Get to know more about Michael

Also Randy Jr wrote on his Facebook that it's NOT true that his uncle Michael was a Muslim.
My question: Was he a virgin during Bad? Did he lose his virginity to Lisa?

Who knows? I think it's likely he was a virgin well into his 30s, perhaps until Lisa Marie, but that's just my opinion.
1. he loved rock music, he liked Nine Inch Nails Downward Spiral
3. he liked the elephant man movie, peter pan, and star wars (NOT star wars 2 though, haha, according to lwmj)

Thanks but I meant his favorite music video , of his own :)
And as for the things that irritate him I meant, those little things that people do, for example... hmm... breaking fingers, chewing loud etc. you know? Any little "irritate glitch" he had? :)
And as for the things that irritate him I meant, those little things that people do, for example... hmm... breaking fingers, chewing loud etc. you know? Any little "irritate glitch" he had? :)

lol, i think you meant CRACKING fingers hon....he'd be a little more than irritated if someone was just breaking their fingers all willy nilly! I hate when people crack their joints
lol, i think you meant CRACKING fingers hon....he'd be a little more than irritated if someone was just breaking their fingers all willy nilly! I hate when people crack their joints

lol yeah cracking... never really knew how it's said in English even though I study it lol
I have questions:

1. Why did Michael Jackson say he was a vegetarian if he ate chicken? Vegetarians certainly do not eat chicken (I should know!). Why didn't he just claim instead that he didn't eat red meat, which sounds more accurate?

2. Did Michael Jackson have any memories as a very small child from before he was practicing/performing?

3. How did Michael Jackson meet Macauley Culkin?

4. Did Michael Jackson live with his parents until he moved to Neverland Ranch? I saw an interview from 1983 (I think) where he still lived with his parents.

5. Did Michael Jackson ever own any cats or dogs (conventional pets)?

6. Is it true that Michael Jackson was considered to play the role of the goblin king in the movie Labyrinth before it was given to David Bowie? Was he ever actually approached about this, or was it a joke?

7. What are some stories of Michael Jackson in disguise, other than the one told at the memorial service?

8. I can't tell from the video...did Michael Jackson really put his own hair out by spinning? What put out the fire?

9. When did Michael Jackson stop wearing his hair in a jheri curl style?

10. How well did Michael Jackson know his nephews and nieces?

1-yeah, as far as I know, he became a vegetarian cause Jermaine did, and he wanted to get rid of his acne, and thought that a vegetarian diet would help- and I think I remember him saying that it did. Oh, and I remember someone saying that he wanted to lose weight to have a "dancer's body"

2- Probably some, but he says that he doesnt remember ever not performing

3- he probably wanted to after "home alone" came out. But idk how

4-Yeah, he lived with his parents for a long time. WHen he was asked if he would move out he said he'd be too lonely. But I guess he eventually wanted to move. I think he bought neverland in 87.

5-I know he had birds, and someone here said yes to birds and cats. He definitely had dogs. He had them when the j5 were younger and around the dangerous time- and i'm assuming in between that time too. But according to him in the PHM's, he didnt like little dogs, lol. But who knows when that fear came about.

6-idk. never heard of the movie ,lol.

7-tons of them!!!! just look it up, lol. Or do a search here on mjjc

8- THis is what it looks like to me:
Michael felt the heat, but at first just thought it was the lights and pyrotechnics. By the time he got to the bottom of the stairs, he either felt the pain, or new it was more serious. You can see him start to take his jacket off- maybe he thought at first that it was on fire, but then he realizes his head is HOT! The spins were not part of the routine- it was him trying to get whatever is hot off of his head and panic. The spins basically put out most of the fire- and then everyone comes in to help. I think it was Miko who said a long time ago that he ran in and ran his fingers through MJ's hair, and kinda burned his hands too!

9-hmmm, idk. He maybe wanted a change, or re-invention. Or he was just tired of it.

10-very well according to his nephews. And there's a thread where one of his nephews posted about his uncle recently and how magical he made his childhood- having fun at neverland and going out on the dangerous tour cause he called MJ crying saying that he missed him, etc....

The KFC is weird given the horrendous cruelty to battery chickens, I doubt he would have eaten it had he known the cruelty and suffering involved ie kfc are kept in cages and they have burn marks on their legs from urine due they are never cleaned out in their short lives and they are fed hormones to make them grow quicker. They are debeaked often cutting off half their tongues to stop them fighting eachother in their unnatural surroundings. If you want to eat chicken or fried chicken make it free range. Please.

I know! I've heard alot of stories about this. And I DEFINITELY think MJ wouldn't have eaten it if he had known this. But it's completely possible that he didn't know because everytime I tell people, they look at me like I'm crazy!!lol. Apparently not alot of ppl know. I don't eat KFC

lol, i think you meant CRACKING fingers hon....he'd be a little more than irritated if someone was just breaking their fingers all willy nilly! I hate when people crack their joints

When I read that at first I was like :bugeyed, lol Dangerous 88.
Just an aside.. I love Labyrinth, but I dunno if I could see MJ playing the Goblin king. I guess he could have channeled his inner BAD video persona and pulled it off. I'll have to think about that some more...

