Did Michael Jackson die for our sins?

You guys on this?


This is one of those weird threads that need to be deleted because it is this type of stuff that makes people think fans are off their rocker.
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MJ might have danced on air, but he never walked on water.

So, no.
No, Michael did not die for our sins. Jesus did.

Because Michael was someone that loves Jesus very much and because he also loved reading the Bible very much, I believe that with his music, and the way that he treated others, he was trying to spread the following message from Jesus:

John 13:34
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

He did a wonderful job!

Yesterday, during the memorial, Smokey Robinson was talking about how he couldn't believe that Michael, as a ten year old kid, knew exactly what he was singing about while singing "Who's Lovin' You." I think understanding the beauty of love was one of the other gifts that God gave to Michael along with his gift of music.

From 1969 to 2009, Michael recorded music for the world as a professional recording artist. 1969 to 2009 is a total of forty years. Since forty is one of God's numbers, and because Michael has now been called home, I'm thinking that God did not want Michael to go beyond this forty year timeframe. Forty years allowed Michael to touch the lives of several generations and he recorded songs about love all the way up until he left.

He was a beautiful soul and he still is, but he bows to Jesus and our Father that created him.
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No, Michael did not die for our sins. Jesus did.

Because Michael was someone that loves Jesus very much and because he also loved reading the Bible very much, I believe that with his music and the way that he treated others he was trying to spread the following message from Jesus:

John 13:34
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

He did a wonderful job!

:) i believe there is wording just before it, but i could be wrong, that says I give you no greater commandment than this...

even if not, is how i remember it, and i agree. Michael is a wonderful example of how Jesus can live through us if we allow it.
I have often considered the verse of scripture in the bible that speaks of "being careful because we may be entertaining angels unaware." I am not suggesting that this is true of Michael or anyone else but I do think about the fact that the bible does say that angels walk the earth in human form.
Think about it: Michael was a very religious man, even Jehova's Witness as a child - and ain't that what the Jewish Faith is about? Waiting for the new saviour?

Jehovah's Witnesses are not Jews. Also JWs aren't waiting for the new saviour as they believe that Jesus already returned as The King in heaven in 1914 when Jesus banished Satan to Earth (hence WWI). JW are awaiting for Aramgeddon when in the New System, Jehovah will ressurect those who have died and restoring Earth to its original state as God intended.
i think the mistake people make is that if a person follows his religious beliefs very well, that must mean that person is the next God. this could be because a lot of people don't follow their faith very well. rare is the person who does. but that doesn't mean that that person is a God.
i think the mistake people make is that if a person follows his religious beliefs very well, that must mean that person is the next God. this could be because a lot of people don't follow their faith very well. rare is the person who does. but that doesn't mean that that person is a God.

I agree so much! :)
Michael is not Jesus.

I, however, partly understand where you are coming from.

Partly we, people killed him.
Too much stress ain't no good.

Hopefully, people will realize there's no more King of Pop or musical genius in our time
Why dont we let Michael in his OWN WORDS settle this discussion


Michael himself stated In no way do I think i am God or Jesus
but I do try to be Godlike in my heart ...

Michael was a follower of Jesus
and tried to love people like Jesus
and follow his example ..

MJ was a beautiful example of Jesus and Gods love
and like many followers of jesus he was persecuted for his beliefs
and unconventional ways .. Saints are always persecuted .. or had
great tribulations in life _ Saints were not sinless or with our any faults
but they had great faith in God and great love _ and were selfless in ther
charitable acts ..

So I would compare and even say
In my eyes Michael Jackson was a Saint :angel::wub:

But Untill Michael raises literally from the dead :scratch:
I would'nt say he died for our sins or was he God

All men die becuase of sin
doesnt even have to be their own
but when sin came into the world so did death.
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no, he was just a man

he tried to spread kindness, peace, humanity, decency and love

and we tried to rip him to pieces

the story is similar but it just shows us that the world hasn't learned a thing

Was princess Diana our saviour too? :mello:

There are a lot of people who do a lot of good to the world, not just Michael. Lets not go overboard here.

He was a normal person just like you and me with an amazing talent.
You guys on this?


This is one of those weird threads that need to be deleted because it is this type of stuff that makes people think fans are off their rocker.

I agree. Michael was a wonderful humanatarian, had a wonderful heart, was very spiritual, who had a beautiful message for the world. That being said, Michael had many problems, paticularly with self indulgence. So NOWAY Jose, was he Jesus incarnate or any kind of messiah. I also dont believe he was the "best human" to ever walk the earth. Just saying, anyone remember Mother Teresa?!?!?!?

However, I do think there is ALOT to be learned from this heartbreaking tragedy.
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:lmao: at everyones reaction here. But for real, am I the only one who thinks humanity destroyed him?

lol. Im getting a kick out of everyones reaction too. I think humanity had a part in pushing him towards a self destructive lifestyle, but was not the ONLY reason.
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Michael was just a person who allowed God to flow through him. He read the bible and had the heart to love people and help people with the massive resources that God gave him. The greatest two commandments in the bible is to love the Lord first and then love others. Michael fulfilled this scripture.

But he was not God. He is with him, though.
Yea, please don't make Michael to be anything more than a human. He's not God, and he has never said he was.
There is only one God.
But Michael was one of God's best creations though =)
Personally, I agree with this. MJ died for our better good. He had a mission in life, he did good things in life for people. He never knew how good he was. He is a hero in death.
I've been thinking about this for a while, and since seeing these comments from a woman on a Larry King blog (posted by Victory2004 here on MJJC), I thought I'd share what I've been feeling since Michael's death.

This is the comment:

July 7th, 2009 7:20 pm ET
I watch the Michael Jackson memorial today and was very ashamed of myself for my salacious participation in viewing and reading these attempts to hurt MJ. Today, I wanted to say “Michael come back, we will be nicer this time”, but that is not true. We are mean spirited people who enjoy watching the destruction of others….even our own friends, we enjoy seeing them fail. If jesus walked this earth today imagine what we would do to him…..again,,,,,,horrifying to think of it. This should be declared a National Day of Shame, with a vow from each of us to not participate in the destruction of others. We forget with celebrities that they are persons like us with feelings and families, just like us. We have enjoyed this bloodsport with Elvis, Marilyn, Anna Nicole and many others….WHAT IS WRONG WITH US? WHY ARE WE LIKE THIS. I am sick to my stomach at my own part in this. Shame on all of us. He was a lovely and talented individuals and I cried all day thinking about how mean we were to him….I cry now writing this. http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2...days-memorial/
Are you thinking, what I am thinking?

I mean, Michael was born on Earth as a gift to humanity from God. He was a gift, a humanitarian, a lover not a fighter, a uniter of all people, races, ages, etc.
But we, humanity, destroyed him. We tore him down. We gosspied about his talents, made up lies, threw him to the ground and kicked him 'till he was no more.

Think about it: Michael was a very religious man, even Jehova's Witness as a child - and ain't that what the Jewish Faith is about? Waiting for the new saviour?

I think it was the pressure from the tabloids that killed Michael in the end. He couldn't take it. He had a lifetime of pain, but endured it for our sake.
In conclusion, did Michael die for our sins? Or maybe even - was Michael Jackson actually Jesus? The new saviour?

I am not a religious man myself, and still couldn't help notice these similarities - don't tell me no one of you guys haven't given this a thought? :agree:

Michael was a talented pop star, a rare one. He died because the world as it is now, is not suited for people to live such lives. It may have just been fate.
I don't know what to think any more about this.

Child like but, not childish.
Innocent, but not naive.
Highly intelligent, but not showy.
Shy, yet outgoing
Sensual, yet polite
Sexual without being perverted.

Wow. Ain't that crazy
Everytime I look at the title of this thread, I get this funny feeling. This feeling that says some fans are just....I don't know.

This really makes us look crazy as a whole. I know I can't make the call, but I truly believe that the title of this thread needs to be changed before some media fool comes in here, sees it, and writes a crazy story that puts all of us in a really bad light.

Michael is not God and he certainly didn't die for our sins. We all should know that. We shouldn't have to ask that question at all.

Sorry, but this is just my opinion.
^ That. I can't believe this thread exists in the first place.

Michael was just a person who allowed God to flow through him. He read the bible and had the heart to love people and help people with the massive resources that God gave him. The greatest two commandments in the bible is to love the Lord first and then love others. Michael fulfilled this scripture.

But he was not God. He is with him, though.

^ This.
i find it hard to believe this thread is still here :( you're right, it does make us look like we're complete nutters