(For those who watched)--How do you guys feel after watching the funeral?

Please do not not take this the wrong way, but I am glad.

Glad that he is FINALLY at rest, putting some sort of end to this part of the 'circus' that has been going on for the last 70 days.

If only the rest of the 'circus', such as the finger pointing, blaming, etc, would be put to rest as well...
Please do not not take this the wrong way, but I am glad.

Glad that he is FINALLY at rest, putting some sort of end to this part of the 'circus' that has been going on for the last 70 days.

If only the rest of the 'circus', such as the finger pointing, blaming, etc, would be put to rest as well...

I have to agree. My heart still hurts but I'm at peace knowing that Michael has finally been laid to rest. :)
Please do not not take this the wrong way, but I am glad.

Glad that he is FINALLY at rest, putting some sort of end to this part of the 'circus' that has been going on for the last 70 days.

If only the rest of the 'circus', such as the finger pointing, blaming, etc, would be put to rest as well...

Finger-pointing and BLAMING? There is an ongoing MURDER investigation! There certainly SHOULD be "blaming," and I hope arrests happen soon.

Michael's body has been put to rest. He can no longer be hurt. But yet, there is no closure for some of us because there has been no justice, yet. . .
I am feeling happy that MJ has finally be laid to rest and very sad at the same time, that we'll no longer see him here on earth.
I watched New Zealand concert last week for 1st time and loved it. I was clapping, dancing etc. I remember watching it and thinking at one point, "is he really dead, he can't be." Sadly the DVD ended and I had to return to reality.
I picture Michael in Heaven now singing and dancing to his heart content, and smiling down on his kids. I look forward to watching them grow up, just hope media let them grow up in peace.
Finger-pointing and BLAMING? There is an ongoing MURDER investigation! There certainly SHOULD be "blaming," and I hope arrests happen soon.

Michael's body has been put to rest. He can no longer be hurt. But yet, there is no closure for some of us because there has been no justice, yet. . .

Yes, and it is over shadowing the positive parts of MJ's life!

Instead, his death, and the muck-raking relating to it, is the focus.

I NEVER said in my post that those responsible shouldn't be brought to justice. What I meant is that I hope it comes to an end sooner rather than later!

As a fan, don't YOU want all that to be finalised so the world can go back to remembering Michael for the better?
I called in at work today. My eyes are so swollen from crying last night. Don't think I could even drive. Like most of us, I feel that emptiness inside me, knowing that Michael has passed on. I am glad though that he is finally laid to rest. He needed to be. Michael, I miss u so much.
Finger-pointing and BLAMING? There is an ongoing MURDER investigation! There certainly SHOULD be "blaming," and I hope arrests happen soon.

Michael's body has been put to rest. He can no longer be hurt. But yet, there is no closure for some of us because there has been no justice, yet. . .

forget my grief and pain and my desire to see justice done for MJ. In the whole grand scheme of thing.... I never knew MJ personally. Though I love him dearly. I feel like I have lost a family member. Forget me. Forget you. We are fans.

HIS CHILDREN DESERVES JUSTICE..... 7, 11, 12, have been robbed of their FATHER.

all the muckraking is done by the media. WE WANT THE TRUTH.
waking up, i feel i ran a marathon and my mind is all confused... and sad, and afraid and wondering : what now??? what is life like after michael and so far, i just see it as a big loss, an end... it's so uncomfortable and i feel depressed and sad and dark around...
Yes, and it is over shadowing the positive parts of MJ's life!

Instead, his death, and the muck-raking relating to it, is the focus.

I NEVER said in my post that those responsible shouldn't be brought to justice. What I meant is that I hope it comes to an end sooner rather than later!

As a fan, don't YOU want all that to be finalised so the world can go back to remembering Michael for the better?

Absolutely, I want it to be finalized! And soon. I know that I feel differently from some people here, but in my own case, I'm unable to watch the videos or listen to the music. . . yet. I know that will be in my future, but for now, I'm in anguish because of the lack of arrests, or even information, from the LAPD. I know it would be better if I could think so, but I don't see how the spirit of someone who has been murdered can truly be at peace. I understand that some feel differently. . .
it was hard to watch. harder than memorial.
i feel so devastated, empty.. it's all hurts so badly and will never stop.
I got up for work this morning (I'm a teacher) and turned on the TV for the 8am news to see anything Michael-related.
When it showed Prince, Paris and Blanket step out of the car I just dissolved into tears. My heart broke. I was afraid I wouldn't be composed enough to go to school. I got myself together though.
The children kept me occupied all day, and it was on the way home that I got thinking of Michael again, and driving in the car I cried! I just can't believe it. He really is gone. His body is gone from us now too. Michael :(
Absolutely, I want it to be finalized! And soon. I know that I feel differently from some people here, but in my own case, I'm unable to watch the videos or listen to the music. . . yet. I know that will be in my future, but for now, I'm in anguish because of the lack of arrests, or even information, from the LAPD. I know it would be better if I could think so, but I don't see how the spirit of someone who has been murdered can truly be at peace. I understand that some feel differently. . .

I'm sorry that you are having a hard time dealing with things, I really am, but please don't attack me over a post I made with only good intentions.

All I meant is that I am glad that one part of this horrible time has ended, and that I hope the other parts of this time end soon.
forget my grief and pain and my desire to see justice done for MJ. In the whole grand scheme of thing.... I never knew MJ personally. Though I love him dearly. I feel like I have lost a family member. Forget me. Forget you. We are fans.

HIS CHILDREN DESERVES JUSTICE..... 7, 11, 12, have been robbed of their FATHER.

all the muckraking is done by the media. WE WANT THE TRUTH.

Absolutely! Three beautiful children have been robbed of a wonderful father. I can't even begin to comprehend their pain. And Katherine's pain. She's lost a SON. It's wonderful to honor Michael's with ceremonies, and he deserved no less. But it's not FINISHED! I can't be at peace and let him pass into memory without knowing what HAPPENED to this good and gentle man. This good and gentle FATHER.
I'm sorry that you are having a hard time dealing with things, I really am, but please don't attack me over a post I made with only good intentions.

All I meant is that I am glad that one part of this horrible time has ended, and that I hope the other parts of this time end soon.

No attack was intended nor given. It's just that for some of us. . not all. .. .but some. . there was no closure in the funeral, because the questions remained unanswered. I'm happy if some have found peace in this. I truly am. I haven't. That's all.
Dang..I feel sooo devastated! Just watched some of the vids from the funeral and I just broke down. This can't be happening...I'm totally NOT realizing he's actually gone FOREVER. It can't be true.
I want you back Mike....so badly! :cry:

Though I hope too that this whole mess of the investigation is over soon, rather today than tomorrow, BUT....there needs to be justice.
This is the last thing we can do for Michael, and we need to do it cuz he isn't able anymore to get the justice out by himself.
We need to be one army of love and serve for Michael to show the world what he stood for, what a magical man he was and how he healed this earth! He was so much more, MUCH more than most people know....I need to spread this message.
Let's do it for Mike!:angel:
I just still feel shocked. Every time I read something that has his name and funeral or death or body in it, I just stare at it and shake my head. A year ago, we were talking about that song Hold My Hand, and now this. So much happened in a year. I feel so terrible for his poor children, Janet, his mom, and other family too. I feel glad in a way that he's finally been laid to rest because it had been a hard life for him with many problems, and it took so long after he died. But then it was very heartbreaking to see his coffin there, knowing he was inside, thinking he should be up dancing. But he will never dance again. I'm glad the people showed up who did or I would have been disappointed with them. I couldn't stop crying last night. I didn't go to bed until they said on the TV that it was over. He'd finally been laid to rest. Then I told him goodbye and went to bed. :cry:
I still wish I could wake up sometime and find out it was all just a bad dream. :(
I still wish I could wake up sometime and find out it was all just a bad dream. :(

I feel the same way. As I was staring at the Havenhurst gates open and close last night, I don't know what I was expecting.

I sat and cried this morning after I saw the pictures in the burial thread.

I didn't get emotional until the Jackson live stream of Michael's hearse arrived and then was cut to the helicopter's stream and how it was put in place. That to me was opening the wound and I cried hard. It's natural to feel this emotional.

But what I could see what the children of Michael putting something on their daddies casket...private for sure but lovely to see.

How do I feel now. I am not sure right now I am numb, still feel it's all so surreal. Yet too, it's the final curtain, the closure we all need really, to heal and to face the other obstacles that are to come. I'm empty and will miss him so much...and again this all normal.

Also...We have lost a beautiful young man, that had so much left in him to offer the world, songs, adventure and magic only Michael Jackson could do. His life shortened and taken away forever. We shall never know what other surprises Michael had in store for us all, we'll never see him write the songs, or sing the music he so loved. The voice has been now silenced forever. In it's place are the memories that we have of him and how each of us carry on his legend in one way or another. Michael Jackson will never be forgotten, but will always remain in the hearts of many throughout the world forever.
Finger-pointing and BLAMING? There is an ongoing MURDER investigation! There certainly SHOULD be "blaming," and I hope arrests happen soon.

Michael's body has been put to rest. He can no longer be hurt. But yet, there is no closure for some of us because there has been no justice, yet. . .

Thank you! You said what I was thinking.
i stayed away from it bar a few pics of the kids. its bad enough without seeing it. its like inflicting pain on yourself and it feels like june 25th/july 7th all over again
I only saw a clip of it but that was enough. I couldnt watch anymore..
Its all very surreal, devastating.. I feel so empty and lost
I cried A LOT last night. Once the feed was cut and it went back to the news we put our own DVD, a picture slideshow with music like Debussy and 'Music and Me', on for our own private funeral. We read parts of Dancing the Dream and I could barely get through any of it. I just cried again so hard. I'm not one to focus so much on the physical (as I believe his soul goes on), but last night I really realized how important that part really is. It was the melding of his soul with this body (those beautiful eyes, that amazing smile, that beautiful voice and the ability to use it like he did, that brain that controlled that particular body so expertly and amazingly to dazzle the world, to be a pure channel for the soul and for God and to do good in this world) that made him who he was on this plane of existence. His soul could not have been Michael Jackson on Earth without it, for better or for worse at times. And now the physical being that I never got to hug, that will never dance again, whose eyes will never sparkle again, that will never again be stepping out a car amidst ecstatic screaming is, in essence, no more. In a crypt forever. It was very hard. It hurts so much. (Sorry if that sounded too depressing. Just trying to explain what I felt.)

But in the end, it was a bit of closure, yes. I feel different now. I can't say it hurts less, but this portion of the nightmare has come to a close. I would say there's one giant overall nightmare (MJ no longer walking the world with us) that could be broken down into parts, and that first big part (the journey of tangible physicality) came to an end last night. I usually hate "RIP", but here I finally feel it enough to honestly express it: may he rest in peace. :angel:
From everything that I saw it was such a beautiful funeral and I know that's what Michael would have wanted. I'm glad that those who knew him the best and loved him attend his funeral and say their final goodbyes. I'm so proud of his children and his family for having the strength to honor him and his memory. I'm so thankful for the family for letting the all the fans around the world to partake in his funeral. We all love and miss MJ so much. R.I.P. Michael Joseph Jackson.
Thanks for this thread. I'm glad some of you are beginning to find closure about this. I can't feel closure, though, until there is justice for this death that didn't have to happen. . . .

I agree with you Victoria....I am glad for Michael that he is finally laid to rest ...but the anger inside me for those who are responsible for his death is not going to be gone until justice is served. I am very, very sad today.. slept about 2 hours then had to get up for work. Still crying.
Since his death, I haven't cried, but last night after the live footage, my eyes were filled with tears for the first time since. But it lasted a few seconds when I can feel Michael's spirit inside me telling me everything's alright. He's at peace now and he can't be hurt anymore.

Although I never got a chance to see him in person, he still touched my heart.

Since June 25, my life was never the same. However, when I turn on the music or watch some footage, I can still feel the magic. Michael Jackson was the one who I looked up to more than any other entertainer since I was six years old back in 1989. 20 years later, 26 years old now, that feeling is stronger than ever.

Even when I do karaoke (it's been two years since I started), I sing Michael's songs most of the time. I can totally feel his spirit, even while he was still here with us. My personality is somewhat the same as Michael's: I'm shy, but when I perform, I'm not. I'm a lover, not a fighter.

I tried not to pay too much attention to the media since they never give him respect. Even to this today, I still can't understand why they can't just let it be.

My spirit was always there and there was no reason why I should feel guilty about anything. Even when Michael did things I didn't agree with, I never turned my back on him.

Michael is still alive somewhere and he will always forever live within me.
Since his death, I haven't cried, but last night after the live footage, my eyes were filled with tears for the first time since. But it lasted a few seconds when I can feel Michael's spirit inside me telling me everything's alright. He's at peace now and he can't be hurt anymore.

Although I never got a chance to see him in person, he still touched my heart.

Since June 25, my life was never the same. However, when I turn on the music or watch some footage, I can still feel the magic. Michael Jackson was the one who I looked up to more than any other entertainer since I was six years old back in 1989. 20 years later, 26 years old now, that feeling is stronger than ever.

Even when I do karaoke (it's been two years since I started), I sing Michael's songs most of the time. I can totally feel his spirit, even while he was still here with us. My personality is somewhat the same as Michael's: I'm shy, but when I perform, I'm not. I'm a lover, not a fighter.

I tried not to pay too much attention to the media since they never give him respect. Even to this today, I still can't understand why they can't just let it be.

My spirit was always there and there was no reason why I should feel guilty about anything. Even when Michael did things I didn't agree with, I never turned my back on him.

Michael is still alive somewhere and he will always forever live within me.
I could have written this myself. I feel just the same way. And I still feel the joy, the magic as well. The pain cannot take that away.