Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option

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Proud Member
Aug 11, 2009
Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option
Posted Nov 24th 2009 1:28PM by TMZ Staff


Dr. Conrad Murray has absolutely no restrictions on his ability to administer Propofol -- the drug that killed Michael Jackson.

We did some checking ... Dr. Murray still has full privileges to practice and operate at Doctors Hospital Tidwell in Houston. We're told Propofol is available for Murray's use.

As for ordering the drug ... no problemo. Dr. Murray can, if he chooses, get bottles of Propofol without special limitations.

As we previously reported, Dr. Murray -- who is seeing patients again -- is being investigated by the DEA and the LAPD in connection with Michael Jackson's death. The Texas Medical Board is also taking a look at the good doc.
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Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

:( I can't believe it. I guess this is part of Murrays PR right now. till court
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

This world is absolutely crazy. Corruption even in a supposed world superpower nation. What a joke. How ethically, politcally and socially backward is this crap?

If he had done this to anyone but Michael I could put my money on him having his license taken away IMMEDIATELY. But as usual, 'because it's Michael Jackson' somehow the law or any form of ethics is ignored. Reminds me of the Neverland raids.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

I really don't understand this...
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

this is sick. i just don't know what to think anymore. what a circus.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

God... I just can't express how much Michael means to me the whole world I tried to bring that across in my legacy essay,but why is this seeming that murray is getting away with everything.. I just don't get it.. I truely hope the law pulls out their proof soon or later.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

God... I just can't express how much Michael means to me the whole world I tried to bring that across in my legacy essay,but why is this seeming that murray is getting away with everything.. I just don't get it.. I truely hope the law pulls out their proof soon or later.
Just give it time. I do NOT beliee Murray is going to get away with anything. People just have to have patience.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

I think now I've seen it all. Why would he be allowed anywhere near that stuff while under investigation for killing someone with it? I don't get it. Well, hopefully now he will use an actual anethesiologist to administer - in an actual hospital. :smilerolleyes:
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

Just give it time. I do NOT beliee Murray is going to get away with anything. People just have to have patience.

:huggy: Thanks.
Yeah..I mean I've been trying to keep a level head about it all,but it's still heart wrenching.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

Keeping a level head about this is stopping me from letting my anger boil over. We need to be patient. Murray's just enjoying his freedom whilst it lasts.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

They don't give a fuck cause it's Michael Jackson.

Well I ain't suprised. Typical.

Though I'm still gonna keep the faith that this is gonna to go to court and on trial.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

Perhaps Jack Kevorkian is sending patients his way.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

Michael Jackson just has the worst luck!:bugeyed

He had the worst luck in life and now the worst in death!:doh:

Somebody please tell me what the heck is going on here? 'cause I don't understand, does'nt anybody care that Michael died!?!? Where are the authorities on this, how is this man being allowed to just go about things as though a man's life was'nt snuffed out!
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

I really hope everybody is contacting and complaining to the Texas Medical Board. The people there are super nice and one lady I spoke to seemed just as outraged as myself even though she could not say it directly.

You can complain by phone, which I have done a few times now but to make it official remember the complaints must be in writing. They will mail the forms to you. Please do this for MJ and the Murder Dr.'s future victims. We must stop this travesty.

Customer Service Phone: (512) 305-7030 (Outside Texas)
Customer Service Phone: (800) 248-4062 (Texas only)
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

Really unbelievable.
Who would want to be treated by him???

Other unfortunate people that are sick with the disease of addiction. They will seek him out because its established that he can be bought. Those are the people I worry for, sick ones like poor MJ.

Addiction is a disease and its disgusting that this drug dealer Dr. is still able to push his drug on the innocent. He is worst than the common street hustler, they don't take the Hippocratic oath, he did.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

I really hope everybody is contacting and complaining to the Texas Medical Board. The people there are super nice and one lady I spoke to seemed just as outraged as myself even though she could not say it directly.

You can complain by phone, which I have done a few times now but to make it official remember the complaints must be in writing. They will mail the forms to you. Please do this for MJ and the Murder Dr.'s future victims. We must stop this travesty.

Customer Service Phone: (512) 305-7030 (Outside Texas)
Customer Service Phone: (800) 248-4062 (Texas only)

yes everyone contact the board need be.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

He showed his lack of responsibility when using this drug on MJ leaving his patient alone and without proper equipment while using it, yet it will still be available for his use? Unbelievable!
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

so he had access to propofol before mj's death ,maybe that explain the two boxes removed that morning from the storage in Houston, who wanna bet the woman who removed them was his girlfriend from Houston, i mean the 'assistant'.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

This is the biggest JOKE on EARTH what will happen next ? Will Murray get an Award for the best Doctor of the year ? RIDICULES
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

This is becoming a JOKE!!

How is this possible!
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

Sorry to sound so militant here but there would have been an arrest made if this were not a black on black crime. If this black man gave an overdose of propofol to Bruce Springsteen Murray's ass would be in jail by now.
I think that they want people to go postal...how in the world can the medical Board allow Murray access to the same drugs that he killed Michael with...this is just unbelievable....I dont know if they are trying to send us some kind of message here or what.....Are they trying to tell us that Murray is not going to be charged with the death of Michael?.....All this has done for me is make the loss of Michael even greater...it is like rubbing the whole thing in our faces all over again.....they had to know that people where going to be outraged about this announcement.....Murray is very lucky that I dont l have access to him....I am by no means a violent person and would never take the life of another...however I am not against capitol punishment.
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