Get to know more about Michael

Could Michael drive a car? Who taught you think he passed first time? I've never seen him drive, and I've never got a proper answer. I've been interested since I started learning!

Don't know if he passed the first time but I would think he did.....
Grand Prix license


Here is an excerpt from the Oprah Interview transcript
(commercial break - when the cameras come back Michael is driving Oprah to the movie theatre in a golf cart)
Oprah: Now this is what's shocking to me, that you even drive. What we're doing everybody, is that we are coming from Michael's house down to this amazing amusement park, which is oh, about several hundred yards from the house. And this is incredible.
Michael: Thank you.
I have questions:

2. Did Michael Jackson have any memories as a very small child from before he was practicing/performing? he talked aobut his mother waking him up ti watch gene kelly/james brown and trying to learn james brown's moves at a young age.

5. Did Michael Jackson ever own any cats or dogs (conventional pets)?
The jacksons had a rescued dog called Black Girl see the Oxford Union Speech

7. What are some stories of Michael Jackson in disguise, other than the one told at the memorial service?
Theres one on this forum dressed up to go to a concert with Tatum and ive seena pic of him on the back of a motorbike with Debbie Rowe wearing a mask (similar to the moonwalker masks)

8. I can't tell from the video...did Michael Jackson really put his own hair out by spinning? What put out the fire? I tihnk spinning actually makes it worse (more oxygen) there seems to be a fire extinguisher and people patting it out

10. How well did Michael Jackson know his nephews and nieces?
I think you'd have to ask them.
I have questions:

4. Did Michael Jackson live with his parents until he moved to Neverland Ranch? I saw an interview from 1983 (I think) where he still lived with his parents.
Yes, I think so. He leaved his parent's house very late.

5. Did Michael Jackson ever own any cats or dogs (conventional pets)?
Cats and dogs I don't know, but I saw on a special magazine about him that he had two rats when he was young. The names of the rats were: Ray and Charles. Cool, huh? The magazine had a photo when Michael was with his rats too.

9. When did Michael Jackson stop wearing his hair in a jheri curl style?
When he cut his hair a much shorter. That was the time when Lisa-Marie asked the divorce.
Someone asked if Michael could play the piano... He had a piano in Neverland. And he could play it. Of course, he didn't do it like a real pianist, but he played.
I have one

When Michael wrote a song would he play any instruments or would he just sing the music parts to his backing musictions?

I've heard some people say he would play an instrument(s) himself to write a song and then i've heard other people say he never played any instruments and just sang/beatboxed the music to his backing musictions. So which one is it?
1.When Michael Jackson lived in Ireland with all three of his children for a while, did he and the kids seem to be happy?

2. Also, does anybody know where they stayed when he was in

Thanks in advance.:)

Yes Michael and his children were very happy in Ireland. For a few short months they managed to escaped the outside world and could enjoy being somewhere they were not constantly followed and photographed. There are many stories I heard about how free and happy they were which can be found if you do some online searching.

They stayed mainly in Co Wicklow, in a secluded mountain side estate, very simialar to Neverland, and at the recording studio in Co Westmeath

It's believed Michael Jackson stayed at Michael Flatley's castle in Fermoy, Co Cork, Ireland back in 2006 I think. Here's a picture of the castle/mansion with Michael Flatley.

Thats not true, it was just media specualtion and rumour, cos he flew into Cork airport.

can you tell me what is KFC, what kind of food is it?

KFC ( Kentucky Fried Chicken) is an International American Fast Food chain, simialr to McDonalds, but based on chicken. It is deepfried chicken coated in a spicy breadcrumb mix, which is served as chicken pieces and in bugers, with french fries/chips.

thank you.

but chicken?
it means he was not vegetarian?
i heard he was...

Michael hasnt been vegetarian for many years, possibly over 20. As well as chicken Michael also ate Sushi and Japanese food

I have questions:

1. Why did Michael Jackson say he was a vegetarian if he ate chicken? Vegetarians certainly do not eat chicken (I should know!). Why didn't he just claim instead that he didn't eat red meat, which sounds more accurate?

who knows, just one of his many little quirks, he could be very econical with the truth when it suited him!

3. How did Michael Jackson meet Macauley Culkin?

cant remember the exact year/ period possible around the early 90's

4. Did Michael Jackson live with his parents until he moved to Neverland Ranch? I saw an interview from 1983 (I think) where he still lived with his parents.

Yes Michael lived at Encino with his family until he bought Neverland. He briefly lived in New York , with Latoya in a flat, during the late 70's, during the time he was filming THE WIZ

7. What are some stories of Michael Jackson in disguise, other than the one told at the memorial service?

There are soo many stories of Michael in disguises over the years. It was something he did alot, to trick people or just to see what it was like to go out and not be recognised

10. How well did Michael Jackson know his nephews and nieces?
Like all big families, there are people you are close to and those you dont see regualry. I know that Michael was close to many family members
:lol: @ how large Michael's signature is on the license.

I have a question.

Did Michael ever learn to wink properly? :lol:
The Suzuki ad ones were clearly blinks...and if you look closely, the one in 'Smooth Criminal' was a blink too. ;)
i think i saw on youtube a video where he winks properly...also, there's a video on youtube and it shows disguised michael, he's wearing a moustache hehe and a hat, walking in a park during the period he was with lisa marie.

here are some questions:
what shampoo/make up/ moisturizer and such did he use ?? :pp
did he know how to apply make up or he'd always have his make up artist??
what kind of music did he listen to [other than classical music]?
did he listen to his music when he was home??
what time did he usually get up in the morning and what time did he sleep??
how did he spend his time when he was not touring or recording?
what was his favorite color?
what time was he born or what was his moon sign?
did he have any fears??
what would make him happy other than being with his kids and performing on stage?
ok these are enough for now :)
michael could drive apparently in the sense tht he had a license but was very bad at it, this record studio guy wrote a blog entry about how michael hit every car in the car park and was a very bad driver. Michaels mother forced him to learn and she said he would drive fast right up to other cars snd stop abruptly very dangerously lol

That sounds a lot like someone I know lol.

ETA: I'm laughing at MJ saying that he was a vegetarian, then eating meat again lol. It sounds like something I would do if I tried to be a vegetarian. I wonder what particular food made him want to eat meat again?
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I have one

When Michael wrote a song would he play any instruments or would he just sing the music parts to his backing musictions?

I've heard some people say he would play an instrument(s) himself to write a song and then i've heard other people say he never played any instruments and just sang/beatboxed the music to his backing musictions. So which one is it?

he would beat box and sing/hum it until the musicians could get the note the way that he wanted it. Some sound engineering guys were sharing their stories about working with him and were saying that.

"One morning MJ came in with a new song he had written overnight. We called in a guitar player, and Michael sang every note of every chord to him. "here's the first chord first note, second note, third note. Here's the second chord first note, second note, third note", etc., etc. We then witnessed him giving the most heartfelt and profound vocal performance, live in the control room through an SM57.

He would sing us an entire string arrangement, every part. Steve Porcaro once told me he witnessed MJ doing that with the string section in the room. Had it all in his head, harmony and everything. Not just little eight bar loop ideas. he would actually sing the entire arrangement into a micro-cassette recorder complete with stops and fills."

as for the question about him being close to his nieces and nephews and cousins, he really was. There was lots of footage of them having lots of fun in the Private Home Movies special. They had a nickname for Michael, Applehead. especially at part 2:12
I love this thread! To answer the question about conventional pets, I know that Michael and his children owned a bird and cat because his chef's shared a story about how the cat ate the bird and his children were devastated by it.

My questions are:
1. Is Earthsong directed toward God, was MJ feeling upset about suffering in the world and trying to understand why God allows it?
2. What were MJ's views on Gansta Rap - artists like Tupac
3. Did MJ express any views regarding Gay rights?
I love this thread! To answer the question about conventional pets, I know that Michael and his children owned a bird and cat because his chef's shared a story about how the cat ate the bird and his children were devastated by it.

My questions are:
1. Is Earthsong directed toward God, was MJ feeling upset about suffering in the world and trying to understand why God allows it?
2. What were MJ's views on Gansta Rap - artists like Tupac
3. Did MJ express any views regarding Gay rights?

2. MJ liked hip-hop/rap. In that link I posted above of sound engineers experiences, there's a story about how he asked Biggie Smalls (Notorious B.I.G.) to work with him and how Biggie became a starstruck guy in awe full of praise at the studio with him. MJ seemed to give all genres a chance. here's the story:

"By the way, to elaborate a bit on the Notorious B.I.G. session, it was kinda like this. Michael used to call people to ask them to participate on albums. It was interesting knowing that nearly anyone on the planet would come to the phone if it were Michael calling. Anyway, I heard rumors that B.I.G. was going to come, and I was excited about that! I knew that I would be the one to record that, as I had recorded nearly all of that tune, "This Time Around".

So, Dallas and I were expecting him any minute, and pretty much on time, Notorious strolls in. He was quite an imposing figure when he walked in, as he was quite popular at the time. I had no idea what to expect from him in terms of attitude, but he seemed nice when he walked in. No problem. But almost immediately, he blurted out, "Yo, Dallas, can I meet Mike?" To which, Dallas replied that he thought so. Biggie went on to talk about how much this opportunity meant to him, as Michael was his hero. Anyway, Dallas tells him that we're going to lay down the rap first, so Biggie heads in the booth, we get some headphone levels and get ready to start recording.

So, we hit the big red button (on a Sony 3348 machine), and away we go. During his first take, Dallas and I looked at each other, because it was spot on. wow. I was impressed, and so was Dallas. We listened back, and Dallas was like, "Wow, I think we got it". As I recall, we took another take for good measure, but I'm fairly certain that we ended up using the first take. So, Notorious comes in, and asks if he can meet Michael now. We sent word to the back room where Michael was working that Biggie was finished and wanted to meet him.

Simply for security, Michael's security would enter and make sure that no one was in the room that shouldn't be, and once that was confirmed (it was just me, Biggie and Dallas), Michael came in. Biggie nearly broke out in tears...I could tell how much this meant to him. Well, Michael could have this effect on anyone, even the most hardcore rappers! Biggie was tripping up on his words, bowing down and telling Michael how much his music had meant to him in his life. Michael was, as always, very humble and kept smiling while Biggie just went on and on how much he loved Michael. I watched Biggie just become this big butterball of a man, and it was really very sweet to witness. After all, we are all just people.

Michael finally asked to hear what we had done, and we popped it up on the big speakers and let her go. Michael LOVED it and was excited to tell Biggie that! "Oh, let's hear it again", I recall Michael saying, and we listened again. Michael just loved it...and thanked Biggie for coming all the way from Philadelphia. Biggie asked rather sheepishly whether he could get a photo, and Michael agreed. A shot was taken, we listened again, and Michael thanked Biggie. Michael said goodbye and stepped out, leaving Biggie standing there looking completely stunned."

3. MJ didn't have a problem with gay people at all. Whenever an interviewer would ask him if he were gay, he would have them turn off the mic and go off the record to say "I am not gay, but I have lots of gay fans and do not want to offend anyone." If he was a homophobe or something, he wouldn't give a damn whom he offended.
amazing , amazing, AMAZING thread!

1. Did Michael listen to rock music? What were his fave bands?
2. What kind of things irritated him?
3. What was his favorite video of his?
I have a question, too. Why Michael liked so much the movie "The elephant man"? Did he identify himself with something in that movie?
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amazing , amazing, AMAZING thread!

1. Did Michael listen to rock music? What were his fave bands?
2. What kind of things irritated him?
3. What was his favorite video of his?

1. he loved rock music, he liked Nine Inch Nails Downward Spiral
3. he liked the elephant man movie, peter pan, and star wars (NOT star wars 2 though, haha, according to lwmj)
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I have a question, too. Why Michael liked so much the movie "The elephant man"? Did he identify himself with something in that movie?'s about a dude who is a public spectacle and people don't get to know the inside him, he just wants to be free and left alone sometime.....sound familiar ;)
amazing , amazing, AMAZING thread!

1. Did Michael listen to rock music? What were his fave bands?
2. What kind of things irritated him?
3. What was his favorite video of his?

he was seen holding a radiohead cd once.

he hated people lying and making things up abt him

peter pan was his fav movie
amazing , amazing, AMAZING thread!

1. Did Michael listen to rock music? What were his fave bands?

According to the musicians at Gearslutz forum who used to work with him he was a huge fan of Nine Inch Nails Downward Spiral and, I quote "Michael loved singing "Black Dog" (by Led Zeppelin) and it was great hearing him sing it, but no recordings .. dang it !!!"'s about a dude who is a public spectacle and people don't get to know the inside him, he just wants to be free and left alone sometime.....sound familiar ;)

Тhank you! I just watched it. Great movie! And a sad true story. Two sad true stories, actually.
2. What kind of things irritated him?
3. What was his favorite video of his?

2. Michael hated dishonesty, disrespect, prejudice, rudeness, people getting hurt (like fans, children...)

3. I remember Mike saying his faves were the videos with a "tough edge"...namely 'Billie Jean' and 'Smooth Criminal'. :)
Thanks for answering my questions! Regarding the Elephant Man, I think its true he identified with him through his persecution, but also I understand that MJ had a huge thirst for learning about a variety of things, especially stuff related to science. He may have found the anatomy of the Elephant Man fascinating.
Michael was vegetarian for some of his life, due to disliking the thought of animals being killed for food. He loved animals. At least that is what I heard from his chef. He was probably a lapsed vegetarian at times. He was eating vegetarian meals during recent rehearsals.

The KFC is weird given the horrendous cruelty to battery chickens, I doubt he would have eaten it had he known the cruelty and suffering involved ie kfc are kept in cages and they have burn marks on their legs from urine due they are never cleaned out in their short lives and they are fed hormones to make them grow quicker. They are debeaked often cutting off half their tongues to stop them fighting eachother in their unnatural surroundings. If you want to eat chicken or fried chicken make it free range. Please.
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Michael was vegetarian for some of his life, due to disliking the thought of animals being killed for food. He loved animals. At least that is what I heard from his chef. He was probably a lapsed vegetarian at times. He was eating vegetarian meals during recent rehearsals.

The KFC is weird given the horrendous cruelty to battery chickens, I doubt he would have eaten it had he known the cruelty and suffering involved ie kfc are kept in cages and they have burn marks on their legs from urine due they are never cleaned out in their short lives and they are fed hormones to make them grow quicker. They are debeaked often cutting off half their tongues to stop them fighting eachother in their unnatural surroundings. If you want to eat chicken or fried chicken make it free range. Please.

Тhank you for that! I hate KFC! And do not belive Michael approved of them, too. And now everybody starts eating their stuff again just because Michael did at some time. As i result KFC is more popular than ever which just disgust me.
I think Michael became vegetarian starting in the mid or late-70s to stop his case of acne. I remember reading that it was one of the ways he tried to deal with it, thanks to advice from Jermaine.
have anyone heard that during his trial it's said that he was a virgin until 32? Do you know where I can find that? From this thread he shouldn't be like that at all..

My question: Was he a virgin during Bad? Did he lose his virginity to Lisa?
1. What were Michael's favorite foods?
2. Favorite TV shows?
3. What religion was he? I read about Jehovas Witness but, I'm not 100% sure.

1. Kentucky chicken!
2. The Simpsons
3. Jehovah Witness.

What was Michael's favourite song recorded by him?
He was a jehovas witness for most of his life I believe. Then later he turned muslim.
Favorite tv shows I don't know. I know he loved cartoons, all the disney stuff

Yes he did love cartoons but
Michael never converted to Muslim _ those who were stated to be at the
Cerimony stated publically it never happened_ That was a tabloid rumor
complete fiction from the SUN Tabloid _but yet every news source in the
world ran with it _ we just cant trust the media _

Originally Posted by MissingMichael
1. What were Michael's favorite foods?
2. Favorite TV shows?
3. What religion was he? I read about Jehovas Witness but, I'm not 100% sure.

MJ was raised in the JW faith, but he didnt follow the tenents of the
JW faith in recent years and showed in his MJ home movies that he
left that faith although he may have held to some of thier believes

Michael was a follower of Jesus
He wanted to show the love of God to all people
and didnt speak of any specific religion _ seems people
of all faiths embraced him and respected him ..
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