Fans who went to santa maria courthouse. Thank you.

I'd like to say thanks too. I couldn't go because I was doing A Levels at the time, plus there was no way I could afford it or leave my job at the time. I was there in spirit though, Michael would have known that! Even still, thanks so much to everyone that went!
This thread brings back memories. I was only able to go to the courthouse a couple times, as I live in Las Vegas and wasn't able to take time off from work. So I drove back and forth from Vegas a couple times when I had a chance.

I remember arriving there very early one morning during the beginning of the trial and the temperature being so cold, which surprised me. I used to live in southern California and don't remember it getting that cold very often. It warmed my heart however, to see so many fans show up to support Michael.

As Dutchie mentioned earlier, I agree that everyone from around the world who couldn't make it to the courthouse gave just as much support as those of us who were able to go. We know, and I'm sure Michael did also, that you were there for him when he needed it the most.
Aw! these are really beautiful accounts from fans. I have always been an MJ fan but I live miles and miles away from the US. I was a member of another fan club of Michael back then. As much as I wanted to be there I just can't plus just to get a tourist visa would take me at least months to a year and I must go through a series of immigration protocols That's how difficult it is. I just graduated in college back then and I told myself since I have a job already I'll save enough money so I could go to the US one day and see him or probably I could already watch his concert wherever it is. He did a concert in my country back in 1996 but I wasn't able to go because I'm only in Sophomore high at that time and I don't have enough money. So I promised myself that I'm gonna see him this time. But I guess that won't happen anymore:(

I am so grateful to those who went there to support Michael also thought of us who can't be there physically. Thank you for bringing us with you in your hearts. Sharing your stories meant a lot to us who were not able to go there. Michael's fans are the most loyal in the world and I think no one can beat what we have done. I received emails and personal messages from haters saying I was sick, I'm crazy and would lashed out on Michael and all the awful words you can possibly hear. I wouldn't always mind to stand my ground to defend him. I've always warned every hater I know to shut their foul mouths up and never challenge a Michael fan because they know nothing and that they don't know what we can do. Now that Michael is gone, I felt a part of me has died. I was thinking how great would it be to be able to celebrate his comeback with the fans for the This is It concert. I imagined it was going to be a great reunion for all his fans but it just won't happen anymore. I still can't find the words to say goodbye and until now it hurts really bad. I just hope the fans will still be together even if he is not with us anymore. I hope 10 or 20 years from now the fan boards/forums are still up and we can still reminisce good times together. Being in the fan forums was my source of strength especially at the news of his death. I love how Michael's fans are one family and how we supported each other through the help of technology. It means a lot really. I wanna give you all my *hugs* thank you from the bottom of my heart!

P.S. I just wanted to ask everyone who shared their story here if I could post them in my blog? facebook? my intention was to just get the message across that we are not just a bunch of crazy fans as what they referred us to. I want all my friends, acquaintances to know what we all went through with Michael not just in his death but during his darkest hours when his own friends turned against him and denied him. I want them to see the love and sacrifice everyone has put through. And since I do not know the real names of those who posted their stories I'll just post your usernames. I would only do it if you give me your permission. But if you don't want to...that will be okay. Again, thank you everyone and I love you all:)
I could not be there unfortunately as I am on the other side of the country and did not have the money or time, but I thought all the support that the fans showed MJ during the trial was incredible. Very touching! And I know MJ appreciated it so much. I think the fans support is one of the things that kept him going actually. It was a beautiful thing to see.
This is a huge regret of mine too but one I simply had no control over. I just finished high school and just turned 18, I had no money - It was impossible for me to go at the time. But it still hurts just wishing the circumstances were different so I could of been there. :(
:) It was an honor fighting for Michael. In a way we were holding his hand the whole way. I was so glad I got to be there. I was in the courtroom on the first day, and when he stood in that doorway, I could just feel how heavy his heart was:(. But he immediately walked over to us and was smiling and thanking us. I thought he was going to cry happy tears to see his fans there supporting him. I feel like we went to a battle and fought and stood our ground all for Michael and we won!

