Get to know more about Michael

ooo awesome thread. I know so much about Michael but im still learning new things every day!
Awesome thread.
Well in which era do you think Michael was in his most happiest time?
Awesome thread.
Well in which era do you think Michael was in his most happiest time?

Thriller. It was before all of the jelous leeches came out and started to conspire against him. It's sad thinking about it now.
Awesome thread.
Well in which era do you think Michael was in his most happiest time?

thriller...he had come into his own, no vitiligo yet, no trials or oddness, the world LOVED him, his album was breaking all records. he was still shy, but in interviews and stuff he seemed HAPPY and hopeful for the future
Haha, love that! Iv read since I asked that question that he really didn't want to learn to drive but Katherine kept nagging him to do it, and eventually he did when he was 20 something.
michael could drive apparently in the sense tht he had a license but was very bad at it, this record studio guy wrote a blog entry about how michael hit every car in the car park and was a very bad driver. Michaels mother forced him to learn and she said he would drive fast right up to other cars snd stop abruptly very dangerously lol
Someone mentioned this, but didn't ask and I really wanna know.

Why did Mike suddenly not like dogs anymore?
This is a highly enjoyable and informative thread! Thank you! I don't have a question of my own (so many I would have thought to ask have already been asked), but I must say I enjoyed reading Michael and the children had a lovely stay in Ireland! :flowers: I've a soft spot for the Emerald Isle and when I read they'd stayed in Ireland, I wished they'd stayed put. I reckon they could all have had a more peaceful existence there.
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He seemed pretty uncomfortable and jittery when Oprah asked him that question, haha. And with good reason - it was none of that woman's business! But judging by the answer he gave and the way he answered it, definitely seemed like he was still a virgin. And that interview was when he was 34, in 1993. If he wasn't a virgin, he most probably would have given a flat out 'no'. But he instead said 'I'm a gentleman' with this adorable smile on his face. That to me, immediately screamed VIRGIN. I could be wrong, but it's my personal opinion. I don't believe he would have danced around the question if he wasn't a virgin. I remember Gotham Chopra saying that when Mike first got together with Lisa, he called Gotham for sex advice, haha. Its also why I think he was so enamored with Lisa Marie - because she was SO much more experienced than he was and he found that intriguing.

HARD to believe he was a virgin before 34 because he just oozed sex appeal, but then again...not so hard to believe. If he was a shy guy and respectful of women, it's totally believable. It's a turn on for me, actually.

I just saw this comment on youtube in response to Oprah asking him that question and it made me laugh, hahaha:

Its hard to believe this is the same Michael who has felt on girls thighs on stage, humped microphone poles, repeatedly and vigorously grabbed his crotch, spanked a girl, had pornographic magazines of girls in his home, done pelvic thrusts and a shitload of other sensual moves.

For me it doesn't mean he was virgin. If they asked you if you were virgin (in television, in direct) what would you do? I wouldn't say, that's for sure. He's a gentleman so he didn't answer that. And if Oprah asked with who did he lost his virginity of something like that? o_O He's a gentleman so he wouldn't answer that either! But if he was really virgin that's not problem for me, it doesn't change anything... He only haves my respect, because a man who's still virgin so late, famous, rich, popular, etc. means he's a real man, really sensitive,... he was really unique. I hope someday I'll find someone like him, it is really my dream... Michael's personality was like me mine, it's really funny.
Awesome thread.
Well in which era do you think Michael was in his most happiest time?
thriller...he had come into his own, no vitiligo yet, no trials or oddness, the world LOVED him, his album was breaking all records. he was still shy, but in interviews and stuff he seemed HAPPY and hopeful for the future
Success-wise, of course, he was over the moon. But IMO, the Thriller-era was when he started to hide inside himself. In interviews, he started wearing those sunglasses and at award shows. I think the HUGE success and fame he had during Thriller made his privacy more difficult than ever to maintain...probably made it one of the loneliest times in his life.

I think that the Off The Wall period was one of his happiest...because he was totally free and had no previous album sales to beat (not including Motown ones). He had also just finished 'The Wiz' - which boosted his love for films. Life must've seemed totally open to him by then. In interviews during that time, he seemed a lot more relaxed and happy.

