GMTV (UK) Has unconfirmed reports that the burial will be open-casket.

when my grandad died, we were told to stop visiting him at the funeral home 2 weeks after he died, because the person working there told us he would change too much.

i dont think it would be open casket.. talk about morbid.

i don't talk about us, mortals, or ordinary people, we don't have the necessary means to pay special treatment.
celebrities - if i'm not wrong- may stay well 'preserved up to 3 months' time, without the slightest change whatsoever...
i've also heard -i think it was on CNN - a doctor said that actually James Brown stayed 3 months till he was finally buried.:timer:
Isn't the family responsible of this? Shouldnt they organize it as if its theirs?! Who would want to be seen dead? You'll simply seeing your loved one DEAD. Im sorry if I didn't understand it right tho, and if I'm going too far but I'm really angry. The media is almost always right, first their rumours, than it becomes real. They just dont know it for SURE. I just hope we wont see ANYTHING from the funeral at al. Wether its good or not.

oh its not confirmed yet but as I said, media is most of time right about things like this.
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i don't talk about us, mortals, or ordinary people, we don't have the necessary means to pay special treatment.
celebrities - if i'm not wrong- may stay well 'preserved up to 3 months' time, without the slightest change whatsoever...
i've also heard -i think it was on CNN - a doctor said that actually James Brown stayed 3 months till he was finally buried.:timer:

celebrities arnt different from normal people who die. i think it would be disturbing for the kids to see him now
They had open casket in the day of Memorial, in private service (well ,at least it we believe some reports from inner circle) . If they want to have open casket now, it's none of our business. I think it's just media talking out of their a**es just to talk about something.
No f*cking way. Surely it wouldn't be that tasteless? I'm sure if they were gonna do that they'd have done it at the memorial? I don't believe it.

I don't believe it either as not all the Jackson's wanted to see him before the memorial - only a few like Latoya and Paris went... I don't think it would be healthy for the 3 children to see him now open casket after all this time. No folks I think this is just media rumour and sensationalism once again... yawn! Let Michael rest in peace bless him!
If this will be broadcast like the Memorial was, I pray to God that casket is well closed. It would be torture for anyone watching, regardless of Michael's appearance. I just wouldn't bear it.

So...when is the funeral due to begin? (GMT)
I have this feeling that some parts of the burial is going to be taped? I dont know why, I feel this way but this morning as the local news gave the short list of celebrities in attendence and their role in the ceremony, this feeling of it being taped for the family came to me.

I feel like most of you. I don't want to see images of MJ in an open casket. I certainly dont want the media getting a hold of a pic and making money off of our MJ in that way. That would kill me.

But, I must say, it is tradition( in most families) before a loved one is laid to rest, for the family to have one last viewing of the body. In black families, most times this is when pictures are taken of the open casket and loved ones standing near and saying their final Good-Bye's.
celebrities arnt different from normal people who die. i think it would be disturbing for the kids to see him now
they are different in some way....they have money!
for example i'm absolutely positive i won't have the same good looks at 50 say Madonna, Sharon Stone, etc.
it's the same when they die. we look awful after a few days only, they still look the same . why? it's simple, it's tanx to the modern high-tech in all areas including this one.
and to that, let me add, like i said, that there was one of the doctors on CNN that actually said it so.:agree:
Yeah I thought it was private so what does it matter.

Unfortunately we've already seen Michael dead. When they were trying to revive him on that stretcher in the ambulance.

Anyway...finally R.I.P. Mikey
It the casket is open do you think MJ will look good? Or will he face look diff? Iam scared to see he may look way diff like bad....what do you think?
I do not understand the despair of everyone here. Open or closed casket, no matter. No one here will be there to see why it will not be open to the public. Very strange after 2 months show a foreign body and masi still wait 2 months to bury...
I really hope it's not true, I don't want to see him this way I can't see it :(
I hope we don't see anything of the burial, it's all private and that's the way it should be.
I don't want to see him this way I can't see it
u wont. the story is irrelevent if true beacuse everything is happening in a building. no one will see anything
I think that the "open casket" is just a rumor . . . unconfirmed?

I understand that "viewings" of the deceased are cultural. Some cultures do this, and it brings some sense of closure and a time to say goodbye. And some cultures don't. In my culture, this is NOT done and I would find it personally distasteful, although I respect that others feel differently.

Michael has been dead for seventy days. Just the very idea that we are speculating about the condition of his body is alarming to me. I hope it is a closed casket, because there was already one open-casket memorial (for family and close friends), and because there is always a risk of someone sneaking a picture on a cell-phone or something. That is a photo that I would NOT want to see. For God's sake, Michael was a very private man! We've been subjected to one "death photo" already. I saw it accidentally, and it was wrenching and a terrible violaton of his privacy, even in death. A photo of Michael in his casket would be worth millions, probably. I sincerely hope it doesn't happen.

With all that said, I'm assuming the family will arrange to have the service taped or filmed. I hope they guard that tape with their very LIVES!
um....they're not gonna have the funeral in the open. it'll be in that big ol building they had the wake in. then they close the casket and transport him to the holly terrances. no media allowed, a no fly zone, so what's theissue?
i dont see it in a bad way, his children need to see him so they could put their minds on what happened, is like the last goodbye, the press will have no acces, and Michael was beeing kept in well form, so i dont see it in a bad way, the kids, Katherine, Janet need to see him like that is a matter of setting on reality, sadly thats the way it is :cry:
Open or closed casket, no matter. No one here will be there to see why it will not be open to the public

true, only that

Victoria83 said:
there is always a risk of someone sneaking a picture on a cell-phone or something

that's why I also hope it'll be closed
otherwise sooner or later the picture will appear somewhere :(
um....they're not gonna have the funeral in the open. it'll be in that big ol building they had the wake in. then they close the casket and transport him to the holly terrances. no media allowed, a no fly zone, so what's theissue?

The only issues that I can see are, that there has already been one open-casket viewing and I don't see why a second would be necessary? That makes THREE memorials. Or two, and one "funeral? Remember, Paris put a bracelet on his wrist, at the first viewing? This truly is "the long goodbye." I'm not being critical, just further traumatized by saying goodbye to Michael AGAIN. I'm sure modern technology is great, but the idea his body has been "a shell" for SEVENTY DAYS makes me uneasy just to think about it. The other issue would be if someone sneaked a photo on a cell-phone or something. Like money in the bank in case of future need? That photo could be worth a LOT. Sorry to be so cynical. . .. .. . but so MUCH has gone wrong already, I can't help but think about that possibility. Some of the family have behaved honorably and respectfully in the aftermath of Michael's death, and some have not . . . . . Like people anywhere, they are individuals, and some family-members have more respect for Michael than others? (And that's all I'm gonna say on that subject. You can draw your own conclusions.)

Carry on,

Just on CNN: it's a non-fly zone!!!!!!!! Guard and gatekeepers all over the place, plenty of securitycamera's.
There is a production team allowed in there though?
I thought I noticed the reporter said that, but I don't know what she meant with that! :no:
Maybe they're just filming the perfomances by Gladys Knight and so on.

OMG, I am waking up late and just saw this thread, I have'nt gone past your comment here...Please no!! Please tell me this is not true...a production crew would be for the reality series!!! I am literally going to be sick today!
The only issues that I can see are, that there has already been one open-casket viewing and I don't see why a second would be necessary? That makes THREE memorials. Or two, and one "funeral? Remember, Paris put a bracelet on his wrist, at the first viewing? This truly is "the long goodbye." I'm not being critical, just further traumatized by saying goodbye to Michael AGAIN. I'm sure modern technology is great, but the idea his body has been "a shell" for SEVENTY DAYS makes me uneasy just to think about it. The other issue would be if someone sneaked a photo on a cell-phone or something. Like money in the bank in case of future need? That photo could be worth a LOT. Sorry to be so cynical. . .. .. . but so MUCH has gone wrong already, I can't help but think about that possibility. Some of the family have behaved honorably and respectfully in the aftermath of Michael's death, and some have not . . . . . Like people anywhere, they are individuals, and some family-members have more respect for Michael than others? (And that's all I'm gonna say on that subject. You can draw your own conclusions.)

Carry on,


Vic, excellent post and I completely agree! I'm sorry but these beautiful children are beginning to heal, why on earth would you put them through this again! I pray this is not true, but if it is, to hell with whomever made this decision!
well what would they do? just take him and place him in the crypt w/ no real service? theyhad a mini memorial service but the actual funeral didn't happen yet. just a viewing and a mini memorial at f.l.

this is the funeral
well if they are airing it they might just film what they see, which could be nothing really.

at the funeral before the memorial, it was 'shown' on tv but it was just people arriving, then they just filmed literally the outside of the building, and then people leaving.