Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate
I don't think legally it has any leg to stand on. Legally speaking Robson's is already bad, Safechuck's is worse and this is even worse. I think they know it too that this doesn't have much chance to go to court and they probably don't even want it to. They didn't even bother to create a narrative for her story. Like giving it a context or anything. When was she first allegedly abused? Under what circumstances? How many times? How often? Where were her parents? How many times her and MJ met during their friendship? With Robson and Safechuck at least there is a story. Of course the abuse part and several related ones are BS, but they did have actual interaction with Michael, so they could create a detailed story. But here even that is missing. There are 7 paragraphs altogether for "Factual Allegations" - ie. the story. In Safechuck's lawsuit there are 75 paragraphs for that part. In this woman's most of it is very general, we do not learn much more than that she accuses MJ of molesting her between the ages of 12-15. But no details are given about their interactions. There is just nothing, just very general allegations thrown in. I guess they want to give themselves room to create and shape it later, according to how the case goes and what they need to allege, but maybe the sloppiness in presenting the case know is also because it is not about winning in court and presenting a proper case, it is about blackmail through publicity. I don't think they want their claims, their so called "evidence" and the allegations of this woman to come under meticulous scrutiny. That's always bad for the accusers.
The strategy rather seems to be to create a critical mass of accusers and blackmail the Estate into a settlement with bad publicity. I wouldn't even put it past them if they find no one else willing to go this low they will create Daniel Kapon type of accusers, who never even met MJ, but it won't matter because they will only use them to boost their numbers and create a publicity nightmare for the Estate in the media, they will never have to prove their case in a court.
They should be warned though that what works with a church or a school will not work here for several reasons. Actually it may even backfire at them.