Get to know more about Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
I thought it'd be nice to do something fun for a change. One person asks a question about Michael that they don't already know or are not sure of, and the next person answers their question, then asks one themselves. It's a good way for fans to get to know more about Michael.

I'll start.

Did Michael know more than one language, like his children do?
ooo nice thread. I dont know for sure but i dont think he did, unless he had a private tutor who taught him. I know he would learn phrases like "I love you more" to say at concerts. The spanish version of I just can't stop loving you is very impressive too but i think he just learnt that for the song.
Could Michael drive a car? Who taught you think he passed first time? I've never seen him drive, and I've never got a proper answer. I've been interested since I started learning!
Could michael play the piano?
I was sure he could, but once i read in the book(Magic and madness) that he can't,
is it true?
michael could drive apparently in the sense tht he had a license but was very bad at it, this record studio guy wrote a blog entry about how michael hit every car in the car park and was a very bad driver. Michaels mother forced him to learn and she said he would drive fast right up to other cars snd stop abruptly very dangerously lol
Could Michael play football? What kid of sports was he into?
Could Michael play football? What kid of sports was he into?

He was the artistic type, not too keen on sports, I'd imagine. He did play some basketball with his brothers as a kid, but judging by the Jam video, he wasn't too grea at it, lol. I guess yeah, more like super soaker and waterballoon fights were his area of expertise. :D

Could michael play the piano?
I was sure he could, but once i read in the book(Magic and madness) that he can't,
is it true?

He's very musically talented as you know with perfect pitch, etc. That means that he was probably able to pretty accurately play a tune and some chords on a piano, just by ear. But I don't think he ever learnt pianism as such, nor how to read sheet music. That's why he had to hum the tune for someone else to put it into writing.

I have a question that has been bugging me for ages. In one of the books (Moonwalk probably?) I remember "empyrean dancer" being mentioned.. It could have been a star named after him or something? I would like someone to confirm this for me, as I don't have access to the book: what is "empyrean dancer" and its association with Michael?
1.When Michael Jackson lived in Ireland with all three of his children for a while, did he and the kids seem to be happy?

2. Also, does anybody know where they stayed when he was in

Thanks in advance.:)
ooo nice thread. I dont know for sure but i dont think he did, unless he had a private tutor who taught him. I know he would learn phrases like "I love you more" to say at concerts. The spanish version of I just can't stop loving you is very impressive too but i think he just learnt that for the song.

There's a French version of IJCSLY.
1. What were Michael's favorite foods?
2. Favorite TV shows?
3. What religion was he? I read about Jehovas Witness but, I'm not 100% sure.
There are more questions than answers! I still want an answer on mine :cry:

Favourite foods -- KFC :lol:
It's believed Michael Jackson stayed at Michael Flatley's castle in Fermoy, Co Cork, Ireland back in 2006 I think. Here's a picture of the castle/mansion with Michael Flatley.

I have a question that has been bugging me for ages. In one of the books (Moonwalk probably?) I remember "empyrean dancer" being mentioned.. It could have been a star named after him or something? I would like someone to confirm this for me, as I don't have access to the book: what is "empyrean dancer" and its association with Michael?

Empyrean means "to be a realm of pure fire or light." or "paradise". I'm thinking "empyrean dancer" is another meaning for "pure/magical dancer" or something. His dancing was unique, magical. Could I be on the right path? :ermm:
1. What were Michael's favorite foods?
2. Favorite TV shows?
3. What religion was he? I read about Jehovas Witness but, I'm not 100% sure.

He was a jehovas witness for most of his life I believe. Then later he turned muslim.
Favorite tv shows I don't know. I know he loved cartoons, all the disney stuff
I remember reading a while ago that he liked The Simpsons, and Malcolm in the Middle....??
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He was a jehovas witness for most of his life I believe. Then later he turned muslim.
Favorite tv shows I don't know. I know he loved cartoons, all the disney stuff

He didn't convert to islam. :doh:
Empyrean means "to be a realm of pure fire or light." or "paradise". I'm thinking "empyrean dancer" is another meaning for "pure/magical dancer" or something. His dancing was unique, magical. Could I be on the right path? :ermm:

Yes you're definitely on the right path, but I'm sure there was a specific mention of this.. Must get my hands on the Moonwalk book!
I definitely want to know which religion he did turn to.. I'd like to research it some. Since his passing I've found myself questioning a lot of stuff, and I'd like to see what he believed...I believe in God, I do know that. :)

ALSO!! Did he have any tattoes?
I have questions:

1. Why did Michael Jackson say he was a vegetarian if he ate chicken? Vegetarians certainly do not eat chicken (I should know!). Why didn't he just claim instead that he didn't eat red meat, which sounds more accurate?

2. Did Michael Jackson have any memories as a very small child from before he was practicing/performing?

3. How did Michael Jackson meet Macauley Culkin?

4. Did Michael Jackson live with his parents until he moved to Neverland Ranch? I saw an interview from 1983 (I think) where he still lived with his parents.

5. Did Michael Jackson ever own any cats or dogs (conventional pets)?

6. Is it true that Michael Jackson was considered to play the role of the goblin king in the movie Labyrinth before it was given to David Bowie? Was he ever actually approached about this, or was it a joke?

7. What are some stories of Michael Jackson in disguise, other than the one told at the memorial service?

8. I can't tell from the video...did Michael Jackson really put his own hair out by spinning? What put out the fire?

9. When did Michael Jackson stop wearing his hair in a jheri curl style?

10. How well did Michael Jackson know his nephews and nieces?