Discussion: Is it worth it?

I have found that the best thing do is just state the facts and move on. Be completely unapologetic about it. The more you try to convince someone of something, the more they resist. I just say "I think Michael is wonderful human being" "If you look at some of the stuff he has done, its just as pure and unselfish" "But, if you dont like him, thats up to you"

The end. I dont push it, normally people who are inquisitive will want to know more, and if they dont, who cares? They are the ones missing out.
I have found that the best thing do is just state the facts and move on. Be completely unapologetic about it. The more you try to convince someone of something, the more they resist. I just say "I think Michael is wonderful human being" "If you look at some of the stuff he has done, its just as pure and unselfish" "But, if you dont like him, thats up to you"

The end. I dont push it, normally people who are inquisitive will want to know more, and if they dont, who cares? They are the ones missing out.

That sounds like a good tact to take :yes:

In my case, I just might allow emotions to be involved at times :trytobeangel

truthfully i don't think anyone here is looking for violence. you have nothing to be ashamed of. if i were a betting person i believe everyone here is peaceful..it's the haters who did the approaching and instigating of violence..just the way they do against MJ unprovoked..and we just defend ourselves as needed.

yeah, it is never ever, EVER my fault :evil: no really :no: Never do I intentionally push people's buttons :no:
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Iit iis worth trying
and I have had 5 HARDcore HATERS that have become MJ fans
Those are the ones on Youtube that I stared dialogue with _ You cant do
much on comments - becuase of space and character limits - but behind
the scenes on the message system you can start a discussion - SOME
ar Just TROLLS and you cant reason with but many are Just people
manipulated by te media and pier pressure to hate on MJ.

sometimes messages started heated - but I persevered
fist I would apologise if I had said something innapropriate
then I would start talking about what ever point they were
hating on .. sending them videos to educate and then a few
to entertain them - with MJ's awesome Talent ... even if
they were nasty I just kept my cool and showing luve ..

I just recently had a man that was posting PEDO and LIAR
on MJ videos and harrasing the fans - he sent me a nasty message
I returned a kind message - telling him about MJ and giving him 2 of
my videos _ "I trust and belive in Michael" and ' .. The world loves
Michael jackson project" - Then I hit him with
"HATERS repent - God is gonna cut you down" :LOL:
He Posted _ THANK YOU QBEES - on that video - :) I posted that he made
me cry happy tears with his comment _ He posted PLEASE ForGIVE ME ...
and he has since changed his channel to an MJ fan site :clapping::)
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awww :cry:

you go QB :chichi: work that MJ magic on them all !!

Kudos !!
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I have found that the best thing do is just state the facts and move on. Be completely unapologetic about it. The more you try to convince someone of something, the more they resist. I just say "I think Michael is wonderful human being" "If you look at some of the stuff he has done, its just as pure and unselfish" "But, if you dont like him, thats up to you"

The end. I dont push it, normally people who are inquisitive will want to know more, and if they dont, who cares? They are the ones missing out.

I agree. That's what I usually do too. If someone is saying somethin bad about Michael, I go "Well, first of all...that's not true, because it was like this(if they bring up some tabloid story thing, etc.)...and he has done this and this and this and has helped these people and watch that and that footage and you'll see what he's like and put yourself in his shoes and it's easy for everyone to call him names and make fun of him but imagine if you couldn't go anywhere if you had no privacy...etc. etc."..I just basically try to make them look at things from MJ's perspective. And I often try to use examples so that I can make them see what I mean.

What mainly drives me crazy (and especially at the moment ) are all these stupid comments about his looks, his behaviour, the wheelchair thing and all that. It drives me crazy because I just don't know what the big deal is. So he's different. SO WHAT?! WHO CARES!!! Why should everyone have to be the SAME? So he was wearing PJ pants. SO? I've seen people wear a LOT worse...and they weren't even famous or artists. And WE have not gone through what Michael has gone through. So NONE of us can say "Oh I know what it feels like when you can't go anywhere unnoticed". And it REALLY drives me nuts and makes me ANGRY when I see his FANS say things like "Okay, that is insane,he needs to stop doing that etc.". Yes, he often does things most people don't do...but his life has never been "normal" anyways. Besides, if he were like "everyone":..he would have never become "MICHAEL JACKSON". And he is not harming anyone. So who cares? Why can't people see BEYOND all that? It doesn't bother me. You know I look at what he did or what he was wearing and what people are saying, and I'm like "I just don't get WHY they make such a big deal out of it....why do they judge him? He's a good person and I think he's CUTE...So I just don't see why people get all worked up because of the way he looked, etc.?". So it just drives me crazy when people make such a big deal out of everything MJ does and then judge him. I just hate that. Why can't we let people be DIFFERENT? (I mean, I don't always approve EVERYTHING he does..I'm not saying that. I'm not one of those "yes people". I mean,like the thing with Blanket in Berlin...If I would have been there with him and would have seen that he would have been in LOADS OF TROUBLE with me. I guarantee you that. I know he wasn't trying to harm Blanket, and that it was just a reaction and he didn't think what he was doing, but damn...I would have still made him PROMISE he won't ever do that again. Same thing with Michael himself standing on window sills...I'm always scared he's gonna fall down and hurt himself badly...so when I see him do that it makes me want to start yelling at him to COME DOWN IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!! But that's just because I don't want him to get hurt. Not because I'd be "embarrassed" or thinking he's so "weird". Or when he was kissing LMP while married to Debbie and while Debbie was PREGNANT. That made me go "WTF are you doing?!!!!!!!!!!" :rant:) Anyways....The point is...what does what MJ wears has to do with what he is like as a person or what kind of music he does? It's the inside that counts and it's the music that really counts. And maybe I'm weird, but I still think MJ's cute. Close up in daylight, or with tape all over his face, or whatever...he's cute. Period. I love him! :wub:

And sorry for the rant! :lol:
lmao Summer!

I agree with most of what you said...specially this:

Anyways....The point is...what does what MJ wears has to do with what he is like as a person or what kind of music he does? It's the inside that counts and it's the music that really counts.
And maybe I'm weird, but I still think MJ's cute. Close up in daylight, or with tape all over his face, or whatever...he's cute. Period. I love him! :wub:

That pretty much summs up what it all comes down to.
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if i tried to explain why i love mj to a non mj fan and they just keep bashing him then i dont know if i could take it anymore i might just kick their ass lol but if thet really took the time to listen to me and got my point that i was trying to get across well then everything would just be fine and dandy

MJ haters just bash him all the time and i know some they talked crap about him every day to me
but i couldnt do anything cause i was in school so i just tried to talk to them in a calm voice lol
Well, when I was a nanny...the dad in the family knew how ANGRY I'll get if anyone says anything bad about Michael...So sometimes he'd say something bad just because he knew I'd be totally pissed off. One time he finally confessed and was like "You know...I actually don't really care what Michael Jackson wears or what he looks like an dI actually really like his music....but I just love how angry you get when ever someone says anything bad about him, so I just can't resist teasing you!". I swear I could have choked him! :lmao:
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I don't really feel the need to argue Michael's case. I don't feel the need to talk about him at all, except to my friends who want to know about him. When my American cousin's girlfriend called him a monster, I immediately showed my disapproval, and declared my love for MJ. She has a lot of respect for me and she immediately apogised. Next time we were in the same room, I brought up the sibject of Michael Jackson and all his wonderful achievement and why he is targeted by haters. I was watching her reaction through the corner of my eye, although I wasn't speaking directly to her, I was in a crowded room, My cousin joined in with his support and she also joined in with us. I am surrounded by MJ fans in my family. They always want to hear what he is doing. I try to educate children about this beautiful man, but I really do not want to argue with haters or tabloid junkues.
I really don't like it when I read an article about MJ and they ALWAYS have to make a negative joke about him. And the comments by readers talk about the bad journalism but they still keep on doing it. Have they not realised that these jokes are getting old now?

Like when Hold My Hand was released, well you can imagine what kind of thinkgs could be said about the title.
I really don't like it when I read an article about MJ and they ALWAYS have to make a negative joke about him. And the comments by readers talk about the bad journalism but they still keep on doing it. Have they not realised that these jokes are getting old now?

Like when Hold My Hand was released, well you can imagine what kind of thinkgs could be said about the title.

I know. It's the jokes that really get on my nerves too. It's like "Gosh, you think you are so funny, don't you"...the jokes are REALLY getting OLD. And I'm also always thinking...WHO are all these people who think they are just SO MUCH BETTER than Michael and think they can make fun of him? WHAT have THEY ever reached in their lives? And I'd love to see how THEY look and how THEY dress, etc. It's like "Well Michael has sold millions of records with hsi music. What have YOU done?". :mello:
asked to use the stores phone and pushed the intercom/page button, then continued to make my point to the fool. The rest of the store, who had seen the conversation progress, thought it was funny but dude was pissed. He left the store and i thought my ignorant redneck opinion day was done ... I ran into dude, in the mall parking lot later on and we settled things in a less orderly fashion :chichi: He thought he could take an MJ fan real easy like... he knows better now **whoot whoot**

Basically, you gotta pick your battles when it comes to nonfans or ignorant non fans, whatever the case may be.

WHATTT! Now thats hardcore baby:clapping::clap:
That fool was probably like :*****:
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If we throw logic into the mix...Mr.Jackson is a human conclomerate, mysterious, and desires to keep his personal life...private..! For eons, many in society has "assumed" the worse about him. Back in the day, many thought they were creating a AR/PR explosive that was unstoppable, however, as we all are well aware of...was NOT in the "best interest" of Mr.Jackson...

As reality has it, Mr.Jackson puts his pants on one leg at a time, he is a human being just like the rest of us, and more normal than many in society have ever given him credit for..!

Therefore, the real question here; take a long look at that man/woman in the mirror; if you were Mr.Jackson, how would you handle all the trials, the tribulations, and success..?

Wouldn't YOU want others to think YOUR worth it..?

Think About It..!

Knowledge Is Growth~~~"Education Is The Key"

Well in all fairness. Michael don't even defend himself all that much to the media. He just lets it blow over. So if you saying that if I were michael wouldn't I want someone to think I was worth...then I don't know what michael would do since like I said michael just lets ppl speak their hate and ignores it.

Besides I know michael is worth it generally speaking but I highly doubt michael himself would go on and on in circles when that person is simply not trying to hear it.
I agree. That's what I usually do too. If someone is saying somethin bad about Michael, I go "Well, first of all...that's not true, because it was like this(if they bring up some tabloid story thing, etc.)...and he has done this and this and this and has helped these people and watch that and that footage and you'll see what he's like and put yourself in his shoes and it's easy for everyone to call him names and make fun of him but imagine if you couldn't go anywhere if you had no privacy...etc. etc."..I just basically try to make them look at things from MJ's perspective. And I often try to use examples so that I can make them see what I mean.

What mainly drives me crazy (and especially at the moment ) are all these stupid comments about his looks, his behaviour, the wheelchair thing and all that. It drives me crazy because I just don't know what the big deal is. So he's different. SO WHAT?! WHO CARES!!! Why should everyone have to be the SAME? So he was wearing PJ pants. SO? I've seen people wear a LOT worse...and they weren't even famous or artists. And WE have not gone through what Michael has gone through. So NONE of us can say "Oh I know what it feels like when you can't go anywhere unnoticed". And it REALLY drives me nuts and makes me ANGRY when I see his FANS say things like "Okay, that is insane,he needs to stop doing that etc.". Yes, he often does things most people don't do...but his life has never been "normal" anyways. Besides, if he were like "everyone":..he would have never become "MICHAEL JACKSON". And he is not harming anyone. So who cares? Why can't people see BEYOND all that? It doesn't bother me. You know I look at what he did or what he was wearing and what people are saying, and I'm like "I just don't get WHY they make such a big deal out of it....why do they judge him? He's a good person and I think he's CUTE...So I just don't see why people get all worked up because of the way he looked, etc.?". So it just drives me crazy when people make such a big deal out of everything MJ does and then judge him. I just hate that. Why can't we let people be DIFFERENT? (I mean, I don't always approve EVERYTHING he does..I'm not saying that. I'm not one of those "yes people". I mean,like the thing with Blanket in Berlin...If I would have been there with him and would have seen that he would have been in LOADS OF TROUBLE with me. I guarantee you that. I know he wasn't trying to harm Blanket, and that it was just a reaction and he didn't think what he was doing, but damn...I would have still made him PROMISE he won't ever do that again. Same thing with Michael himself standing on window sills...I'm always scared he's gonna fall down and hurt himself badly...so when I see him do that it makes me want to start yelling at him to COME DOWN IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!! But that's just because I don't want him to get hurt. Not because I'd be "embarrassed" or thinking he's so "weird". Or when he was kissing LMP while married to Debbie and while Debbie was PREGNANT. That made me go "WTF are you doing?!!!!!!!!!!" :rant:) Anyways....The point is...what does what MJ wears has to do with what he is like as a person or what kind of music he does? It's the inside that counts and it's the music that really counts. And maybe I'm weird, but I still think MJ's cute. Close up in daylight, or with tape all over his face, or whatever...he's cute. Period. I love him! :wub:

And sorry for the rant! :lol:

You're right summer, in everything you said. People make a big deal out of it because they don't understand it. Michael doesn't conduct himself or act like most people are conditioned to be as, and so they can't relate to him or explain him, and so they instead decide to just attack him. It's messed up, but that's the kind of world we live in. If you're different, you're rejected. By the way, Michael IS cute. There's nothing wrong with the way he looks at all. People just trip about that so they can have an excuse for why they attack him so much. When really all it is is the fact that they can't understand him.
You're right summer, in everything you said. People make a big deal out of it because they don't understand it. Michael doesn't conduct himself or act like most people are conditioned to be as, and so they can't relate to him or explain him, and so they instead decide to just attack him. It's messed up, but that's the kind of world we live in. If you're different, you're rejected. By the way, Michael IS cute. There's nothing wrong with the way he looks at all. People just trip about that so they can have an excuse for why they attack him so much. When really all it is is the fact that they can't understand him.

EXTREMELY well said!!!!!!!! :clapping: Just like Michael said "A lot of people MISUNDERSTAND ME....that's because they DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL...." :(
Exactly. The thing you'll always notice about Michael is, he is fully aware of why people react to him the way they do. But he's just being himself and it's not his fault if people can't accept the way he is.
90% of folks call mike weirdo, freak, and eccentric because they have been brainwashed by the media. [FONT=border=]

Or perhaps 90% of folks call Michael weird because he is.
Even in this thread we have people agreeing that he is weird but that it doesn't matter. At the same time we seem to have people saying that Michael is a normal, lovely guy and the weirdness is a media distortion. If the fans can't even agree on what's true then how can we even start to convince outsiders?
Or perhaps 90% of folks call Michael weird because he is.
Even in this thread we have people agreeing that he is weird but that it doesn't matter. At the same time we seem to have people saying that Michael is a normal, lovely guy and the weirdness is a media distortion. If the fans can't even agree on what's true then how can we even start to convince outsiders?

There's a big difference being "different" and doing what you wanna do without caring what others think and with being "weird" (=strange). I wouldn't say Michael is WEIRD. I don't think he is STRANGE. Not at all! I'd say he is different than most people because he does what he wants, wears what he wants, etc. I'd say it has more to do with confidence and self-esteem...you know, knowing who and what you are...than anything else. You can't be like that if you are insecure about what or who you are. People who have lowself esteem usually care a great deal about what other people will think about what they did/said/wore, and they are those who usually do what everyone else does and are afraid to "be different", because they are scared peopel will make fun of them. For example, MJ wearing PJs....He doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks about him wearing them. He is CONFIDENT...he is not scared of being different. It has nothing to do with being "weird". HOWEVER....I am very well aware that the SOCIETY labels anyone who isn't like "everyone else" as weird. It is the SOCIETY who does that. I mean, I am extremely shy, however, I am gonna wear what I want and I won't let anyone tell me what to do. In most parts of the world it's "normal" for adults to drink alcohol...I don't drink any. Just because I don't want to, I don't need it and I don'T even like the taste. And it would make my life a lot easier if I would drink and woudln't have to explain every single time to everyone why I don't drink...but still, I just can't be bothered to change. So...I'm "different" too. But I wouldn'T say I am "weird". Know what I mean?

To answer the thread... No, it's not worth it. When people have their opinion set, it's very rare one will be able to change it.

Michael is abnormal. I've said it once and I'll forever say it. But the thing is, it shouldn't matter. I don't really care when people talk about his surgeries, or make-up, or whatever. I've heard it all, but what really aggravates me is when people are ignorant enough to not even know the facts. Even after he's been tried and acquitted, many many still believe he's guilty... if you knew the facts and educated your dumb self, you'd know he didn't do it.

He's just so misunderstood and I wish people knew that. Sometimes I just shake my head at some of the things Michael says, but I can see where he's coming from. He's not "normal" b/c he doesn't know what the hell that is. Just listening to him talking about yearning to be in a grocery store had me shocked.
Behind closed doors, I do believe he's a fantastic guy with a great heart. Just look at all his humanitarian work. But in the entertainment world, I do believe he's created this eccentric persona. And yes, I think Michael adds to this image he's made and I don't blame him... I'd do the same thing too. Give me one other artist who hasn't had an album released in nearly a decade and yet still makes headlines?
What is "normal" anyways?

What's normal in Europe may very well not be normal at all in some parts of Asia, for example. WHat is normal to Michael, isn't normal to us.And what's normal to us, isn't normal to Michael. Just like Michael said..."Anything can be strange to SOMEONE"...It would not be "Normal" for us to be giving interviews and trying to hide our faces on the street because we are "nobody". But it's normal for Michael. It's not normal for Micahel to be able to walk around freely, but it's very normal to us.

It's all a matter of "perspective" really....
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we,tha fans,shouldn't read so much this tabloids.this is what Michael said all the time.they are full of lies!
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Well, I'm speaking from a western society's point of view which Michael is a product of. I understand what you're saying, but Michael's eccentric behavior has overshadowed his professional work, unfortunately. I'm not saying that's Michael's fault, but the media have a field day with every oddball thing Michael does.

I'm not disagreeing with you, Michael is very much misunderstood and that's very evident. It really bothers me to hear people call Michael names, though. He doesn't deserve that kind of thing, but it's not all the media's fault. My point is in one way or another, Michael adds to this image that's been created. Some fans say "that's just Michael being Michael", but is that really helping him in the long run?
Michael IS eccentric, Michael IS weird, Michael LIVES in his own universe. True, he may be just a human being with bills to pay and kids to feed, but truth is since 1966, the guy has not lived a normal life. Everybody can agree to that, that's why he does things we don't normally associate ADULTS doing because in his mind, especially before 2003 he thought like a twelve-year-old. Rather than being upset that people call Michael stupid names say "yes he is weird but guess what I love his weirdness". No don't say "well you can't say that because he has sold 750 million records and he gives to charities", that's a stupid defense IMHO. And it just only makes you sound crazy. I don't give a DAMN what other people say about Mike so why would I confront them over a stupid discussion on a message board? It's silly.
There's a big difference being "different" and doing what you wanna do without caring what others think and with being "weird" (=strange). I wouldn't say Michael is WEIRD. I don't think he is STRANGE. Not at all! I'd say he is different than most people because he does what he wants, wears what he wants, etc. I'd say it has more to do with confidence and self-esteem...you know, knowing who and what you are...than anything else. You can't be like that if you are insecure about what or who you are. People who have lowself esteem usually care a great deal about what other people will think about what they did/said/wore, and they are those who usually do what everyone else does and are afraid to "be different", because they are scared peopel will make fun of them. For example, MJ wearing PJs....He doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks about him wearing them. He is CONFIDENT...he is not scared of being different. It has nothing to do with being "weird". HOWEVER....I am very well aware that the SOCIETY labels anyone who isn't like "everyone else" as weird. It is the SOCIETY who does that. I mean, I am extremely shy, however, I am gonna wear what I want and I won't let anyone tell me what to do. In most parts of the world it's "normal" for adults to drink alcohol...I don't drink any. Just because I don't want to, I don't need it and I don'T even like the taste. And it would make my life a lot easier if I would drink and woudln't have to explain every single time to everyone why I don't drink...but still, I just can't be bothered to change. So...I'm "different" too. But I wouldn'T say I am "weird". Know what I mean?

I agree. Also, MJ is considered weird because he doesn't comform to the celebrity lifestye. ie walking the redcarpet and being seen at the right places to get photographed. The media don't like that.
Well ain't that what weird is? I rather be weird than be a simpleton.
Yes. it could equal snubbery too. MJ has the unigue avantage of being in the industry at a time when stuff didn't phase him, cause he was too young to be phased. He grew up with it so it s second nature to him. It means that he has seen it all before and he doesn't need the trappings of celebs status. it doesn't daunt him at all. it means that he isn't afraid to be himself, cause he doesn't worry about his image. it is rather a freeing experience.:D
we are all 'Weird' ... it is society that forces us to conform to being what is supposed to be considered 'Normal' ...we are all a bunch of human freaks. We simply are not held under a media microscope and analyzed for the whole world to view. We all have people within our circle of acquaintences, that tell us we are weird for this or that. And sometimes we ask for the ridicule by our actions ... so does Michael ... he is no different in that respect.

Is it worth it ?? sometimes it is and other times it is not ... but all in all, education, even attempted education, is rarely a bad thing. Somebody is bound to be listening, even if it is not the intended target.
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If Michael never did anything that people would consider 'strange' there would be far less to talk about.. Michael knows what he's doing..

He knows when he goes out dressed different than others, that it's DIFFERENT than others.. It's designed.. Both when he's trying to hide, and when he's in public as himself..

Otherwise he'd probably just wear slacks, and a botton up shirt.. But he knows what gets TALK.. TALK is good.. Even if it's 'wierd' talk.. It's a dangerous line because SOME things can be twisted from Wierd to evil.. But as long as he's able to keep it at 'different' but not bad.. People will always talk about him..

He has become a myth like being.. That's why people (even non fans) freak out if they see him in person.. Because he's more than human.. It's a being above celebirty. It's truely a MYTH BEING that Michael became.

It's smart as hell if you ask me.
Well, I'm speaking from a western society's point of view which Michael is a product of. I understand what you're saying, but Michael's eccentric behavior has overshadowed his professional work, unfortunately. I'm not saying that's Michael's fault, but the media have a field day with every oddball thing Michael does.

I'm not disagreeing with you, Michael is very much misunderstood and that's very evident. It really bothers me to hear people call Michael names, though. He doesn't deserve that kind of thing, but it's not all the media's fault. My point is in one way or another, Michael adds to this image that's been created. Some fans say "that's just Michael being Michael", but is that really helping him in the long run?

it is because of MJ's great achievments that he is scrutinized this way. so..that means his great work has not been overshadowed. if he was a mediocre artist, then all this hoopla over his every move and these multiple page threads would not exist. it aint hurting him if he's constantlly in our collective conscious. Elizabeth Taylor once said a classic line that proves that if you have great star quality...any publicity is good publicity. her great line is..'just spell my name right'.
it is because of MJ's great achievments that he is scrutinized this way. so..that means his great work has not been overshadowed. if he was a mediocre artist, then all this hoopla over his every move and these multiple page threads would not exist. it aint hurting him if he's constantlly in our collective conscious. Elizabeth Taylor once said a classic line that proves that if you have great star quality...any publicity is good publicity. her great line is..'just spell my name right'.