As for people who couldn't go, don't worry. I'm sure he knows how much you all love him and wanted to be there. You can still talk to him... he can hear you. Just open up and talk to Michael.:angel:

I wish I could just hold him for just a little while, and tell him he's still loved.
the chumash concert was a diversion for the fans. have them at teh casino so mj's staff could get all his stuff. mike was in the hospital. he wasn't at teh ranch after the verdict. he went that night...he was severely dehydrated, almost died.
NO wonder - year and a half trial, and then on the final sitting through all 14 counts verdict did you get through that hell Michael?
On June 13, it was chaos outside. Micheal came out, looking the same as he did when he walked in. The gate fell over from fans leaning so hard on it. He barely waved and he looked so sad.
Most of us hitched rides down to Neverland, where it was more chaotic than ever. But as the line of cars came in, each of the SUV's shook hands with fans and were smiling. Not Micheal's car. It just rushed in and that was the last we ever saw of him. Silly me started crying, mostly from emotional exhaustion ( as an older fan, standing with younger ones, it wasn't easy, yet I did it) I stood at that darn brown gate that was partially opened, then Joe Jackson came around, I guess he was standing near it or something. He came over, and went, "now, now girl, it's all over now, we can all rest, and he hugged me, and I just cried, like a daughter on a father's shoulder like.

Yes it was over...but was it? Inside I felt MIchael's beautiful happy spirit has been broken. Friends of mine and myself, had sat around Michael's Neverland home for 4 more days after the trial ended, hoping maybe he'd come out. But no. They're were functions at the Cumash Indian casino with Tito thanking everyone. But I didn't go. I couldn't go. We were so worried about Michael. But I had to leave and my life had to resume back. Yet I was so heartbroken too, because we wanted Michael to come and say either via phone as he use to do, or by driving down from his house, that he was ok. But that wasn't to be. Michael had up and left for Bahrain and that was the last we saw of him.

What Michael did personally in his home wasn't known to us outside the gates. He just wanted to be alone and away from it all. One can't blame him the time.

Thank you Maggie for sharing.
Wow reading it making me all teary.
Awesome what you and other fans did. If I was there, I would've done the same, drove all the way to Neverland and camped out to see Michael.
Of course, 'they' killed Michael's soul already. He just survived through the trial and lived few more years.
After going through so much in his life, he deserved a long peaceful life, but he didn't get it.
Thank you all who was there for him and showed we fans truly care about him. I have thanked you all and will thank you all til I die.

When I think about the kind of genuine support and care you all showed during the storm,...

I cannot help but laugh at some people who claimed to be "fans" just becuz they bought and enjoyed some of his albums and whatnot during his heyday, but turned around and made fun of him and never cared enough for him when things were going tough. I have seen this type of people many times and it makes me sick.
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This thread brings back memories. I was only able to go to the courthouse a couple times, as I live in Las Vegas and wasn't able to take time off from work. So I drove back and forth from Vegas a couple times when I had a chance.

I remember arriving there very early one morning during the beginning of the trial and the temperature being so cold, which surprised me. I used to live in southern California and don't remember it getting that cold very often. It warmed my heart however, to see so many fans show up to support Michael.

As Dutchie mentioned earlier, I agree that everyone from around the world who couldn't make it to the courthouse gave just as much support as those of us who were able to go. We know, and I'm sure Michael did also, that you were there for him when he needed it the most.

liberian girl, u can def. use my and silentstar's stories...

I totally hear you about the heavy heart. When he walked in for the arraignment and I looked over at him he had a look of determination but also a look of sorrow that I wanted to just hold him.....he almost looked in tears and when the judge asked how do u plead and Michael said quietly but firmy, "Not guilty" I nearly burs into could hear thte tears and pain behind his voice but he was so strong.....and when he got up to leave he smiled at me and i whispered and I loved him and he said, "I love you too."

btw..this is silentstar01 under her friends name again
Just wanted to say thanks once again and i'm loving your court stories, keep them coming if any of you have more. I was also wonder if any of you met BJ, i think thats his name, the guy who became a mini celeb for a while.
NO wonder - year and a half trial, and then on the final sitting through all 14 counts verdict did you get through that hell Michael?
he barely did but i dunno if he ever got over it. it sort of feels like it was the demon that was chasing him and the minute he tried to overcome it...this happens....

and yea, we ALL knew bj.:mello:
he barely did but i dunno if he ever got over it. it sort of feels like it was the demon that was chasing him and the minute he tried to overcome it...this happens....

and yea, we ALL knew bj.:mello:
What happened to BJ? lol
After reading the stories of those who stood by him steadfastly, I fully empathize with the feelings of regret and guilt all of the other fans have - however illogical. I'm very new to this and still haven't quite figured it out. I want to let some stuff out but I don't wanna put it in the wrong place and have it deleted, or be banned! It's basically just stuff I wanna get off my chest, feelings and my story. Should I just start a new thread or what? =/ Thanks.
After reading the stories of those who stood by him steadfastly, I fully empathize with the feelings of regret and guilt all of the other fans have - however illogical. I'm very new to this and still haven't quite figured it out. I want to let some stuff out but I don't wanna put it in the wrong place and have it deleted, or be banned! It's basically just stuff I wanna get off my chest, feelings and my story. Should I just start a new thread or what? =/ Thanks.

You can post them in forever Michael, or mjj support discussion sub forums.
Thanks so much! I figured it out at like the same time you answered. I just found the home page for the forum. Sucha' newbie. =P
he barely did but i dunno if he ever got over it. it sort of feels like it was the demon that was chasing him and the minute he tried to overcome it...this happens....
and yea, we ALL knew bj.:mello:
It is something even fans can't get over it. For Michael, he wasn't the same person since this trial, and he only lived 4 years (2005-2009) since the final verdict, he didn't live long enough at least to try to get over it. Exactly like you said, it was the DEMON chasing Michael. Finally that demon got him killed too. :(
Exactly like you said, it was the DEMON chasing Michael. Finally that demon got him killed too. :(

Unfortnately i think ur right bout that. I think mike felt that trial everywhere he went during it and after matter what he did the pain from it was always there. I have this feeling like he was afriad of it coming again when he was gonna do his comeback
I agree the trial did follow him around but when he was in Ireland for the few months he seemed to be really happy and enjoying himself, all the people he met and stayed with said he was in good form and he even went house (mansion) hunting here.
Hi everyone! Your stories are great and I think we'll need those stories for an upcoming project for Michael. I am helping out a fellow fan and an entertainment journalist who's working on a website that will cover the truth about the allegations and the trial, and to let everyone know especially the ignorant why MJ was proclaimed INNOCENT. She aims to present too who Michael really was and how very different he was from how the media painted him. She has already interviewed these people for this project: Tom Mesereau, Michael's lawyer in the 2005 child ******ation trial as well as Larry Nimmer, filmmaker who was hired by Michael's legal team to film Neverland for the jury, Aphrodite Jones-Fox news correspondent, New York Times best-selling author and author of "The Michael Jackson Conspiracy" as well as Geraldine Hughes, author of "Redemption" and also legal secretary at the time to Barry Rothman (Evan Chandler's lawyer) and witness to the extortion of Michael Jackson in the 1993 allegations case. And she's on the process now of interviewing Michael's family members and Michael's close friends. The site will go live soon. And she needs those fan stories about the trial and some pictures of that event too. If you are available for interview you can also send me a personal email so I can endorse you to her. Sorry, I just can't put all the details here. But I guess this is one way of defending Michael once more because apparently there were reports that TMZ is planning on publishing articles within the next few weeks regarding the allegations with Diane Dimond on it. Well, if that's true then this may be the answer to it. Hope she would shut her mouth soon.
my story was similar to my other account of seeing MJ live. it was a pivotal time in my life..and i can't even remember what year it was, because it was almost a blur..because it was between 2003 and 2005, it was between the time i was homeless, and the time i had just gotten into public housing. i remember a friend, at the time, gave me the bus fare, and i had worn the same clothes more than two days in a row, and traveled anyway on the bus to the courthouse twice. i had to sleep on the lawn. and the sprinklers woke me up. and the media could tell i was homeless..and they treated me as such. but none of it mattered, when i saw MJ. his suffering made me forget about mine. and..his looking at me, made me cherish the moment, more than anything. it was like he knew. how could he not know, with the kind of clothes i was wearing. but it wasn't a look of condemnation he gave me, but a look of friendship, caring, and love of fellow brother or friend. how he could do that, when he was the truly lonely one, with the world spotlight on him..i'll never know. i could hide. he could not. i couldn't be there on the date he was found not guilty. i had hoped that i could be..but i had no more money to travel there, a third time. i saw the verdict on tv. not too long after that..i think i moved into the public housing. the whole thing was worth it..just to be there, for my brother in spirit. i tended not to feel too close to people because of my situation, but for that moment, i felt fairly close to some fans, and i thank God for that moment, that we as fans felt closer, and i thank God for the fans cus i felt that MJ felt that support, for real..and it helped me feel less alone for that moment. but it was Michael, whose loneliness was worse than mine could ever be...and i thank God for the fans that worked hard to rid MJ of that loneliness for that moment in time.
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^^I think I read your story here before. You mentioned you're homeless and then he saw you, he stopped his car just to wave to you, or did I confuse it with another fan's story?
my story was similar to my other account of seeing MJ live. it was a pivotal time in my life..and i can't even remember what year it was, because it was almost a blur..because it was between 2003 and 2005, it was between the time i was homeless, and the time i had just gotten into public housing. i remember a friend, at the time, gave me the bus fare, and i had worn the same clothes more than two days in a row, and traveled anyway on the bus to the courthouse twice. i had to sleep on the lawn. and the sprinklers woke me up. and the media could tell i was homeless..and they treated me as such. but none of it mattered, when i saw MJ. his suffering made me forget about mine. and..his looking at me, made me cherish the moment, more than anything. it was like he knew. how could he not know, with the kind of clothes i was wearing. but it wasn't a look of condemnation he gave me, but a look of friendship, caring, and love of fellow brother or friend. how he could do that, when he was the truly lonely one, with the world spotlight on him..i'll never know. i could hide. he could not. i couldn't be there on the date he was found not guilty. i had hoped that i could be..but i had no more money to travel there, a third time. i saw the verdict on tv. not too long after that..i think i moved into the public housing. the whole thing was worth it..just to be there, for my brother in spirit. i tended not to feel too close to people because of my situation, but for that moment, i felt fairly close to some fans, and i thank God for that moment, that we as fans felt closer, and i thank God for the fans cus i felt that MJ felt that support, for real..and it helped me feel less alone for that moment. but it was Michael, whose loneliness was worse than mine could ever be...and i thank God for the fans that worked hard to rid MJ of that loneliness for that moment in time.
Your story is so moving:cry: Last year, I heard you talking about being a homeless and Mike looking at you, but didn't know it was during the trial. Thank you so much for sharing.
that was me on broadway street at the orpheum theatre for his birthday that you're thinking of. this was different. he waved at me and a group of other fans at the courthouse. i was up front and he wasn't ashamed of me. and i appreciated that.
that was me on broadway street at the orpheum theatre for his birthday that you're thinking of. this was different. he waved at me and a group of other fans at the courthouse. i was up front and he wasn't ashamed of me. and i appreciated that.
Cool! He's always so nice. ;)
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