[Discussion] Sexual Abuse Claims Against MJ Estate - Robson/ Safechuck/ Doe

Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Is anyone else worried about how this is all going to pan out? I mean, even if it does get rejected by the court, do you really believe this will be the last we hear from these two jokers? Book deals, media articles, talkshows.... they'll just make their money that way instead, all the while dragging MJ's name through the mud. To me, it seems this is a lose-lose situation for the estate and MJ's reputation.

Isn't there a way for the Estate to shut them up? Other than paying them off I mean. How can it be legal to smear the reputation of a dead man (and hurt his family and friends in the process) for money without any proof whatsoever to support their allegations?

A settlement is a BAD idea all around. While it may prevent Robson and Safechuck from selling their stories to the media, it will open the door for other money-hungry "victims" to come forward. And the Estate will have to settle with them as well because if they don't, people will start to wonder why they did settle with Robson and Safechuck, thus lending credibility to their allegations.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Isn't there a way for the Estate to shut them up? Other than paying them off I mean. How can it be legal to smear the reputation of a dead man (and hurt his family and friends in the process) for money without any proof whatsoever to support their allegations?

I don't think there is a legal way unfortunately. There is nothing that protects a dead person against slander. We can only hope that the mainstream media will not pick up on them, because even they would be able to feel how unfair it is to give them unchallenged time to smear a man while he is not here to defend himself. On the other hand, I'm sure some tabloids will give them the time of the day, so I fully expect a couple of such articles, but hopefully it will get tired soon. I also expect Robson write a book but hopefully it will be like the Chandler book - other than a handful of fans and haters no one being interested in it (and even the interested fans download it rather than giving out money for it - out of principle). Though I fully expect Robson to play the "anti-child-abuse advocate" angle. He's a shamless poseur, so he absolutely will try to cater to the biases and count on the support of advocacy groups against child abuse.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

A settlement has its downsides. One is of course that it will be taken as an admission of guilt even if it isn't. Second that it would give the green light to other vultures that they can make an allegation against MJ and his Estate will throw them money. That way the allegations will never end. And of course, this would be basically rewarding liars and fraudsters - bascially like giving in to terrorist demands. The biggest mistake Michael could do was settling with the Chandlers. Francia, Arvizo, Robson and Safechuck's allegations are all a consequence of that settlement.

I agree with this 100% and above.

If these cases are dismiss by the judge if i was the Estate i would go after Wade/James and make them pay the legal fees for the Estate have to deal with this mess.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I really believe the ppls will not listen to what Wade and James has to say because they know it was all about the money and the question would be why did you not take care of this when Michael was alive. I agree they will get the few little TB to listen but as far as the news stations i do not see that happening because these cases was all build on lies with no proof to back it up.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

A settlement would have happened already, you would not have heard about this crap. If the kitchen is getting too hot leave it
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I have no doubt in my mind that once the lawsuit is dropped Wade will go on plan B. But I'm not too worried about it for several reasons

1) Wade is already doing a media campaign against Michael, the first thing he did was an interview with Today Show. I'm pretty sure he has some kind of deal\unofficial agreement with Radar Online and the Enquirer, as they often seem to have an inside source in Wade's camp and they're the only media organization which supports Wade and above all that he keeps promoting their stories on his Facebook profile, which is odd in my opinion. Why post links to a tabloid when you're the first source?

2) The lawsuits and the initial push Wade and James gave them (Wade's interview, James going to Diane Dimond) didn't make enough waves in the media. I think they're both counting on these lawsuits so their most sensational claims are already in the court files. Heck, Wade claims he was raped and I don't see media interest. I think the majority of the media don't have interest in slandering a dead man who can't defend himself. Maybe if it was the other way around - First Wade going on the media, telling them what MJ "did" to him and only then filling a lawsuit. I don't know and it's too late for that anyway.

