(For those who watched)--How do you guys feel after watching the funeral?

Still very very sad, cause it's so final and I finally accepted that he's really gone but at the same time relieved that he's finally laid to rest.
I'm still sad, and still havn't stopped checking the news and forums five times a day, but i think today brought some comfort. some closure.

In hindsight I'm thankful I saw inside for the start of the service. The feed ended at the right time. At the time, I was probably willing to stick through the aerial shot and gawk at the whole thing, but CNN international switched to uk news. CNN saved me. I'm glad I didn't watch the whole thing. I would've felt guilty afterwards. Now I take comfort in letting go.

For the past three months I've needed to know everything that was happening. All the news and developments regarding MJ. This was my comfort. Now I'm glad to be in a place where I can turn off the TV, let things happen without spectating, and start to move on.

I'm sure I'll be back here tomorrow, and will read the news probably just as much, but hopefully now I'm in the right place for it to have a positive focus.

Thats me.
sad, but realising Michael has gone and he is at peace. God, I miss him.
I feel horrible like we really lost him now it's still so hard to wrap my mind around that thought.
Most of the time I want to pretend nothing ever happend but at days like this I obviously can't.
Listening to his music keeps him alive in my head.
Well last night I felt at peace with it, I didn't cry at all, I actually felt numb. Then I went to sleep for like 2 hours and when I woke up I was in tears. I went upstairs and went back to sleep, I feel a bit better, I think did help...especially being on here with the other people who were watching it together in the tmz thread.
I was watching more of the HIStory tour from Helsinki and fell asleep but woke up about 20 mins before it was supposed to start at 3:30am UK. I stayed up and watched it hugging my tour programme from 97 :cry: I was strong up until they started to move the family onto the ceremony and I couldn't hold it in anymore :cry: But I don't feel bad for watching it as its my way of getting some kind of closure...but I don't think I will get any closure from this :( I stayed up after it finished and had breakfast then came to work.
worse than before
partly in denial still
thinking it was better fully in denial
I feel at peace and as weird as it may sound, I somehow know Michael is at peace. It helped me to get a sense of closure.

May he rest in peace.
Question for those who saw the funeral, or at least the bits we were shown. How do you guys feel after watching it?

My reason for this question is because I actually feel good. And not good in where I'm rejoicing and stuff, but good in the terms of "at peace". I knew Michael had died, but I hadn't really realized he was gone until now. See, for the last two months I have felt as if Michael was still with us as in physically (emotionally he is always going to be with us). It felt unreal and it felt like a bad dream in where at any given moment I was going to wake up. Also, the fact that his body had been lying around somewhere for two months was really starting to bug me. But today, as painful as it was I saw the funeral. I was glad to see that Michael's CLOSE friends and family were the only ones there. I'm glad Mac, Lisa, liz, and chris tucker didn't fail me. I also thought it was very clever how they allowed the public to see everything up to a certain point. It put the press, and fans at ease, and it also provided for people who were there to share the memoirs of michael with out being exposed to the entire world. When he was finally laid to rest I cried, but I was also grateful that finally he was at peace. Also, the love that was shown by everyone there who attended was incredible! That also put me at ease knowing that Michael did have personal people, besides fans who absolutely loved him. Showing the tabloids and any other false talking media that Michael was a caring person indeed. An evil and "weird" person like they have claimed could have never produced the tears that came out from that funeral. The actual Funeral helped me accept his death once and for all; before i was in complete denial, i didn't want to believe this tragedy had been bestowed upon us. And although it shouldn't be like this, and although this tragedy should have never happened, i am glad Michael is at peace. At peace with his family, friends, children, fans, and finally, at peace with himself and with his soul. I love you Michael Joseph Jackson, and trust me, your soul and Memory will ALWAYS be secured in your music. =)

So thats why I go back to my question...
Do any of you feel the same? or do you feel worse than before? I know it's hard, and trust me, i cried A LOT throughout the entire funeral, the thought that it is his last curtain call devestated me. But again, i'm glad he is FINALLY at peace, and I know that although he isn't physically with us, he IS all around us. And everytime i see a baby smile, see a fedora hat, or hear the bass line for billie jean, a grand smile will spread across my face as i reminisce Michael.

I am kinda feeling better myself. At least his body is laid to rest, instead of waiting 70 days for some kind of closure. I tried to stay up last night, but couldn't. I did see some family arrive, but then I fell asleep. Of the people I saw, Tatiana looked gorgeous!! And Liz Taylor was beautiful... I hear what you are saying. It was painful to know that this was the last time we'd see anything peaceful about Michael.
Everything and everyone was beautiful last night.

Hugs to all of you here x
I made the decision to watch it, I woke up at the right time thank god.
I feel sad and empty I still can't believe it, I want him here with me but that isn't possible.
It all feels surreal and like a horrible nightmare, I still can't believe it and I don't know if I will ever get over the fact that he isn't here anymore. :(

But I am glad he has finally peace and he has been laid to rest now. :)
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stayed up til 2am watching it. cried my eyes out. woke up and saw clips and saw pic's posted of joe,katie, and kids. seeing the pain in katie's face... liz....

can't stop crying. i feel worst today than ever.
I did not watch the funeral. I watched the videos and pictures after that.

Now, i know death is irreversible and i know Michael is well wherever he is, but i just wish this moment to stop now. I know i will recover some day, i will think of him more rarely as years go by, new things will come in my life, i will not listen and cry to his music every night, this forum probably will lose most of the new fans, there will be less news to read and discuss. Can you imagine what would be like in 20 years? I do not want to forget, i do not want people to forget, i do not want these great birthday tributes all over the world to stop being organised, i want the world to continue playing his songs every day like it is now. I do not want to be happy. Maybe the pain is that much, that it makes me think such things. Can somebody understand what i mean? Am i gone completely crazy already?

I just can`t imagine times when Michael will be forgotton or at least not celebrated? Are there any birthday tributes for Elvis, Fredy Mercury, Princess Diana now?

I sound stupid, i know. Maybe the emotions today are too much but that is how i feel now.
I was glad to see that Michael's CLOSE friends and family were the only ones there. I'm glad Mac, Lisa, liz, and chris tucker didn't fail me.

Yes. It didn't feel real to me until I saw those people there. And them showing up at the funeral is what is most important. Lots of people were disappointed not to see them at the televised memorial, but this is what really mattered. It got me really emotional seeing Macaulay, Chris, and Liz there, and seeing the pain on Katherine's face. All the sadness came back seeing those photos and watching bits of it on TV. Since the memorial, I've tried really hard to focus on the laughs, and the positive memories, but the finality of the whole funeral ceremony made me feel absolutely miserable all over again. At the same time though, of course I feel at peace. I feel like now the "show" is over and people can really continue to focus on the legacy that so needs to be preserved.

I miss him so much.
How do we know Diana was not there? They said she arrived with the family so maybe they just didn't show her or get pics of her? I didn't see any pics of Gladys Knight yet she was there, same with LMP.
I'm broken inside... I feel empty... On the other hand, I feel happy because he finally rests in peace, that peace that he couldn't have when he was alive.
Hugs for everyone, I know how hard this is for all of us.
Thanks for this thread. I'm glad some of you are beginning to find closure about this. I can't feel closure, though, until there is justice for this death that didn't have to happen. . . .
it was like watching the memorial for a 2nd time, really sad
when I saw his coffin, I could not hold back my tears:'(
but it comforts me to know, that he is finally at his resting place
Can you imagine what would be like in 20 years?

^^No, and I don't want to. The music of today is horrible and although it will even get worse I don't know how it can be worse than now. Can't imagine a future without MJ. Heaven sent heaven stole
I was up all night watching the funeral on CNN. I must say again CNN did a great job, they talked respectful about him. Every time they had a break I shortly would switch to a Geraman tv channel and they were talking so much BS ("self proclaimed"...uh huh I still want to know who's better - not those who are called kings & queens by the press anyhow) and gave false informations to belittle his achievements, it was unbearable.

Again I have to thank Al Sharpton - I totally liked every word he said before the funeral has started. He left all the media people nailed to the floor. Al, you are da dilf, you've got courage. Both thumbs up!

I started crying when I sah Mac, Liz & Chris. When the children arrived and the piano played it was so emotional, my sadness peaked.
At first I thought I did not want to reply to this topic because I have nothing to contribute with.. What I feel is empty and sick. I feel sick to my stomach.. I feel like something has happened that is beyond my understanding and I cant fully comprehend what has happened to Michael. The memorial and funeral was perfect and tasteful and beautiful. But yet still, I feel sick to my stomach.. A funeral, a goodbye always means THE END... I cant come to terms with this. I have not fully accepted and said my goodbyes to Michaels passing yet. I havent cried after seeing the funeral, I think Im little in shock right now.. The only thing I see infront of me when I see the funeral is Michael from the thriller-era.. I dont know why but its the image of him I hold in my heart. And I feel thats the part I keep missing. The time Michael was the most happy.

I feel really empty.. What else can I say.. I cant even cry right now.. This all feels very surreal.. I cant really comprehend it.. Maybe in years time I can look back and understand what has happened. I cant really do that yet. I cried my eyes out at the memorial, right now Im just in shock. I feel very indifferent.
I Still feel incredibly sad.........
I was in NYC flying back home yesterday morning and I couldn't even watch the news in the aiport that morning about it w/o tearing up.
I couldn't listen to his music.
When I got home and watched the funeral, the tears started and honestly they haven't stopped this morning......

I just feel a deep sense of sadness
I personally don't think you ever "move on" or "get over" a loss especially when its a shocking and sudden loss, but as time goes on you learn how to cope and that's all you can do.
I watched the special at CNN, and taped it.

I felt peace, even if it hurts a lot still

It's the period at the end of the sentence... but what a beautiful sentence it was.