Eating habits this past week....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA
Has anyone lost weight or gained weight? When I am down and depressed I tend not to eat. I use to weigh about 136-138. I just weighed myself today and I weigh 135. I know it's cuz of not eating as much this past week. How have you guys been doing? I hope you are eating more now. :yes:
im not eating that much atall really. no apetite. then suddenly ill feel hungry and ill binge for like an hour and be sick.. i just feel so sad :(
Eh, i've been a little better. I'm able to eat one meal now a day whereas before I couldn't eat anything, but my appetite is still not completely back.
mine either really for like 3 days straight I just ate like 2 corn dogs and that was it. :( A friend of mine from Holland that I met told me about his feeling of his stomach being a "burning stomach" and I thought to myself.... you know that IS what mine feels like too. I didn't feel hungy, just that my stomach hurt, I dunno... weird feeling.
ive lost about 3 pounds since his passing.
Ive been eating only stuff with a sweet taste like sweets and chocolate.
Im eating a little more day by day and lots and lots of red bull
I couldn't eat much for the first two days. I had a chocolate biscuit and that was it. :p And looooooads of cuppas. But then I had some ice-cream on the 3rd day and gradually ate more. I sometimes lose my appetite due to stress anyway, so it wasn't hard this time to get back into eating normally. It was a different reason this time - the shock and saddness and your mind isn't on food.

I'm eating normally now, but it really depends on how I feel during the memorial, and upcoming vigil in London. :(
I just have this pain in my gut, that anytime I try to eat it gets worse. I have lost 4 lbs since June 25. My soul has been crying ever since:cry:.
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I lost...I can't eat chocolate and other sweets. They make me feel sad now.
i have been up all night, didn't sleep... put on my pants to go to work and i was shocked at how loose they are now. Been eating one meal a day and some junk on the side.
i just eat some crap food but my appetite is gone since june 25th...

I will kick my own butt soon and will start to eat healthy again after tuesday.
First few days I barely ate anything. Right now I'm getting a little better at eating... but still have the urges to throw it all up, so I have to force myself to eat! lol Cause my parents are worried. Uhm... my diet right now is so bad :/ junk food. I've lost weight yeah... sigh. Pretty much don't have good appetite, but I will try to eat anyways... but it ends up making me sick like right now (I just ate something), or I don't finish it. D; I don't know how I'm gonna handle going to summer school tommorow! Omg. >.
I have not been eating much at all. I have had Weetabix today and thats it. If I remember correctly.

I am currently having serious problems with my ex gf as well. I found out yesterday shes moved on and is with this other guy (who i hate anyway) its ripping me apart, the image in my head of them together!

I have Michaels passing on top of this, its not a good time haha!

Before all this, I ate like mad. I used to eat when I was bored....... :\
Since the 25th i am having troubles eating and sleeping.

When i heard the news on the 25th,my stomac acted weird,and sincer that dark day,if i try to eat more than i am eating,my stomac can't handle it.
In result of his,in a week i lost 2 kilos.
To be honest,i can't care less about my weight,or my stomac,or even my sleep.It will all go back to normal one day.
I have not been eating much at all. I have had Weetabix today and thats it. If I remember correctly.

I am currently having serious problems with my ex gf as well. I found out yesterday shes moved on and is with this other guy (who i hate anyway) its ripping me apart, the image in my head of them together!

I have Michaels passing on top of this, its not a good time haha!

Before all this, I ate like mad. I used to eat when I was bored....... :\
Haha, same for me too. :/
when I heard the news, I couldn't eat or drink for 3 days at all. (simply because it made me throw up).
Now I eat 1 meal a day. It's hard because I forget to eat. I only think of Michael, not of food anymore.

I've lost like 3 kg since. (6,5 pounds)

I really dont know what to do. I cant concentrate on anything, because I feel physical and emotionally weak. I hate this feeling.
I miss that lol!