3) There's much more revenue & interest in pro MJ books than in anti-MJ books. Not because there are no MJ haters, but because people who actually go buy MJ books are usually his fans. I don't know how many subjective people are going to buy a book about "How Michael Jackson raped me and then I helped him walk free". Unless you're counting on Clemente to start a 4 people line outside the bookstore. If Wade wanted to make money off a book, he could have made more money with a pro MJ book.

4) If the case is dismissed with no option to appeal it's going to be even more difficult for them to get people's attention. People are already skeptical.

5) Is it really such big news? For the general public? After the Chandlers and the Arvizos massive coverage I think most people already made up their minds. Where are the Chandlers & the Arvizos now? They're not celebrities or national heroes. They're hiding behind fake facebook names. Ray Chandler's book is not a best seller. There's no glory in being Michael Jackson's accusers. I didn't see any special empathy in the reports about Evan's suicide.

^^ Which begs the uncomfortable question of whether or not a settlement is what's best in this situation. I don't want these assholes to get a penny of MJ's money, but the cold hard reality is that they will make their money out of this one way or another. MJ's public image will take yet another battering and his children will no doubt suffer the consequences if their sordid little make-believe tales get mass media exposure either through a civil trial or through selling their stories to the press.

Only way to avoid all of that is through a settlement imo.

I disagree. That's what Wade wants. These people thought the Estate is going to chicken out if another case of child molestation against MJ emerges. In my opinion that's why Wade went on TS. To scare them. Sometimes I wonder if Wade actually thought they won't fight back. Wade's only way for big money (since I don't believe his lawsuit is a winning one) is a settlement. Not media interviews, not a book. At this point we have to wait for fans to dig those court documents to know what's going on. Maybe the media will change if the judge allows this lawsuit, but again how newsworthy is it?
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

4) If the case is dismissed with no option to appeal

Talking about appeal. I think Wade will go on with this lawsuit as long as he can. So if it's thrown out I expect an appeal and then going to the Supreme Court. Heck, I even expect them to try to change statutes of limitations laws, whining and crying about how "justice" cannot be served to "victims" who connect the dots too late etc. etc. I think he will go on with this as long as he can legally. Winning this lawsuit is too important for him because he does not seem to have any regular income. His and his family's financial future seems to depend on this lawsuit.

The good side of it, if there is one, would be that as long as the case is in the court system he will have to watch what's his doing in the media. Him touring the tabloids would not be a good look for any Judge or Court, which is why I think he does not do it right now (expect for kicking out his "campaign" on the Today's Show at the beginning). But too much media whoring is not an option as long as the case is in the Court system.

I disagree. That's what Wade wants. These people thought the Estate is going to chicken out if another case of child molestation against MJ emerges. In my opinion that's why Wade went on GMA. To scare them. Sometimes I wonder if Wade actually thought they won't fight back.

Remember that when Wade filed his lawsuit initially he wanted to get it all sealed, citing the "privacy interests" of MJ as a reason (there goes his claim then on the Today's Show that he's doing it because he needs to say it loud to heal). So I think yes, plan A was to scare the Estate that they would immediately settle before it could get out to the public. That plan all went wrong when TMZ got wind of the complaint.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I don't see media interest. I think the majority of the media don't have interest in slandering a dead man who can't defend himself.

I agree. that's one reason. People also have made up their minds about molestation claims long before so you are right, it's not really news. I also think people and media's interest in lawsuits is to see who is guilty and have the guilty party punished. With MJ being dead, this is no longer a possibility. Also the accusers here is a factor. We have grown men, not minor kids. And we have grown men who defended MJ before. I think everyone is skeptical now. Even TMZ reported Robson's complaint and then reported his 2005 testimony.

Added all together there's no media interest. Radar is the only media interested in this but it's probably because there's a connection there.

If the case is dismissed with no option to appeal

You mean dismiss the case without chance to amend? Judge could do that but any decision can still be appealed by either party.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Talking about appeal. I think Wade will go on with this lawsuit as long as he can. So if it's thrown out I expect an appeal and then going to the Supreme Court. Heck, I even expect them to try to change statutes of limitations laws, whining and crying about how "justice" cannot be served to "victims" who connect the dots too late etc. etc. I think he will go on with this as long as he can legally. Winning this lawsuit is too important for him because he does not seem to have any regular income. His and his family's financial future seems to depend on this lawsuit.

The good side of it, if there is one, would be that as long as the case is in the court system he will have to watch what's his doing in the media. Him touring the tabloids would not be a good look for any Judge or Court, which is why I think he does not do it right now (expect for kicking out his "campaign" on the Today's Show at the beginning). But too much media whoring is not an option as long as the case is in the Court system.

Right! He needs the money and with a settlement being off the table he doesn't have any chance to make a huge profit. I don't expect him to give up easily. You think he has a chance in supreme court? It's going to be a huge precedent isnt it?

Remember that when Wade filed his lawsuit initially he wanted to get it all sealed, citing the "privacy interests" of MJ as a reason (there goes his claim then on the Today's Show that he's doing it because he needs to say it loud to heal). So I think yes, plan A was to scare the Estate that they would immediately settle before it could get out to the public. That plan all went wrong when TMZ got wind of the complaint.

I think many of his initial actions show he thought he could threat the Estate with a so called media scandal. He got none of these - no settlement and no real media interest even after his interview.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I agree. that's one reason. People also have made up their minds about molestation claims long before so you are right, it's not really news. I also think people and media's interest in lawsuits is to see who is guilty and have the guilty party punished. With MJ being dead, this is no longer a possibility. Also the accusers here is a factor. We have grown men, not minor kids. And we have grown men who defended MJ before. I think everyone is skeptical now. Even TMZ reported Robson's complaint and then reported his 2005 testimony.

Added all together there's no media interest. Radar is the only media interested in this but it's probably because there's a connection there.


You mean dismiss the case without chance to amend? Judge could do that but any decision can still be appealed by either party.

Thank you for this correction. What I mean is the "plan b" part (books, media or whatever it's going to be) is only going to accure when Wade hits dead end in the legal system in my opinion. And when he does I don't know how many people will care about it. They're already skeptical now (for the reasons you just wrote) and they're going to be even more skeptical if they (hopefully) see nobody thinks there's a case.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Right! He needs the money and with a settlement being off the table he doesn't have any chance to make a huge profit. I don't expect him to give up easily. You think he has a chance in supreme court? It's going to be a huge precedent isnt it?

Hope not and I think it would be a very bad precedent to give the go ahead for this case. And I think laws are only changed when there is a sense that current laws are somehow inadequate to serve justice. And this is not that case. You can see why laws and statutes of limitation laws were changed because of the Catholic abuse scandals, but in this case we have two guys who had all the opportunities in the world to make these allegations while the accused was alive and could respond. There was a criminal trial among others. So I don't think this case is a good argument and a good reason for changing laws and statutes and precedents.

Justice should not be one sided. There also needs to be justice for Michael and his heirs (whose money these people are aiming for, basically). Michael is not here to respond and to defend himself and these guys could have made these claims while he was here and could have responded and defended himself. There is no justice in forcing his Estate and heirs into a situation where they would have to defend him and their money with one arm tied behind their back because the accused himself is not here any more to assist his own defense.

But this is just my opinion.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I think changing statutes etc... also would be a concern for other large estates, not just Michael's. If that were allowed to go ahead, than anyone could claim anything against anyone regardless of how much time had passed.

I'm curious as to how long Wade's legal team is prepared to go on with this, since they didn't get the quick settlement they were after. Legal bills are mounting after all.
I find it interesting how Robson's lawyers list the Quincy Jones case in their resume, but not the Robson/Safechuck case:


Gradstein & Marzano, P.C

</header><time>February 2013</time> &#8211; Present (2 years 2 months)6310 San Vicenti Blvd. Los Angeles, CA. 90048Partners Maryann Marzano and Henry Gradstein, Harvey Geller (former Deputy General Counsel and head of litigation at Universal Music Group) and other attorneys at Gradstein & Marzano, P.C. are currently handling and winning numerous high profile cases including class actions around the country on behalf of The Turtles against Sirius XM for misappropriation of their pre-1972 recordings, a claim for copyright infringement against Paramount Pictures on behalf of the writers of the first G.I Joe film for misappropriation of treatments and pitch materials in the $350,000,000 grossing sequel, a claim for reversion of copyrights to the songs of rock legend Marc Bolan of T.Rex on behalf of his son, Rolan Bolan, a claim for copyright infringement on behalf of singer/song writer Aimee Mann against online music provider MediaNet Digital for misappropriation of her entire catalog, a suit on behalf of music producer Quincy Jones against MJJ Productions and Sony for royalties in connection with recordings produced on the Thriller and Bad albums, and other widely reported music and entertainment cases.


A 1979 graduate of U.S.C. Law School where he served on the Law Review, Henry Gradstein has over 30 years of experience litigating and trying a wide variety of entertainment, intellectual property and complex business cases, including a top-ten jury verdict against PBS in California and numerous other multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements. He has been named by The Hollywood Reporter as one of its Top 100 Power Lawyers and by the Daily Journal as one of California's Top Entertainment Lawyers.

Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

There's really no need for that.

Sorry I think there is a need for it. If this case bothers anyone to a point you wish they would compensate liars then maybe steeping away will be better for you. Does not make you a person because you decided to tune it out. JMO
ivy;4081071 said:
Their own comments right now doesn't make much sense with what they claiming as well.

for example this is Safechuck

For James Safechuck, the boy Jackson really had ‘thrown away’, his former friend’s passing left him conflicted. He “felt sad” at the realization that he and Jackson would never be able to have a “normal relationship” and that “his experiences with Decedent would never be resolved.” In spite of the abuse and the ugly note on which they last left, there were still pangs of guilty longing for the man who’d taken ten-year-old Jimmy’s innocence in order to rekindle his own — James had, in fact, “deeply loved and idolized” Jackson.

This is Robson

Even today, however, Robson has mixed emotions about Jackson, and told Lauer what he thinks of when he does think of the singer is: "Heartbreak, pain, anger and compassion.... The image that one presents to the world is not the whole explanation of who someone is. Michael Jackson was yes, an incredibly talented artist with an incredible gift. He was many things. And he was also a pedophile and a child sexual abuser."

Don't you find these positive things (compassion, acknowledging his talent etc) or feeling of sadness due to his death contrary to the portrayal of the abuser? Remember they even claimed anal rape.

Allow me to give an example. One of my friends had a very abusive boyfriend who used to beat her.(we knew the boyfriend as we as friends used to get together) She ended up in hospital multiple times and we as her friends helped her. Eventually she left her boyfriend. He was out of our lives. Several years later he died in an unexpected nature.

I haven't heard anyone express any sadness over his death. My friend was relieved - because she was always afraid that he could hurt her again. Many of our friends felt indifferent - when you know death especially a young and unexpected death is a sad thing but you can't feel sad, you feel nothing. and I haven't seen anyone describe that guy as "he beat women but he was also a very handsome and very articulate man". When people truly do bad things, that takes over everything.

To me, how Robson and Safechuck still approach to their alleged abuser doesn't make any sense. Especially not with the level/types of abuse they are claiming.

I mean both of them have claimed the abuse made them think of raping their own babies!

Imagine, someone abused you for so long and gave you so many mental problems, to the degree you contemplate or become obsessed with sexually abusing your own baby.

And you don't experience huge amounts of trauma to this and don't seem to hold them accountable at all.

It's like Gavin Arvizo who described MJ as a "good man" on the stand even though he'd held them hostage and threatened to have them killed. Or Jordan who said he wasn't afraid of MJ at all and took nothing he said seriously.

And here MJ is responsible for making them think about raping their babies and they don't even seem disgusted and angry at him beyond belief.

-- I think the reason why is like Respect said, they're also trying to circumvent the statutes, and by claiming they "didn't understand" it was wrong, that's their way around it. By trying to claim they thought it could be loving, it means they didn't know it was wrong and therefore could file for it only now.

And yes, they'll try in the legal system for as long as they can, because no book deal will be worth as much as they can get from the estate. Jordan was worth $15 million, they'll both be expecting AT LEAST that much. That's what they're aiming for. And book deals and tabloid deals are not even remotely close to what they'd dream of... possibly $1 million both if they're lucky, and that would be gone quickly.

I could potentially see lawsuits against the estate for other things if this fails. Perhaps claiming profits from videos or things with their image in... just anything. What they're after is the estate money.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I agree. that's one reason. People also have made up their minds about molestation claims long before so you are right, it's not really news. I also think people and media's interest in lawsuits is to see who is guilty and have the guilty party punished. With MJ being dead, this is no longer a possibility. Also the accusers here is a factor. We have grown men, not minor kids. And we have grown men who defended MJ before. I think everyone is skeptical now. Even TMZ reported Robson's complaint and then reported his 2005 testimony.

Added all together there's no media interest. Radar is the only media interested in this but it's probably because there's a connection there.

I second this that is why the ppls will not believe Wade.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I could potentially see lawsuits against the estate for other things if this fails. Perhaps claiming profits from videos or things with their image in... just anything. What they're after is the estate money.

I hope this happens. That would make it all too obvious to everyone what they are really about. I hope they put every last dime in these frivolous lawsuits and lose in the end.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Don't you find these positive things (compassion, acknowledging his talent etc) or feeling of sadness due to his death contrary to the portrayal of the abuser? Remember they even claimed anal rape.

Allow me to give an example. One of my friends had a very abusive boyfriend who used to beat her.(we knew the boyfriend as we as friends used to get together) She ended up in hospital multiple times and we as her friends helped her. Eventually she left her boyfriend. He was out of our lives. Several years later he died in an unexpected nature.

I haven't heard anyone express any sadness over his death. My friend was relieved - because she was always afraid that he could hurt her again. Many of our friends felt indifferent - when you know death especially a young and unexpected death is a sad thing but you can't feel sad, you feel nothing. and I haven't seen anyone describe that guy as "he beat women but he was also a very handsome and very articulate man". When people truly do bad things, that takes over everything.

To me, how Robson and Safechuck still approach to their alleged abuser doesn't make any sense. Especially not with the level/types of abuse they are claiming.

This is something we have to be very careful with. It actually is possible for a person to have positive emotions about someone who has abused them. A family friend was with a man for about 30 years, was married for most of those years. The man would sometimes hit her and she would hit him back. He would not always take no for an answer when he wanted sex but our friend still has many positive memories about him and says he was good in bed. I've also read things about people who have been abused who can have these emotions as well, (no, not from mjfacts lol) but different people can react differently. Having any positive words or memories about someone doesn't actually prove anything and I think if we don't make sure that we get our facts right about abused people then we're not likely to have people listen to us or take us seriously when we tell them we don't believe these two men, or the others.

Of course, I don't believe any of these claims but it's important to be very careful. If for example, people who are on the fence about this who were abused as children (there are a lot of them) read arguments we put forward and we get something wrong about how genuine victims think, feel or act then the likely outcome will be that they will have far less of an incentive to take us seriously. If anyone defending MJ is seen to be ignorant or uninformed about genuine victims then that news will spread quickly and we'll have shot ourselves in the foot.

Personally, I think we should stick to the claims they're making and how they don't make sense as well as the lies we know they've told. I think that will work much better and be more likely to result in people listening to us and taking us more seriously. Like I mentioned earlier, Robson and Safechuck's claims are very different from Jordan, Gavin and Jason's claims. The latter 3 never claimed rape and Clemente thinks MJ was a "loving pedophile" which does not mix with what Wade and James are saying. A person who can rape a child is one that lacks empathy and that doesn't sound like MJ at all, I think even Clemente acknowledges that with his "loving" description. I also remember reading from him that he thinks MJ was a lower level offender, definitely not the worst of the worst.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Yes, it's possible under certain circumstances to have positive/conflicted feelings for an abuser. However these men claim rape on one hand and then they turn around and claim they thought it was an expression of love. The very definition of rape is forcing someone to sex "by means of force, violence, duress, menace, or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury on the victim or another person". That definition in itself determines that something like that cannot be thought of as consensual or loving. So this story is all over the place.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Another thing about my family friend I mentioned above, she was sexually abused by her father as a teenager. She moved out of home and had counseling at some point. When she talks about him now she seems pretty disgusted by him, I think the current relationship a person has with a genuine abuser can sometimes determine how the person is viewed. When my friend's father committed suicide my friend was relieved but still cried. When she had to clean up his house and get it ready for sale recently my mother would go with her because she couldn't go to that house where the abuse took place on her own. When she was there she would be spaced out and unfocused, then she would be distracted after leaving. She had PTSD and it sounds like it's been rearing its ugly head more since she had to deal with that house.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

This is something we have to be very careful with. It actually is possible for a person to have positive emotions about someone who has abused them. A family friend was with a man for about 30 years, was married for most of those years. The man would sometimes hit her and she would hit him back. He would not always take no for an answer when he wanted sex but our friend still has many positive memories about him and says he was good in bed. I've also read things about people who have been abused who can have these emotions as well, (no, not from mjfacts lol) but different people can react differently. Having any positive words or memories about someone doesn't actually prove anything and I think if we don't make sure that we get our facts right about abused people then we're not likely to have people listen to us or take us seriously when we tell them we don't believe these two men, or the others.

Yes, I think we all know those stories, but in context, it's different.

This is a superstar who completely basically "enslaved" these kids... in their version of events MJ sucked them into a warped demented depraved world where they did everything to please him and ran about trying desperately to keep it a secret, spending their whole lives with this shame. They knew MJ did this to others. They knew they could end it for everybody by speaking out. They claim to have experienced breakdowns and requirements for medication, claimed they wanted to sexually abuse their own kids because of MJ. Claimed to be incapable of any type of work at all. Claim to be anally penetrated and degraded by MJ. Claimed to be exposed to child pornography.

I mean this is WARPED. This is your formative years and they're spent with your hero completely messing you up like this.

I remember when I did something to get revenge on a bully at school when I was a kid and my teacher found out, but didn't know it was me and said if she found out this person could be suspended... and wow, I was traumatized! I was like 9 years old and convinced the cops or something would find me. I spent the rest of the school year obeying every thing a teacher said to me, and completely nervous and jittery whenever certain things came up, like I was a nervous wreck! Literally would go home and cry somedays. And what I did wasn't even that bad, but the idea of getting found out for it just upset me soooo bad. I think everyone can remember something stupid like that happening to them as a kid that they got stressed about being found out on.

Now try and imagine going through what they've claimed.

I can't even imagine what a child carrying this kind of horrible secret would have to go through. The kind of mental panic you'd get as a 7 year old, as an 11 year old, as whenever. I wouldn't be able to say his name. I would've wanted to avoid him. I would've had breakdowns and suicide attempts and everything, because I just can't imagine being a child and having to keep that pressure and secret. And being jealous and torn apart when you see him doing it to other kids, you know he doesn't really love or care about you which is the lie you told yourself, you know you're one of dozens? And as a kid that doesn't devastate you? Especially with you being forced into hearing about it, it's not like this was some guy down the road, this was someone you'd have to hear on your radio, hear your friends talk about, see in your newspapers or news channels. After everything you've been through you realize you're not even special to him? So why keep the secret when you know it's all a lie from him? And then 1993 rolls around and your parents and friends and the police are asking you about this specific thing in excruciating detail and everyone's talking about it and acting like it's already happened and he's calling you and threatening your career and life - like wow! I would be dead.

Sorry, I don't buy any idea at all this couldn't be traumatic. No way.

The reason they're claiming this love angle is to justify why they didn't come forwards and to circumvent the statutes now... both claiming it took till now only to realize it was wrong and had messed them up.

MJ was not that good an abuser that he managed to leave every child he'd abused with the idea that it was all loving and good and harmless. That just doesn't happen. You don't see Sandusky's victims claiming they thought it was all fine and that they have no ill will to him. You can try this angle for one of these idiots, but with ALL of them???? We'd be talking Brett, Macaulay, his own relatives, Spence, Corey Feldman, who even knows who else could be involved, and ALL of them just thought it was a loving expression and that there was nothing wrong with it? Not one of them was a wreck as it happened??? Sorry, nope, only a very deluded person would buy that.

I hope this happens. That would make it all too obvious to everyone what they are really about. I hope they put every last dime in these frivolous lawsuits and lose in the end.

Me too. It's a possibility, like with Evan Chandler.

I'm really hoping the appeal of the $$$$$ by the estate makes them attempt absolutely everything, because if they could get money from the estate, it'd be better than having to deal with hawking out book deals.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I think many of his initial actions show he thought he could threat the Estate with a so called media scandal. He got none of these - no settlement and no real media interest even after his interview.
All of Robson's (and now Safechuck's) actions, to me, have been threats to the estate and to the judicial system itself. I personally think they're deviating from the "gentle molester" MO to violent acts both to threaten and scare the estate, and also to scare the judge into thinking that we're talking really serious crime here, and therefore, the statutes can be ignored or bent a little bit.
It's still up to the opinion of a judge and he's a person with a mind and a heart.

I do think that both Robson and Safechuck would try to do the media circuit with interviews and books, etc. (and I would think there should be some kind of loophole in that "slander the deceased" law, because you are also affecting his heirs and his heirs' livelihood) But I don't think either one of them realized how the tide has turned since Michael's death.

Look at the media reports just minutes, days, weeks of his passing-the media were still on the "wierd, freak bandwagon" half the time and suddenly they realized that people weren't buying into it anymore. With Michael gone, people were suddenly saying "What have we done" and like the music critic in BAD 25 said "We should all be ashamed". You NEVER read the term "self proclaimed King of Pop" anymore-it is now The King of Pop, period.
No one has shown any interest at all in this story, sans the Today show interview. If they were that interested, they would have had him back. Radar does and TMZ-kinda-and they showed skepticism from the get-go. Anyone who lived through 93 and 94 can see there's a huge difference-Michael was on the news and in the paper every single day-it was a constant assault. And quite frankly, it was hideously ugly.

He's still a HUGE draw-I get a couple a hundred or more stories through Google Alerts about him every night-but mainly people mentioning him to get a click. But I don't think ANY of these books have done well at all-or the negative press-most of the authors have had a 4 or 5 day book tour, and then the books sink like stones (I'm thinking Sullivan-and that was his own interviews that did him in, not the outrage from fans).
People have turned against this kind of stuff-

Even though his popularity and the respect/admiration for him is coming back, I still can't discuss Michael in any deep way with my family or my friends, because they do not see him like I do, and they would never understand the deep mourning I'm going through (because I am not sure I understand it myself-I just know that I am heartbroken) but at least, they don't attack every time they hear a song or hear his name.

Oh, and as for a settlement-that would never be a consideration after the 94 debacle. We all know as much about Michael as these 2 guys do, and we could all line up and say he molested us, or was the father of our kids. There would be a line for millions out the door-it would never ever stop.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

It's sick when WR claims he speaks for the abused, since he clearly has no idea what it's like to be abused the way he claims. A person who was truly abused like that would not speak or act the way he does. He insults abuse survivors everywhere. I hope Robson and Safechuck lose all their money, and if this case somehow makes its way to court, that they are shamed and humiliated and torn apart, but knowing them, they have no conscience, so they probably won't feel any remorse at all. I hope the Estate bites back hard.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I mean this is WARPED. This is your formative years and they're spent with your hero completely messing you up like this.

Now try and imagine going through what they've claimed.

