Fans who went to santa maria courthouse. Thank you.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have been thinking about the trial lately and i feel like i let him down by not being there. I knew by the end of the trial that he was definatley innocent and was infact a victim himself but why wasn't i there. I did contemplate flying over loads of times but never went through with it and now it's a huge regret of mine. I should have been there shouting my support every morning but i think i was too afraid to go, afraid that he might be guilty and afraid of what other would think of me if i just took off. I really wish i had now and in a way i feel guilty that i wasn't there when he needed me most.

If there are any fans on here that went to the courthouse even for one day of the trial i'd like to say thank you and i'm sorry i wasn't with you. You were there when he needed you most and i am grateful.
ive been thinking the exact same thing... its a real regret of mine that i've been there on so many fan days.. his 40th bday party in london, sony demo, outside hotels.. etc but when he actually needed me.. i wasnt there. :(

ive never really been abroad before and the thought of flying out just terrified me at the time so it was nothing i ever seriously considered. i really wish i had :(

my only tiny bit of consollation is that i did articles about his innocence in my uni paper.. that was my small contribution... but i wish i'd actually been there :( instead of just lurking on boards everyday :(
I feel the same way...

Santa Maria just dounded so far far awya..

He held demonstrations here in Holland though that i helpend organise and i burned candles for him.
But i wish i coulve been there now.
i couldn`t go mostly due to VISA reasons :(
But i tried to support him in every possible way from here the distance...organized vigils, took part in every project that was organized for there (ribbon of love, chain of love, roses of love) still feels bad i could not support him there in person :(
I went to Santa Maria. I remember going on vacation to Greece in March of 2005 and my friend and his sister there kept trying to make me feel like i was crazy for going to the trial. I told both they A$$'S off. I told him how he was a fake fan and how she needed to shut up if she didn't know what was going on. I remember saying Michael jackson will be found not guilty. They were like you're going there what will people think of you. My response: F$$K WHAT PEOPLE WILL SAY. I'm a Michael Jackson fan for life. That same "FRIEND" i hate him and other fans til this day who said things about Michael esp. during his dark times like the trial. Ok, im getting mad now. He had the nerve to call and text me from Greece the day of the memmorial. I cussed him out and hung up. Acting like he was so hurt.
I went to Santa Maria. I remember going on vacation to Greece in March of 2005 and my friend and his sister there kept trying to make me feel like i was crazy for going to the trial. I told both they A$$'S off. I told him how he was a fake fan and how she needed to shut up if she didn't know what was going on. I remember saying Michael jackson will be found not guilty. They were like you're going there what will people think of you. My response: F$$K WHAT PEOPLE WILL SAY. I'm a Michael Jackson fan for life. That same "FRIEND" i hate him and other fans til this day who said things about Michael esp. during his dark times like the trial. Ok, im getting mad now. He had the nerve to call and text me from Greece the day of the memmorial. I cussed him out and hung up. Acting like he was so hurt.

You were great for going, i had the same problem if i had went a lot of people who know me would have thought i was going mad but i know now i should have went. Was there many there when you went, what part of the trial was it?
I´d also like to thank you from the bottom of my heart! Thank you so much!!
You were great for going, i had the same problem if i had went a lot of people who know me would have thought i was going mad but i know now i should have went. Was there many there when you went, what part of the trial was it?

Yes i went for the arraignment. They has some thousands there. Thats when Mj "danced" on the suv if you call that dancing. Then throughout the trail several different friends went to support him. Like i was was saying a few friends got inside the court. Yeah they had a good amount each time we went to the trial.

See with me i'm just a HARD Michael Jackson fanatic. It's a good thang my family are die hard MJ FANATICS. I don't think my momma could have stopped me from going if she tried. Now if my momma can't nobody else could. lol
first of all thanks for this thread.
then, i want to tahnk those fans very much, God bless them.
Thank you, im sure u was there in spirit.

When i went there was about 100 or so fans it was 25 May 2005-02 June 2005, two weeks before the verdict if id of known i would of stayed there longer for that.
Thank you!!!!!

I remember the day I was inside the court room... when michael walked in ... it was so quiet inside..... it was surreal to see him walking.. and go straight to his chair....

I decided to go and took off for 3 weeks... the final 3 weeks.... i was inside greta vansusteren show, and on newspaper... i was at neverland when the verdict was read cause i was afraid of the craziness in santa maria... Of all the time I saw michael, there was just 1 moment i will never forget.... well actually 2: the bad one was when I walked inside the court room DURING the break, michae was inside with his lawyer, randy was talking to security guard, and there was nobody inside.... but michael and his lawyers and he was upset and they were having loud words... and the most beautifull moment for me was heading towards the court room when michael walked out to go to the other room and right there, i gave him a sign and a smile and he did the same too.... it was just he and i... I felt i needed to go there to show my full support and i felt at that time that i had filled that void and that i was the one giving him the smile and the love he needed at that very second... i felt happy.

Felt happy also when he send us pizza at the gate lol :) that was nice. I enjoyed hanging out with fans and michael's cousin, we had a barbecue in a park. that was nice.

I will always remember those times and the pictures that was taken. We know not everybody could go but for those who went like me, it was also an opportunity to represent the fans...

don't feel bad , we were there for you too and michael knew it as well.
I know how you feel, Gottobethere, about feeling like having let MJ down. It has been on my mind ever since the trial too and I have been trying to live with that fact, but of course now that Michael is gone, it bothers me even more than before. I always felt that if I ever get to meet Michael, I'd feel the need to apologize to him for not having been there. And every single time I even thought about it, I started crying. It feels like I totally let him down. It was the time he needed us the most and I wasn't there. I mean, I was there in SPIRIT....EVERY SINGLE DAY. A day didn't go by when I didn't think about Michael and didn't pray for him. I knew he was innocent and never once doubted him. But I wasn't PHYSICALLY there. :cry: I WANTED to be there, but what mostly kept me away was the location. I would have had to go alone and I didn't know how I could have been able to get around without a car and the thought of being there alone scared me. (Sure, I maybe could have hung around with fans...but if people stay in different places, you still have to try to get where you are staying alone. And like I said...if I don't have a can I get anywhere?) Maybe there would have been a way, but the thought of ending up somewhere alone late in the evening freaked me out. Now I'm thinking I should have just gone there and should have tried to figure out the rest there. I should have been there!! :cry: It is killing me to know I wasn't there when Michael needed us so much and that's why I feel like I let him down and it absolutely COMPLETELY kills me. :cry: But I can't change it. :( Thanks to all the fans who went there and who held our banners, etc. for us there.
I was thinkin about going. But the idea of quitting my job to go stand outside the courtroom seemed a bit absurd so i didnt. And then there was no set date for when they would announce his innocence either so that made it more difficult.
Thank you!!!!!

I remember the day I was inside the court room... when michael walked in ... it was so quiet inside..... it was surreal to see him walking.. and go straight to his chair....

I decided to go and took off for 3 weeks... the final 3 weeks.... i was inside greta vansusteren show, and on newspaper... i was at neverland when the verdict was read cause i was afraid of the craziness in santa maria... Of all the time I saw michael, there was just 1 moment i will never forget.... well actually 2: the bad one was when I walked inside the court room DURING the break, michae was inside with his lawyer, randy was talking to security guard, and there was nobody inside.... but michael and his lawyers and he was upset and they were having loud words... and the most beautifull moment for me was heading towards the court room when michael walked out to go to the other room and right there, i gave him a sign and a smile and he did the same too.... it was just he and i... I felt i needed to go there to show my full support and i felt at that time that i had filled that void and that i was the one giving him the smile and the love he needed at that very second... i felt happy.

Felt happy also when he send us pizza at the gate lol :) that was nice. I enjoyed hanging out with fans and michael's cousin, we had a barbecue in a park. that was nice.

I will always remember those times and the pictures that was taken. We know not everybody could go but for those who went like me, it was also an opportunity to represent the fans...

don't feel bad , we were there for you too and michael knew it as well.

