Did you cry? Smile? Laugh? Dance? What?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think I had a smile on my face through the entire movie, except I teared up a bit during Earth Song when I saw he was wearing the curls for my girls shirt and remembered he was given that shirt on June 24th (or 23rd..) it just hit me then.. :cry:
i had to laugh with michael as he started smiling... and joking... and making new moves!

i was amazed
sat very still and quiet!

smiled when MJ smiled!

Laughed when MJ laughed or made a joke!

and cried when he sung i'll be there.

and sung really loudly at the end credits.

I had expected to cry a lot, so I kept the hankies ready, but I didn't cry at all. I smiled and laughed out loud at his jokes or the way he told people to improve or change something.
It was a healing experience and I would have been amazing, incredible, awesome, mind blowing, the best ever, to see This Is It as an actual concert!!!!
I cried from the start and then just wept and sob, was uncontrolable bless my sister she was trying to
carm me down and stroking my hand but i cldnt stop i stayed when everyone was getting up and going i just couldnt leave, for me its been that way since june i just break down all the time i am just numb and so empty,nothing changes and somehow it all seems to get worse everyday day, i feel i am a very bad fan because i cant smile and dance and be happy anymore......... big hugs everyone xoxo
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I smiled, I laughed, I was surprised, I had tears in my eyes towards the end, and I danced in my seat and mouthed the lyrics his songs. I pretty much went through the course of all human emotions today.
All of it, well, sort of. It was hard to sit still and not to sing and dance :smilerolleyes:
But I also used my hankies. Right at the beginning when the dancers talked about their joy of being a part of MJ's show; the Earth Song and MJ's thoughts about the earth also were hard for me ... I was all churned up inside.

I definitely need to see the movie again. :yes:
When showed the song "earth song" in between was a clip where the girl fell asleep and her bulldozer chutli not crushed.....I was cried and the end of the song man in the mirror when michael say Make That Change..Make That Change....Make That Change.......
Throughout the movie I was struck dumb..........he just .............. moves....vocals ....... he .....amazing.....
I felt amazed, and smiled through out the whole movie. Didn't cry or anything like that.. Felt sad sometimes, but Im looking at the bright side. I loved this movie. Going to see it again with my father.
Got teary eyed when the dancers spoke.
Smiled when WBSS started
Really smiled when Jam Started
TDCAU when Michael smiles at the very end I was extatic
Beat It "weeeeeeeeeee" I cracked up
"Give it a little more booty" "I know exactly what you meant" i cracked up

so many points i had a huge grin on my face.
At the end i shed a tear reading the dedication to MJ's children.

I really expected to ball it through the whole film, i cry so easily at movies but i was really surprised.i laughed and smiled so much which i think was the aim of the movie.
Cried like mad in the beginning, laughed at the funny bits, stared in awe at how amazing Michael was and how incredible the shows would've been.. I have to say I felt miserable after the movie, still do. I just miss him so much..

I'll go see the movie again tomorrow, and hope not to cry. I want to be able to just enjoy, like some of you have.
sat very still and quiet!

smiled when MJ smiled!

Laughed when MJ laughed or made a joke!

and cried when he sung i'll be there.

and sung really loudly at the end credits.


Me too! I have to add, it was in the first 10 minutes I think when they stood on the stage and the spotlight was on him and it became slowly darker and right before the scene ended you saw a sneaky/cute smile MJ mad x] It was fun sad everything mixed up.
I smilled a lot!! I danced a lot!!! I sang A LOT!!!! But when he sang "I just cant stop lovin you" i cried.... a lot!!! That's when it hit me!! but after that i was trying to enjoy it like a concert!!!
I was so happy, smiled a lot through the movie, Michael was alive, I could feel him..

crying a lot now reality slapped me in the face :(
I saw it twice today. The first time I almost burst into tears as soon as it started (which I wasn't expecting since I haven't been very emotional the last few days) and then had to watch through blurry eyes for the first 20 minutes or so. I could have cried and cried, but I tried to hold myself together. But then I SMILED a lot, too :)

Second time... it began and I 'knew' I was over the initial 'omg' feeling and would be ok and not cry. Wrong. I totally cried most of the way through Jam. Don't know why, but that's when it all hit me again. But for the rest of the film my husband and I did little dance moves in our seats and stuff, having fun, smiled a lot.
I was frozen in time sitting in my seat while watching the film. I was paralyzed. And nothing else existed but the screen in front of me. I didn't cry, but the beginning was pretty heart breaking. However, I don't think they wanted to make this documentary sad. I too felt a little miserable coming home. I just kept think... he's gone. That amazing entity who was once with us, is now gone.
cried for the majority some smiles and laugh when he did cute things
I cried at the very beginning, smiled a lot of times when MJ was joking, was amazed by the new things such as TDCAU, TWYMMF and Thriller, sang all the songs together with Michael, danced on my seat, cried during I'll be there, I just can't stop loving you and Earth song, and cried like crazy when I heard Man in the mirror and This is it.

It was magical because Michael IS magical.
I was totally amazed. I smiled a lot, laughed a lot, danced a little and even mimed to the songs too! I was so happy! It wasn't like watching a movie in cinema, but it was mostly like being in a concert. It was amazing and magical! It was like Michael is still with us, and that made me almost cry.
I cried at first when the message came rolling, I'd been so nervous before the film I just couldn't contain myself. But gosh, from that first little smile MJ gave us as the spotlight fades out over him at the end of TDCAU, I smiled almost throughout the whole movie. It was beautiful, simply beautiful. Michael was a gem. I knew that already, but now eveyone else does.
Smiled and laughed throughout the movie. What made me happy was when the movie ended the whole audience clapped and cheered. There were people of all ages, even three year olds, and loads of people wearing MJ shirts. After I left though I felt so sad as it came back that he's gone and he shouldn't be.
I was pretty stone faced through the whole thing. I don't think I was even noticing the music some of the time because I was so busy watching him move...looking for new steps. I was amazed. Everyone was respectful in the theater, I think we were all just glued to the screen. More people showed up at the early showing than I thought there would be. I didn't dance or nothing. My mom told me Michael got her dancing a little though. Now I'm feeling dreadful and sad all over again. The beginning scrolled message really got to me, and Earth Song, and when he was talking about how we really need to save the planet, he was getting all emotional, that was just about too much for me. Everyone did clap in the end. I miss you so much Michael. :cry:
Teared up/almost cried during a bit of Billie Jean when he was killing it at the end with the moves (hit me how we've all been cheated of his talent), during his speech before Earth Song (touched by his passion for the planet), and during MITM (knew the end of the movie was near, plus that song just gets to me now).

Smiled seeing him sucking on his lollipop. :lol: Also smiled when I saw the butterfly on the little girl's finger in the Earth Song footage. I LOVE butterflies and have a pic of one on a finger in my siggy. Made me think awwwww. Smiled when Kenny said Michael's performance after Billie Jean was "Church". THey way Kenny spoke to Michael in general made me smile. He had such a way with Michael, I think. Oh man, too many to name now that I'm thinking about it.

Laugh? Michael and the Cherry picker footage. Michael and Judith Hill during IJCSLY when he was touching all over her and at one point he put his arms around her and he caught himself before his hand landed on her boob. :lol: The "simmer" and "I'm sizzling" part. The very end, after the credits, when he was like "I might want to button or unbutton my jacket....snap my fingers..." There's more but I'm having a brain fart at the mo. lol

Dance? WBSS, Jam, Shake Your Body Down, Billie Jean, Thriller, Beat It and Drill.

What else? Human Nature. I have a thing about the way Michael sings the word "girl". He tends to drag it out so that it sounds like -GURRRLLL. And everytime he sung that word LIVE (twice), my toes practically curled. I kid you not. LOL! The growling and the "she likes the way I staaare" bits...oh yeah. :wub:

And the end of IJCSLY was amazing. He was feeling it and it showed in his voice. Yum!

For 111 minutes he was alive again. I have not ONE complaint...except that I didn't want it to end.
I laughed, and I got a little sad at parts, and :dribble: at Billie Jean...I mean DANG!! He for sure knew how to make the girls go WILD!
I laughed at how silly he was and how nice he was to everyone and when they would mess up he would say "That's what rehearsals are for." Than when they got it right he smiled at them and said "God Bless you."
They tricked everyone with the last scene! I was in the theater and no one was there and I was listening to the music as the credit rolled and than it came on and I'm like :bugeyed they just pulled a fast one!
When people started leaving the second time, my brother started to get up and I told him there's more. He waited a few minutes than it came on and again, basically everyone left before.
I actually saw the last hour of the movie before I saw the beginning because we got there an hour early and they told us to go to the auditorium and so my brother and I went in and the movie was playing and I wanted to leave but my brother just told me to go with him and we did so I saw the last half before and than the full movie. The thing that got me was when I saw it both times there was only like 12 people!! I was thinking man Reno, you haten!
i teared up during man in the mirror and then again after the credits and the heal the world girl came on
I smiled through the entire thing...big faced grin :D ..except the beginning where the dancers talked, that made me teary eyed. :cry: The rest of the movie was just sheer joy and amazement by him...I giggled, I was awestruck...I payed close attention to all the little details...every move he made. Wow. It was exhilarating seeing him again in all of his glory...but after it ended I've just been melancholy. I MISS HIM SO MUCH!!!! :cry:
Oh yeah...laughed about the "put some booty into it" and the stewerdess moves. lol

Lovely lovely movie. Can't wait to see it again.
For the most part I smiled. He looked happy and I love the music. I think he wanted to go higher on the cherry picker? thing. He was just waving to people and Kenny was worried wanting him to hold on and the weeeeee part was cute. I loved during I just can't stop loving you he had this adorable look at one point. Billie jean move there towards the end I was like what are you doing lol. I really like smooth criminal and I really loved how modest he was. They were in awe of him and he was just like did nothing amazing when he did just that. He is the best and always will be.

I felt sad after because he worked so hard and never got to do what he planned. It's not fair. He should still be here.
The whole movie made me forget he wasnt here, like watching a preview of whats to come, and then his thoughts during Earth song

I was like "wow he was such a beautiful person" and that word WAS and I was so done. :cry:

I laughed alot to, michael had a great sense of humour, and when he assertively told people what to do and then said "but its all for lovee" haha
I liked when he told somebody something he would say it was for love or this is why we rehearse or just something so it wouldn't make the person feel bad. He was really considerate. Then telling the guitar player that is was her time to shine and they would be there for her was really nice.