Do you know me? Game

Oh, yeah, nicest person I ever met. :girl_whistle: :lol: :D
No, I haven't had any ice tea at all. :D What a curious stranger. :no:
Where does your forgetfulness come from then?!? .. I thought you aren't THAT old. :lol: :D
Never trust people on the internet. I'm actually an old warty hag. :lmao:
:lmao: .... oh no, I don't know you at all. :blink: :swoon:
Oh, let me introduce myself then. I'm Karom.

This is me at my birthday last year. :rofl:
Nice to meet you too, rude person who hasn't introduced herself. :sleep:
Sorry, I completly forgot that, cause I was distracted by your beautiful face. :lol: :D

I'm Dr. Julia chicken, ... on the right. :D

Ahww stop it you. :blush: Ok, I forgive you. Nice to meet you Dr. Chicken. :D
Thanks, you are kind. :D .... I'm glad to get to know you better. :shifty: ... What are your hobbies? :D
Oh, I like hexing innocent people... brewing stinky potions... I must say, chicken heads are quite useful. :yes: But no worries, I don't kill my friends without a 48 hour notice. :flowers:


Thanks, I'm relieved. :lol: ... Then I better chicken out of here soon. :p :lol:
Oh, that won't be necessary. I just slaughtered a tribe of chicken yesterday. :yes: I have plenty of heads for the next week.


Excuse me? ... You can't just slaughter my friends. :nono: ... How can you dare?!?!?!? :rant:

Well, yes, of course. 48 hour notice and all. :rofl:
Well, considering I'm evil, it really is. :yes: