Do you know me? Game

I know you, we met in that strip-bar last night. :blink:
What? :bugeyed

What were you doing there? :bugeyed
I believe the question is, what were you doing there? :naughty: :rofl:
I believe you are wrong. ... You must be confusing me with someone. :yes: .... I mean you probably also have really bad eyes. :lol: :p ... so back to the important question: What were you doing there? :blink: :lol:
Nope, it was definitely you. You were flirting with a handsome rooster. :lmao: As for me, I was looking for ducks. Nothing like a drunk duck to take my potions that extra step. :yes:
^:lmao: :hysterical:

Oh, yeah, the rooster, now I remember. :lol: :D

Did you find a duck? :lol:
So, how d'it go with that handsome fella? :naughty: His feathers looked very shiny. :agree:

No. :no: Only turkeys. They're rubbish. :no:
Great. :naughty: We'll meet again tonight. :wild: :p

What a pity. :p ;)
Oh, good. :yes: I'm out of eggs. :lmao:

I know. :sigh:
^:lmao: ... What does it have to do with our meeting? :p :D

Maybe you have more luck tonight. :lol: ;)
Well... he's a rooster, you're a chicken. :lmao: You have to make yourself useful somehow. How else am I going to justify keeping you alive? :no:

Yes, let's hope so.
What the hell are you good for then? :sleep: You don't want me to use your head for potions, you don't want to lay eggs... what use am I supposed to make of you? :no:
That is right, I can be your alarm clock! :wild: ... So you won't sleep too long, I'll wake you at 5am tomorrow, so don't go out too late! :yes: :lol:
No thank you. :lmao: Plus, roosters are the ones who sing in the morning... well croak is a better word. :rofl:
OH, well, I meant I'll send my rooster. :girl_whistle:

And he doesn't croak. :sleep:
Are you sure you don't want? :eek: .... YOu could miss the best part of the day! :D
Yeah, I'm sure. :sleep: You're a bad friend. :no: You don't give me what I want and you are nice to people who trespass on my thread. :nono: I disown you. :lmao:

I don't know you. :no:

I miss to everybody, like you are rude to everybody. :lol: :D
So if someone disowns anyone here, I disown YOU. :rofl: :p
You can't disown me after I've disowned you. :no:
I mean, does there have to be a reason for everything? :rofl: