Discussion: Is it worth it?

Well, I'm speaking from a western society's point of view which Michael is a product of. I understand what you're saying, but Michael's eccentric behavior has overshadowed his professional work, unfortunately. I'm not saying that's Michael's fault, but the media have a field day with every oddball thing Michael does.

I'm not disagreeing with you, Michael is very much misunderstood and that's very evident. It really bothers me to hear people call Michael names, though. He doesn't deserve that kind of thing, but it's not all the media's fault. My point is in one way or another, Michael adds to this image that's been created. Some fans say "that's just Michael being Michael", but is that really helping him in the long run?

I agree with you.
But I think also at the end of the day as an adult everybody of us also choses in a way how we want to live.
There are 'forces' you LET rule your life cuz mostly you chose to... I guess ppl have their reasons.
There's always also a price one has to pay for a choice one did. Nothing has only advantages or positive sides. So does being famous.
If Michael brings some of these things onto himself and I agree with you that he does at times... but then it is his choice and mainly it's him and his kids who have to live with it. They seem pretty happy and serene, so it's for sure ok with me.
I mean if it is his professional choice... he knows the business well. If this is what he wants to be known for for now, then be it. *shrugs*
Probably it's that some of us have to learn that Michael is not only called excentric, he maybe really is (if that's business or private wise doesn't matter)... well then what... doesn't make him a good or bad person... it's just him, Michael Jackson.
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Or perhaps 90% of folks call Michael weird because he is.
Even in this thread we have people agreeing that he is weird but that it doesn't matter. At the same time we seem to have people saying that Michael is a normal, lovely guy and the weirdness is a media distortion. If the fans can't even agree on what's true then how can we even start to convince outsiders?

I would say unique NOT weird
He is different and rightly so
He has experienced life in a way
no other human being has and
so his ways an persective is very
different Unique .. than ours

Weird seem like a rude :no: description of Michael's diffferences
and is not usuallu used to describe someone in a Good or favorable light.

I think UNIQUE or DIFFERENT is a more Respectful and fitting discription

Michael is a very Unique and wonderful Human bieng:)

1.existing as the only one or as the sole example;
single; solitary in type or characteristics:
a unique copy of an ancient manuscript.

2.having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable:
Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint.

–noun 6.the embodiment of unique characteristics;
the only specimen of a given kind:
The unique is also the improbable.

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whatever! sometimes you peeps skurr me with this defense of michael's "normality." as if any of us know first hand. he could be your average Joe. he could also be a raving goofball. none of us actually know. yet people choose to battle out the unknown.
whatever! sometimes you peeps skurr me with this defense of michael's "normality." as if any of us know first hand. he could be your average Joe. he could also be a raving goofball. none of us actually know. yet people choose to battle out the unknown.

ok. i'll bite...

is that screenname your real name?
Ladies & Gents...
No sense in getting hurt or raising your blood pressure (not safe nor healthy)...

You can never make another or others come to your way of thinking;
the only thing you can do is TEACH THE TRUTH..!

Knowledge Is Growth~~~"Education Is The Key"
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If Michael never did anything that people would consider 'strange' there would be far less to talk about.. Michael knows what he's doing..

He knows when he goes out dressed different than others, that it's DIFFERENT than others.. It's designed.. Both when he's trying to hide, and when he's in public as himself..

Otherwise he'd probably just wear slacks, and a botton up shirt.. But he knows what gets TALK.. TALK is good.. Even if it's 'wierd' talk.. It's a dangerous line because SOME things can be twisted from Wierd to evil.. But as long as he's able to keep it at 'different' but not bad.. People will always talk about him..

He has become a myth like being.. That's why people (even non fans) freak out if they see him in person.. Because he's more than human.. It's a being above celebirty. It's truely a MYTH BEING that Michael became.

It's smart as hell if you ask me.

I agree that he's become a myth-like being. And I think that has its pro's and cons. All the weird stories and rumours that have accumulated about MJ over the years does not just add to his mysterious/legend/genius persona, it also adds up to a lot of negativity where some ppl are so confused about him that they don't know what to believe and could possibly start believing anything about him. That is where it gets really dangerous, especially when someone comes along and starts making accusations. As you said, it's a dangerous line to walk. "Weird" can be fun and interesting, but "weird" can also become something sinister. And to me the real issue is not whether MJ is weird, but rather if or when does weird become bad?
:lol: there is 'MJ Fan' and there is "Ghetto MJ Fan" :hysterical: I am Bi-polar that way :innocent:
My my chichi, you're something else u know that :p

My point is in one way or another, Michael adds to this image that's been created. Some fans say "that's just Michael being Michael", but is that really helping him in the long run?
You certainly have a point there. Michael is very misunderstood, no doubt about it. But whether it is "Michael being Michael" or not, he doesn't make things easy for himself, period. One of my former teachers once said: you cannot help a person until you 'fully' understand his problems. Well, I'll be the first to admit that, although I have been a fan for ages, I don't always understand Michael's choices. Some of his actions puzzel me as much as it does non-fans, so who am I to stand up and explain them?
If someone has a problem with me being a fan, I'll be the first to throw in a decent lesson of Michael history. But other then that I don't feel it's my position to go out and explain Michael to the world. People who truly want to understand him should listen to his music. It may not reveal everything, but it's a good start! :)
My favorite thing to bring up is how his greatest hits album and his "flop" both sold something like 10 million albums while the hottest acts today sell between 2-6 million, and the EXTREMELY high-profile, do every awards show, show up everywhere, make 8 music videos an album artist MAY be able to match 10 million.

Or, if we're near a computer, I just pull up a clip of him dancing to Billie Jean and they usually shut up pretty fast.

If they don't, whatever. I bet they listen to R. Kelly and I say (Pssst.... at least there's not a tape of MJ). And I'm a big fan of R. Kelly, so I'm not just bashing him for the sake of it.
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It's not worth it, because Michael keeps feeding the "weirdo" stories and really by now it's just too late - the damage has been done.

I agree, but some people are open , sadly they are minority,

but who cares right, it's theirs lost - were all blessed to listen to mj music every day
If ha can start to make interesting music again, we don´t need to convince people. they will diecover him by them self.
He needs to live his life in peace. he has done the killer album already.
The reason why MJ has survived this long is because he has not allowed the media and naysayers to get to him. In fact they look foolish everytime they open their mouths. MJ is steady laughing. He has nothing to prove, he has done it all.

They want to ridicule him and make him a laughing stock. So they go after his children, but they couldn't ignore those 2 beautiful children HOLDING HANDS in perfect harmony as they crossed the road with a smile on their faces. How many 10 and 11 year olds you see holding hands in this day and age. MJ's children do. Yet they want to call him crazy. They need to take a look at themselves, the fools.
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Ha, I'm actually arguing right this minute with someone on another forum. If I could get permission from mods, I would post it so y'all could see my work. lol
Why would you do that? Where you at? :huh:


I guess what I meant was that I'm 'currently' in a debate with someone on another forum. I'm here too. :D

I'm not sure why I bother defending MJ. I guess it does bother me when people spread lies about him. It ain't right, damn it! lol
^It bothers me too esp since I don't see him as weird. really erks me. I guess I shouldn't let it get to me because I do think that with good music, a lot of the ignorance would turn around. Hold my hand proves that and it wasn't even michael's song. I think ppl say stupid stuff cuz they think it's expected. Youtubers kill me with the IGNANT comments. I'm like then why are you watching his videos? how stupid is that. lol

get em' eightnoterjo:evil:. *uhhum* I mean break it down fa them fools.

And the comment that really bothered me and why I’m even starting this thread was because… Two ppl said they “can’t wait until michael’s kids grow up so they can write a TELL ALL BOOK!” That really got to me and I wanted to post something so badly and blast these fools. What the heck kinda thinking is that? OoOoOoOO I wanted to say something (although I’m new and hardly post) But why do I feel like it’s just gonna be an argument and a waste of time.

I was just on that board no later than 15 minutes ago! I had posted on there various times. Man..... I am not gonna say the name of the place (I am ClassiceBee on that site) but those people were TRASHING Michael and his children. I was told by one person that I should not post on that board because I asked "what is black" and explained my reasons. Then I was told by a so called MJ fan that I should "take a break" from posting. Basically saying that I need to shut up because I am "freaking" that person out. Man..... It was very nasty.

I think it is worth it. The truth needs to come out there. When it deals with his children, the truth needs to come out there. I have an issue with people that trash other people's children. That really bothers me because bad enough they are in the spotlight and bad enough people who are low call them names. That same board had a thread about Madonna's daughter Lordes and the comments on there were uncalled for. Those people there have issues. It is one thing to have an opinion, but to trash innocent children is uncalled for.

BTW, I do not mind the weird and strange comments. To me, being strange and weird is a personality trait. I have met my share of people.....let's just leave it at that.

Great post.
I could say that it isn't worth it and just ignore it or try to not let it get to you, but that's not what I do. I try to, but it never works. I almost always end up defending him; I have with strangers and friends. Some people are just refusing to listen then, so it's pointless. I have also had people who say things just to get me irritated. A guy who is sort of part of my family wrote me a message the other day and wrote, "You know MJ likes little boys," and I wrote back and just said, "You don't want to piss me off. Trust me, you will like me a lot better when I'm being nice." He didn't respond of course. He was only saying it to piss me off, and I didn't get into defending then; I just made that comment.

When I do defend him, I start out trying to be very nice though because I don't want to just come across like a jerk myself. I let them be the jerk. I just simply try to tell them facts and get them thinking. I always say that I don't care if they don't like Michael or his music, but it doesn't mean the other things are true.

I just got into it with someone the other day but not really in a bad way; I maintained my cool. I had talked to this guy a few times, and he seemed pretty nice. I said something about Michael Jackson, and he said he liked him when he was black but doesn't like the "white one". That irritated me enough, but then he started saying something about not liking him because of his "sex life". I asked what he meant, and he said with kids, so I could feel myself getting upset. I just tried to keep it simple, to the point, gave him facts, and I didn't tell him that he was stupid, which is what I wanted to do. I told him that I followed the trial very closely and I just went on and on because it all just came to me very easily. He ended up saying "Ok, enough about Michael," but I haven't talked to him since then. It actually changed my opinion of him.

When people say that he's weird, I usually just say that he is different. That is what makes him special. If he were just like everyone else, it would not be as exciting, and he would not be as interesting. People all over the world know him, and he has the most diverse group of fans. I just tell them that I wish more people would be like him. Also, I tell them that he has had a much different life than most people have, so they need to try harder to understand him. If they don't understand, it doesn't mean that they should make fun of him; he is still a human being, he never hurts anyone, he's done a lot to help others, and that's all that matters.
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Well, when I was a nanny...the dad in the family knew how ANGRY I'll get if anyone says anything bad about Michael...So sometimes he'd say something bad just because he knew I'd be totally pissed off. One time he finally confessed and was like "You know...I actually don't really care what Michael Jackson wears or what he looks like an dI actually really like his music....but I just love how angry you get when ever someone says anything bad about him, so I just can't resist teasing you!". I swear I could have choked him! :lmao:

Wow, that's so funny because I'm a nanny now, and back when the trial was going on, the dad I worked for would come in from work and say, "Is he guilty yet?" then he would laugh. He would just say comments like that to me, and I would go in there and tell him all kinds of things (whatever was going on at the time). He sometimes listened, but he always did say he thought Michael was talented. He just loved to torment me by saying things about him going to jail because he knew how upset I got. When there was an article in the paper about MJ, he would give it to me though.
I would say unique NOT weird
He is different and rightly so
He has experienced life in a way
no other human being has and
so his ways an persective is very
different Unique .. than ours

Weird seem like a rude :no: description of Michael's diffferences
and is not usuallu used to describe someone in a Good or favorable light.

I think UNIQUE or DIFFERENT is a more Respectful and fitting discription

Michael is a very Unique and wonderful Human bieng:)

1.existing as the only one or as the sole example;
single; solitary in type or characteristics:
a unique copy of an ancient manuscript.

2.having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable:
Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint.

–noun 6.the embodiment of unique characteristics;
the only specimen of a given kind:
The unique is also the improbable.

Yes, I agree with you. I consider him to be very unique, which is a good thing and not bad. That is the difference. Michael is easily recognizable - his looks, his voice, his dancing. He is different than others because he's MORE talented, he's MORE caring, he's MORE loving and compassionate. When we say he is not weird, it is because the people who say that are doing it in a negative way, and he shouldn't be looked at that way. He has had a very different life than everyone else, but when he speaks, he is easy to understand. He feels hurt by the same things that hurt us, and he just wants to be loved and wants to help people.
So anyway, yes he is very different and unique, but he is not a freak or weird, IMO.
I will never understand why people calll anyone a freak. I mean, is that acceptable in this modern times. What is a freak anyway?
Is it supposed to be someone with a physical deformity? Is it someone who has a mental condition? Is it someone who has a different perspective on life? I am trying to understand it, because anyone of us may be classified as a freak at some point in time if that is what is happening.
It is is michael's skin colour that has changed, then that puts a whole lot of people from every race into that category.
When I hear anyone use the word to describe Michael Jackson, it tells me much about the character of the individual.
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I will never understand why people calll anyone a freak. I mean, is that acceptable in this modern times. What is a freak anyway?
Is it supposed to be someone with a physical deformity? Is it someone who has a mental condition? Is it someone who has a different perspective on life? I am trying to understand it, because anyone of us may be classified as a freak at some point in time if that is what is happening.
It is is michael's skin colour that has changed, then that puts a whole lot of people from every race into that category.
When I hear anyone use the word to describe Michael Jackson, it tells me much about the character of the individual.

i agree. that word comes from the mouths of very envious people.
I was just on that board no later than 15 minutes ago! I had posted on there various times. Man..... I am not gonna say the name of the place (I am ClassiceBee on that site) but those people were TRASHING Michael and his children. I was told by one person that I should not post on that board because I asked "what is black" and explained my reasons. Then I was told by a so called MJ fan that I should "take a break" from posting. Basically saying that I need to shut up because I am "freaking" that person out. Man..... It was very nasty.

I think it is worth it. The truth needs to come out there. When it deals with his children, the truth needs to come out there. I have an issue with people that trash other people's children. That really bothers me because bad enough they are in the spotlight and bad enough people who are low call them names. That same board had a thread about Madonna's daughter Lordes and the comments on there were uncalled for. Those people there have issues. It is one thing to have an opinion, but to trash innocent children is uncalled for.

BTW, I do not mind the weird and strange comments. To me, being strange and weird is a personality trait. I have met my share of people.....let's just leave it at that.

Great post.
Wow you over there to huh bee! Its a small world after all. I think I know what fan you are talking about who started a thread of their own (about michael). And I was like:doh:. The thing that gets me is how they go on and on and on about how THEY are MISUNDERSTOOD and how there are a lot of untruth and then they want to turn around and be just plain nasty to Michael and others based on untruths!-_- I don't even like going over there anymore. I Think I have enough info to do what I need to do with MINES. I posted my comments and the thread slipped to like the 3rd page so I just said forget it but I'll check you out bee.
:lol: there is 'MJ Fan' and there is "Ghetto MJ Fan" :hysterical: I am Bi-polar that way :innocent:

Whoa! Chichi Iam totally impressed!:wild: Who'd have thought? You GO with your bad self.:clapping:
Wow you over there to huh bee! Its a small world after all. I think I know what fan you are talking about who started a thread of their own (about michael). And I was like:doh:. The thing that gets me is how they go on and on and on about how THEY are MISUNDERSTOOD and how there are a lot of untruth and then they want to turn around and be just plain nasty to Michael and others based on untruths!-_- I don't even like going over there anymore. I Think I have enough info to do what I need to do with MINES. I posted my comments and the thread slipped to like the 3rd page so I just said forget it but I'll check you out bee.

I am not wasting my time over there. I have wondered if I should go back on there and I decided not to. As long as I posted the truth, then that is fine with me. Those people are very bitter and they are putting their bitterness on the wrong people.

As for the core of this thread - I think you have to chose your battles. I have often not try to respond to things like what I saw on that place because to be honest, I let people believe what they want to believe. However, I have limits and when people trash innocent children who are in the spotlight, I have to put my foot down. I can only do so much. I had my run ins with family and friends regarding Michael and they know not to mess with me regarding Mike. I tell them the truth and they either listen or don't. I get very angry when they say mean things about the man, but I calmly cool down and move on. That is the only way that I can truly get over it. Just like what I was on that board. I had to say my two cents and I didn't care what anyone else thinks.

I do think that MJ is very misunderstood but I blame that on the media. MJ has explained himself and frankly he has done all he can do. He can't open himself up to people that he simply cannot trust. That is why, in a lot of ways, he created this myth about himself. To keep the prying eyes at bay. When people say he is not "normal" I often think to myself what is normal? What is normal to one person can be abnormal to others. MJ does not live a "normal life" compared to someone his age that is not famous, a possible grandparent and retired. I mean, the way I look at it is this: he lives his life the way he sees fit. Some people like drama in their lives. Some people like to live their lives simple and some people cannot help the fact that they cannot live a life that is regular because of their lifestyle. When people call him that terrible word "freak" I just do not understand why he is called that. Is it because he say things that "no one" would say? Is it because of his supposed lifestyle that is exaggratted (sp) by the media and public? The way he looks? Silly and pathetic things that have nothing to do with his achievements, career or personality.

So, I do think that it is worth it, but not all the time. I do not waste my time reading replies on gossip blogs or on youtube. I do not care about comments from media loving, tabloid obsessed losers that love women that take another woman's man and have six children with him. Chose your battles wisely. I also think that MJ being weird and strange is more of a personality trait then something sinsiter. I do not see how being weird can be evil. I think it is all on how people make of it. I love that weird side of Mike. It makes him interesting. I like the man the way he is and I wouldn't mind if one day he just want to tell people the deal and be done with it. I do not think it is gonna change a lot of people's minds, but there are a few people that would change the way they see him. I think that is the best that he can do. I do feel though that if MJ really wanted to changed people's perceptions of him that the time has passed for that. People already see him as whatever they want to see him and that is something that I am slowly understanding. It gets on my nerves, but I feel this is the one thing that MJ should have dealt with from the beginning.
Bee I went over there but I didn't see any of your post. What thread were you in?

Really? I was on the thread regarding MJ and his children. It was titled: Look at MJ's Kiddies." If they deleted my posts, it is their lost. I know that this morning, I deleted my account from that place so it is possbile that maybe that is why my posts aren't there.
I wise man once said ''Never argue with an idoit, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience''
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^^ :lol:
^It bothers me too esp since I don't see him as weird. really erks me. I guess I shouldn't let it get to me because I do think that with good music, a lot of the ignorance would turn around. Hold my hand proves that and it wasn't even michael's song. I think ppl say stupid stuff cuz they think it's expected. Youtubers kill me with the IGNANT comments. I'm like then why are you watching his videos? how stupid is that. lol

get em' eightnoterjo:evil:. *uhhum* I mean break it down fa them fools.

Thanks for the encouragement; I appreciate it. :) I really did break it down. :D

The debate went very well. I'm fairly well-respected on the other forum where I was arguing (I think :lol:) and I had a couple peeps admitting that they had been swayed by the media, and some have told me that by reading my posts in the debate, I have made them do a complete 180 when it comes to how they think about him.

People who respect you, have sense, and know that you're a person who generally speaks sense will listen to you. Those are the peeps that are worth convincing, in a non-forceful way. The truth is out there, but gets buried by the perpetual media garbage. I'm quite happy to clean it off and expose it for others to see, all shiny and radiant. :D

I think you're right, Mikejoefan. If MJ put out a great new album or somesuch, most peeps would jump right back on the MJ bandwagon. There will always be a few trolls, but nothing much we can do about them. They know they're being trolls. *shrug* Their loss. They'll look even more foolish when heaps of peeps are on the bandwagon, and they're left behind. :yes: At least that's what I'm hoping will happen. :D

Btw, the person that I was arguing with hasn't been back since my last post. I guess you could say I left him....

Speechless, speechless... :lol:
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