel now. I really don't know if I am going up to bed. I just don't see what is the point when I am just going to get less than 3 hours again. Ever since what happen to you my L..V.E. I can no longer sleep like I used to. My constant depression is not letting me. And plus knowing that your killer is still not behind bars yet is another reason of why I can't sleep like I used to. So goodnight and sweet dreams my Eternal Moonwalking Angel of L..V.E. And as always I just L..V.E. and miss you so extremely much. :heart: :wub:
Summers Heat

Summer sizzles, feel the heat
Stars light up the night
Gentle kisses, sweet caress
A haloed moon gives light

Gentle wind, cools the skin
Of lovers lost in bliss
August dreams, shared by two
Spoken with a kiss

Lingering by a river bank
Within a warm embrace
Tossing petals to the air
Nothing can replace

Two hearts lost, before the fall
The chill is yet to be
Summers full of fantasy
Close your eyes to see
My sweet Michael, you know that I miss you like crazy, but I was really missing you today. Sometimes it seems so hard to focus on things when feelings of sadness overwhelm me. I was also thinking of your children today, and how special they are. God bless their hearts! Well, my love, I kinda feel at a loss for words tonight, but I am going to go to bed and get some rest, and I hope to dream of you all through the night! :wub: Goodnight, Michael. I love you, you are my endless love.
You are always on my mind Michael. Any sweet love song is always dedicated to you. I need say no more cos you know I love you more.
Night sweetie. I love you with a passion that no one can take away. xxx
I have Elvis Presley's song in my head as I type!

Hope that's ok to post! MJ's Father in law's song! But MJ is always on my mind!
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Waist-deep in thought-
myriad tears fall;
a tepid touch to my cheeks-
an anesthetic kiss.

reticent lips taste serenity
as solitude morphs into chimera-
temporarily escaping loneliness-
embraced by your touch.

urgency vibrates within my heart-
as eyes become blinded
by another downpour of need;
time hangs by icicles.

replant that burning passion
within this soul my love-
I miss you all too much.
Michael, my love, I am really crying over you now. I just want to be with you. And it really hurts that I am not. I love you so much, Michael. I think of you every second of everyday. Not a second goes by that I don't wish I could be with you my love, holding me in your loving arms. :weeping: Well, my lovely one, I really need to go up to bed now. Because I am really tired and I am not feeling well right now. But I will be dreaming of you as always. Goodnight, my sweet love, I love you always and forever!
You're Like a Record

You're perpetually on my mind.
The feelings I have for you-
Blossom more each day.
They are everlasting...
and will not disappear.

You're like a record on repeat.
The image of you in my mind,
repeats over and over.
It never stops, nor rewinds;
Fast-forwards or pauses.
It is one of the things,
That I can't remove.

You have the eyes that sparkle,
The smile that gives me butterflies.
You have everything -
I've ever wanted and needed.
But, why...
Do I have these feelings for you?
Why do they repeat so many times?
Michael, my lovely one, another day has gone by, and today like always, I could not stop thinking of you. All day long, you stayed on my mind. I miss you, and I love you more than you will ever know, Michael. I wish I could be together with you, my love. I should try to get some rest now, but Michael, I really want to dream of you tonight. The mornings after are much better knowing that I could spend time with you at least in my dreams. :wub: I love you, always and forever, Michael. Goodnight, my sweet love.
Michael my eternal sweet L..V.E. I had spent another day of really missing you. I really hope that you had another great day up in Heaven. I wish I could have those great days here again. And I used to have them when we still had you. Which is why I am going up to bed now my sweet L..V.E. to get the little amount of sleep that I can get now. Because I am tired as I always am any more. And I am really not feeling very good right now. So goodnight and sweet dreams my L..V.E. I just miss and L..V.E. you so very much. :heart: :wub:
Two Lovers


In the mist of the night,
Two lovers walk along the beach.
As they continue to walk,
The sand caresses their feet.

It's just the two of them,
Spending an enchanting evening in each other's arms.
Hoping to never let go -
of the perpetual love they share.

As the sweet whispers of the waves,
Send shivers up their spines...
The ocean remains persistent -
up-and-down, up-and-down.

As they apotheosize the beautiful horizon,
They exchange passionate kisses.
It is then that the ceaseless affection proliferates -
amidst the two souls like never before...

Like the rising tide, beating hearts grow but never die.
Michael, my sweetheart, I have cried over you so much today. And I am crying over you now again. I miss you so much, my love, I just want to be in your arms. :weeping: My heart is so broken and I don't know how to fix it. I love you so much that at times saying "I love you" seems like an understatement. Unfortunately, my love, I have to go to bed now, because I am not feeling well. I was in the hospital this morning with an asthma attack and received steroid treatment through a face mask. It is been about 12 hours since my treatment and I am feeling a bit short of breath and wheezy. I am so tired of being sick and tired. I just don't know what to do anymore. Please come and meet me in my dreams tonight. I need you, and I love you so much. Goodnight, my sweet love.
-L'amore è-

Mi sveglio nella notte sorridendo
c'eri tu che ridevi nel mio sogno
Ma poi tutto è svanito per incanto
e il sorriso è diventato pianto.

Ho provato a tornare a sognare
pensando al nostro grande amore
Così forte, seppure sia diviso
ed il pianto è tornato sorriso.
Michael, my lovely one, I am sorry to make this so short, sweetheart, but I am really tired and I am not feeling well right now. Goodnight my love, I love you always and forever! I hope to dream of you!
Nella notte


Come spighe di grano
che danzano col vento,
e nel sole maestoso
che scalda le vette innevate,
ti ritrovo dolce e assonata
al primo raggio del mattino,
tra i perfetti ricami delle lenzuola.
Ti vedo apparire
negli squarci di un sogno,
della notte stellata.
Mi guardi
con la tua ingenua freschezza,
di fiore sbocciato
nella passione della notte.
Arrossisci al mio sorriso,
amore mio palpitante.
Riaspetto le luci soffuse
di un tramonto
dove dolce e leggera,
ti rannicchi al mio petto
ascoltando il mio cuore emanare,
la sua sinfonia più soave
una melodia d’amore.​
Michael, my love, I will probably keep this short tonight, but I want to say how much I love looking at your pictures. I see these pictures of you and I am beyond mesmerized. :wub: Michael, I love you so much, and I know I say it all the time, but it is true. There is no denying it. I am crazy about you, and I wish we could hold hands and walk together. Just being with you would mean the world. Be in my dreams tonight, my love, and then maybe we can take that walk. Goodnight, my sweet love.