Do you know me? Game

Chatting with a buddy of mine, actually. :p And with you. :lol: So with two I suppose. :p
No. He's on the other side of the world where it's day. :rofl:
I'm just watching that episode. :lol: ... It's :crazy: :lmao:
I know, right? :rofl: but the next 5 are really good. :p
Good. :lol:

^Yes, very. :p I can't wait for your reaction to it. :lol:


And in Angel, ep 6 is one of my favorites. :rofl:
^Awesome. :wild:

Okay. :shifty: :wild: :D

I'm off, goodnight. :bye:
I have to pack and clean my room, but I am so lazy. :no:
I know the feeling. :lol: ..... I hope you at least brought about something this afternoon. :D
I packed another pair of pants and some DVDs. :rofl:
:kickass: .... Not to much! Cause you still have to pack something tomorrow and on Saturday. :rofl:
Oh, don't worry. :rofl: I'll be gone for a month. I can pack a lot of things without anyone thinking I'm crazy. :lmao:
I packed close to 10 shirts today. Plus a swimming suit. :rofl: