Discussion: Is it worth it?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
US of A
Trying to enlighten the ignorant folks about Michael? I’m not talking about allegations. I’m talking about tabloid garbage and such. Or that he’s not that weird (cause I don’t think he is). I mean the world has been spoon fed 20 years of garbage and are very close- minded. And I know that if it’s an artist that I don’t like, I can be closed minded too. I don’t care what you say, I’m not trying to hear it. So, why I waste time trying to convince others, otherwise with Michael? :scratch:

The difference is, though, usually if it’s an artist I don’t like, that’s just my musical taste. Or if I don’t like someone's personality (example: kanye) I don’t like them not because of all the lies the media has told but because I look at someone’s character and their actions and decide that I don’t like them. And trust me it’s gonna be impossible to change my mind. But the difference is.

Most people don’t look at Michael’s character and judge him by his actions (the man is very sweet). 90% of folks call mike weirdo, freak, and eccentric because they have been brainwashed by the media. So on another hand I feel like maybe I can say something cause there is a difference. But how do you undo 20+ years of lies? Right! So what’s the point. I don’t know.... what do you guys think?
depends if someone is willing to listen and you have the info and put it across in the right manner. as jermaine said "you cant reason with stupidity".some ppl are just haters who wont hear anytihng unless its what they want to hear.
If it sounds like they are going by hearsay, yes, I would talk about it (often times these people wish Michael the best and hope it was not true); however, if you get someone who is die hard to believe it, ask them, "give me the facts of the case in what make you think he is guilty and please do not say settlement -keep on hand the settlement agreement that was posted and revealed). If they do not want to hear it, that just means they do not like Michael and their belief is just coming from a place of jealous or dislike for MIchael or just to get next to you in order to make you upset. Nothing else.
That's a good question. You know, sometimes I don't think it's worth it because it's very difficult to get others to see something in a way different from how they are conditioned to see it. That's really all it is. Conditioning. They are taught to see Michael as a freak and so they believe whole heartedly in that perception being correct. The main problem with people in general and their view of Michael is that they haven't ever listened to Michael. They listen to what the media says about him, they listen to what other people say about him who get on to news programs and documentaries and all this other crap. Michael isn't weird. He's different. He thinks differently, which manifests itself in how he conducts himself at times. But if you take the time to hear him, really hear him, you will find he is an incredibly intelligent, sweet, kind, mature and down to earth person. The other problem is a result of Michael saying what he thinks. His ideas cannot be defined as the social norm. And people automatically react adversely to what they cannot explain or relate to. So Michael is misunderstood and he is in some ways a victim of his own honesty. People use that against him. When he tries to explain himself, he just seems to fall deeper in to the hole, because he has trouble conveying what he means, he has difficulty putting it in to terms which others can comprehend or grasp. Ultimately, it isn't Michael's fault that others are unwilling to accept or be tolerant of what they don't understand. That's always been Michael's trouble, since the late 70s. People were calling him strange back then even, because he came off unlike them. It's sad. Because Michael tries so hard to make people see through his eyes or to understand where he's coming from. But people are stubborn and resistant to any kind of change. And that's the trouble for people like us in trying to make them see Michael for who he is, not for what he's labeled as. It will never work unless people are actually willing to give him a chance. If they did, then I promise you almost all of them would fall in love with him the moment they opened their ears. Because Michael is a good person, he's a better person then other people. The way he cares and the kindness he shows, that's genuine and people would realize that if they would just stop and take the time to pay him some attention. In the end though, it is worth it to at least try because Michael deserves respect. He's given too much of himself and he's too wonderful a person to get the shaft like he has. It's not fair and I don't think its right that people are so ignorant about him. If you can make people see him as he is, even just one, then it's worth it.
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also most of the time ppl dont even care one way or the other they just say things to annoy others and get a reaction. if u want ot have a discssion with a hater all the advise i can give is to have the facts there theres nothing worse than a fan defending mj over 93 for example by just saying he didnt do it cause i know he wouldnt. have the facts and dont be brought down to their level or argument. thatannoys them more than anything
If we throw logic into the mix...Mr.Jackson is a human conclomerate, mysterious, and desires to keep his personal life...private..! For eons, many in society has "assumed" the worse about him. Back in the day, many thought they were creating a AR/PR explosive that was unstoppable, however, as we all are well aware of...was NOT in the "best interest" of Mr.Jackson...

As reality has it, Mr.Jackson puts his pants on one leg at a time, he is a human being just like the rest of us, and more normal than many in society have ever given him credit for..!

Therefore, the real question here; take a long look at that man/woman in the mirror; if you were Mr.Jackson, how would you handle all the trials, the tribulations, and success..?

Wouldn't YOU want others to think YOUR worth it..?

Think About It..!

Knowledge Is Growth~~~"Education Is The Key"
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That's a good question. You know, sometimes I don't think it's worth it because it's very difficult to get others to see something in a way different from how they are conditioned to see it. That's really all it is. Conditioning. They are taught to see Michael as a freak and so they believe whole heartedly in that perception being correct. The main problem with people in general and their view of Michael is that they haven't ever listened to Michael. They listen to what the media says about him, they listen to what other people say about him who get on to news programs and documentaries and all this other crap. Michael isn't weird. He's different. He thinks differently, which manifests itself in how he conducts himself at times. But if you take the time to hear him, really hear him, you will find he is an incredibly intelligent, sweet, kind, mature and down to earth person. The other problem is a result of Michael saying what he thinks. His ideas cannot be defined as the social norm. And people automatically react adversely to what they cannot explain or relate to. So Michael is misunderstood and he is in some ways a victim of his own honesty. People use that against him. When he tries to explain himself, he just seems to fall deeper in to the hole, because he has trouble conveying what he means, he has difficulty putting it in to terms which others can comprehend or grasp. Ultimately, it isn't Michael's fault that others are unwilling to accept or be tolerant of what they don't understand. That's always been Michael's trouble, since the late 70s. People were calling him strange back then even, because he came off unlike them. It's sad. Because Michael tries so hard to make people see through his eyes or to understand where he's coming from. But people are stubborn and resistant to any kind of change. And that's the trouble for people like us in trying to make them see Michael for who he is, not for what he's labeled as. It will never work unless people are actually willing to give him a chance. If they did, then I promise you almost all of them would fall in love with him the moment they opened their ears. Because Michael is a good person, he's a better person then other people. The way he cares and the kindness he shows, that's genuine and people would realize that if they would just stop and take the time to pay him some attention. In the end though, it is worth it to at least try because Michael deserves respect. He's given too much of himself and he's too wonderful a person to get the shaft like he has. It's not fair and I don't think its right that people are so ignorant about him. If you can make people see him as he is, even just one, then it's worth it.
@ Bold part one. So true conditioned by the system and all logical just up and goes out the window and they can't hear or see anything else but freak. I mean if you just watch how michael carries himself and act then you wouldn't get.... freak. Actually he's funny to me. but what non fan watches this type of stuff.:smilerolleyes:

@ Bold part two. I do think that it's worth a try but my problem is not to just straight up blast folk (cause it's my first reaction) and getting upset. I'm hardcore:hysterical: for michael and I don't like hearing ppl diss my boy like that. So I think with some comments you can try to feel ppl out and see just how brainwashed they are. I think that as long as you come off calm cool and collected and say something to really make ppl think. You might be able to sway a few spoon fed heads. Defo not smart to argue or go in circles, I already know that's a waste.:doh:
Well I've tried in vain several times to make people actually understand that Michael is an awesome person. But sometimes you really can't and it's frustrating. If they don't get it after you've tried, then in that case, it's a lost cause, really.
It's not worth it, because Michael keeps feeding the "weirdo" stories and really by now it's just too late - the damage has been done.
hmmm ... well, I guess it all boils down to a personal level. There are times that I feel quite compelled to point things out to some people, that clearly have a twisted version of reality. Then again, there are other times that the person is just a fart-bag, that is more than likely, always going to be a fart-bag ... why bother with them types. Save the enlightenment for those that seem receptive to hearing it. Think of it like this, when you come across a 'jehovah's witness' and they start to give you the once over about your 'accepting Jehovah into your heart' etc. if you dont feel like listening, you aint gonna listen. It won't matter if they tell you that you're gonna win a new car for following Jehovah, you simply aint listening that day.

On the other hand, sometimes people are simply soo assfaced and ignorant that I must drill home a fact that makes them and they IGNANT opinion, look and feel about 2" tall. after that I simply smile and go about by bidnizz. LOL I remember one time at an electronics/CD store I was attempting to do just that. But this fool would not let me. He was trying to talk over me and he was suceeding ... That simply does not happen to me often and I am not used to it. I asked to use the stores phone and pushed the intercom/page button, then continued to make my point to the fool. The rest of the store, who had seen the conversation progress, thought it was funny but dude was pissed. He left the store and i thought my ignorant redneck opinion day was done ... I ran into dude, in the mall parking lot later on and we settled things in a less orderly fashion :chichi: He thought he could take an MJ fan real easy like... he knows better now **whoot whoot**

Basically, you gotta pick your battles when it comes to nonfans or ignorant non fans, whatever the case may be.
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:lol: there is 'MJ Fan' and there is "Ghetto MJ Fan" :hysterical: I am Bi-polar that way :innocent:
:lol: there is 'MJ Fan' and there is "Ghetto MJ Fan" :hysterical: I am Bi-polar that way :innocent:

ROTFLMAO.........:hysterical::hysterical::hysterical: OMG! I can't believe your story Chichi!! took it to the parking lot!!!
Well I just wish I had you're guts Chichi, lol. Maybe someday, if someone really pisses me off... I'd probably feel good afterwards, lol.
OMG @ Chichi's story! That guy would have had to explain to everyone that he was beaten up because of Michael Jackson lololol! Sometimes I think we should all go militant like that lol.
^^ No, we shouldn't. Violence solves nothing. Except maybe to release pent up frustration. It won't change anything, and if anything, tends to make the situation worse.

I'm going to follow the master; be strong, and spread LOVE.

I defend MJ, but some peeps are not ready to listen. Beating them over the head will NOT make them listen.
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It's just not as important, I mean, people are gonna say what they gonna say anyway.

Beatin' 'em up won't solve it either but hey if that's what you wanna do... it's a free country, lol.
Trying to enlighten the ignorant folks about Michael? I’m not talking about allegations. I’m talking about tabloid garbage and such. Or that he’s not that weird (cause I don’t think he is). I mean the world has been spoon fed 20 years of garbage and are very close- minded. And I know that if it’s an artist that I don’t like, I can be closed minded too. I don’t care what you say, I’m not trying to hear it. So, why I waste time trying to convince others, otherwise with Michael? :scratch:

The difference is, though, usually if it’s an artist I don’t like, that’s just my musical taste. Or if I don’t like someone's personality (example: kanye) I don’t like them not because of all the lies the media has told but because I look at someone’s character and their actions and decide that I don’t like them. And trust me it’s gonna be impossible to change my mind. But the difference is.

Most people don’t look at Michael’s character and judge him by his actions (the man is very sweet). 90% of folks call mike weirdo, freak, and eccentric because they have been brainwashed by the media. So on another hand I feel like maybe I can say something cause there is a difference. But how do you undo 20+ years of lies? Right! So what’s the point. I don’t know.... what do you guys think?
people have as many different ways of approaching this subject as there are MJ fans... and nothin's gunna change. even those who are silent can't have their feelings changed by those that are loud. just because a person is silent doesn't mean he or she has no backbone or has lost an argument.

the world hasn't exploded because of it. so...

to each their own.

MJ and his BIG fanbase are still going strong.
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Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

Yeah, that's me too. Since 2005 I've been very relaxed about defending Mike - I still do it and I still think it's worth doing it because sometimes you really can get through to people (and sometimes you can at the very least shut them up). But sometimes I just watch people, shake my head and move on. It depends on my mood I guess. Now I've never actually hit someone because of MJ, but I can't promise that I wouldn't lol. I'm a very calm person and not likely to lose my temper easily, but I'm also not a pacifist lol.:) I believe there's a time and a place for everything:evil::)
Yeah, that's me too. Since 2005 I've been very relaxed about defending Mike - I still do it and I still think it's worth doing it because sometimes you really can get through to people (and sometimes you can at the very least shut them up). But sometimes I just watch people, shake my head and move on. It depends on my mood I guess. Now I've never actually hit someone because of MJ, but I can't promise that I wouldn't lol. I'm a very calm person and not likely to lose my temper easily, but I'm also not a pacifist lol.:) I believe there's a time and a place for everything:evil::)

yeah..lol..that's even a biblical quote(for those who believe)...and a song was made based on that phrase.

i, myself, have been silent at times...and..even got in a fight in front of a church over MJ..so..indeed...time and place..lol
IMO it really depends on who are you trying to 'enlight', some people are, as Chichi said 'fart-bags' lol who at least have the ability to listen and maybe, just maybe get your point; but then, there are some who's ignorance is so rooted in them that it's not only a completed waste of time but it only lets you feeling frustrated and even hurt.

I've had experiences with both types and after one particularly nasty argument with a cousin I realized I had gained absolutely nothing but being annoyed... I was the same fan only I was angry and she was still an ass.
I have a particularly bad temper and tend to shout at people when angry, not a pretty sight, so I do my best to just let things slide.
for the record, I don't go looking to get 'violent' in defense of Michael. However, if I am approached with it, i am going to stand up for myself. Somebody wants to come at me over a Michael Jackson issue, then I am gonna step to it as needed. Anyone that takes a swing at me, is going to get what they have coming. My intention, with sharing my experience, was not to encourage anyone else to act the same way. Some people are equiped to simply 'walk away'... unfortunately, I don't work that way.
Mr. Chichi said:
I asked to use the stores phone and pushed the intercom/page button and then continued to make my point to the fool.

My, my, you're bold! Would have given anything to have observed that first hand. :lol: You were quite clever there, sir. (makes me laugh just thinking about it)
for the record, I don't go looking to get 'violent' in defense of Michael. However, if I am approached with it, i am going to stand up for myself. Somebody wants to come at me over a Michael Jackson issue, then I am gonna step to it as needed. Anyone that takes a swing at me, is going to get what they have coming. My intention, with sharing my experience, was not to encourage anyone else to act the same way. Some people are equiped to simply 'walk away'... unfortunately, I don't work that way.

truthfully i don't think anyone here is looking for violence. you have nothing to be ashamed of. if i were a betting person i believe everyone here is peaceful..it's the haters who did the approaching and instigating of violence..just the way they do against MJ unprovoked..and we just defend ourselves as needed.