Fans who went to santa maria courthouse. Thank you.

that was me on broadway street at the orpheum theatre for his birthday that you're thinking of. this was different. he waved at me and a group of other fans at the courthouse. i was up front and he wasn't ashamed of me. and i appreciated that.
Wow, I didn't know you'd seen him on his birthday, too. Again, thanks for sharing, Will. Ever since I heard your story of Mike looking at you when you were a homeless (just now I learned it was during the trial), I've really thought about it a lot of times. Gave me this positive feeling when I was down. So moving...I'm sure whenever you call him "Brother", it gives you such a warm feeling. He was truly a beautiful soul.
Hi everyone! Your stories are great and I think we'll need those stories for an upcoming project for Michael. I am helping out a fellow fan and a US entertainment journalist who's working on a website that will cover the truth about the allegations and the trial, and to let everyone know especially the ignorant why MJ was proclaimed INNOCENT. She aims to present too who Michael really was and how very different he was from how the media painted him. She has already interviewed these people for this project: Tom Mesereau, Michael's lawyer in the 2005 child ******ation trial as well as Larry Nimmer, filmmaker who was hired by Michael's legal team to film Neverland for the jury, Aphrodite Jones-Fox news correspondent, New York Times best-selling author and author of "The Michael Jackson Conspiracy" as well as Geraldine Hughes, author of "Redemption" and also legal secretary at the time to Barry Rothman (Evan Chandler's lawyer) and witness to the extortion of Michael Jackson in the 1993 allegations case. And she's on the process now of interviewing Michael's family members and Michael's close friends. The site will go live soon. And she needs those fan stories about the trial and some pictures of that event too. If you are available for interview you can also send me a personal email so I can endorse you to her. Sorry, I just can't put all the details here. But I guess this is one way of defending Michael once more because apparently there were reports that TMZ is planning on publishing articles within the next few weeks regarding the allegations with Diane Dimond on it. Well, if that's true then this may be the answer to it. Hope she would shut her mouth soon.

The site I'm talking here is already up and running. And more things will be added to it. If you were among the fans who were there at the rallies, on his arraignment and inside the courtroom and would like to share your story. You can pm me here.

Thanks and Keep Michaeling!
I wish I was there to support along with my dad, (he really wanted to be there but his Job prevented that), and my mental and emotional state was really at it's worst, sadly.
I wonder if I should even post this comment here. I have just arrived to this forum (thanks to a good friend who suggested coming here) and I am amazed by your stories of love and passion for Michael Jackson through all these years. But the stories of the dark days in Santa Maria are really even more special.

I am sorry I wasn't there, but I understand it was simply impossible for me. I live in the other corner of the world (some 18 hours fight), but still I know I could have done something else...

I am grateful you were there. I am grateful you had the courage, the passion and the love to stand there for endless hours, for fighting the haters with love, but showing Mike he was loved and respected. You are really special people. "Crazy", for some... "wonderful" for me, priceless and amazing to Michael.

I agree with you that this hurt Michael beyond the imaginable. What a brave man he was, and still, what a sweet, gentle and caring soul. You did make a difference. And what a difference that was!

People like me have lots to learn from you. From your love, your passion and courage.

It's an big priviledge to finally come across some of you, after all these year, to say THANK YOU. With all my heart, thank you. My respect and my deepest gratitude goes to each one of you.
Your welcome guys! I know that a lot of fans couldn't make it there but we fans and MJ knew that everyone meant well. I was proud to be there and in the courtroom.

I was at the Orpheum theater too..aww great memories...:wub:

It was like holding his hand through his troubles... know he is watching over us, and holding our hands now guys.:angel:
How beautiful, I had been thinking the same thing. I was very, very sick at the time and didn't get to go.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who went and supported him. Each and every one of you helped him get through it.
I'm referring to a post here when I say that just because some weren't online or at meetings, it doesn't take away that many people believed Michael was innocent. Maybe they weren't people who liked to go online to post, or maybe they just found reliable sources online to read, or maybe some where those who didn't own computers. Perhaps their job hours prevented them from going to meetings. One doesn't have to have done these things to truly believe Michael was innocent either. The heart of the person mattered, what they truly felt in their heart.
I couldn't thank you enough. I was too young to go. I hope Michael saw that the fans there were also representing all the millions who couldn't be there.
I want to thank the fans for being there. I wish I would have gone but I had a young child at the time or I would have. I'm so glad you were there showing our support. It was one of the happiest days of my life to see him go free. Thank you again and thank God for his team of lawyers.
In 2005, I was in 10th grade and followed Michael on TV! I get home from school and always wished I was there with the fans that were there. I live in VA, 3,000 miles from Cali and It broke my heart that i couldnt be there. But I prayed a lot. That was the year that I didnt do so well in my school. Students were always teasing me about me loving Michael, they also used some hurtful names (which i wont mention), and it was the worst year i've ever had Until This year June 25th.:cry:

I've ended friendships over Michael, And it was Sooo Much worth it than to hear all the negative things that came out from my so called "friends"! *They tried to say i'm sorry for my loss after Michael's Passing, But I got more upset and Never returned their calls.* I dont think i'll ever will. God help me...

I want to thank ALL OF the fans that were there, standing outside the court house, and for loving Michael, and for representing All the fans around the world that wished to be there but were not able to. God Bless!:yes:

And Will, I feel you man. God Bless you.:angel:

I wanted to go and fly out but the trial was during my first year of uni so I was completely swammed with essays and exams during that period. When I went home I talked to my mum about the trial and used to spend hours talking about what had been happening with the case and how awful I felt for Michael to be victimised by this clear as day extortion attempt. I was at work during the day of the verdict and asked a friend of mine to text me when the verdict came in. As I was on a break in the staff room I got a text message and my heart started racing like it never had done before. After I summoned up the courage to open it and saw the words 'not guilty on every charge' I ran to the bathroom and just started to cry I was so happy.

Thank you to all the fans that made it to Santa Maria. I can only imagine how much it meant to Michael and his family to see hundreds of fans every day supporting you. When I was watching The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty they said something that I agreed with about the fans. Celebrities have a marraige with their fans. Fans will always support you no matter what, despite the tabloid press desperatly trying to break up that marraige. Nothing could ever break our marraige to Michael and nothing ever will.
It doesn't make ANYONE less of a fan for not going to the trial, lets get that straight...HOWEVER.....yes his hardcore loyal fans decided to make that period in Michael's life part of their journey in their fandomania. I was there. I was there to support Michael and I was there to represent the fans, all kinds of fans from the ones who have only bought one CD to the hardcore ones who just couldn't make it over. I was there for you all.

During that period I would always have said I was a supporter first and a fan second. Michael Jackson deserved not to be only supported by his fans, but by the world all over. He always knew how much he was loved but I guess even in those circumstances that he had to endure I am sure he questioned if he was really loved enough. This is heartbreaking.

We were all their in our own personal ways, if not physically.

One Love people.

In 2005, I was in 10th grade and followed Michael on TV! I get home from school and always wished I was there with the fans that were there. I live in VA, 3,000 miles from Cali and It broke my heart that i couldnt be there. But I prayed a lot. That was the year that I didnt do so well in my school. Students were always teasing me about me loving Michael, they also used some hurtful names (which i wont mention), and it was the worst year i've ever had Until This year June 25th.:cry:

I hear ya hunny. I was in nearly the same situation, only it was 11th grade and I live here in Massachusetts. I felt terrible not being able to go, but I was going through so much stress at school at the time. It wasn't entirely a lost cause though - my cousin was able to go. I made 3 innocence signs for her to take, which she held up in those 3 days she was there. I remember seeing her holding them up and crying. Such awful times for us all and Michael, but he knows he was so appreciated by the fans and supporters.

Thank you all for showing him your support, no matter where you were~
It doesn't make ANYONE less of a fan for not going to the trial, lets get that straight...HOWEVER.....yes his hardcore loyal fans decided to make that period in Michael's life part of their journey in their fandomania. I was there. I was there to support Michael and I was there to represent the fans, all kinds of fans from the ones who have only bought one CD to the hardcore ones who just couldn't make it over. I was there for you all.

During that period I would always have said I was a supporter first and a fan second. Michael Jackson deserved not to be only supported by his fans, but by the world all over. He always knew how much he was loved but I guess even in those circumstances that he had to endure I am sure he questioned if he was really loved enough. This is heartbreaking.

We were all their in our own personal ways, if not physically.

One Love people.


I totally agree with you Seany...we all had our own agenda's but regardless we all were on the same page for the same reason.
yes, thank you so much! I know how hard it must have been but I'm so glad you were there with him. I know it made a world of difference to him to see you there every day no matter what. thank you thank you thank you for doing that for us all. :love:
oh wow i remember coming home from bball afterschool and hawking the tv so i could watch the recap of the trials lol

thank you guys