Fan Support -- N/L Ranch Sale

Autumn II

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Appalachians in the U.S.
Hello everyone, feeling a little surprised, elated, gloomy, or having stress digesting this news? You are welcome to post FEELINGS here, and give support to those who need it.

There will be various reactions to the news that Michael does not own Neverland now (whatever the arrangements were, it is now Sycamore Ranch.) Please remember that Michael has looked happy and up-beat in recent days, but it is ok, also, to feel that this is the end of an era. Your feelings about this are your OWN.

So feel free to post your personal reactions to this news here, and give comfort and support to any who are not taking it well. Please remember the bottom-line of this board is respect. . for Michael, for staff, and for one-another.


ok i'll go first..... i'm so upset :(

So sorry! Are you gonna be ok? I know this was Michael's choice, but he is SO linked with the identity of the place that so many fans have visited, that it's understandable that some might be sad at this news. Just remember that he looked very happy in recent photos, and must be fine with this.


Maybe it's stupid and it's not my property and not my life but I have tears in my eyes. I would like to hear few words from Michael about this subject.
thanks vic. yeah i know it was michaels decision and all and i totally respect it but still... its the end of an era like u said. its hard for me to accept that neverland is officially over.
Maybe it's stupid and it's not my property and not my life but I have tears in my eyes. I would like to hear few words from Michael about this subject.

It is NOT stupid that you have tears in your eyes. It's possible that Michael will make a statement, but so far. . he hasn't. Hang in there.

^^ Same here Roxanne. Its kind of sad that there is no Neverland , Goodbye NL :sad: !! But yeah, we should respect MJ and his decisions.Im glad that He has been smiling recently!!
^^ Same here Roxanne. Its kind of sad that there is no Neverland , Goodbye NL :sad: !! But yeah, we should respect MJ and his decisions.Im glad that He has been smiling recently!!

yeah i only hope that hes smiling inside too :(
I was really pissed off and outraged about this. It kills my wish and my dream to visit the ranch. Besides it was all LAPD, the accusers fault for damaging not only the ranch, but also damaging Michael's creation, his life, his ego and everything. Neverland was so dear to him and it was supposed to be his safest place and then they've destroyed it. I know it was choice to sold Neverland, but I bet for a long time after Neverland was destroyed it teared him apart emotionally. It emotionally tears my up too.
well i'm sad-tears in my eyes but it is for the best! onwards and upwards!
I was really pissed off and outraged about this. It kills my wish and my dream to visit the ranch. Besides it was all LAPD, the accusers fault for damaging not only the ranch, but also damaging Michael's creation, his life, his ego and everything. Neverland was so dear to him and it was supposed to be his safest place and then they've destroyed it. I know it was choice to sold Neverland, but I bet for a long time after Neverland was destroyed it teared him apart emotionally. It emotionally tears my up too.

I know. I remember watching the hideous tv coverage during the raid on the ranch.

We really can't know what is in Michael's mind right now, and maybe this is a step he needs to take to be free of the memories? It's entirely possible that he will buy property elsewhere and create another paradise that you might be able to VISIT? It's possible.

i'm so angry cause i know this is not true in my heart is sad and cryying right know

Honestly, we don't know WHAT Michael has planned, but it WAS his choice to do this. He has looked happy lately, and I"m sure he wouldn't want fans to be torn-up over it. As I said, we don't know what he has planned. He might construct a place that is even better? It's possible.

Hang in there,

i'm a little conflicted. on one side it's really sad because neverland was a huge part of MJ, but on the other hand this may be a sign that MJ is definitley moving on with his life. i just hope he doesn't pull an elvis and crash in begas for the rest of his life. also, does anyone know who bought neverland?
I can't help but feel sad about this decision, however the last vivid image I have of the ranch was on the verdict day, when his motorcade drove out of its gates and the dozens of employees formed a chain to greet him, joining their hands in token of support... So heartening yet so depressing...

I'm sure that in due time we'll all acknowledge this decision was for the best. Just like Michael always says, the best is yet to come!
After everything that happened on that ranch I believe that was the best decision.

Nobody can even imagine how MJ was unfortunate there.Not the place itself,

that is wonderful, but the unpleasant events.

Neverland is Michael Jackson.The magic of that place was him.Then, where he is, the magic

will be present.

Michael wants to turn the page and follow his life with happiness!He want to have a new life!I wish peace,love

and blessings for Michael and his kids. God bless you in your new home! :D

Like I always said: I support Michael unconditionally.I'll always beside

him and trying to understand it.

Finally, he can breathe !Happiness and peace is all that I want to

him.If MJ is happy .... I am also happy!!!!

Love you,Michael!Go ahead!!!!:)
I understand how you guys feel, and it's ok to be sad about it, Neverland meant a lot to us fans and it's obviously sad to see things come to an end.
Keep your head up guys, and support each other through this. It appears that Michael is enjoying himself lately so let's take cue from him and try to be ok with it.

Big hug to all of you guys...:hug:
as much as i loved thre neverland of michael (after all i live on a vcompound called kidzvillage which is made for kids too lol)i kinda understand the deeper thought since it hasd been violated so many times
if he really did sell it maybe he just didnt feel like ti was his since it was invated and looked inside out by all kinds of pple soi it feels no longer pure i guess
and if thgats the case it only makes sence to get rid of it allthough i cant help wonder ythat it would have been interesting if it would have been turned into a museum for all fans who wanted to see it it surely wouyld have brought in a lot of money too w0onder what s the buyers plan with it
Back in 2005 he said that Neverland was no longer a HOME for him, it was only a HOUSE, because of the whole police raids, etc. I can fully understand him, and if he didn't feel he could go back there, there was no reason to keep it anymore. It's sad, because Neverland was his safest, beautiful place, and now it's gone. But if he made that decision and he is happy about that I support him with all my heart. Go Michael.
I understand how you guys feel, and it's ok to be sad about it, Neverland meant a lot to us fans and it's obviously sad to see things come to an end.
Keep your head up guys, and support each other through this. It appears that Michael is enjoying himself lately so let's take cue from him and try to be ok with it.

Big hug to all of you guys...:hug:

Thanks for your kind post. Big hugs from me, too.

Sony is behind all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they hadn't
sabotaged Invincible and other Michael's projects, Michael would have been rich and
succesfull by now!
Your post is so beautiful Dri, you 'n Victoria are so right but I can't help this deep sadness that I'm feeling at this moment, I can't help :boohoo:
I feel I lost a chance that Michael could have known about my esistence becuase I sent him a letter right there but it was returned, nobody was there. :boohoo:
Anyway If he made that decition I'm gonna respect him, I couldn't be angry with Michael.
I only wish happiness for Michael 'n his children

Your post is so beautiful Dri, you 'n Victoria are so right but I can't help this deep sadness that I'm feeling at this moment, I can't help :boohoo:
I feel I lost a chance that Michael could have known about my esistence becuase I sent him a letter right there but it was returned, nobody was there. :boohoo:
Anyway If he made that decition I'm gonna respect him, I couldn't be angry with Michael.
I only wish happiness for Michael 'n his children


That is very touching, and sweet. I'm sure that now Michael will be able to "settle," and will be able to put up a fan address again . . . . don't lose hope.

Michael would have been rich and
succesfull by now!

MJ was already rich and successful. What does being rich and successful had to do with what Sony did to Mike? It doesn't relate.

You know something, I am starting to accept the fact that MJ has sold the house. I am starting to feel really good about it. All I care about, regarding Mike, is his happiness. As long as he is content with it, then I am fine with his decision. I will support MJ with whatever decision he has made. :) Fans, remember, it is just property at the end of the day. It is ok to be sad, but understand that maybe this could be one of the best decisions that MJ had to make. He has not lived in the estate in three years so that tells you something. He also stated in 2003 that NL is not a home to him anymore. So, Mike had to let it go.
Your post is so beautiful Dri, you 'n Victoria are so right but I can't help this deep sadness that I'm feeling at this moment, I can't help :boohoo:
I feel I lost a chance that Michael could have known about my esistence becuase I sent him a letter right there but it was returned, nobody was there. :boohoo:
Anyway If he made that decition I'm gonna respect him, I couldn't be angry with Michael.
I only wish happiness for Michael 'n his children


Ohhhhhh,my dear!!!!Thank you!:)

Just think that if Michael solded NL cause he wanted.We have only support in your decisions.

Michael know that is better for him and family!We are the fans!The most kind fans in the world!

We have go ahead with him!Is the new era for Michael!

Be strong you guys!:hug:
It's not only an end... it's also a new beginning!

I find lots of comfort in this.

Michael and the kids do look pretty healthy and happy. Life is all open to them. I'm pretty sure for all four of them home means to be together as family for some time already.

Vic thanks for opening this thread! Your wisdom is apreciated! :yes: