Eight Months Today

:( It's still so sad. I will never be okay with his death. Everytime I hear about past event or something. I always reference the dates as Michael was still alive then.:( It's such a tragedy with no justice yet. :no:

I do the exact same thing. It is just something that is like automatically done in my mind. And of course I just start to cry all over again when it does happen to me. I just have no control over it. And whats worst is that the 25th is going to be falling again on a Thursday next month. I just wish I would wake up from this constant horrible nightmare. And find out that Michael really is alive and well. So my sadness and depression would finally come to an end.
Originally Posted by Thriller_MJ
People wont get over MJ's passing if people keep reminding them of it, we don't need to be reminded on the 25th of every month i mean honestly how else have people ment to move on if people keep bringing it up? I don't mean to seem heartless but it just irritates me! Yes Michael was loved by all of us here inc myself but we don't need to be constantly reminded on the 25th of each month when he passed away, geez!
excatly some of you seem to be ripping the scabs off your hearts every month its painful to watch it makes me remember and get sad michael would want us to live not wallow in sadness

I see it differently. It actually brings me some comfort to be able to talk about it with people who understand and share my feelings. Besides, I won't ever be able to forget this date regardless of people reminding me about it or not.
The pain is as strong as ever, in fact I think its getting worse, I just miss him so much. I can't even begin to describe the sadness I feel about this world that has no Michael in it. I still feel his energy and love though so he must be doing well, wherever he may be.

I love you Michael.

This doesn't sound ridiculous to me hun.. I feel the same. xx

I feel exactly the same and I thought I am starting to lose my mind. i feel kind of releaved other people feel the same way.
.........all those monhts without our'e prceious pearl!:no::(:no:
its hitting me all over again, a very depressing feeling , watching the extras on the movie doesnt help either
Eight horrible months without my love Michael. I would have never imagined he would have been gone so soon. I still cry from time to time and will forever be deeply saddened about MJ's passing.

I can only take comfort in knowing that Michael is finally at peace and through his music he will live on forever! No one can EVER replace him. NOT ever. Mike is one of a kind. He will always be favorite entertainer and he will live on in my heart forever.

Miss michael more!!!

Been 8 mnths.the sorrow is deeper now.so thankful for prince,paris and blanket,we love you!!!your daddy is everything special!!he is our heart!!!!
one day in your life....1975
oh my God, when I see such pictures I have to cry again. Why why why has it happened. No, so many arguments I have heard and read here and there but not one could it really explain to me. I miss you so much! My only comfort is: You are now at a better place ...
I hear nothing in my ear but your voice.
Heart has plundered mind of all its eloquence.

(Rumi - who says it much better than I can)
I keep thinking about the R-Kelly song that goes:

"If I could turn, turn back the hands of time..." :cry: