Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

I must be slow because I don't get it about the youtube link :huh:...oh well
It was so special it was worth posting twice hey? :D lol. He is quite the sweetheart, that's for sure.
Oops!! I was posting early in the morning while trying to get ready for work and rush out the door. lol

But yeahhhh, he is a sweetheart. :wub:
I must be slow because I don't get it about the youtube link :huh:...oh well

"Its all about the big picture...the music, the messege (s), the teacher (s), the student (s)...

Knowledge is Growth and Growth is the path to happiness & the fullfillment of Life..!

:angel:Heal The World...Education Is the Key~~~"
"Its all about the big picture...the music, the messege (s), the teacher (s), the student (s)...

Knowledge is Growth and Growth is the path to happiness & the fullfillment of Life..!

:angel:Heal The World...Education Is the Key~~~"

I still don't get why that particular youtube link was posted since all of his songs have a message of some kind to them. What is suppose to be making us go hmmm or what are we suppose to be checking out? Is there some significance to this song other than it has a beautiful melody and lyrics? Because I still don't get it.
I still don't get why that particular youtube link was posted since all of his songs have a message of some kind to them. What is suppose to be making us go hmmm or what are we suppose to be checking out? Is there some significance to this song other than it has a beautiful melody and lyrics? Because I still don't get it.

Open your mind...
Hey Everybody! Missed this thread! Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving! I am still full from the Turkey, I believe I have gained 100 extra pounds, lol.

Okay, remember those 2 statements from Michael in November? Right before the holiday I happened to be rereading them and something happened. A few words began to jump out and me. I had been thinking about how direct he has become and thats when I saw something, i hadn't noticed before.
November 10 2008:

I truly love all of you
I am recording tonight
for all of you,
You are my true inspiration, forever
I am living for you, and the children
Be alive, be free, feel conscienceness,
Subconscience, being God

I love you,
Michael Jackson and Family

Remember Michael is being more and more direct. And it is the DIRECTNESS of his clues that was on my mind when I looked closer at his first statement. What did I see? Let me say this first; I do NOT BELIEVE his statements were meant to be taken in this way but here are a few sentences that jumped out at me and they stay in line with the theme of this thread and his direction:

1) I truly love you forever( For all time, should again come to mind)
2) I am love
3) I feel alive
4) I feel free( the wings connection)
5) You ,God and Children are my true inspiration( hadn't we heard him say this before?)
6) You are my family
7) I am for you

See what I mean? Isn't that sweet? And my main point is; it ALL FALLS in line with the theme of this thread.
Forgot to mention:

About the 2nd statement from Michael released on 11/11/08,
The first sentence to jump out at me was very, very "naughty",
so the sentences couldn't flow as easily; couldn't get pass
the naughtiness, lol.
Thanks for pointing this out Moddie!! So which sentence is naughty??I forgot :p
I imagine it has something to do with "you make me sooooooo" *zips mouth shut*

^^ :lol:...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :D.. i got it now

Naughty MJ!!! :shifty:
no no no .. that would be naughty us for seeing something in the words that isn't there but is naughty. ;)
heheh yuppp!! :) :lol:.... blame Moddie for having naughty thoughts first about the sentence :devil:, hehehe just kidding :)
heheh yuppp!! :) :lol:.... blame Moddie for having naughty thoughts first about the sentence :devil:, hehehe just kidding :)

LoL, it ain't me, its allllllllllll Michael's fault.

Ya, know what? if you look even closer to the 2nd statement, there are a few naughty sentences,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Remember he is drawn to things that mean something to his current state of being; Mr. Man seems pretty darn erotic; if I must say so.
hehe yeah, its MJs fault :shifty: :) ...

yes very much, he sure is :yes:

good pointers Moddie!
Thanks for the compliment MJbabe21, can't wait for Michael to give us more.
Moddie, whether he is giving us more or not, we'll make something of it to mean more ;) right? :lol: it is funny to see the little things you talked about. The first one was really interesting though. Also, no I didn't see it right away. Only after you mentioned it I wanted to see what you were talking about, and saw...lol Poor MJ...HAHA
Moddie, whether he is giving us more or not, we'll make something of it to mean more ;) right? :lol: it is funny to see the little things you talked about. The first one was really interesting though. Also, no I didn't see it right away. Only after you mentioned it I wanted to see what you were talking about, and saw...lol Poor MJ...HAHA

It's ok super sleuth ape. And btw, please remember "everybody' I did point out in the original post of those 7 pointers from his 11//10/08 statement that I DIDN'T THINK HE MEANT FOR IT TO BE USED IN THIS WAY.
I ONLY wanted to point out how even putting together his own words to make sentences could relate to the theme of this thread. I don't think Michael meant that to be a clue; I just couldn't resist, not after it hitting me in the face as it did, lol.

We are not making more of Michael's clues. This thread and the theories we have contributed to would not still be in effect if Michael wasn't leading the way and putting out the energy and clues for us to draw from. Fans from other boards are seeing a pattern and thinking very similar to the way most of us in this thread are, which is why I shared what I had found when browsing another forum.

We are witnessing Something very special and beautiful happening to Michael.
I didn't mean for it to sound bad. I was only teasing in a light hearted (not mean) way because we all in here ..or at least myself, read into things more than what is on the surface(sorry if you took offense at all.. I get that teasing thing from my dad and sometimes people appreciate it and sometimes people don't like it.. online it's hard too). I knew how you meant. Whether he means something to sound how it does or not, there can be more meaning to it. If Gods hand is in something it will line up quite perfectly or close to perfection (since humans also have a hand in it so I suppose it can't be perfectly perfect.. perhaps) so there will be those cool little details that aren't usually even noticed, placed in by God maybe. It is pretty cool that it really does seem to say something more than maybe even perhaps he saw and meant.

Moddie, would you mind sharing threads from other boards that are on this topic in here please? I don't usually look on other boards. I glance every now and then but not enough to know of a thread like this anywhere else. I'd really like to see what they have to say too.
I didn't mean for it to sound bad. I was only teasing in a light hearted (not mean) way because we all in here ..or at least myself, read into things more than what is on the surface(sorry if you took offense at all.. I get that teasing thing from my dad and sometimes people appreciate it and sometimes people don't like it.. online it's hard too). I knew how you meant. Whether he means something to sound how it does or not, there can be more meaning to it. If Gods hand is in something it will line up quite perfectly or close to perfection (since humans also have a hand in it so I suppose it can't be perfectly perfect.. perhaps) so there will be those cool little details that aren't usually even noticed, placed in by God maybe. It is pretty cool that it really does seem to say something more than maybe even perhaps he saw and meant.

Moddie, would you mind sharing threads from other boards that are on this topic in here please? I don't usually look on other boards. I glance every now and then but not enough to know of a thread like this anywhere else. I'd really like to see what they have to say too.

Thanks for the clarification super sleuth and don't worry its ok.

About the other board, I came across something from MJFC and shared it in this thread about a couple of wks ago.
Interesting Moddie. Now you got me thinking about some things.

The handwritten note with the rose is soooo for MJ's girl. It's as plain as day.

He might as well had started it with the salutation "Dear Ladyfriend:" :lol:

Handwritten Note with Rose

You make me sooo happy *
I can feel your energy through the walls *
The sky is the limit
Higher consciousness always
Working hard, as always
Music, film, performance
I love you *

Michael Jackson


Song Titled "For All Time"

(Verse 1)
Sun comes up on this new morning
Shifting shadows, a song bird sings
If these words could keep you happy *
I'd do anything

And maybe the walls will tumble *
And the sun may refuse to shine
When I say I love you *
Baby, you gotta know that's for all time


He wants to keep her happy because she makes him happy. Get it?

Another thing...the song says, "And maybe the walls will tumble." His handwritten note says, "I can feel your energy through the walls." This right here is a major clue that the note with the rose is for her.

Also, the song "For All Time" came out first. The handwritten note came out later. In the song he said, "When I say I love you, baby, you gotta know that's for all time." He's now saying I love you in his penmanship. See, in the song he said, "When I say..." Then later on he wrote the words. Well actually, he's been telling her he loves her for a while. Since 10/03.

He is so sweet with his romantic self! Makes ya smile from ear to ear! Don't you guys just love the way he's expressing his feelings? Mike is workin' it! :D

Getcho girl, Mike. You're keepin' her alert, huh Romeo? LOL
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^^ Wow how awesome... That note with the rose seemed like it would be for a special lady friend :D
The beautiful love songs, the beautiful messages and the rose are tokens of his affection. He's in love.

So the love story continues, as the mystery unfolds...

Female fans have always wondered what he was like when he likes someone. Well, now we are getting a chance to see.

He is very nice to her and he is very romantic.

He's a great guy... :yes:
Ok AllFor MJ, spit it out. IT'S YOU!!!! You go girl. You've captured MJ's heart. After all, you won't let Michael shut that limo door...why? because you are still in there with him. awwwww. how sweet. :)
Oh my goodness!!! Y'all are trippin' fo real!! :lol:

That limo door is still open because I've been too lazy and too busy to finish surfing the net for the right pictures to show you all how I was sitting in his limo doorway. I found one picture that would help me show you, but it's a limo that looks like a fixer-upper. We all know MJ would not be rollin' around in anything that looks like that. He likes very nice things. Therefore, I'm trying to find a picture that looks closely like what he was riding in back in the late '70's. Also, I want to be as descriptive as possible while I'm typing up the last part. I also want to end the story the right way.

I would post online during the day more often, like I used too, but I can't because I have a very demanding, fast-paced job and I don't want to drop the ball.

But, I looooove me some Michael Jackson, y'all!!! He is sooooo cool and when you're trying to tell a true story about meeting him...a story about meeting him more than once in one day and in different ways...gotta take your time and try to get it right for those that are reading it.

Still in all, I'll try to hurry up and get to the end, so he can close the door and leave. lol 'Cause you know what? He's going to return again just as soon as he goes on tour. He ALWAYS visits the San Francisco Bay Area when he's on tour in the U.S.. :D I highly doubt if I'll be as lucky as I was back in the late '70's. I think that was a once in a life time opportunity. Thank God for Ticketmaster.com. At least I'll be able to attend his concert. LOL

As for being able to connect the dots while reading his messages and listening to his love songs...that comes from being spiritual and also from being a fan for many, many years. I watched MJ grow up from being a kid to being a man. His personality hasn't changed much at all. He's still very much the same. He's a lot tougher these days, but overall, he's still just as sweet as he has always been.

And when he's sprung on someone, he can't hide it. He's never been able to hide it. There is a certain way that he acts when he is sprung and a certain way that he sings. In addition to this, he's got that glow that he always have when he has feelings for someone. lol
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