Eight Months Today

I still can't believe it. It hits me at night when there are no distractions and just silence. I miss him at that moment so much and just cry. :cry:
Despite trying to 'get on' with life as 'life goes on' somehow I find it such a struggle.........:scratch:YET.....

Michael truely inspires me though, as whatever I am going through that seems tough, he knew what tough was..............:(

I take heart from Michaels enduring strength. He gives me hope to face whatever s**t comes my way..
His strength encourages me to go on.:better:
Thank you Michael. I love you so much.
I don't know how I'll ever get over his death, because the truth is I don't think I even want to. I'm filled with this grueling pain and anger, and for some reason I'm unwilling to let go of those feelings and try to move on, because if I did, I feel as if I'd be abandoning Michael. There are simple little things that I haven't done since MJ died, for the same reasons. I just constantly want to punch someone for what's happened... I know this sounds ridiculous and that sulking for the rest of my life will never bring Michael back, but right now I can't let go.

Love and best wishes to all of you, I hope we'll pull through eventually.


This doesn't sound ridiculous to me hun.. I feel the same. xx
It was feb 25 yesterday here...and i didnt realise it was until late afternoon, i did think of michael a lil bit. But i think ill more emotional when its june 25..
It will never get better. They say times heals but I don't believe it. I feel the same agony as I did on June 25th. I'm just a fan, can you imagine what his kids are going through?

My thoughts are with them.
It will never get better. They say times heals but I don't believe it. I feel the same agony as I did on June 25th. I'm just a fan, can you imagine what his kids are going through?

My thoughts are with them.

I still can't believe it's eight months. I miss Michael so much. It's so empty without him. I hate to think of Michael not being here. It rips my heart apart. It's hard to handle. I just want to go back in time and hold on to him. Let him know that fame and status aside, he was a such a desirable man with an incredible conscience. He is so beautiful. Not a day goes by that I don't miss him and think of him. :cry:

SORRY GUYS/GALS for quoting everyone. But I wanted to give each of you a :hug:

I am joining the fans in remembrance of Michael today with a candle burning and prayers being spoken.:angel: I L.O.V.E you. :boohoo:

Aw, thank you. :huggy:
Still missing Michael as much as ever. The pain is still there and I know it's not going to get better. I use to lie in bed and worry about Michael when he was alive and ask myself how could the world be so cruel to such a sweet caring human being. I don't have to worry about him but the same heartache is still there and will stay there until the day I die. Nothing will ease the pain of what people did to him.
Oh where oh where can my baby be?
The lord took him away from me...
His gone to heaven so i got to be good..
So i can see my baby when i leave this world...

(Last Kiss, Pearl Jam)
It was 6:30 tonight when I gotten the worst news in my entire MJ fan life. And I miss him more now than I did then. And the pain still tends to be just as raw as it was then. Every single day since that horrible day I still cry over him a few times or so a day. It just can't be help I guess. Not when I had spent nearly 30 years of my life truly loving him. So I am still very much in mourning for him. I know I will be mourning for him for the rest of my life. I have since gotten used to it. Especially since my happiness as well as any other feelings similar to happiness like joy and excitement is forever gone from me. Misery, sadness, depression, anger, hatred, and bitterness have since taken their place. In other words just listen to Michael's Stranger In Moscow song. And it will tell you exactly how my days have been since that very horrible day in June.
:( It's still so sad. I will never be okay with his death. Everytime I hear about past event or something. I always reference the dates as Michael was still alive then.:( It's such a tragedy with no justice yet. :no:
People wont get over MJ's passing if people keep reminding them of it, we don't need to be reminded on the 25th of every month i mean honestly how else have people ment to move on if people keep bringing it up? I don't mean to seem heartless but it just irritates me! Yes Michael was loved by all of us here inc myself but we don't need to be constantly reminded on the 25th of each month when he passed away, geez!
excatly some of you seem to be ripping the scabs off your hearts every month its painful to watch it makes me remember and get sad michael would want us to live not wallow in sadness
To add to my original post, I still find it hard to listen to Michael's music. I've tried three times to listen to it since his death and still get the same joy I got out of it when he was still alive. But I can't. And after a few minutes I have to shut it off or else I will cry (again). Then I have to put it back in the box where all my MJ stuff is still packed away from last summer. I have never felt such anger and sadness at this level in my whole life. I still can't believe he's gone.
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Yes...I can't believe its been eight months.

Its going to be a while until people stop thinking about it on every 25th. I think it is good and part of the healing process. In the grand scheme of things it has been only eight months. Loss of a loved one can takes YEARS to become at ease with it.

The public and media talked about Princess Diana a good 3-5 years after she died, i imagine those who loved her think about her all the time and even now 13 years later and on the day she died.

I guess overtime it becomes less of a peeling of a scab and more of a meloncoly thought of a faded scar.

just my thoughts. miss u Mike
Eight months...

wowoww... is this real at all? :no:
I just can't believe it, i can't, i can't!!!!
The pain, the fear, the sense of being so lost and clueless.

I love you and miss Michael so much. So much it hurts :cry:
Today is February 25th, eight months since Michael left this world. :(
Rest in peace Michael. You are missed now more than ever. :heart: :angel:
I can't believe it :( I want time to stand still because i feel like we're leaving michael behind. It hurts so much but I try to keep his spirit alive because he doesn't feel gone to me when i listen to his music or watch his videos.
Unreal.... :no:

I miss you so much.......

May you rest in eternal peace... You're free now.
In a few more days he would have been completing his
'This Is It' concerts in London

I miss him everyday :(