I wouldn't be able to say his name. I would've wanted to avoid him. I would've had breakdowns and suicide attempts and everything, because I just can't imagine being a child and having to keep that pressure and secret. And being jealous and torn apart when you see him doing it to other kids, you know he doesn't really love or care about you which is the lie you told yourself, you know you're one of dozens? And as a kid that doesn't devastate you? Especially with you being forced into hearing about it, it's not like this was some guy down the road, this was someone you'd have to hear on your radio, hear your friends talk about, see in your newspapers or news channels. After everything you've been through you realize you're not even special to him?

You hit the nail on the head here. Any other kid, (or not even a kid-any person)who is in love with the person they're describing, and then they just throw you over for another kid, you realize you're not special after all, would be full of HATE and REVENGE. And they would have been trying to get it in 2005!!
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

This is something we have to be very careful with. It actually is possible for a person to have positive emotions about someone who has abused them.

You mean like Stockholm syndrome?
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

You mean like Stockholm syndrome?

From what I've read, it can be like that or similar.

The only reason I brought this up is because this is something that makes people very emotional which can make things very difficult. When I debate this online I sometimes find it hard to know how to word things and I like to be careful about that. A lot of people out there use some pretty flawed logic and if I were to appear not to understand what real victims go through then many people would stop listening right there. It can already be very difficult to speak to people about this because they can get so emotional and so angry. I try to keep in mind when I'm talking to people that they could have been a victim of abuse and I may not know it. I'm sure we have people on here who had it happen to them, it's very common.

We already have a general public full of people who think MJ is guilty, we're pushing shit uphill before we've even been able to utter a word in his defense, anything we get wrong or misunderstand can blow up in our faces, that's why I brought this up, I just like to be careful. For me personally though, it may also be that I don't like angry confrontation so maybe I'm also looking for ways to avoid that happening.

Of course anyone who goes through rape as a child will be traumatised as a result, but they can still have positive views about their abuser as well. It's not completely logical but the same can happen with people who have abusive spouses or parents. Of course, not everyone reacts the same way though. One thing I'd like to make very clear is that Robson and Safechuck make me angry and sick at the same time because I think they're taking advantage of real victims by spending time with them to learn how to act, think and speak like them, and they're taking advantage of Michael being dead in order to get money. You have to be a special kind of sick to do that! Not only is he shitting all over a dead man and his family but also all over genuine victims, he's manipulating these people. Haven't they been traumatised enough? It really pisses me off!

Robson especially bugs me, hanging around a survivor's group is the icing on the cake. He reminds me of Tania Head, and I don't know how people like that do what they do. Do they not have any empathy at all? I guess that has to be the case for anyone who can do things like this. I agree with everyone here saying it doesn't make sense, especially how little therapy and time it took for them to suddenly have "realisations" and go public. Respect77 said the other day that Desiree sent Safechuck's mother a link to her blog in 2011, one thing I wonder about that is why send it to his mother? Why not to him? It looks like she was going for major emotional manipulation there.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Yes, it's possible under certain circumstances to have positive/conflicted feelings for an abuser. However these men claim rape on one hand and then they turn around and claim they thought it was an expression of love. The very definition of rape is forcing someone to sex "by means of force, violence, duress, menace, or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury on the victim or another person". That definition in itself determines that something like that cannot be thought of as consensual or loving. So this story is all over the place.

I agree with you.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Respect77 said the other day that Desiree sent Safechuck's mother a link to her blog in 2011, one thing I wonder about that is why send it to his mother? Why not to him? It looks like she was going for major emotional manipulation there.

It was his wife. And I think that was just because she found her e-mail. I'm not sure if she also sent it to James himself. I guess so. (I found his website and there is an e-mail address there. http://e8interactive.com/portfolio/about/ )

And yes, I agree that what they are doing is not only incredibly low because of what they are doing to Michael, but also because they are manipulating and using real victims. It's false allegations like these why real victims also meet a lot of scepticism and it makes it more difficult for them to report. So what they are doing is harmful and criminal on so many levels.