I didn't know his kids spoke other languages. I'm sure MJ had to have knows a few words in different languages, As much traveling as he did throughout his life, although I'm unsure if he spoke anything other than English well enough for say a conversation.
when/why/how did he and elizabeth taylor meet and become such good friends? same with Brooke shields. i know brooke was 13, but anyone know the scenerio? or with Elizabeth..seems REALLY random that they'd be such good friends
To the question about what astrology sign Mr. Jackson had, he was a Virgo sun/Pisces Moon :)
when/why/how did he and elizabeth taylor meet and become such good friends? same with Brooke shields. i know brooke was 13, but anyone know the scenerio? or with Elizabeth..seems REALLY random that they'd be such good friends

Why? she was a child star also.
This may seem rather simple, but how tall was he?
Thanks for the answer!

Was he more a night owl, or a morning person?
My question: Was he a virgin during Bad? Did he lose his virginity to Lisa?

Who knows? I think it's likely he was a virgin well into his 30s, perhaps until Lisa Marie, but that's just my opinion.

He seemed pretty uncomfortable and jittery when Oprah asked him that question, haha. And with good reason - it was none of that woman's business! But judging by the answer he gave and the way he answered it, definitely seemed like he was still a virgin. And that interview was when he was 34, in 1993. If he wasn't a virgin, he most probably would have given a flat out 'no'. But he instead said 'I'm a gentleman' with this adorable smile on his face. That to me, immediately screamed VIRGIN. I could be wrong, but it's my personal opinion. I don't believe he would have danced around the question if he wasn't a virgin. I remember Gotham Chopra saying that when Mike first got together with Lisa, he called Gotham for sex advice, haha. Its also why I think he was so enamored with Lisa Marie - because she was SO much more experienced than he was and he found that intriguing.

HARD to believe he was a virgin before 34 because he just oozed sex appeal, but then again...not so hard to believe. If he was a shy guy and respectful of women, it's totally believable. It's a turn on for me, actually.

I just saw this comment on youtube in response to Oprah asking him that question and it made me laugh, hahaha:

Its hard to believe this is the same Michael who has felt on girls thighs on stage, humped microphone poles, repeatedly and vigorously grabbed his crotch, spanked a girl, had pornographic magazines of girls in his home, done pelvic thrusts and a shitload of other sensual moves.

That answer screamed virgin to me as well.. it wasn't just you. He was completely embarrassed by the question. :wub: It was the cutest thing.

I think he got all all that sexual frustration on stage, hence all that crotch grabbing, microphone pole humping, thigh feeling, girl spanking, pelvic thrusting, etc.
Thanks for the answer!

Was he more a night owl, or a morning person?

I remember reading that he was a night owl, sometimes going shopping at night. I think since he was kinda fearful of crowds, it was easier for him to maneuver unseen during nighttime hours as opposed to daytime where he could be more easily spotted.
I think he got all all that sexual frustration on stage, hence all that crotch grabbing, microphone pole humping, thigh feeling, girl spanking, pelvic thrusting, etc.
Of course! I saw a TV special where the guy said that he thought Mike got his sexual energy from being onstage, therefore didn't need much of it in real life, heh. Interesting theory.
he was v. sexual on stage during the BAD world tour an in with Tatiana
that was before he married lisa

oh I know that part....i'm talking about the pictures with no underwear under shiny vacuum sealed gold pants. I know (oh trust me i KNOW) he was dead sexy on stage during the BAD tour, but OFF stage and stuff he seemed even more shy than ever. i think he was super body conscious then because the vitiligo was really spreading and getting worst.

the sexual flirting off stage and actions were after the marriage that i'm talking about. I was speaking about very specific pictures, haha, go check out the manhood thread and you'll know what i'm talking about, not just ripping his shirt off during a performance.
I just figured he was just too embarrassed to answer the question. I didn't take it that he was a virgin at that time.

Showers or baths??

I agree, it is clear that he was a very private person and wouldn't reveal that kind of information. I'd be the same. It is very endearing
I think Michael became vegetarian starting in the mid or late-70s to stop his case of acne. I remember reading that it was one of the ways he tried to deal with it, thanks to advice from Jermaine.

Yes I read that too, he became vegetarian for acne originally as a teen and later it was because he hated the thought of animals killed for food.

I think though it is obvious he lapsed at times, I have too ocassionally but only if it is naturally reared and not factory farmed. I don't think he could have known about the cruelty involved with KFC because he never watched tv or read papers.
when/why/how did he and elizabeth taylor meet and become such good friends? same with Brooke shields. i know brooke was 13, but anyone know the scenerio? or with Elizabeth..seems REALLY random that they'd be such good friends..just wondered where they each met michael

no one knows the answer to this?