
So let me get this straight, curse words cannot be used under any circumstances but people can discuss MJ's genitalia as much as they want? Talk about double standards! I'm kidding of course but I do think *someone* is getting a little trigger happy with the report button lately. Shame because I was enjoying this convo about robots taking drugs and going to disneyland with cats to feel happy or not because love does not exist. Actually I realise I have mixed this thread up with the boob job thread (I can say boob right?) but I have been following both and was enjoying the discussion until this happened. Maybe you could forward me the PM conversation?
Shame because I was enjoying this convo about robots taking drugs and going to disneyland with cats to feel happy or not because love does not exist. Actually I realise I have mixed this thread up with the boob job thread (I can say boob right?) but I have been following both and was enjoying the discussion until this happened. Maybe you could forward me the PM conversation?

Lol. ...

Glad some enjoyed it. .. It got to a point when it needed to end, though... Like, for real.. ^
So let me get this straight, curse words cannot be used under any circumstances but people can discuss MJ's genitalia as much as they want? Talk about double standards! I'm kidding of course but I do think *someone* is getting a little trigger happy with the report button lately. Shame because I was enjoying this convo about robots taking drugs and going to disneyland with cats to feel happy or not because love does not exist. Actually I realise I have mixed this thread up with the boob job thread (I can say boob right?) but I have been following both and was enjoying the discussion until this happened. Maybe you could forward me the PM conversation?

I think that what was meant is, if you're going to 'use' them in your post, you have to censor them. The poster who cussed on his/her post not only failed to use the *&%#@$!^???(lol) to censor his expletives, but also wrote them in CAPITAL LETTERS. Thus, MJ~and~Me and Sophielo have reason to find disagreement with that, since it's only common courtesy to I suppose censor your language because kids are present. However, the part I didn't agree with was taking the debate out of the thread--thus, basically, reducing it to what I like to call a 'bobblehead' thread, where everyone either agrees with the generally accepted view, or beats it.

Yes, you mixed the threads up lol. That was still quite an amusing picture. :p
Shame because I was enjoying this convo about robots taking drugs and going to disneyland with cats to feel happy or not because love does not exist.

That is hilarious! And proof that drugs nor porn are necessities for experiencing great pleasure ;)
!@*$ me drugs are bad. There I made a contribution that vbulletin will be pleased with.
I love you too spoonz. Wait, no I don't, coz love does not exist! Hmf!
I love you too spoonz. Wait, no I don't, coz love does not exist! Hmf!


I agree, though, on that those expletives didn't need being even more emphasized by putting them in capitals, it's best to also censor them a bit.... it was also a sort of a big tongue-in-cheek reply to the thread, though I could be wrong... Though I really hope children didn't really read all this, it's very very graphic and can be scarring to a degree, 'cause you get to somehow imagine what you're reading about, even involuntarily, and to a tender impressionable age that's really not indicated...

We can all agree that drugs are universally unhealthy, but so are candy bars, cigarettes, cheeseburgers, alcohol. Does this mean the government should initiate violence against them? NO! The government's duty should be only to protect people from force and fraud. Drug use is something individuals decide to do to themselves, they are not initiating force against others, and that's all that matters.
And if you don't like seeing people expressing their right to voluntary actions (not imposed on others through force of course) then just look away. Don't go throwing them in rape rooms...