Also, the Dangerous-era (before the effing Chandlers did their thing) was another time when he truly became happy again and we could see it in the Oprah interview. :) He had started 'Heal The World' foundation, created Neverland and seemed to well and truly make it his mission to help kids.
Did Michael work somewhere as a teenager? Like summer job or something?
Hi, I'm new and this is my first ever post on this board so I'm sorry if this is a stupid question :p
But why did Michael wear three white plasters on his hand so often? Was it to cover any signs of Vilitgo or just because he wanted to?
Hi, I'm new and this is my first ever post on this board so I'm sorry if this is a stupid question :p
But why did Michael wear three white plasters on his hand so often? Was it to cover any signs of Vilitgo or just because he wanted to?

probably just because he wanted to and it was cool and different. he loved things that made him stand out. people were trying to say that the glove was to hide vitiligo as well, but the guy who came up with the idea, the designer for the cover of off the wall, said that they were giving him a suave cool look and didn't want two gloves so that he wouldn't look too mickey mouse. voila, THE GLOVED ONE is born. probably similar type story for the fingers. it's just a badass cool look and fit well for him at that time
probably just because he wanted to and it was cool and different. he loved things that made him stand out. people were trying to say that the glove was to hide vitiligo as well, but the guy who came up with the idea, the designer for the cover of off the wall, said that they were giving him a suave cool look and didn't want two gloves so that he wouldn't look too mickey mouse. voila, THE GLOVED ONE is born. probably similar type story for the fingers. it's just a badass cool look and fit well for him at that time
But Michael wasn't wearing one glove on the Off The Wall album cover...
Although the designer came up with the tuxedo thing, I think the glove was Mike's idea. Unless someone can prove me wrong.
But Michael wasn't wearing one glove on the Off The Wall album cover...
Although the designer came up with the tuxedo thing, I think the glove was Mike's idea. Unless someone can prove me wrong.

i didn't say he came up with it for the COVER i just said he had worked with him on that. in the interview, he still said that he came up with the glove and they decided on one to keep it unique. the interview was linked in a fashion thread on here
"Famed designer Mike Salisbury, the man behind the imprint on a multitude of diverse products from HALO, the world’s most popular video game, Rolling Stone, Surfer and Playboy magazines to O’Neill and Gotcha surfwear and Levi’s 501 jeans (a brand Salisbury created), is also the genius behind Michael Jackson’s iconic image in black pants, glittery socks, and loafers wearing a single white glove.

The white socks were so successful in drawing attention to Michael and his dance moves, there was a conversation about doing gloves, too. “I felt that would start looking literally Mickey Mouse (and of course Michael was a big Mickey Mouse fan). Between the agent and Michael and me, we got it down to one white glitzy glove. Another great move for attention,” Salisbury concluded."
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The tape on the fingers he came up with while doing Moonwalker. He just added it one day according to this video I saw about the making of. He said it added mystery to the character in Smooth Criminal.

As for the glove. According to Cecily Tyson at his memorial he had started wearing it because he was in the early stages of vitiligo and needed something to hide his hand. He wanted to wear like a funky pair of gloves because he wanted to stand out. He thought wearing two gloves was boring.
The Off the Wall cover wasn't his idea.. but the socks were. He didn't want to just be wearing any old boring tuxedo.
The tape on the fingers he came up with while doing Moonwalker. He just added it one day according to this video I saw about the making of. He said it added mystery to the character in Smooth Criminal.

As for the glove. According to Cecily Tyson at his memorial he had started wearing it because he was in the early stages of vitiligo and needed something to hide his hand. He wanted to wear like a funky pair of gloves because he wanted to stand out. He thought wearing two gloves was boring.
"Famed designer Mike Salisbury, the man behind the imprint on a multitude of diverse products from HALO, the world’s most popular video game, Rolling Stone, Surfer and Playboy magazines to O’Neill and Gotcha surfwear and Levi’s 501 jeans (a brand Salisbury created), is also the genius behind Michael Jackson’s iconic image in black pants, glittery socks, and loafers wearing a single white glove.

The white socks were so successful in drawing attention to Michael and his dance moves, there was a conversation about doing gloves, too. “I felt that would start looking literally Mickey Mouse (and of course Michael was a big Mickey Mouse fan). Between the agent and Michael and me, we got it down to one white glitzy glove. Another great move for attention,” Salisbury concluded."


The Off the Wall cover wasn't his idea.. but the socks were. He didn't want to just be wearing any old boring tuxedo.
yeah, he came up with light white socks to make it pop with the tuxedo
YEah man I see a theme here.. ATTENTION! He wanted to stand out and he definitely did that. Who the hell did you see wearing one white glove? A sequined white glove? Highwater pants with some glittery socks? Nobody till he started doing it.. then if you did it too you were just being a copycat, it was that fierce! MJ was fiiiiiiiiiiierce!!! **does two snaps up in a circle**
YEah man I see a theme here.. ATTENTION! He wanted to stand out and he definitely did that. Who the hell did you see wearing one white glove? A sequined white glove? Highwater pants with some glittery socks? Nobody till he started doing it.. then if you did it too you were just being a copycat, it was that fierce! MJ was fiiiiiiiiiiierce!!! **does two snaps up in a circle**
he did always seem to tap precisely into what would drive people wild with the innovation of it all. i mean come glove, any glove, would have been bananas, but a bright ass big white sequined one? he was a bad bad boy indeed, i love it