Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Ohhh ok i knew it sounded familiar!! I've seen West side story.. It fits perfectly!!

Doesn't it?

Here are the lyrics:

Make of our hands, one hand,

Make of our hearts, one heart.

Make of our vows, one last vow;

Only death will part us now.

Make of our lives, one life.

Day after day, one life.

Now it begins, Now we start;

One Hand, One Heart.

That musical is one of my all-time favorites....it's a modern-ish take on the Romeo and Juliet story...

Even death won't part us now.
Linda do you have an idea what u feel she was looking at? ...or is that not what you mean exactly ..
who was looking at her father :unsure: ... oh and thanks for the lyrics.It really does go well!
Babe she's talking about when Paris was "looking up" at the memorial (Linda will u please stop calling yourself sick?? lol ... ok its irregular thinking but sick is such a strong word to read lol ... you're just .... well.... inquisitive .. eh ;)

I dunno.. for some odd reason, I think she was looking at her father? OMG. I said it. I am one sick woman, aren't I? I just found that so odd...it struck me.
I hate to sound dumb (and I assure you this will) do u mean in the balcony?

:giggle: sorry I know that sounds so stupid

I'm just trying to 'get it' - what u mean

I kind of got the feeling she was just trying to convey "Daddy's in heaven - like "up there somewhere" ...sort of thing
I hate to sound dumb (and I assure you this will) do u mean in the balcony?

:giggle: sorry I know that sounds so stupid

I'm just trying to 'get it' - what u mean

I kind of got the feeling she was just trying to convey "Daddy's in heaven - like "up there somewhere" ...sort of thing

Yeah, up in the balcony. She wasn't really looking straight up...like she was looking at someone...

Here it is...Oh....looking at it again, it does look like she's looking up. To heaven. What a pretty little girl....

Yeah, up in the balcony. She wasn't really looking straight up...like she was looking at someone...

Here it is...

I dunno Linda, to me she just looks like she's sort of like, praying like .. y'know ?
Ohhh ok i get it. Yeah it does look like Paris was looking up at her Daddy!! awww :(
well,:better:Linda's saying that at first it looked to her like she's looking up at her daddy ...
Here is another pic....after she spoke and was standing with Prince. He doesn't look up. She does and smiles...

It's almost like she's saying "I did good for you Daddy!! See??"

Yes, that's what I meant...but then again not. Maybe I meant literally setting up his "death" so that he could be with his beloved, away from the paparazzi and all. That he realized that she and she alone was the only one for him, and that he needed to do something very drastic to get her back. .

:huggy:hiya Linda, you aren't sick for thinking that. It's actually quite a beautiful romantic thought that he might "die" to be with her. To give up his life as he knows it just so he could be with her and live. It's romantic, complex ,epic, .not sick( in my eyes ), my friend and i was only discussing this the other day ...

thanx you for posting :angel:
:huggy:hiya Linda, you aren't sick for thinking that. It's actually quite a beautiful romantic thought that he might "die" to be with her. To give up his life as he knows it just so he could be with her and live. It's romantic, complex ,epic, .not sick( in my eyes ), my friend and i was only discussing this the other day ...

thanx you for posting :angel:

Aw gee thanks. I just thought it was a beautiful thought....to put his death in a new, pure sweet romantic viewpoint.....it helps me deal with the enormity of his loss better.
Aw, when I saw Paris glancing up during the memorial service, I got the feeling she was looking up to her daddy. It was very sweet. :)
me too baby :huggy:

Oh wendijane and SOS and others here....I avoided this thread like the plague for days and weeks after his death. I was afraid that reading back on these posts and the promise of the future for him would bring fresh tears to me. My heart has a big hole in it. But then I thought that maybe he really isn't dead - that somehow he's gone to a place where his one true love is and is living happily ever after...I so wanted him to have a "happily ever after"....so much...
For the past couple days (yes it's taking me that long because there's so much LOL) I was reading way waaaayyyyy back in this thread at posts from when it first began, things that were said that have come to fruition over time, or how individually we all interpret things both differently and similarly...it's quite interesting and eerie at times, yet the message has stayed the same throughout, it's all about love. :)

Like this post from 7/5/08 which is kinda the way I have been interpreting everything. Except that last part I highlighted stalled my thoughts when I saw it, it caught me off guard :(

Will you mind if I feel this one out a bit? *gong*

ajsfdlkajef writing with tears streaming down my face but I gotta try to keep happy right? So.. Will you near to me sounds like he is calling her to him, calling her mentally to come to him. Either by prayer with Gods help or just strongly wishing she would come (mentally, which can also be ..and would have to be through God). Kind of like God can you pass on this urgent message that I need her to come to me somehow. And if the message gets past on then she would somehow find him, come close I guess. She would be drawn to wherever she could find him? Just a .. stab in the dark, pardon the pun.

Feel.. Still I can feel you near to me, means he can feel her presence somehow close to him though she isn't there physically. Maybe he can feel her spirit in his somehow.

like a calling out for Help...... maybe he feels her sorrow,.... and maybe she feels his?maybe maybe maybe.. ah I don't know. We can all feel something happening anyways. Right? That is why this is being talked about now. There is a drawing together of people whether from here or nothing to do with Michael Jackson. Something big is happening and it is coming soon. .. to a theatre near you? .. sorry, scuse my me right now.

Then Moddie's post from 10/23/08 around the time that we saw Michael out and about so happy.....these words remind me of "The time has come" quote from I think it was in March (?) and that word "one" again.

Yep! Sounds like she's been drying those tears alright.

That line in 'For all time" you are mentioning here has the word, "two" in it remember? 'Oh and on these quiet days where two souls embrace,,,,,,so silently". This was a MAJOR CLUE!!! Michael took the time to remaster this lovely ballad and place it on T25 with this sweet delicate bridge.

I believe we have explored this before but I'll say it again: What happens when Two souls Embrace? ,,,,,,,,They become one. How do you become one with another human being? By sharing vows and committments/promises to eachother. Where exactly do we see that being performed? In front of God, usually in his house by way of a ceremony.
Michael is telling us what he wants with this lady.

It's strange how things happen in life, and sometimes we don't know why at that particular moment, yet they always do happen for a reason.....
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I can't remember why I was crying back then.... July 5th 2008... Hmm.. yes interesting what I said :unsure: wow. I should reread this thread from start someday. I never have even tried yet. If I decide to, I guess I'll see you all in another few months cause it's going to take that long.
I can't remember why I was crying back then.... July 5th 2008... Hmm.. yes interesting what I said :unsure: wow. I should reread this thread from start someday. I never have even tried yet. If I decide to, I guess I'll see you all in another few months cause it's going to take that long.

Ape, I think you were crying because of your children?

A few months is right :lol: I got through maybe 100 or so pages and my emotions were drained I had to stop it :dropdead: It is pretty interesting and dreamy to read, I just wonder how accurate or far off we actually are. :unsure:
Oh wendijane and SOS and others here....I avoided this thread like the plague for days and weeks after his death. I was afraid that reading back on these posts and the promise of the future for him would bring fresh tears to me. My heart has a big hole in it. But then I thought that maybe he really isn't dead - that somehow he's gone to a place where his one true love is and is living happily ever after...I so wanted him to have a "happily ever after"....so much...
I feelya Linda :hug: I really do. I couldn't come back here either for that same reason.

Well, I still say its not an outlandishly inconceivable concept in line with our thread thus far and I do strongly remind us to be very careful with this aspect and keep it to the nature of our thread topic ... y'know ... we have to be careful if we like "living" here LOL!

With that understood, the lyrics to his new song could serve as a "clue" to the fact that we can at least justify feeling that its remotely and I stress the word remotely possible ..

She said don’t you worry my friend
I’ll take care
Take my hand
I'll take you there

If his promise of a future with "her" was not a practical promise for him to keep, at least at the present time (if ever) could it be because maybe he needed to seriously solve some of his most present/pressing problems to move out of the spotlight to a safe place that someone with substantial means could offer him, then it could make sense that that's what could have happened. His "happily ever after" doesn't have to be with that person he'd been searching for all that time. It could be someone he met who took his "hand" and offerred him solace/respite from the world. On a remote far away island perhaps?

I guess I thought of that in listening to Quincy Jones' life story, he talked about how he desperately needed a break from all the hard work he'd been doing over the decades, and a friend sent him to some far away land in (I think it was) the South Pacific and the people there rejuvinated his spirits and gave him everything he needed to recover from what for him was a major break down.

I know it sounds crazy but I mean, if we want to just offer ourselves some "closure" or "hope" or something in line with "happily ever after" because it is what we all have wanted for him so much and the new lyrics do or could certainly fit.

And it could give a new meaning to that line from the movie "Ghost"

"The love inside, you take it with you"

Well, that's easy enough to do if you're only going to some remote spot on the planet. ;)

And it could give new meaning to the line from West Side Story,

"now it begins, now it starts, one hand, one heart, even death won't part us now"

If "death" is for a time, season and purpose then I guess it won't eh. OK, I admit it sounds completely nutzo .................but it fits imho.

Just thoughts is all it is, maybe could offer some consolation .... maybe

I feel sure a lot of us have been feeling what you're feeling. Still somehow, things continue to "line up" with the music and our thoughts! :) isn't that insteresting

:better: just trying to help u feel better ... I feel the hurt in you. I think we all have it. You're not alone. Maybe this helps a little.
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MJ always wanted to get out of the spotlight...for quite a while now...maybe he did "die" just to get away from the public...but to get back with "her"? That he's not really dead, but he's living somewhere with his true love now?


Well, I'll give my humble opinion according to what I have read, researched and discovered. Die, stay away from the public and be with "her." I'm sure this would not be the reason (never). If it were the reason would be the last thing to think about. Die and stay away from the public, would be a much bigger reason, very, very, very serious and that has nothing to do with living a love story from the press. It would be something very serious (problems of large dimensions) has happened. A loving relationship no celebrity can hide for long. The press ALWAYS finds out.
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Yeh i keep wondering that too..if he suffered :(
no he was heavily sedated or whatever remember? *quickly changes subject before everyone starts crying again*

um Ashtanga ... :giggle:we're trying to have a little 'fantasy' here ifya don't miiiiind ....

Ladies need I remind you this is the positive LOVE thread? :doh:


ok Ashtanga, yes the press ALMOST always finds out ... except when someone really DOESN'T want them to ...

... like Janet Jackson remember? so even with a JACKSON its possible ...

see? :cheeky::tease: can we get happy have fun and at least dream again now PLEASE??
(my grandmother told me my face would get stuck like this) >>>:tease:
um Ashtanga ... :giggle:we're trying to have a little 'fantasy' here ifya don't miiiiind ....

Ladies need I remind you this is the positive LOVE thread? :doh:


ok Ashtanga, yes the press ALMOST always finds out ... except when someone really DOESN'T want them to ...

... like Janet Jackson remember? so even with a JACKSON its possible ...

see? :cheeky::tease: can we get happy have fun and at least dream again now PLEASE??
(my grandmother told me my face would get stuck like this) >>>:tease:

Well, say it is good to dream and fantasize. I do not know. For me, it sounds like something false and unrealistic. Unfortunately, I can not see that way dreamy and unrealistic. Real life is very hard, cruel and completely different from the dreams and fantasies. But maybe someday I can see that way about everything. I'll still try. :cheeky: