GMTV (UK) Has unconfirmed reports that the burial will be open-casket.

now E! is saying they're gonna air the funeral tonite. wtf?

And here we GO, again. I fully expect the funeral to be part of the "reality show" to come, raking in the bucks like autumn leaves. Am I cynical? You betcha. Oh, PLEASE, God, let there be no cameras THERE, to film Michael's dead body. Oh, PLEASE! Haven't we all suffered enough? Probably not. The grief seems endless. . . . (Although I really shouldn't, I see a large bottle of white-wine in my near-future. . . .)

If the family actually DOES that. . . I'm going to write them off. Every, blessed one of them. I sincerely hope they don't. . . . . I can see no reason for it, other than profit.

Hang on everybody. We'll get through this one too, somehow. . . .
Carla Romano and Fiona Phillips trashed Michael on more than one occasion, when he did the fan meet and greet in Japan a couple of years ago they called him arrogent for charging his fans to meet him, after they stood by him when he 'molested that little boy', they said the fans were gullible and silly.

Forgive me if I take anything GMTV has to say with a massive pinch of salt. The family would not have an open casket I am sure, they didn't do it at the memorial. Unless he has been embalmed an open casket would not be something anyone would want to see.

I am sure he has been dressed and groomed with respect and love and finally he will be laid to rest away from the prying eyes of the media.
With all that said, I'm assuming the family will arrange to have the service taped or filmed. I hope they guard that tape with their very LIVES!
They will save memory of what? :scratch: I do not understand it. In my opinion (if this is true) this is not a pleasant time to be registered and then review when you miss. I do not understand the Jackson family... and so everything for me is very strange. :smilerolleyes: :ph34r:
Carla Romano and Fiona Phillips trashed Michael on more than one occasion, when he did the fan meet and greet in Japan a couple of years ago they called him arrogent for charging his fans to meet him, after they stood by him when he 'molested that little boy', they said the fans were gullible and silly.

Forgive me if I take anything GMTV has to say with a massive pinch of salt. The family would not have an open casket I am sure, they didn't do it at the memorial. Unless he has been embalmed an open casket would not be something anyone would want to see.

I am sure he has been dressed and groomed with respect and love and finally he will be laid to rest away from the prying eyes of the media.

philips was always supportive of him during 93 but i stopped watching gmtv when i was about 14. the programes hardly for the educated masses. even the big breakfast had more quality programing than them.
??? Open casket ??? Michael has been dead 10 weeks. I know he's been frozen during that time but surely there would be some kind of deterioration?? Correct me if I'm wrong

This was my thoughts too. This whole thing has been so stretched out..I hope that someone explains to the kids that people dont normally have to wait 10 weeks to be buried....I just hope they an help these kids understand. These kids have already been put through so much and to have to go through the funereal 10 weeks later is just alot for a kids to digest. My prayers are with these children.
This was my thoughts too. This whole thing has been so stretched out..I hope that someone explains to the kids that people dont normally have to wait 10 weeks to be buried....I just hope they an help these kids understand. These kids have already been put through so much and to have to go through the funereal 10 weeks later is just alot for a kids to digest. My prayers are with these children.
1. I think the kids are stronger than you give them credit for and in any case, we need not worry about them.
2. This thing being 'stretched out' is because of the complicated criminal investigation of which MJ's body is probably the key piece of evidence. I don't know why people don't understand this point.
3. Whether the family is having another funeral or burial or open casket or clowns and balloons is all their affair at this point. Marlon Jackson provided enough information that all should be sufficiently satisfied.
1. I think the kids are stronger than you give them credit for and in any case, we need not worry about them.
2. This thing being 'stretched out' is because of the complicated criminal investigation of which MJ's body is probably the key piece of evidence. I don't know why people don't understand this point.
3. Whether the family is having another funeral or burial or open casket or clowns and balloons is all their affair at this point. Marlon Jackson provided enough information that all should be sufficiently satisfied.

Yes,I agree. I will pay my respects today in my own way.
I dont think this is true . But you never know lets see what happen .

RIP Michael I love you Forever
1. I think the kids are stronger than you give them credit for and in any case, we need not worry about them.
2. This thing being 'stretched out' is because of the complicated criminal investigation of which MJ's body is probably the key piece of evidence. I don't know why people don't understand this point.
3. Whether the family is having another funeral or burial or open casket or clowns and balloons is all their affair at this point. Marlon Jackson provided enough information that all should be sufficiently satisfied.

Well first of all I agree with your post in ...1. it is being stretched out because of the criminal investigation. I DO understand I am a 42 year old adult I am not a 11,12 or 7 year old child. I am also a parent..therefore however strong Michael's children are... no child is EVER ready to lose a parent. My point being smart as these children are and as strong as they are....the reality of waiting 10 weeks to HAVE to bury someone ...anyone for that fact be it an aunt, uncle or grandmother...I am just stating I hope they are told in reality they will probably never have to wait 10 weeks to have a funeral for a loved one again. And as far as we need to worry about them or not......I am sure in time they will be ok again but.....not on this day they won' therefore ....yes I will worry about them today. ....I will keep them in my thoughts and in my prayers.
oh I gotta feeling the media will pull some disgusting stunts to try and snap a pic of MJ in his casket.. hell they already got a pic of him in the back of the ambulance,and pics of Paris crying in the car after viewing her dad.. so just be prepared for someone to post a pic in one of those tabloids.. even if they have to photoshop one

Omg, they did? :(
Well first of all I agree with your post in ...1. it is being stretched out because of the criminal investigation. I DO understand I am a 42 year old adult I am not a 11,12 or 7 year old child. I am also a parent..therefore however strong Michael's children are... no child is EVER ready to lose a parent. My point being smart as these children are and as strong as they are....the reality of waiting 10 weeks to HAVE to bury someone ...anyone for that fact be it an aunt, uncle or grandmother...I am just stating I hope they are told in reality they will probably never have to wait 10 weeks to have a funeral for a loved one again. And as far as we need to worry about them or not......I am sure in time they will be ok again but.....not on this day they won' therefore ....yes I will worry about them today. ....I will keep them in my thoughts and in my prayers.
I'm not sure what your age has to do with this, but I think it goes without saying that NO child wants to lose a parent.

Having said that, obviously there have been circumstances that have been beyond the family's control with respect to this issue and given the high profile aspect of this, is not really unusual.

The children will understand. They are being well cared for. Again you need not worry.
Reporter Randi Kaye of CNN has been reporting there will be a Production Crew inside the burial Taping Celebrities as they arrive. Damn. Dont like the sound of that, I am with you Victoria. I understand how you feel.

Please God, Please dont let this be part of a reality series.
i fear we will end up seeing Michael again. Look at James Brown. It will happen.

Btw. As for not worrying about his kids today. Like the person said before. No matter how strong they are they will need consoling, they will need support, they will need our prayers. Michael was their father, he is all they knew. Those kids are in for a HARD day.

And as for the reality show... I completely forgot about it. But it wouldn't surprise me in the least that it would be in there. You know Joe anything for a quick buck.
If it's open casket it's for the family to decide. They can have whatever kind of funeral they want and feel comfortable with. Their decision. And I am sure Katherine and teh family knows the children well enough to make a decision that is suitable for Paris, Prince and Blanket. Doubt they'd do something they thought the children couldn't handle. I am sure they (or someone) have talked about the funeral and what's to come with the children. Nothing wrong with open casket if the family wants that. When my dad died we had the option to go see him one last time while the casket was open, right before the funeral. None of us wanted to go. And in the funeral the casket was closed. But the only picture I have seen of my aunt who died when she was a tiny baby is of her in her casket. So...whatever one wants to do. Nothing wrong with either way, in my opinion.

If some show does have exclusive right to be inside, I coudl in a way understand that as well. My personal first choice would be "no!", but on the other hand...remember it is Michael Jackson's burial we are talking about. And can you imagine what one picture would be worth for the tabloids. If you give someone the exclusive right, that way you can try to stop anyone else from selling their pictures and can try to stop them from trying to take pictures. And maybe the family can then have a say in what exactly will be shown. That could be the reason IF E! is telling the truth.
Channel 5 was talking with the florist at the cemetery... and earlier they were showing a blonde woman defending Murray... Bleh!
Those were pictures posted by tabloid giant, yet all of a sudden reliable, TMZ. You can't really tell much from them. And from experience, seeing a loved one lay in a casket is really, really hard. I went through this twice with my mom and best friend, both times I thought I could handle it but instead broke down in tears.

If this is true, I pray for Paris, Prince & Blanket, and if the media is going to be present, I hope that NO ONE leaks anything in terms of pictures.
from mjjuk

Michael's body is already there at the Grand Mausoleum, Sky news just reported that they had it confirmed to them by police and a "recreational vehicle" arrived an hour ago with some family members inside.