Ive been trying to put on weight as well. Im 18 and I weigh 9 stone 7. I should be way over 10 stone at least.
Haha yeah, I was a some party a couple days ago, wonderful food... but I couldn't eat much! Felt sick for real, but it was probably the the day I ate MOST ever since a week ago. o_o

Wow. o.o Hmm I dunno how to convert to stones... but I usually weigh like 94/96 lbs... and I dunno what I am now considering my poor eating habits now, lol. GAH :bugeyed
that pass week in june when MJ die i didn't get very much cause i was feeling sick :yes: and my heart wasn't stopping beatting too :yes: :(

but know i'm eatting o.k but bad food :yes: :yes: :giggle:
Haha yeah, I was a some party a couple days ago, wonderful food... but I couldn't eat much! Felt sick for real, but it was probably the the day I ate MOST ever since a week ago. o_o

Wow. o.o Hmm I dunno how to convert to stones... but I usually weigh like 94/96 lbs... and I dunno what I am now considering my poor eating habits now, lol. GAH :bugeyed

I was doing well! Im sure I had actually put on weight before this, which I have probably now lost.

Everytime something happens to me lately, I get knocked back down. My gf broke up with me, who I love dearly. I was starting to get better. Michaels dies. I was starting to get a bit better and then I found out my ex gf is with someone else now. Im knocked right back down again! I just need something positive to happen, anything positive!

I was reading a Chinese Calendar the other day. I was born in 1991, which is the year of the sheep. It says beware of the OX. 2009 is the year of the OX and it has been such a bad year. Really I cannot think of many positives apart from Michael announcing his shows. But of course this doesnt count now, but that was definately an high point. But it went downhill from there.
Please try to eat people
I don't want to hear of anyone getting ill :(

I know its hard, I'm in the same situation but thinking about it, it will do no good. MJ would not want people to not eat I'm pretty sure of that.

I was doing well! Im sure I had actually put on weight before this, which I have probably now lost.

Everytime something happens to me lately, I get knocked back down. My gf broke up with me, who I love dearly. I was starting to get better. Michaels dies. I was starting to get a bit better and then I found out my ex gf is with someone else now. Im knocked right back down again! I just need something positive to happen, anything positive!

I was reading a Chinese Calendar the other day. I was born in 1991, which is the year of the sheep. It says beware of the OX. 2009 is the year of the OX and it has been such a bad year. Really I cannot think of many positives apart from Michael announcing his shows. But of course this doesnt count now, but that was definately an high point. But it went downhill from there.

I know how you feel. this year hasn't been so good for me either..
my parents divorced for the second time and I have nothing to hold on to.
I feel so lost and I don't know how to handle my feelings.
You're not alone:better: goodluck
I haven't eaten anything in over 24 hours and this past week I've had very little to eat. I don't crave anything and just today my mom was angry and trying to plead with me to eat something. I've lost a few kilos. I've always been thin but this week is an all time low. This always happens when I'm in pain.
Eating didn't really change. I look after myself, making it a priority. I stick to a very healthy diet which helps balance emotions and stuff too.
I know how you feel. this year hasn't been so good for me either..
my parents divorced for the second time and I have nothing to hold on to.
I feel so lost and I don't know how to handle my feelings.
You're not alone:better: goodluck

Glad to know im not alone. I know there are those out there MUCH worse off than me. But im still going through a rough patch....
wow, my eating habits have changed... I've been losing weight.. :(
When i get hungry i eat, but my stomach still starts to hurt. It's been like this for over a week now. Been taking meds... but they don't seem to work.

It's because of Michael's death i think... (well that's what my mom says).:(
I was doing well! Im sure I had actually put on weight before this, which I have probably now lost.

Everytime something happens to me lately, I get knocked back down. My gf broke up with me, who I love dearly. I was starting to get better. Michaels dies. I was starting to get a bit better and then I found out my ex gf is with someone else now. Im knocked right back down again! I just need something positive to happen, anything positive!

I was reading a Chinese Calendar the other day. I was born in 1991, which is the year of the sheep. It says beware of the OX. 2009 is the year of the OX and it has been such a bad year. Really I cannot think of many positives apart from Michael announcing his shows. But of course this doesnt count now, but that was definately an high point. But it went downhill from there.
We're with you, you're not alone. :hug: Hope you and everyone else will get this through. Yeah, this year for me has been a lot of ups and downs too. The announcements of TII pretty much made my whole entire year, seeing him back, I was figured all of our dreams would come true... but now it's like, woah. Like, a shock in cold water. I was really looking forward to this summer and all, but it just turned completely opposite. I don't know how long it's going to take me to feel alright, weeks, months? o.o