Eating habits this past week....

At first, for the first three to five days I had no desire to eat. I didn't want to chew food I was hurting so bad emotionally. I've been eating normally now... but I try to put off eating for as long as I can...and it's been whatever I can grab. A few weeks before this I had started a diet and was doing great, then I hurt my knee and couldn't stand up long enough to make healthy meals...then after this happened I had no desire to try eat healthy or any certian way really. Now, though I feel like I can begin to take care of myself again starting tomorrow. One thing I have noticed that is unusual is that I have had this craving for poppcorn like every other day lol. And I'm going to satisfy it again tonight ;)
I'm diabetic, so my health and especially eating takes priority over everything else. But I understand what you all are going through. I couldn't eat at all for the first 2 days. Not a good thing and I definitely put myself in danger. Please take care of yourselves during this difficult time. You are important!
I was eating one meal a day for 3 or 4 days afterward. Now I'm doing better, and eating healthy again. You just have to force yourself to eat, even if you feel like your appetite is gone. Exercise helps too; it's a good distraction and will help your body recover from the emotions you're going through. Please try to eat and take care of yourself, guys. :hug:
I still have no desire of eating anything. But tonight I had forced myself to eat my first big plateful of food since before the horrible news. Of course I only ate half of what was on that plate. I have been practically starving myself since I had heard the horrible news. Food just has no meaning to me any more. Especially chicken I used to love to eat chicken all of the time. Because Michael had loved it. But now I really don't want to eat chicken any more. Cause it is a constant reminder of Michael.
I can't eat much at all...have eaten barely anything since :( I mean, I'm trying to eat...I might have a piece of toast or half an apple but it's sooooooooooooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!
Only once a day.. Can't
eat feel ill and sick..

Sometimes i forse my self to eat..

I have lost around 4 pounds ,this passed week :(
I lost half a stone in like 3 days. I couldn't eat anything at all. Now my appetite is back but I went through a stage in my life where I REALLY controlled what I ate, I never went and got diagnosed as anorexic but I was quite underweight and not eating much AT ALL, and this has triggered all the thoughts I used to have in my head then again. Also, I've had days of just junk food, one day I had just crisps, but all day. Yesterday was my first day of eating more normally. I ate a chicken sandwich at lunch and was forced to have a salad with another bit of chicken last night and I felt really guilty :/ My parents are worried about my eating. I keep thinking I need to be healthy but its not changing my mindset. :( hey humm, I got myself out of it before so I will again..
I lost 6lbs just in two days since his passing. I didn't eat at all for 3 days, unles you can call having 3 spoons of yoghurt eating. Right now I eat but not much and I don't really care what I eat anymore. And earlier I was always into healthy food, I always watched what I ate. Now, I simply don't care. Everything hurts now, even breathing...
Everytime something happens to me lately, I get knocked back down. My gf broke up with me, who I love dearly. I was starting to get better. Michaels dies. I was starting to get a bit better and then I found out my ex gf is with someone else now. Im knocked right back down again! I just need something positive to happen, anything positive!
I was reading

I'm so sorry to hear you're having such a bad time. :( I wish I could help in some way. Praying for positive things to come your way, or at least some peace and strength to help you. :angel:

There's never any "good" time for something like this to happen. My heart goes out to everyone here. :heart:
I have problems with eating now. My clothes getting bigger for me so quickly.
Every day getting harder for me now.
It's a problem for me to eat something even with a tea :(
I drink mineral water...... Force myself to eat and can't much :(
the day michael died i ate nothing but a few sips of water. the next few days after that i ate little amounts, then i got my appetite back and binged on everything, then the saturday i had kfc and i got drunk i was sick 4 times, it kind of numbed the pain abit but i just felt worse. i was at my friends house aswell and that wasnt good :puke:
on the Sunday morning i just felt like crap and i havent felt well since. i love food tho and not even the love of my life dying could stop me from eatin as bad as that is:bugeyed

i dont want to eat now tho, some times i eat nothin then binge and feel sick after
haven't eaten much these days, just don't care about food anymore, i'm too upset :(:(:(
I tend to lose my appetite when this happens. I don't even think about eating. I have to remind myself that i should eat.....i have been eating though. Hope everybody is too.
Haven't eaten at all in the first 3-4 I eat one meal a day if you can call it that...It is so hard....very hard...I'm already a small person.....5'1 @ 116 lbs....I probably weigh about 100 pounds now.
My appetite is gone. I force myself to try to eat but I get no enjoyment from it.
i have been up all night, didn't sleep... put on my pants to go to work and i was shocked at how loose they are now. Been eating one meal a day and some junk on the side.

I've had this same thing happen to me. Lately it seems I had been gaining weight since my uniform at work was getting tight on me. I was the same weight for so long since about high school but I was prepared to face the fact that I'm just a slightly bigger guy now. I'm 33 & they say that's when it begins. In your 30's.

I put on my very snug uniform to find that it wasn't as snug as it had been before. I'm like WOW did I lose weight or something?

It's got to be this Michael thing. My appetite now that I've been paying attention IS lower. So is my motivation to do things outside of watch MJ clips, read forums & stories, & sleep.

Barely playing my videogames even. And I'm a dedicated gameplayer.
John Lucas
I still have hardly any appetite since before the horrible news. I can't eat like I used to anymore. So since then I have been practically starving myself. And I really don't care anymore. The only thing I care about is having Michael back here with me. And that is not going to happen.
ive eaten so much im so sick atm,i so need to go detox man lol.
no joke i think starting from after the memerial im going to have to start jogging againl ol
i normally never eat... just when I feel hungry but it has decreased indeed for the past few days....
i just eat a slice of buttered toast.
that fills me up

im now quite badly underweight though so i should probably eat more but hmm
...................I had appetite loss the first 2 weeks but its gettin better now slowly;)
So high time to get my strong body back and enyoywhat oue angel Michael gave me and us all!
my mum has been trying to get me to eat better, I just cant, not sleeping well either, think its just been the stress and all.
my mum has been trying to get me to eat better, I just cant, not sleeping well either, think its just been the stress and all.

Awwwwww,I understand
.......when you are gettin the appetite back try to eat oke?:yes::better:
I had that the first 2 weeks aswell
Take care of your'se self counts for everyone!:D:yes::better:
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Instead of lossing appetite, I forget something easily. I'm a student who have to pass a national test next year to get a license, but I keep forgetting the terms and theories that I have been studying! I also study English, but I really don't feel like studying. I can't help it.
Can't memorize words that I studied last night! It's like living in vain.
I'm normally about 102-105, and I'm 5'3".. when I'm stressed or upset (upset in this case), I just can't eat. I just can't..Just weighed myself, and I'm 92lbs. I need to eat better. I don't want my kids taking after me. :(
My normal eating habits have return some what. Though during those days when I was in deep mourning over Michael. I barely ate at all. So I was practically starving myself. Because eating was the last thing I had wanted to do. But the one thing I can't seem to eat any more is chicken. I used to eat chicken all of the time. Practically almost every single day. Because it reminded me of how much Michael like to eat chicken. But now I no longer seem to have a taste for it. And I don't know if that is ever going to return.