Thanks for telling me/us your story, it kinda just makes me more guilty but it is great to know that ye where there for him and that you got to show your support to him when it was just the two of you. I can't imagine meeting him like that. What part of the trial did you get in for, was it hard to keep control in the courtroom.
don't feel bad, Michael loved each and every one of you, I know it... I was there Jan 16th, 2004.. I'll never forget it.. and I am so glad I went.
love penetrates the boundaries of time, place, and is there no matter how near or far u are. i say this b/c i know. for fans who are sad not to be able to say goodbye to mj or to visit him, they're closer to him by their love than someone who is standing right in front of him in the terrance....

he is everywhere. and your love and support at the time of the trial made a big difference and i want u all to know it.

if u didn't go cuz u couldn't or were scared it's ok. fans went and they went NOT to see michael but so michael could SEE he knew he had an army by his side but just b/c a few hundred were there doesn't mean he didn't have an army of millions ready w/ their love from a distance.

so i thank U, those who didn't go who held it down on the boards and who defended him at work or at school. he needed that and i know he's smiling down on us right now. he's at peace.....he has to be.
Thanks for telling me/us your story, it kinda just makes me more guilty but it is great to know that ye where there for him and that you got to show your support to him when it was just the two of you. I can't imagine meeting him like that. What part of the trial did you get in for, was it hard to keep control in the courtroom.

I was inside the TRIAL thanks to my friend who got the ticket but gave it to me. I was there on June 5 or 6th, it was a wednesday. That day they were showing pictures inside neverland, including a little doll that he had on his desk (office).

I actually - believe it or not - got kicked out of the courtoom in the afternnoon!!!!! As i was mentionning in my earlier post, when michael was upset and talking to his lawyer loud, i was there, on my left as i entered the room, there was randi, talking to the officer.... I, was being simply polite and I say "hello" and shook Randi's hand as well as the officer.... and the officer immediately took my badge OUT and told me I was kicked out... cause I said hello, by being polite... I didn't feel good about it, but hey.... that police officer was mean and full of attitude, randi was looking at me , then to the officer, almost shoked or full of attitude cause i said hello, i guess i'll never know..... but, i, to be honest with you, felt more "secured" at neverland.... that's where the pics of me have been taken from, if you google my name and put "claudio bono miami" you'll see my pic at the gate.... photographers were all around us, fans, and were taking LOTS of picture of us while hearing the verdict.... Inside the courtroom, it was VERY STRICT and very quiet... extremely quiet, when michael walked in, you could simply hear him walking.... not a single word from anyone - cause we would have been immediately evicted -.. so.... it was that or being kicked out..... everybody behaved.

But, please, my post is here to make you feel better, cause like i said, we were there to represent everybody, every fan that could not attend.... know that he knew we loved him..... I am still looking at others, like the friends fans there, that managed to get inside neverland etc... while I wasn't there, also the day when they gave him the 1000 roses..... they all were invited in... and i knew about the date but didn't go... so, there will always be regret, but at the end of the day.... i also realize that michael is with us... through his work, i know it may sound like nothing, but we can hear him indefinitely... over and over...... he lives within our hearts.
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lol yea, mj had to talk to u first or gesture first. if u did it first, u were booted. was the dude bald and heavy? dennis perhaps? or narron as it would say on his badge?
lol yea, mj had to talk to u first or gesture first. if u did it first, u were booted. was the dude bald and heavy? dennis perhaps? or narron as it would say on his badge?

I Don't remember his name, all i know is that he was old with white hair... and i simply hated him at that moment... i felt it was uncalled for... seems that if you were UN=EDUCATED THAT IT WAS BETTER THAT WAY... i don't regret for being polite.. that was weird...
lol that was dennis! he was prickish to those he didn't know or recognize. cuz i remember bea running that damn thing. showing fans where to go and all. i was cracking up. we'd change seats after b reaks if one had a better seat and since they knew us, they didn't realize. if they didn't know u, and saw u move, they'd flip!
Michael new that we ALL had his back if we were there or not, he new we new the truth.
I regretted missing the trial, because I live right here. However, it never stopped me from knowing and believing he was innocent in my heart..I believed it would transend all barriers of prejudices to the verdict. The mind is a strong thing..
I remember when they were reading the verdict..I could not listen..I was so tensed. You never know what the jury will come up with..Especially with the stupid media bringing only bad news. I kept away from the media/tabloids at that time and I still do.
Micael felt special, I am quite sure.
He knew whether we were there or not, we were supporting him..
Thanks to all those who were present..
It was heartbreaking for him but amazing to be there as well. I remember going and I will never forget it. We arrived at the courthouse early in the morning (still dark) and got by the fence for the arraignment so we could see Michael when he came in. But the police came out and announced that they were having a raffel to let some people inside so they started passing around the little tickets( like you get at a carnival). I took my ticket and stood there, cold but excited and not thinking I would get in. WRONG. The police officer called out my number and I froze! He had to say it again and then I dropped the part of the banner I was holding up and ran around to get in line. I was in shock.
After the process of giving us court rules to read, turning in our drivers lis. for an i.d. and getting in line to go inside, Joe came around the corner. He was very sweet! I got to meet him and then we went inside and I sat on the aisle (not even thinking that it was on the defense side and that Michael would be passing me) And then the family walked in and we were all so quiet and then came Janet who was beautiful as always and then finally Michael walked through the door. My heart stopped and I could not believe he was a few inches from me. I could have reached out and grabbed him. The arraignment lasted so much longer than it was supposed too and Michael was so cute. he kept pushing the water pitcher back and forth across the table so the lawyers could get drinks LOL
And then at the end he whispered to his lawyer that he had to go to the bathroom. The judge was like, "How dare you interrupt these proceedings because you have to go to the bathroom. Well, I need to go too so we'll end this for today." ( not exact words but something to that effect)
And then Michael got up and spoke to me on the way out

He moved so gracefully and was sooooooo gorgeous. So sincere and loving. He loved us all so please don't feel bad that you weren't there. I felt like all my friends and my fan friends were in spirit with me inside the courtroom. It was so strong. And you know Michael had to feel that feeling even stronger than me.

Oh and yes he smelled divine
I went to Santa Maria. I remember going on vacation to Greece in March of 2005 and my friend and his sister there kept trying to make me feel like i was crazy for going to the trial. I told both they A$$'S off. I told him how he was a fake fan and how she needed to shut up if she didn't know what was going on. I remember saying Michael jackson will be found not guilty. They were like you're going there what will people think of you. My response: F$$K WHAT PEOPLE WILL SAY. I'm a Michael Jackson fan for life. That same "FRIEND" i hate him and other fans til this day who said things about Michael esp. during his dark times like the trial. Ok, im getting mad now. He had the nerve to call and text me from Greece the day of the memmorial. I cussed him out and hung up. Acting like he was so hurt.

Just as it is with friends, there are also fairweather fans.

You did the right thing. You'll find that most people only have the courage to follow the crowd. Most don't like to go against the grain or stand alone.

REAL Michael Jackson fans are known to go that extra mile to stand & be counted. It's one quality I have always admired about Mike's fanbase.
Sure, some are fanatical about it or even zealots about it but they are definitely sincere.

I couldn't be there in person because I was too poor & too bound to my job to keep a roof over my head. I'd be homeless if I tried to go to that trial even though I would have loved to go.

So the next best thing I could do was fight for his good name in archives on the newsgroup & other websites & message boards. I fought for him in forums on the internet.

I was harassed beyond belief for it, internet stalked & everything. Freaks even tried to pry into my personal information & even post my address online (thank God I had a P.O. Box). And what happened to me wasn't as bad as what happened to others who posted alongside me. One fellow fan they tried to get fired from her job!

But I'm proud of what I went through because it was my way of showing support for a very good human being. Michael had that kind of bravery to be such a person & his fans should too.

John Lucas
Just as it is with friends, there are also fairweather fans.

You did the right thing. You'll find that most people only have the courage to follow the crowd. Most don't like to go against the grain or stand alone.

REAL Michael Jackson fans are known to go that extra mile to stand & be counted. It's one quality I have always admired about Mike's fanbase.
Sure, some are fanatical about it or even zealots about it but they are definitely sincere.

I couldn't be there in person because I was too poor & too bound to my job to keep a roof over my head. I'd be homeless if I tried to go to that trial even though I would have loved to go.

So the next best thing I could do was fight for his good name in archives on the newsgroup & other websites & message boards. I fought for him in forums on the internet.

I was harassed beyond belief for it, internet stalked & everything. Freaks even tried to pry into my personal information & even post my address online (thank God I had a P.O. Box). And what happened to me wasn't as bad as what happened to others who posted alongside me. One fellow fan they tried to get fired from her job!

But I'm proud of what I went through because it was my way of showing support for a very good human being. Michael had that kind of bravery to be such a person & his fans should too.

John Lucas

Oh hell yeah i know i did the right thing. My mother is the most important person to me in the world she had no problem with me going support Mj (she's a fan) so why would i care what anybody else say? I would do it again in a heartbeat. I had friends who like u didnt have the money to come or they would have been there. Me on the other hand i just had to go. It was a MUST. lol
It was heartbreaking for him but amazing to be there as well. I remember going and I will never forget it. We arrived at the courthouse early in the morning (still dark) and got by the fence for the arraignment so we could see Michael when he came in. But the police came out and announced that they were having a raffel to let some people inside so they started passing around the little tickets( like you get at a carnival). I took my ticket and stood there, cold but excited and not thinking I would get in. WRONG. The police officer called out my number and I froze! He had to say it again and then I dropped the part of the banner I was holding up and ran around to get in line. I was in shock.
After the process of giving us court rules to read, turning in our drivers lis. for an i.d. and getting in line to go inside, Joe came around the corner. He was very sweet! I got to meet him and then we went inside and I sat on the aisle (not even thinking that it was on the defense side and that Michael would be passing me) And then the family walked in and we were all so quiet and then came Janet who was beautiful as always and then finally Michael walked through the door. My heart stopped and I could not believe he was a few inches from me. I could have reached out and grabbed him. The arraignment lasted so much longer than it was supposed too and Michael was so cute. he kept pushing the water pitcher back and forth across the table so the lawyers could get drinks LOL
And then at the end he whispered to his lawyer that he had to go to the bathroom. The judge was like, "How dare you interrupt these proceedings because you have to go to the bathroom. Well, I need to go too so we'll end this for today." ( not exact words but something to that effect)
And then Michael got up and spoke to me on the way out

He moved so gracefully and was sooooooo gorgeous. So sincere and loving. He loved us all so please don't feel bad that you weren't there. I felt like all my friends and my fan friends were in spirit with me inside the courtroom. It was so strong. And you know Michael had to feel that feeling even stronger than me.

Oh and yes he smelled divine

bless all of you that were there for him, passing on our collective love, and thank you for taking the time to post here and comfort those of us that couldn't be there and regret it, it means a lot. :yes:
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love penetrates the boundaries of time, place, and is there no matter how near or far u are. i say this b/c i know. for fans who are sad not to be able to say goodbye to mj or to visit him, they're closer to him by their love than someone who is standing right in front of him in the terrance....

he is everywhere. and your love and support at the time of the trial made a big difference and i want u all to know it.

if u didn't go cuz u couldn't or were scared it's ok. fans went and they went NOT to see michael but so michael could SEE he knew he had an army by his side but just b/c a few hundred were there doesn't mean he didn't have an army of millions ready w/ their love from a distance.

so i thank U, those who didn't go who held it down on the boards and who defended him at work or at school. he needed that and i know he's smiling down on us right now. he's at peace.....he has to be.

You talk a lot of sense and I often see your posts try to make others feel better - that's a lovely thing to do.

I wasn't there either - living in the UK with small kids sorta ties ya down a bit! lol However, like many others, I fought his corner at work, socially and anywhere I could. I never doubted his innocence for one minute and sat on the edge of my seat for the verdict.

I loved and supported him from a distance, as I always have - but my love is geniune and heartfelt. It's the best I can offer and I feel sure that's enough. Like you say SoSo, he knew he was supported.