(For those who watched)--How do you guys feel after watching the funeral?

I feel pretty awful. It's getting more final and i hate it. Crying almost as much as i was in the few days after it. It's good to know he's finally been put to rest i guess.
i feel just like at the end of june, which was terrible. cried every evening. it got worse when i saw a picture of Prince, of Blanket and on of Paris - the look in their eyes reminded me on how i felt when a very good friend of mine died. ...helpless, having to accept a truth, realizing the world has changed totally and life is already different, and one is just in the middle of it all, going through it and wondering how and why... just going through it one day after the other...

...you know i am again glad that we have this forum, can't say it too often :better:
I've only seen pictures so far but this seems likes it's finally the end, it just feels so surreal. I'm sure I'll be a mess though when I get to watch it :(
mjbunny, "And I still feel the joy, the magic as well. " these few words just made me glad, thank you
I watched a lot of it, but not all. As soon as I saw the hearse pull up in that live feed, that was when I cried. And seeing the children put that crown on his casket. OMGosh, so gut-wrenching. I think my biggest feeling is what it was when I heard the news on June 25th: that the world is now completely different because Michael is no longer in it. It just feels off, out of sync somehow. I'm very glad he is at peace now. And I really just want the legal aspect of everything to amount to something so that the family can have some sense of closure; because none of this will really be over for them until that happens. Obviously, we all are feeling the loss and sadness, and the outrage. But his family...his kids...I can only imagine the depth of their pain.
I felt very greatful that Michael finally had a beautiful service
and final resting place fit for a King. But inside I feel lonely and
sad like a part of me is missing. Michael was such a huge part of
my life and I also hurt so much for his family especially Paris Prince
and Blanket. They need our prayers and support just as we gave MJ

As far as justice I know it will be served. If not here then in the here-after
whoever is responsible cant hide from God who knows the whole truth so I am
at peace at least in knowing that. I hope his family will also find some peace
and that Justice will be served when all the facts are presented and seperated
from tabloid rumors and the speculation of others .. Truth regardless of our
opinions and speculation is so Important in order for true justice to be served.

I thought the service of what we could see of it was very beautiful
I miss Michael physical presence in this world _ but I feel him close
as ever in my heart he will always be with me. I am at peace knowing
in my heart that I will see him again .- in the presence of God whom he
loved so much.
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If he'd died naturally then last night may have been some closure but the nature of his death and the questions surrounding it mean until more is known I won't get any closure on this... the truth needs to come out, justice for Michael.
i can't stop crying, i'm very much in pain. REST IN PEACE MJ.
i posted this already on another thread but i wanted to share my day encounter with Michaelwith you guys, lol

For weeks i've been telling my mom that Michael has been spiritually following me or something because EVERY WHERE i go there is something about him, and its always random things. The other day i was at school and my friend pointed it out to me that this guy was selling these Michael Jackson earings, i was like wtf? lol and then as i was walking buy, this guy selling cd's changed the album he was playing to an OLD unreleased concert album from like 1992. But it happened RIGHT when i walked by, it was weird. and when i left he changed the album, i was like wth?

but today i was in the bookstore waiting for my ride and i decided to go sit on this couch that i hadn't realized was there before, some random couch. And i felt someone watching me, and right there i turn around to see what's behind me and i find myself face to face with a GIANT michael jackson poster that i hadn't realized was there before with the quote " If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with". I started laughing and as i smiled the book store started playing "beat it". And immediately after that a bunch of his other songs like rock with you, to "she's out of my life". The weird part is that i wait there EVERYDAY, i sit on another couch and they have NEVER played his music, at least not while i'm there and i'm there alot. it was interesting, and i do feel like michael was there with me.
I watched and I realized too that...he was gone for real from the earth psyhically...and I cried..I am still very upset.... empty kind of to know he's not on earth in human form.
Thanks for this thread. I'm glad some of you are beginning to find closure about this. I can't feel closure, though, until there is justice for this death that didn't have to happen. . . .

If he'd died naturally then last night may have been some closure but the nature of his death and the questions surrounding it mean until more is known I won't get any closure on this... the truth needs to come out, justice for Michael.

i agree to both of this to a certain extend. I am obviously still in pain over the entire thing. Actually, when he died I was so in shock and in denial that when i actually realized what had happened it was June 29th and THAT was the first time i cried for HOURS. But I was still in denial for the last two months. Like, i knew he was gone, but it really hand't hit me still. Yesterday, while watching the kids, janet, his mom, his best friends, it REALLY hit me. And it was extremely hard and i cried, again, for a LONG time. But at the end, watching how much those ppl loved him, and finally after 70 days he was put to rest. So, after i cried, and saw his funeral i saw some of his old interviews, from the late 70[s early 90's where he was happy. And i honestly thought that the way the funeral was played out was PERFECT for Michael. Its what he would have wanted, for it to be half private, half public. And being so young the kids i do think Michael would have agreed with the location and everything so the kdis can have some sort of comfort and visit him when ever they want. He is at peace, and although i'm still hurting, i'm glad his FUNERAL turned out like this.

Now, about his death that is something else entirely IMO. And justice WILL prevail, and we WILL find out what happened. I just know it!
I needed to edit this. I watched a video clip of Michaels coffin being rolled in (news chopper footage) and I cried. I feel like this is it... Its over now, this is the final stage of what we have all been dreading, it was easier before the memorial, it was easier after the memorial, but now the funeral has come. I havent felt this bad since Princess Diana died... Funerals have such powerful statements... This is the time to say goodbye.. I said yesterday I could not say goodbye but after watching the actual funeral maybe its our time to say goodbye too..

I feel so depressed.. I dont want this to be the end. I hate farewells and goodbyes.. I hate endings. But this is a sad reality that everything does come to an end. I dread the day when this day comes for my friends and family members. I was one of those people who believed Michael was immortal. Im sure the haters also thought he was immortal therefor they could tease him for how long they wanted. But Michael is gone now and I dont know how I will ever be able to move on and be at peace with that idea. I thought he would live forever, or that I would die before his time. I feel like the world will never be the same again and I hope the Jackson family does whatever they can to keep his memory alive, I hope they do something every year to celebrate in the name of Michael Jackson, I dont want the world to forget him. A part of me wants to die with Michaels time because I cant bare a future without him.

I hate this final stage, I feel completely lost and empty inside. We all thought Michael was immortal. Ive never seen a world in as much shock as everybody were when Michael was announced dead. I can get 'sad' for people who die, but when Michael Jackson died, it felt like my closest family member died and that a part of me went with him. I feel sick to my stomach, I feel empty and depressed... The only thing that keeps me going is trying to think of Michael still being with us, just in a different dimension and that we just cant ohysically see him. I really hope he is still here.
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I felt very greatful that Michael finally had a beautiful service
and final resting place fit for a King. But inside I feel lonely and
sad like a part of me is missing. Michael was such a huge part of
my life and I also hurt so much for his family especially Paris Prince
and Blanket. They need our prayers and support just as we gave MJ

As far as justice I know it will be served. If not here then in the here-after
whoever is responsible cant hide from God who knows the whole truth so I am
at peace at least in knowing that. I hope his family will also find some peace
and that Justice will be served when all the facts are presented and seperated
from tabloid rumors and the speculation of others .. Truth regardless of our
opinions and speculation is so Important in order for true justice to be served.

I thought the service of what we could see of it was very beautiful
I miss Michael physical presence in this world _ but I feel him close
as ever in my heart he will always be with me. I am at peace knowing
in my heart that I will see him again .- in the presence of God whom he
loved so much.

Beautiful. Well Put....
I did not watch the funeral. I watched the videos and pictures after that.

Now, i know death is irreversible and i know Michael is well wherever he is, but i just wish this moment to stop now. I know i will recover some day, i will think of him more rarely as years go by, new things will come in my life, i will not listen and cry to his music every night, this forum probably will lose most of the new fans, there will be less news to read and discuss. Can you imagine what would be like in 20 years? I do not want to forget, i do not want people to forget, i do not want these great birthday tributes all over the world to stop being organised, i want the world to continue playing his songs every day like it is now. I do not want to be happy. Maybe the pain is that much, that it makes me think such things. Can somebody understand what i mean? Am i gone completely crazy already?

I just can`t imagine times when Michael will be forgotton or at least not celebrated? Are there any birthday tributes for Elvis, Fredy Mercury, Princess Diana now?

I sound stupid, i know. Maybe the emotions today are too much but that is how i feel now.

Well said.. Very depressing but true...
i think there were a lot of thing Michael wouldn't approve-especially his kids are so in the public eye right now!and doing this funeral thing twice so it was even more painfull,and dinner after the funeral,and being buried in a building and not outside,and fans not being able to put flowers on his grave,and money being made on his death,and so on...
I feel sad, incredibly sad because now it's final. But I am glad that he is finally laid to rest. I couldn't stand to think of him waiting to be laid to rest any longer.

I was surprised at how much footage we got from the live feed and how close to the mourners they were. But looking back, I now felt like I was part of the funeral. So in a way I feel grateful that the family had allowed the live feed, but cut it right in time when Michael came.

I was a little bit miffed that the family made their guests wait so long in the outdoors. But I guess the family consisted of almost a 100 people in that 26 car caravan, so I guess it would be hard to arrive on time.

I was very pleased to know that Liz, Macaulay, Quincy and Lisa Marie were there. These were very important people to him and it's nice that they finally got to say their final goodbyes to Michael. I still hope that Diana was indeed there, but under the radar, I guess.

I guess my feeling is still that of sadness. He should still be alive!!

I feel the same as well! Watching it i could not stop crying. Im still fighting back tears. Knowing that Michael is buried and gone makes it all so final and even more sad. I to felt like i was a part of the funeral and i wanted nothing more then to be there and say something even though it was for only family and friends but still. MIchael's fans were his family to. He always spoke so very highly of us and he always said how much he loved us all. Im always going to mourn michael no matter what anyone saids. he should still be alive! There is NO EXCUSE for his death at all! Someone better pay for this!!
I watched the funeral and it helped to bring a little big of closure, not much though. I wanted to be there and be a part of it. For some reason, I feel MJs fans are part of his family and to be left out of everything by the Jacksons has been hurtful. I know this is what Katherine wanted but I really don't know if it is what MJ would have wanted. He loved his fans. I'm still sad though and although I think the memorial (which almost all of us never got the chance to attend--only to watch it on TV) and the Funeral/Burial (we were not invited and only saw a small portion) were beautiful, the feeling of being so left out is still hurtful and can't be repaired. I feel as though we were left out because the Jackson brothers and Joe want to make more money off Michael and leech off of him for as long as they can. I believe one day soon the whole funeral will be shown but only for Money. Maybe this is just a stage I'm going through, but I'm not sure time will repair this feeling that I and other fans wanted to be included and were specifically left out. We did not make his life miserable at all....not a bit. It was the Paparazzi and the Jermaine and Joe Jackson that brought MJ misery. I know I'm a bit angry but I have to say that Jermaine slaughtered the beautiful song "Smile" at the memorial. He's just not a good singer. Oh well, maybe "this too shall pass." I hope so.
I only watched the pics and they break my heart. I was already feeling good for the last month or so but now every feeling from the end of June is coming back and I can't believe Michael is really gone.. :cry: I feel like I have to go everything through again.. this is horrible :no:
But if I have to think something positive about this, I like the fact that Michael's body has finally put to rest. Now it's really the end. For the body. You know.
I didnt watch but have since been following up on the events of the day. In the run up to it, I almost didnt want it to happen, its so final. I even found myself thinking the most ridiculous things, like if he's buried, how will he ever be able to get out???? That is a ridiculous notion, I know this, yet I still found myself thinking it cause I didnt want the finality of it.

Today I've been weepy seeing some footage and pictures, feeling like the memorial all over again. But I do feel that I am accepting it now. It doesnt stop me from missing him everyday, and if I really let myself go there, the tears start flowing and I think of how we have been robbed of a special person, and the family of their beloved father/son/brother. But time is helping me now. I am so glad to be able to listen and see him now without having to switch off. Some songs are hard to listen to but I have to force myself. I dont want to be consumed by so much sadness. I want to remember the greatness that he was and smile.
I feel glad that it is over because the family and everyone can really begin to heal but I also feel sad. Sad that it had to come to this. I'm glad that some of Mike's real friends were there. Lisa, Liz, Mac, Chris, etc. I feel sad that Lisa was so upset and wish peace for her. It also heart my heart to see Janet's face. She looked so broken.

It was nice to see that Access Hollwood video of the kids playing too. It lets me know that they are ok and getting the chance to simply be kids.
I'm not one to focus so much on the physical (as I believe his soul goes on), but last night I really realized how important that part really is. It was the melding of his soul with this body (those beautiful eyes, that amazing smile, that beautiful voice and the ability to use it like he did, that brain that controlled that particular body so expertly and amazingly to dazzle the world, to be a pure channel for the soul and for God and to do good in this world) that made him who he was on this plane of existence. His soul could not have been Michael Jackson on Earth without it, for better or for worse at times. And now the physical being that I never got to hug, that will never dance again, whose eyes will never sparkle again, that will never again be stepping out a car amidst ecstatic screaming is, in essence, no more. In a crypt forever. It was very hard. It hurts so much. (Sorry if that sounded too depressing. Just trying to explain what I felt.)

But in the end, it was a bit of closure, yes. I feel different now. I can't say it hurts less, but this portion of the nightmare has come to a close. I would say there's one giant overall nightmare (MJ no longer walking the world with us) that could be broken down into parts, and that first big part (the journey of tangible physicality) came to an end last night. I usually hate "RIP", but here I finally feel it enough to honestly express it: may he rest in peace. :angel:

you've put most beautifully into words how I feel too, so I won't try to elaborate as I won't succeed. :(
(For those who watched)--How do you guys feel after watching the funeral?
The same way I did after my own personal losses in the last
1/2 a year. Hurt, lost, scared, sad, depressed, angry.
The same as I did on June 25th and July 7th, that Ive lost
another close family member. Again.
I felt like, this really cant be happening...can it?
It drove home the reality of June 25th and July 7th.
It's not the bad dream that I feel is taking place, but reality.

The services on July 7th was for us...the fans.
September 3rd was for MJ's family & friends.

Lets get to the responsible people involved here and then we
can feel some real closure. The healing can really begin.

Even tho I know our CREATOR makes no mistakes,
I cant help but question this no matter how I try not to.
I was one of those people who believed Michael was immortal.

I never consciously thought he was immortal, I just never imagined that I would live in a world where he was not alive. Maybe it is the same thing, I always thought he would be here.