Eating habits this past week....

I noticed my eating habits changed too.
To be honest, I'm having more trouble sleeping than anything. I can honestly say I haven't went to bed before 5:00 since Michael passed. I've been staying up until atleast 5:30-6 in the morning.
I usually try to eat fairly healthy, but I've been eating anything and everything. I've probably put on 5-10 pounds in just a few weeks. I'm trying to get back to eating right though.
i have no appetite as well and consequently lost some weight, although im thin enough :(
my appetite is coming back..but i lost weight considerably..i didnt eat real meals for a week or so..all my pants r big now..
My eating has been terrible since all this happened. For about a week all I ate was fruit and half a sandwich here and there. I felt hungry but just couldn't eat. :( since then I've had an awful diet. I keep binging and then not eating for a day or so. I just can't even be bothered to prepare any decent food so am eating crisps etc. I need to sort myself out. This morning I went to the supermarket to get some proper food, for dinner tonight I am making shepherds pie and vegetables for me and my bf. So I'm trying to get back on track. I know I'll feel loads better after I've had a proper meal.
At most supermarkets you can buy steam-meals. The food is raw and you put it in the microwave where it steams the ingrediënts in about 5 to 10 minutes.
It good and healthy food and perfect for when you're feeling like this and are not in the mood to make proper food.
This is what I ate the first couple of days and it helped.

Now my eating habits are back to normal but I have to force myself a little to eat enough (I eat a lot).
Working out a lot seems to help me get my mind of things and also helps building up an apetite.
I lost 3 kilos when i found out Michael died and admittedly i am so happy with the way i look.
I remember when Michael died i said to myself, " im going to lose weight for him " ( because i always set out to lose weight but i always end up failing so i wanted to acheive something for him. Sounds kind of stupid but i wanted to accomplish this ), but turned out i lost weight because of him. haha
My eating habits have changed. I don't feel hungry. I have 2 light meals a day because I know I must eat to be healthy. I don't enjoy eating them though.:no:
I'm still eating one meal a day. I used to eat more than that. Since MJ's passing , my eating habits have completely changed for the worse....but at least I'm eating now. During the first week of MJ's passing, all I could do was drink water and tea. I couldn't stomach solid food at all. My eating habits are not where they need to be though, sometimes i'll just eat a few spoonfulls or forkfull's of food and that will be it for the day. I'm not trying to starve myself or anything, but I just haven't had much appetite at all since MJ died.
Since Michael died I have seen a major come back of my old migraine's again, and they are as bad as 20 yrs ago when they were at their worst. :-(
I have had 3 attacks in 4 days this past week :-(
I know that it is caused by the upset and lack of eating for hours, and also late nights, but this site is my 'safe haven' so come on here when the house is sleeping, to share my thoughts and read others thoughts about the precious gentle hearted genius Michael Jackson. :-(
My eating habits changed as well...I use to eat a light lunch and maybe a hefty dinner...but since MJ's passing, I can only stomach yogart for breakfast if that...if I don't eat that all I do is drink tea...for lunch I might have a small salad...nothing fancy...lettuce and dressing....but then I find myself skipping dinner because I think of him and my appetite just goes. The thing is, I know he wouldn't want that...but I can't bring myself to really EAT. I never really was a big eater but the last two weeks has been torture.
When I am upset, I tend to do the opposite and find comfort in food. I have therefore been eating a lot of crap - chocolate, ice cream etc. However, after the memorial I was so distraught that I just couldn't eat anything. When I tried, it made me feel sick. :(

I am okay now, though. Slowly getting myself back on track.
I lost half a stone since mj passed,i did not eat for 5 days after his death.
eating bits now but still losing weight.
have to force myself to eat because it makes me feel sick.
^^So have I. I have been trying to eat though and my appetitie is a little better. I am terrible when I'm upset, I eat bits and pieces but can never woof down a big meal when my heart is breaking. I think I may start putting the weight back on as last night I enjoyed a good meal. Its important to eat and to look after ourselves. Michael wouldn't have wanted us to get ill, he wantes us to be happy...easier said than doen though.
i been binging and binging and binging some more ... FOOD IS MY FRIEND !!

however, i need to reintroduce myself to my old friend ... exercise. I done gained at least ten pounds since the 25th ... it is hard to workout with greasy ish in your hand. and it's damn near impossible to swim laps when you are in line at the drive thru.
My eating habits is still almost the same as they have been for the past 3 weeks. The one thing I can no longer eat is a big plate full of food. I can't seem to handle that anymore. In fact during the first week or so after Michael's death. I was eating way less than what the Jews were eating before being put to death in those concentration camps. The only thing I had eaten so far today is a banana and a small plastic tumbler of regular coke. It seems like that I want to sleep more than I want to eat. Which is something I have been doing alot of these past 3 weeks.
I think time will tell.
It will take a while to get through this but eventually we will,and then we can get on with doing all things mj without feeling depressed.
I went out earlier and had a good walk along the river bank and it kinda refreshed my mind a bit.
in between being sad and confused i think its a good idea to grab some air from time to time.
my appetite hasn't come back yet. I just can't eat when I feel sad. 5 days ago I tried to eat a meal and I forced myself to finish it but it made me throw up 15 minutes later. My best friend is very concerned and is telling me all the time to eat. It's so annoying, because she thinks I dont want to eat. Its not like I dont want to eat. I'm just not able to eat. I have to admit that I really dont care about food anymore. It's just something you have to do to survive.
I have lost 5 kg (11 pounds) since his death. I have a normal posture, so its ok.

I know my appetite will return, but I'm still too sad...

hope you're all doing well. I love you guys
I've gaind weight. Whenever I'm Sad or Upset or just don't want to talk or hear anyone, I eat. Since June 25th...I've had a very unbalanced eating. I'm tryin' hard stop, but it takes time.

Thats really bad, Esp. now that i have a Physical Appointment. Dang.
ermm well i've lost 9Ibs. I eat soup in the morning, maybe two ryvitas and soup in the evening. My sleep has got worse too so now I'm on tablets. I just feel heartbroken, my heart literally aches.
Has anyone lost weight or gained weight? When I am down and depressed I tend not to eat. I use to weigh about 136-138. I just weighed myself today and I weigh 135. I know it's cuz of not eating as much this past week. How have you guys been doing? I hope you are eating more now. :yes:

Unfortunately, when I'm stressed or sad, I tend to eat more. I've been on a diet anyway and I kept track of my calories and was really good and losing weight. I stopped keeping track of calories the day after Michael passed away. I started again, but I can't keep with it. I am so sad about the passing of Michael. I haven't gained weight, but I stopped losing it too. It's just hard to stick with it now.
Finally weighed myself this morning. I've gained at least 10 pounds in the past few weeks. I gotta get this under control before I put on any more.