Discussion: Is it worth it?

^ BRILLIANT and you're welcome!! anyways....I hope I'm right.lol There will be troll yes of course. I think if you kill the trolls with kindness and drop alittle of comment sense you can at least get them to go away. sweetie I would love to see some of you post, that's if you don't mind, You don't have to show me where you at, I just want to see some of the comments.

Bee I'm starting to wonder if we are at the same place.lol Are you in the "entertainment forum" That's where I am I haven't see a "look at mj's kiddies" at all. I will go back and check. The thread I was on slipped down to like the 6 page on that forum I have no clue where you at girl. *Let me go check right now*
^^ Thanks. :) Well, I guess I could post my comments from the thread; wouldn't feel right to post things others have said in that discussion without their permission though. And I'm too lazy to ask for it. :D He's posted again, so I'll finish out the discussion first.

Tbh, I haven't had to deal with arguing with peeps in person much, so I'm really not sure how I would react. I have argued with my sister in the past, but the topic hasn't come up lately. Even though I enjoy talking about MJ a lot, I do talk about other subjects too. :D

Just to add to the 'is he strange and/or weird' debate; it's true that those two words have negative connotations. I like eccentric better. Also, how about kooky? :lol: Or nutty? Maybe that's too related to one's mental health. Fine line describing a person as either nutty, or nuts, I guess. Maybe too fine. Maybe I should stick with eccentric. Unique is good too.
My 10 cents:

Yes! it's worth it for the ones willing to learn from it, even IF there's just ONE in a bunch.

I say just speak the truth in love, ignore the haters and those who want to shoot the messenger.

I ran across this today and thought I'd post it here for those who haven't heard it before
because it's so true:

Minister Farrakhan Speaks About MJ
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Well, I think my argument about MJ is finished. :clapping: But should I post it in this thread, or make a separate one? :unsure:
hmmm ... well, I guess it all boils down to a personal level. There are times that I feel quite compelled to point things out to some people, that clearly have a twisted version of reality. Then again, there are other times that the person is just a fart-bag, that is more than likely, always going to be a fart-bag ... why bother with them types. Save the enlightenment for those that seem receptive to hearing it. Think of it like this, when you come across a 'jehovah's witness' and they start to give you the once over about your 'accepting Jehovah into your heart' etc. if you dont feel like listening, you aint gonna listen. It won't matter if they tell you that you're gonna win a new car for following Jehovah, you simply aint listening that day.

On the other hand, sometimes people are simply soo assfaced and ignorant that I must drill home a fact that makes them and they IGNANT opinion, look and feel about 2" tall. after that I simply smile and go about by bidnizz. LOL I remember one time at an electronics/CD store I was attempting to do just that. But this fool would not let me. He was trying to talk over me and he was suceeding ... That simply does not happen to me often and I am not used to it. I asked to use the stores phone and pushed the intercom/page button, then continued to make my point to the fool. The rest of the store, who had seen the conversation progress, thought it was funny but dude was pissed. He left the store and i thought my ignorant redneck opinion day was done ... I ran into dude, in the mall parking lot later on and we settled things in a less orderly fashion :chichi: He thought he could take an MJ fan real easy like... he knows better now **whoot whoot**

Basically, you gotta pick your battles when it comes to nonfans or ignorant non fans, whatever the case may be.

OMG!!! lol
Really? I was on the thread regarding MJ and his children. It was titled: Look at MJ's Kiddies." If they deleted my posts, it is their lost. I know that this morning, I deleted my account from that place so it is possbile that maybe that is why my posts aren't there.
sweets I checked again and I DO NOT see this thread I don't know if you at the same spot as me. Maybe someone said the same thing twice just on two different board. Anyways I'm sure you did michael justice.:D
I wise man once said ''Never argue with an idoit, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience''

That is true. LOL. I had to agrue with many idiots and then I deceided to leave because the truth was there in front of their faces. Well, I deleted my account on that place.

The debate went very well. I'm fairly well-respected on the other forum where I was arguing (I think ) and I had a couple peeps admitting that they had been swayed by the media, and some have told me that by reading my posts in the debate, I have made them do a complete 180 when it comes to how they think about him.

Good for you. That is why I say that it is worth it. If people learn from you and you do not come at them like you are about to kick their rear, then they can learn from you. I didn't do that on the forum that I was in. I let them have it because that is how I am.

Bee I'm starting to wonder if we are at the same place.lol Are you in the "entertainment forum" That's where I am I haven't see a "look at mj's kiddies" at all


sweets I checked again and I DO NOT see this thread I don't know if you at the same spot as me. Maybe someone said the same thing twice just on two different board. Anyways I'm sure you did michael justice

You know what, I do not think we were in the same website. I was in a website that had to deal with a very famous singer. There is not "entertainment forum" on that site. It was a non *insert artist's name* music forum. I def. did MJ justice and spoke the truth but I realized that it is up to them to see it for themselves. I do not regret doing what I did, that includes deleting my account. I was disrespected and insulted and I knew that the mods on that place wouild not care about how I was treated so I did myself a favor and deleted my account. I love the artist as a musician, but that is about it. The artists' fans are a piece of work and very bitter people. Not allof his fans, but a good amount of them.

it's true that those two words have negative connotations. I like eccentric better.

Hmmm, I think weird and strange are much better to describe MJ than eccentric. That word, to me, means in a lot of ways that MJ is not a part of this world. However, that is how you see it. :)
aaagh I don't know I would say in here. Umm...MODs?:scratch:

Agh just put it in here.:D
It just occurred to me; I don't think I'm allowed to post it because once you post stuff on a forum, it becomes property of said forum, so copyright rules apply. I think. :unsure:

So I will PM it to you. If anyone else is interested, I can PM them with it as well.

It's true one picks the causes one supports. I mean, there are plenty of things that one can do to make the world a better place; donate time to the SPCA, homeless shelters, hospitals, the environment etc. Why do I spend my time defending MJ? Why is that my 'cause'?

Because music is by far the biggest thing in my life; I chose to make music my life, and it is of huge importance to me. So it's logical for me to defend an artist who was and still is a victim of lies and money-chasers, so much so that the lies persist in the minds of normal people who just don't know the facts. I've never seen such a huge travesty done to an artist on such a grand scale before, equivalent to the enormity of his stature as an artist and humanitarian.

I find it highly disturbing that this happened, and that the lies persist in people's minds to this day. The man should be left alone so he can continue to spread his positive message, which has always been plain to see, and perhaps most importantly (to me anyway,) to make music!

That's why I defend MJ. And I believe it is worth it.

Thanks Bee. :)

Edit- Oh yeah; if any of the peeps I PM notice anything non-factual in my arguments, please let me know. I just argued from memory, 'off the cuff' as it were. Also, a big shout out to TSCM, whose vid saved me a lot of trouble. :yes: Thanks a lot! :)
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You know what, I do not think we were in the same website. I was in a website that had to deal with a very famous singer. There is not "entertainment forum" on that site. It was a non *insert artist's name* music forum. I def. did MJ justice and spoke the truth but I realized that it is up to them to see it for themselves. I do not regret doing what I did, that includes deleting my account. I was disrespected and insulted and I knew that the mods on that place wouild not care about how I was treated so I did myself a favor and deleted my account. I love the artist as a musician, but that is about it. The artists' fans are a piece of work and very bitter people. Not allof his fans, but a good amount of them.
Oh ok we're in two different spots then. Big ups girl for rep'n mike.:D

It just occurred to me; I don't think I'm allowed to post it because once you post stuff on a forum, it becomes property of said forum, so copyright rules apply. I think. :unsure:

So I will PM it to you. If anyone else is interested, I can PM them with it as well.

It's true one picks the causes one supports. I mean, there are plenty of things that one can do to make the world a better place; donate time to the SPCA, homeless shelters, hospitals, the environment etc. Why do I spend my time defending MJ? Why is that my 'cause'?

Because music is by far the biggest thing in my life; I chose to make music my life, and it is of huge importance to me. So it's logical for me to defend an artist who was and still is a victim of lies and money-chasers, so much so that the lies persist in the minds of normal people who just don't know the facts. I've never seen such a huge travesty done to an artist on such a grand scale before, equivalent to the enormity of his stature as an artist and humanitarian.

I find it highly disturbing that this happened, and that the lies persist in people's minds to this day. The man should be left alone so he can continue to spread his positive message, which has always been plain to see, and perhaps most importantly (to me anyway,) to make music!

That's why I defend MJ. And I believe it is worth it.

Thanks Bee. :)

Edit- Oh yeah; if any of the peeps I PM notice anything non-factual in my arguments, please let me know. I just argued from memory, 'off the cuff' as it were. Also, a big shout out to TSCM, whose vid saved me a lot of trouble. :yes: Thanks a lot! :)
oh ok I see. I got your pm I will check it out after I do my nightly round on the forum. Thanks:D
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What I think is sad in society today is the fact that Michael's fans have to be defensive and supportive of Michael to other people in the first place. I mean, I care about Michael very much, but I don't know what goes on inside his mind or why he does some of the things he does. I can't defend every little thing he says or does.
All I know is that I became a supporter of Michael's because I like him and think he's extremely talented. I was seven years old, for goodness sake, when I became a fan.
I don't know exactly why.. It's just what Michael was presenting touched me in some way that I cannot describe. It still touches me to this day.

Anyway, I just don't see other fans of celebrities having to defend their idol's every little action and explain it so that it makes sense to all the ignorant people who ask dumb questions in the first place. It's why I love PHM (Private Home Movies) so much because Michael was allowed to be himself and show whatever side of himself he wanted to share with the public. There was no dumb "Well, Isn't it odd that you.. blah blah blah....?" questions that the media thinks the public wants asked of him. He was just being himself and putting himself out there.

Is it worth it? That's like asking if air is worth it or If love is worth fighting for. If we are to love one another completely, forgiving each other for our misdeeds, and moving forward in a united direction on this earth, YES.. It's worth it to stand up for those who need a hand every now and again.

Even if it IS frustrating at times. It's still worth it to lift people up instead of tearing them down so much.
I find it highly disturbing that this happened, and that the lies persist in people's minds to this day. The man should be left alone so he can continue to spread his positive message, which has always been plain to see, and perhaps most importantly (to me anyway,) to make music!

That's why I defend MJ. And I believe it is worth it.

Same here and that is why we fans do what we do. Michael is a man that has given too much to people only to get burned and trashed. We forget that what MJ does to people we, as humans, should do. We should help each other. MJ cared about a certain family and got burned badly. It happens. Just because a bunch of devil worshipping media fools can't see past whatever regarding Mike, have to spread lies about him does not mean the lies are true. The man's message is in his music. They should do themselves a favor and listen to his music. I will always defend MJ because I feel that he was wrongly and falesly accused of a crime, he has done nothing but cared about people, and he is a big target because he is a big star, he is black and he dares to be himself.

In this society, people assume that you have to be like the "status quo" when the "status quo" does not include people of color, gender, religion, etc. Also, there is a problem that society has with race in my country, USA, and every other country. If three children who are fair skinned have a black father and it is proven that the children are biologically his, then that is that. There should not be an assumption that because MJ is black, his children have to have the same skin tone that MJ used to have in order for him to be the father. That is like saying that all black people with the same skin tone look alike. That is not the case. All you have to do is watch "Maury" when he does the paternity shows to tell you a thing or two about DNA or read books on genetics and DNA. I just wanted to point that out.

What I think is sad in society today is the fact that Michael's fans have to be defensive and supportive of Michael to other people in the first place. I mean, I care about Michael very much, but I don't know what goes on inside his mind or why he does some of the things he does. I can't defend every little thing he says or does.

It is a choice. If you do not want to defend MJ, you do not have to. It is not really a requirement to defend MJ on every little thing that he does. I do not do that with MJ. I defend him when I feel that something about his is proven to be not true. Not everything about MJ is true and not everything about MJ is false. When people attack three innocent children who are in the spotlight because their father is Michael Jackson and people are assuming, just by looking at the children, that they are not his, I need to say something. I have seen many people who are black verbally tell me and others that they do not consider themsleves black. As much as I disagree with what they were saying, that is how THEY see themselves. These people were friends of mine in high school and they told me and others that. That got me thinking about how one or a few people view themseleves, race wise, versus how society views them race wise. There are many stories out there that can give others an understanding as to why it is very possible for a black man to have fair skinned children. Mariah Carey is a great example of someone who is mixed race, had a black father (her father died years ago) and to come out looking like she looks. She is proof that MJ's children have to be his. Another person would be Victoria Rockwell aka Drucilla from "Young and the Restless". She has a daughter (who I believe is in her early 20's) who is white skinned, blue eyed, blonde hair. Her daughter's father is a white German man and Victoria is a mixed raced woman. I seen her daughter in one of my magazines and I was shocked because I was expecting her daughter to look a certain way. However, I didn't assumed that Victoria was not her mother. So, my point is, it is worth it because people need to be educated. The mainstream media are not gonna waste their time in talking about race in this world. That is just the truth. There is a problem in this world regarding race and how we view it and it needs to be discussed. I think that is the root of the issue regarding Michael's children.

Anyway, I just don't see other fans of celebrities having to defend their idol's every little action and explain it so that it makes sense to all the ignorant people who ask dumb questions in the first place.

Other fans of celebrities do that. Janet fans, Britney fans, Justin fans. Michael went through way more than any other celebrity has ever gone through. MJ was accused, falsely, of a very distrubing and sick crime. It was character assinsination (sp) at its finest when MJ was going through his trial. When someone's character, esp. someone like Michael's, is being trashed in the mud, it is a personal offense to his fans because the media and whoever is destroying a person's individuality and that is horrible. So, yes, I see nothing wrong with fans defending MJ the way they do. Most of his fans are defending him in that way because that was how they became fans of the man in the first place. Almost any insult towards MJ, I take to offense. That is how I feel.

Even if it IS frustrating at times. It's still worth it to lift people up instead of tearing them down so much

Well, if the people who wanted to make a big deal out of this man would see it in your view, then this thread would have not been made. There are people in this world who are ignorant, stupid and a bunch of sheep. They believe everything about everybody and have nothing to stand for. Those people cannot be helped. However, there are people who are given lies about this man and cannot tell which of the lies are indeed lies or truths. They were not educated in what is true because most of the time, the media is not telling the truth. That is the issue here. The MJ fans, most of them hopefully, know this about the media and calls them out on it. This is why I like the Internet because it is another form of medium that can get the truth out without any intereference. So, if it is working, then it is totally worth it.