Dr Conrad Murray breaks his silence. (Youtube Video)

Ew. I hate the fact that was the last person Michael saw or spoke to. :( He scares me.
does he have any supporters?

btw, as a michael jackson fan I know that we can't judge a person unless we have clear arguments and proofs against him, so as far as I'm concerned, Dr Murray shouldn't be blamed yet.
Im sorry but who cares? He should just keep shut! I was expecting a much different voice lol
That was actually creepy to watch...

I cant really look at this man.
As crazy as this may sound I feel bad for Dr. Murray. I'm sure he did everything in his will to revive MJ and I don't believe he had any bad intentions since they were friends for years. I can't even imagine being in his shoes. He's going to have to walk around with the stigma that Michael Jackson died in his arms. It's kind of like Frederick Fleet survivor of the Titanic. He was the first who sighted the iceberg but he didn't have any binoculars so he didn't see it sooner. Frederick had to live with the guilt that he survivored the Titanic while many lives perished.
jesus christ.

notice the coward didn't utter ONE WORD of remorse or sadness?

it was ALL about him.

what an a**hole.
I don't know what to think about anything anymore.
But there was a time the whole world had prejudice thoughts about Michael also, so I'm gonna chill until I know more. And we don't know what the "truth" he's speaking of is either, only the police know that.

It's just that, for some reason... Michael had this dude as a doctor for 3 years(?!) and refused to have another doctor than him in his life.
who exactly was that video directed at? Supporters?

I dont get it....
As crazy as this may sound I feel bad for Dr. Murray. I'm sure he did everything in his will to revive MJ and I don't believe he had any bad intentions since they were friends for years. I can't even imagine being in his shoes. He's going to have to walk around with the stigma that Michael Jackson died in his arms. It's kind of like Frederick Fleet survivor of the Titanic. He was the first who sighted the iceberg but he didn't have any binoculars so he could'nt see it sooner. Frederick had to live with the guilt that he survivored the Titanic while many lives perished.

Hold the f*ckin phone.....
I have studied the Titanic and her history for the passed 20yrs.
This ain't the same. Not eve close.
Fleet had no choice.
Murray had a choice.
Bad CPR?? He's a doctor for cryin out loud!
Not callin 911 cause he doesn't know his address? Really? How the hell do you drive to a place you don't know the address of?
Not callin 911 cause there were no workin phones? Do I look stupid to you?

I respect your opinion, but don't even drag Fleet's good name into this mess.
what does he mean by saying;

'because of all that is going on I am afraid to return phone calls or use email'

if someone is simply phoning out of concern there is nothing dangerous about returning the call and thanking them, unless of course someone is pressuring/watching insisting that you dont for fear of saying too much..........
I think it was a waste of time posting that, to be honest. He didn't say a single word about feeling bad about Michael's passing. It's all about him, waste of our time!
Yeah, he doesn't say much. He looks exhausted - actually, it almost reminded me one of those videos hostages are sometimes forced to record.

Quick transcript for anyone who doesn't want to/can't watch it:

"I want to thank all of my patients and friends who have sent such kind emails, letters and messages to let me know of your support and prayers for me and my family.

Because of all that is going on I am afraid to return phone calls or use my emails, therefore I recorded this video to let all of you know I have been receiving your messages. I have not been able to thank you personally which as you know is not normal for me.

Your messages give me strength and courage and keep me going. They mean the world to me. Please don't worry, as long as I keep God in my heart and you in my life I will be fine.

I have done all I could do. I told the truth, and I have faith the truth will prevail. God bless you and thank you."
I don't usually have an opinion of a person in the first 30 seconds, but I don't trust him.
Whats up with the "I thank you", "God bless you" "the truth will prevail"... its like he's trying to imitate Michael. Ugh. Should we try and get sympathy for him???? never.
Ummm :unsure: just wtf? And I'm sorry I was definitely expecting some bass, notttt the voice I was looking for. Anyway, is he pleading with "supporters" not to worry???? How about "I'm devastated by the loss of Michael Jackson" or something. Instead he chose to say don't worry about me??? DUDE, we're NOT!!!!
that message was directed at someone specifically.......

its too specific in the sense of a singular 'please dont worry' thats too specific for an amount of people - he is talking plural but then thats specific......
He must be scared out of his mind.

Is he trying to garner some sort of public support with this video? What is it's purpose?

It is a sympathetic message. But when I think about what he's done, and how much he messed up, my sympathy disappears. I just feel like crying.

How can he show his face, and say these things, like he's a good and decent person? No good and decent person would give someone propofol for sleeping...

Very scary...
Hold the f*ckin phone.....
I have studied the Titanic and her history for the passed 20yrs.
This ain't the same. Not eve close.
Fleet had no choice.
Murray had a choice.
Bad CPR?? He's a doctor for cryin out loud!
Not callin 911 cause he doesn't know his address? Really? How the hell do you drive to a place you don't know the address of?
Not callin 911 cause there were no workin phones? Do I look stupid to you?

I respect your opinion, but don't even drag Fleet's good name into this mess.

So are you suggesting Dr. Murray intentionally let MJ die? OK, you need to understand people die everyday and I believe it was MJ's time to go! Yes, it was too soon but it happens all around the world. People die! The reason why I brought Fleet up is because he had to live with the stigma that he didn't see the iceberg sooner and that many lives perished because of that! Now Dr. Murray has to live with the stigma that he didn't perform CPR correctly and didn't do things as soon as possible to give the world most beloved entertainer a chance at life! You understand the similarities now? I don't understand why many of you are making Dr.Murray out to be the 'bad guy' :lol:
The truth will prevail and when it does your ass will be behind bars.
This is so strange. . . . . He never mentions anything about Michael, or about remorse, if only that Michael is gone from the world. He doesn't express regret or compassion that people are grieving at the loss. I wouldn't expect him to self-incriminate (even though he DID tell the LAPD that he gave Michael Propofol), but at least acknowledge some sorrow that Michael is gone?

His was the last face that Michael saw. It was painful to watch this.