(For those who watched)--How do you guys feel after watching the funeral?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Question for those who saw the funeral, or at least the bits we were shown. How do you guys feel after watching it?

My reason for this question is because I actually feel good. And not good in where I'm rejoicing and stuff, but good in the terms of "at peace". I knew Michael had died, but I hadn't really realized he was gone until now. See, for the last two months I have felt as if Michael was still with us as in physically (emotionally he is always going to be with us). It felt unreal and it felt like a bad dream in where at any given moment I was going to wake up. Also, the fact that his body had been lying around somewhere for two months was really starting to bug me. But today, as painful as it was I saw the funeral. I was glad to see that Michael's CLOSE friends and family were the only ones there. I'm glad Mac, Lisa, liz, and chris tucker didn't fail me. I also thought it was very clever how they allowed the public to see everything up to a certain point. It put the press, and fans at ease, and it also provided for people who were there to share the memoirs of michael with out being exposed to the entire world. When he was finally laid to rest I cried, but I was also grateful that finally he was at peace. Also, the love that was shown by everyone there who attended was incredible! That also put me at ease knowing that Michael did have personal people, besides fans who absolutely loved him. Showing the tabloids and any other false talking media that Michael was a caring person indeed. An evil and "weird" person like they have claimed could have never produced the tears that came out from that funeral. The actual Funeral helped me accept his death once and for all; before i was in complete denial, i didn't want to believe this tragedy had been bestowed upon us. And although it shouldn't be like this, and although this tragedy should have never happened, i am glad Michael is at peace. At peace with his family, friends, children, fans, and finally, at peace with himself and with his soul. I love you Michael Joseph Jackson, and trust me, your soul and Memory will ALWAYS be secured in your music. =)

So thats why I go back to my question...
Do any of you feel the same? or do you feel worse than before? I know it's hard, and trust me, i cried A LOT throughout the entire funeral, the thought that it is his last curtain call devestated me. But again, i'm glad he is FINALLY at peace, and I know that although he isn't physically with us, he IS all around us. And everytime i see a baby smile, see a fedora hat, or hear the bass line for billie jean, a grand smile will spread across my face as i reminisce Michael.
I still feel it's a horrible dream. I feel worse knowing he's buried.
I still feel it's a horrible dream. I feel worse knowing he's buried.

it is tough, i'm not going to lie (hugs for you). =)

and i'm a bit emo too, but now i have finally accepted it...sort of lol what i mean is, i'm not so in denial. Dont get me wrong, it still feels horrible!!!!
and i feel better knowing that us fans, can still go visit him and pay our respect. We deserve it. Fans are the only ones besides SOME of his family that were supportive throughout the trials and his entire life.
I feel sad, incredibly sad because now it's final. But I am glad that he is finally laid to rest. I couldn't stand to think of him waiting to be laid to rest any longer.

I was surprised at how much footage we got from the live feed and how close to the mourners they were. But looking back, I now felt like I was part of the funeral. So in a way I feel grateful that the family had allowed the live feed, but cut it right in time when Michael came.

I was a little bit miffed that the family made their guests wait so long in the outdoors. But I guess the family consisted of almost a 100 people in that 26 car caravan, so I guess it would be hard to arrive on time.

I was very pleased to know that Liz, Macaulay, Quincy and Lisa Marie were there. These were very important people to him and it's nice that they finally got to say their final goodbyes to Michael. I still hope that Diana was indeed there, but under the radar, I guess.

I guess my feeling is still that of sadness. He should still be alive!!
I feel sad, incredibly sad because now it's final. But I am glad that he is finally laid to rest. I couldn't stand to think of him waiting to be laid to rest any longer.

I was surprised at how much footage we got from the live feed and how close to the mourners they were. But looking back, I now felt like I was part of the funeral. So in a way I feel grateful that the family had allowed the live feed, but cut it right in time when Michael came.

I was a little bit miffed that the family made their guests wait so long in the outdoors. But I guess the family consisted of almost a 100 people in that 26 car caravan, so I guess it would be hard to arrive on time.

I was very pleased to know that Liz, Macaulay, Quincy and Lisa Marie were there. These were very important people to him and it's nice that they finally got to say their final goodbyes to Michael. I still hope that Diana was indeed there, but under the radar, I guess.

I guess my feeling is still that of sadness. He should still be alive!!
this is EXACTLY how i feel. He should be alive. But i'm glad he was finally laid to rest.
I still feel the same way I did when I found out he died. Its this strange feeling of not having any control over anything. I feel silly geting emotional over someone I dont know personally. I wouldnt tell this to anyone I know accept on here cuz noon knows who I am. Ive been obsessed with Michael ever since I was 12 years old, and im 26 now. I thought he was the only person in the world who knew how I felt. I had these silly ideas I would runaway to neverland and we would be friends. When I watch on tv, I feel a bit helpless becaause its so far away. When I really think I about,nothing has really changed in my life. I still listen to his music like I always have, so nothing has really changed. I do feel like it was all a strange dream though. Like I cant even beliee We were alive at the same time. I can tbelieve I actually saw him in person on a few occasions. its jsut like a really strange dream.
god it feels horrible I dont feel better at all I feel more sadness than any time before
and the fact that every one has eccepted it but me makes me feel horrible :cry:
god I wish there was something any thing that could make me feel ok
like a dream or something that could make me know that he is truly at peace
I just feel lost I feel like I don't know anything any more I mean the man that
I love a man that gave me hope since I could remember is gone
and the fact that ppl still make dirty jokes and don't give him the respect that
he deserves doesn't help
I felt sad knowing that we will never see him again cant stop crying and i have to go 2 my work rip michael jackson
I finally fully realized that Michael is gone. and I can't stop crying. I am at work now, but can't really do anything work-related at all. Just sitting here reading the forum... Thank god I don't share the room with anybody and no one sees me now.
I feel empty and can't stop crying.. the thought that we will never see him again, listen to his sweet voice and his shy smile, brings me almost to depression.. it's really heartbreaking.. but this feeling now very-very slowly goes to like thanks God he is finally laid to rest.. rest in peace, dear Michael.. I'll love you forever..

My condolence to ALL those who loved him so much, especially to his children.. they should be really strong as their daddy was..

P.S. Hello to kathiejmie from Moscow.. you're lucky indeed that you don't share your room at work with anybody else..
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I am not sure how I am feeling. Very sad but also glad that he is in his final resting place.
I have been thinking of Michael in the "present" sense over the last 4 weeks, and his burial has made the void big again now I really know I'll never get to see Michael in person again, and never get the chance to meet him.

I'm 37yrs old and Michael has been my idol since I was 11yrs old, his music and everything is huge part of my life. But it wasn't just waiting for new music and videos (because I guess well will proberly get more frequent releases of new/unreleased music and concert DVD's etc now then when Michael was alive. But any release won't be as special or as exciting as when Michael was alive), it was also the fact that I knew I would get to see my idol Michael Jackson in person whenever he came to London. Now I know the last time I ever saw him close up was at the O2 Arena press conference earlier this year, but after see Michael close up many times I never got to meet him, even a quick just getting to ask for him his autograph would have made my dream of meeting Michael Jackson come true.

To put things in perspective, Michael's 3 children lost their dad and that's more upsetting than anything as they are so young.
i cried the whole night and i think i'm gonna cry the whole day! it actually feels kinda worse knowing he is buried. some people say that it should be a relief knowing he is finally laid to rest but for me it is quite the opposite! a part of me is still in some sort of denial and shock and seeing his coffin one last time tonight it's just....... impossible to explain it with words, like every little thing that's even remotely positive has gone and just left such an emptiness!
after the funeral i turned off my comp and tv and started listening to his music thinking it would in a way drive my thoughts away and sort of focus on positivity, his music, i just kept seeing hia coffin in my mind inside the cold crypt all alone, imagining the darkness and the silence from the inside until i couldn't even hear the music from my earphones! i feel like i'm falling apart! :(
havnt seen any footage or pictures. i do but i dont. july 7th was bad enough
benscarr, but you saw him. even if you didn't meet him, you saw him many times. that's huge. i saw him only twice in my life during history tour and i will be eternally thankful and will always treasure those memories... but there are lots of fans who didn't even get that :(
I felt numb during the whole thing. I stayed up the entire night to watch it. I'm still awake now, having school very soon :(
I wish I could wake up... but in a sense I'm glad he's finally resting.
It is still hard for me to know where Michael is now. But I had finally except the fact that Michael is finally happy and at peace now. Which is why I really wasn't crying when the funeral was going on. Though I was still sad and I did start getting tears in my eyes. But thats about it. I guess it has to do with that sign I had gotten from God just hours before the funeral was to start. That told me that Michael really was happy and at peace now. And I feel alot better knowing that he really is now.
Well to be honest with you I am devasted. I mean I am happy Michael is finally at rest truly I am but I can't stop crying and I feel so empty inside. When I heard about Michael on the 25th I didn't deal with it very well and even now I am bursting into tears at random times. It is so hard I know this feeling will pass but today I just feel like crap.

i felt bad seeing it.
it was sad seeing his kids and it was terribly sad seeing the casket coming out of the car :( :(
cant believe this is happening!
I feel helpless and hopeless, hes buried and theres nothing we can do, hes gone! Life will never be the same.