They are discussin this law:
It clearly states: "No action described in paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (a) may be commenced on or after the plaintiff's 26th birthday."
With one exception which is the (b)(2) part.
This is what Robson needs to prove to prevail.
And the Estate's argument is the same as before: MJ was not the companies' employee, volunteer, representative, or agent but their sole owner. And so the companies did not have control over him but he had control over them. They cite precedent law which shows that for this part to apply to a company it has to have some kind of control over the alleged perpetrator.
Plus the companies did not know or had a reason to know that alleged abuse occured. They make it clear that a vauge statement that they try with that alleged Norma Staikos quote is not sufficient to prove that a company knew or had a reason to know:
Yes, apart from that vague alleged Norma Staikos comment they did not seem to give any names or any cause of action, for that matter, for why MJ's companies would fall within the (b)(2) section of the quoted law. They simply seem to go on about law interpretations, but that was already discussed before and the Judge wanted them to state a cause of action for why the companies would fall within (b)(2). From this demurrer to me it seems they have failed to come up with anything substantial.