Discussion: MJJCommunity Charity Songs for Haiti Quake Victims

sowwyyy estyle :flowers:

Leaders of this project (started the whole idea)

Composed songs and recorded demos - or are in the process of it
(so that we know how many songs we have etc...)
1raz2911 - 'what can I do' http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/sh...25#post2553625
2 Birchey (the song promoted by MJCharity on a big scale, demo http://tinyurl.com/ybu4afn)
3 barok232 'Save the world'

Wrote some lyrics

(so that we know how many lyrics we have)

2Birchey working on lyrics, people keep them coming!
3 eStyle (edit: link: http://rapidshare.com/files/33787336...ing_vocals.wav)
4 Webbie http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2556474&postcount=286

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@Lemon Ali: Thanks! :) U need a link?

Here: http://rapidshare.com/files/337873368/What_Can_I_Do_Rap_Part_and_backing_vocals.wav


Tell me why is it sometimes so hard to live? (hard to live)
Tell me why is it sometimes harder to give? (tell me why)
Tell me why we can't just go help Haiti?
And tell me how can I help them? It's makin' me crazy!
Tell me why nature sometimes is so bad? (so bad)
Tell me why does nature make somethin' like that?
All our brothers and sisters, they start to go mad (goin' mad)
And when I see this on tv it's just makin' me sad! (makin' me sad)

It's the least I can do ;)

oh the website is a great idea, please include some info on our thread recording what can I do? found at this link:http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=85654

Will there be one song, multiple songs? Because for now, I have no clue lol

That would be a great idea :D it could be full of various bits of information on the song, latest news from Haiti, how they can donate, place to listen to the song, watch the official video (if one gets made).

good idea!

I noticed you're the creator of this project, so you're going to give me all the info that needs to be put on the website? Or will you be creating a new topic where all official info will go? Otherwise, I'll just make you webmaster too so you can manage it as well. (Script is difficult for beginners and basic knowledge is necessary.)

I'll start working on it tonight by the way: putting the domain on my hosting plan, adding a script, working on a lay-out etc.

It's becoming quite confusing with all these threads, but that's probably my mistake because I haven't had time to read all of them.

I posted my lyric in the Charity song Lyric topic, but I'll do it here too:

Can you imagine?

It's time to open your eyes
and start looking around you
Notice the child that cries
Because he just lost his mommy too.

People are struggling to stay alive,
Nothing to drink and so hungry.
All they want is a chance to survive,
To be reunited with their family.

*Can you imagine?*

Having no roof above your head
Living in streets filled with blood
Being surrounded by the dead
And once, that was your neighbourhood.

*Can you imagine?*

If we act as a unity,
If we start working together,
Then we do have the ability,
to make things better.

Don't live in ignorance
Don't refuse to see reality
Even when it happens from a distance
These people count on humanity

And now the time has come
to help the ones in need
It doesn't matter where you're from
Together we will succeed.

*Can you imagine?*

Having no roof above your head
Living in streets filled with blood
Being surrounded by the dead
And once, that was your neighbourhood.

*Can you imagine?*

If we act as a unity,
If we start working together,
Then we do have the ability,
to make things better.
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I thought we were just using mine and then many started so I don't know but we will be recording ours hopefully before monday

Hi Raz. Limonali's list has Birchey's song down as the one that's gonna be promoted. As far as I know she's just adding to the list. I don't know who chose it.

Leaders of this project (started the whole idea)

Composed songs and recorded demos - or are in the process of it
(so that we know how many songs we have etc...)
1raz2911 - 'what can I do' http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/sh...25#post2553625
2 Birchey (the song promoted by MJCharity on a big scale, demo http://tinyurl.com/ybu4afn)
3 barok232 'Save the world'

Wrote some lyrics

(so that we know how many lyrics we have)

2Birchey working on lyrics, people keep them coming!

Peeps you can all add to this list, I in no way have an understanding of this confusion here ;)
Just add as we go. Especially links to where you posted or uploaded demos or lyrics ok?
Or edit if I made a mistake.

So as I understood Sidewalk, Birchey's song is the one that MJJC officially supports, right?
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Thats all what i see! :( "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation"
And says also :
"This account is suspended."
Hi Raz. Limonali's list has Birchey's song down as the one that's gonna be promoted. As far as I know he's just adding to the list. I don't know who chose it.

I'm just writing down on the list what's being said here, so that we get some idea and order :)
The information about promotion comes from Sidewalk as quoted below:

Birchey is finishing up the song as we speak, once we have the lyrics and the track we'll give it to everyone who wants to sing or rap (...) as this is properly the only MJ-related charity song that will be put out (on this scale at least)

and btw, I'm 'she' :p
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I'm just writing down on the list what's being said here, so that we get some idea and order :)
The information about promotion comes from Sidewalk as quoted below:

and btw, I'm 'she' :p

:blush: Sorry! :doh: I'll edit it
Birchey, I LOVE it !!!!! :huggy: It sounds great!

Thank You :) It just came from nowhere :S

I need a couple of vocalists ASAP who can join me on MSN, preferably who have a Mic, I need to lay down some vocals for people to get to know the song, I will talk people thru it on MSN too :)

Mjdvds@aol.com is my addy
haven't heard back from Birchey in ages :(

Do you know how much of the song was done? I'm trying to keep these songs going because it was a really good idea and it was all thanks to you. I don't want to let it fade away. These songs should be finished. Between all of us I know we can do it. Even if we all sing on all the songs. The biggest thing seems to be getting people to sing. There were lots of volunteers at the start but the interest has died down.

Maybe "un-stickying" :)lol:) this thread could help? I think people tend to ignore them. I know I do. I took me ages to find this thread when it was made a sticky :scratch: