Did Michael Jackson die for our sins?

oh come on, stop making such comparisons, you are trying to make him saint

he was a human being, like everyone else

he died because of cardiac arrest, however, we have to wait for autopsy results

we have to face the reality: his heart just couldn’t cope with pain killers to which he was addicted, he must have been, sorry to say that and rehearsals that have worn him out…

that’s it!
I think he had to die to teach us something about humanity. That is all.

No, he didn't have to die though. He died because of something that could have been prevented, and because it just happens. He taught us all something about humanity while he was alive, but some people didn't pay attention until he died. It's a common thing in people to not know what you've got until it's gone or to think of more good things about a person once they are gone. A lot of us already knew it, but for some people they chose to believe bad things about him while he was alive and now have changed. At least they did change, but Michael can't take our sins on himself. He suffered because of other people, but that's it.

It's strange that God doesn't mind expressing Himself/Herself is all the religions of the world, while people still cling to the notion that their way is the only right way. Whatever you try to say about God, someone will take offense, even when you say everyone's love of God is right for them.

For me the form God takes is not the most important thing. What's important is the essence. My songs and dances are outlines for Him to come in and fill. I hold out the form, She puts in the sweetness.

I've looked up at the night sky and beheld the stars so intimately close, it was as if my grandmother had made them for me. "How rich, how sumptuous," I thought. In that moment I saw God in His creation. I could as easily have seen Her in the beauty of a rainbow, the grace of a deer bounding through a meadow, the truth of a father's kiss.

But for me the sweetness contact with God has no form. I close my eyes, look within, and enter a deep soft silence. The infinity of God's creation embraces me. We are one.

By Michael Jackson
Dancing The Dream

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World~~~
btw, MichaelYoureAStud I love your picture under your post ;)
Nope, is death just happen. There is no sins involved. We don't know how he died as of yet, but the fact is that he died.

And if you are a Christian that believes in God and Jesus, then how come some of you believe that GOD called him home because it was his time to go and then why do some of you believe there is a Sin or some kind of punishment involved with Michael's death?

this is correct this is exactly the way it is. It was Michaels time so Michael had to go back home to God. God only lent Michael to us and it was his time to return back to where he came from just like we all will one day.
NO, this is thinking to much onto it and giving him to much credit. The man just simply passed away, from what, we dont know yet, but he just did. He was just a human, a great and wonderful human, but just that, he was not a perfect man, hell be the first to tell you that. Michael is not GOD nor is he Jesus. Jesus died for sins.
michael was a normal human being with incredible God-given talent..he died because people die..even at 50..and he possibly died that soon because many forgot he´s was a human being..

it has nothing to do with sins..he´s not Jesus, although the fans (only!) find similarities between the two..
^^Thank You!!

I think as long as we keep it respectful it should be allowed.
I have a hard time thinking of him as god or godlike.
I've spent way too many yrs in the gold pants threads for that.

I do however find it hard to believe he is only human. He was way too special for that.

At a time like this it is hard to imagine that Michael was just a human and that he had to die like the rest of us will some day.
How could someone who did such good works die?
How could God rob us of our best friend?
Why did God take Prince, Paris, and Blanket's Daddy?

In trying to answer these questions, we find ourselves laking the understanding of God's reason.
Was he the second coming? Was he an angel? Was he just a man? Only God can truly answer that question.

I just wanted to say, before someone asks if I'm bipolar or if someone else is posting under my name; My Mom always said I'd make a damn fine lawyer. I can argue both sides. She said judges would hate me for arguing both side in the court room.
I am not bipolar (that I know of :cheeky:) and I am the only posting on this forum with this name. I just like to argue both sides.
No. People have a right to discuss. The title of the thread indicates its contents, and if that makes anyone uncomfortable, I suggest they read another thread instead? (One thing that is important to remember throughout all of this, is that this is a truly multicultural board, with many religions and viewpoints among the membership.)

Michael himself said that he tried to EMULATE Jesus. Not BE him, but emulate. You've seen those bumper-stickers saying, "What would Jesus do?" I think that's what Michael meant. . . . .


He was "Christ-Like" -- I believe he said it himself in one of the interviews (perhaps 60 minutes).

And the comparison can be made because the historical figure lived and walked the Earth about 2000 years ago.

I don't support the theory that he was "God" or "Christ" but he certainly had a lot in common with Christ (maybe Michael was a saint, a prophet, a messenger, angel, etc.). Many of Michael's teachings mirrored Christ's teachings.

But let's not forget, Michael's teachings transcended denominations, faiths, creeds, etc. His message was universal. It was applicable to humanity as a whole -- undivided.

As to exactly who Michael was (I believe this thread is searching for answers as to whether or not he was supernatural), I believe time will reveal that, too.
I will offer this to this discussion, I urge people to look up the term "Lightworker" on any good search engine.

Like Obama, Michael Jackson in my opinion was a Lightworker, he did his utmost to "Heal The World" and in no way wanted to harm anyone.

That says it all to me.

As for him being sent by God, is it not fair to say we've all been sent by God to make this World a better place?

For the record: OBAMA has done NOTHING. I repeat, he has done NOTHING to deserve being compared to Michael. And Obama has done NOTHING to heal NO ONE!

He hasn't even done anything to deserve him worthy of being labeled a figure of change or person who changed the world. Being elected into office does NOT automatically put you in the same category as MLK, Jr. or Ghandi or MJ (or any figure of change for that matter). You have to do something that makes you worthy of such praise.

Obama is nothing more than a "pop tart" celebrity---akin to an instant coffee you get at your local deli. Using clever propoganda that gave Apple a run for its money, he has been catapulted into the limelight. He is unworthy of any praise because quite frankly, he has done NOTHING for humanity or the betterment of humanity (like the IDIOT before him and the idiot before him). Getting yourself elected does NOT qualify you for being compared to MLK, MJ, Mandela, etc.

And quite honestly, his accomplishment is not as great as some would have you think: being the first Black President of the US is actually more of a diss than it is an honor -- because there were other countries far less sophisticated than this one which had a man of color as its head LONG, LONG before the US decided to wake up from its 230 + year racist slumber and elect its first Mediocre Republicrat Black President. That's NOT an accomplishment. That's an outrage.

He was "Christ-Like" -- I believe he said it himself in one of the interviews (perhaps 60 minutes).

And the comparison can be made because the historical figure lived and walked the Earth about 2000 years ago.

I don't support the theory that he was "God" or "Christ" but he certainly had a lot in common with Christ (maybe Michael was a saint, a prophet, a messenger, angel, etc.). Many of Michael's teachings mirrored Christ's teachings.

But let's not forget, Michael's teachings transcended denominations, faiths, creeds, etc. His message was universal. It was applicable to humanity as a whole -- undivided.

As to exactly who Michael was (I believe this thread is searching for answers as to whether or not he was supernatural), I believe time will reveal that, too.

Thanks, Vstreet (again!) Yes, his message was universal. That is what he was all about. . . healing the world. Tolerance. Gentleness. And love.
Michael was not Jesus. He did always say he strived to be more Christ like in his heart and in the things he did but that's what Christians believe they should do.
No, he didn't have to die though. He died because of something that could have been prevented, and because it just happens. He taught us all something about humanity while he was alive, but some people didn't pay attention until he died. It's a common thing in people to not know what you've got until it's gone or to think of more good things about a person once they are gone. A lot of us already knew it, but for some people they chose to believe bad things about him while he was alive and now have changed. At least they did change, but Michael can't take our sins on himself. He suffered because of other people, but that's it.

Well when I think about the fact that it could have been prevented, it honestly just makes me more angry.
For the record: OBAMA has done NOTHING. I repeat, he has done NOTHING to deserve being compared to Michael. And Obama has done NOTHING to heal NO ONE!

That is so true! ^

and i dont believe that Mike died for our sins. But yeah, he was something extra, maby a saint, an angel or somethig else.

Oh, wasn't Jesus also a human when he walked on this earth??
So, as soon as I read this (first post), I thought, wow, that's going to tick some people off, lol.

I don't believe in the direct comparison, but I have no problem believing Michael was a very special soul, just in the way he was able to touch the hearts of soooo many people and glowed with kindness, love and compassion. Now, Jesus is Jesus and Michael is Michael. But I do admit to having thought of Michael a bit sometimes when listening to Jesus Christ Superstar. Not that he is the Messiah, but I mean there are certain comparisons one could make if one wanted to.
**I'm Jewish, so I don't really follow Jesus' story.

I have been trying to justify since his death, WHY would a man SO good and SO pure and SUCH a gift to this Earth, would be taken away from us so soon. I can find no sense in it other than Michael was a sacrifice. We needed to lose him to show people what it is like to lose someone who gave his life to helping people. We needed to lose him so people could see what the media continues to do - which is destroying innocent, good people, who try and make a change in the world. We needed to lose him to understand that true genius should be praised rather than shamefully picked apart and scrutinized until it is too late. We needed to lose him to understand that it is about the MUSIC and TALENT and GOOD DEEDS and not about skin colour or nosejobs.
I truly agreed with what Jermaine said when he stated that Michael was a gift to the world and people weren't ready for him, so he was taken back. I genuinely feel that way.

Originally Posted by vstreet
For the record: OBAMA has done NOTHING. I repeat, he has done NOTHING to deserve being compared to Michael. And Obama has done NOTHING to heal NO ONE!

Quote-'That is so true! ^

Oh, wasn't Jesus also a human when he walked on this earth??' -Quote


Michael's body died, we don't know why, but the spirit never dies, it just goes away from this world, out of reach from those who would seek to break it.

Michael's spirit may at times have been battered, but it never died. There are some things that we just don't understand, that have no reason that is clear to us. We just have to accept it, the more you try to question it the more confused you become.
Originally Posted by vstreet
For the record: OBAMA has done NOTHING. I repeat, he has done NOTHING to deserve being compared to Michael. And Obama has done NOTHING to heal NO ONE!

Quote-'That is so true! ^

Oh, wasn't Jesus also a human when he walked on this earth??' -Quote



It might be nice if we define who Christ is (or at least who he was thought to be from within the context and from outside the context of Scripture) -- since the question is being raised as to whether or not Michael was Christ-like or Christ himself (or at least that's what I assume the question is):

From within the context of Scripture, it is clear that:
1. Christ differentiated himself from God numerous times.
2. He also aligned himself with God numerous times by saying that he was One with the "Father" and he accepted the praises and worship of those who came to him as if he were God himself.
3. One of the most confusing narratives in Scripture is when Christ is on the Cross and questions why God has forsaken him and then ultimately dies (later to be resurrected).
4. It should also be noted -- just for reference - Christ did NOT teach "Christianity" -- he merely refers to "Believers" and "Non-Believers" and conformed to Judaic theology. He transformed it through his teachings, but he was preaching from what resembles the modern day Old Testament.

Nowhere within Scripture is the Trinitarian doctrine explained. This came about from OUTSIDE the context of Scripture provided by theologians and the Church.

Outside the context of Scripture:
1. It's reported that he was a Rabbinical Galilean who lived in a time of messianic and apocolyptic expectations who was a preacher, teacher and healer.

Now, when comparing Michael -- how do we define who Michael was? You can't just say, "King of Pop" -- or can you? I mean he was much larger than the King of Pop -- I think.

So, let's start:

Michael Jackson is/was:

1. A Humanitarian -- interested in caring for people and giving to the underprivileged in society. He wanted the poorest and the most hungry to eat and be clothed and to have decent health care (reports that his money built hospitals)
2. A Father -- he has three wonderful children
3. A singer/songwriter - His songs were poetry put to music.
4. A dancer - He was simply divinity in motion.
5. A child in a man's body - he claimed that he was "Peter Pan". He wanted escape.
6. An Environmentalist - He cared for the planet. He wanted to know why we were NOT taking care of the Earth. He questioned humanity's reasons for not doing something.
7. Peace Advocate/Activist - his songs were about healing our world and bridging the gaps between us so that we would NOT fight.
8. Role Model - he would go to extremes to NOT send the wrong message to society.
9. Civil Rights Activist - he broke the color barrier in entertainment. There were others, but he played a key role. He RIPPED the crown off of Elvis' head and took his seat on the throne. Don't forget the Sony Demos. The man had knowledge.
10. Universalist - he believed we are all one human race and ONE human family. He transcended race, creed, gender, age, etc. He was truly the Entertainer with NO BOUNDARIES. He went everywhere and was friends with EVERYONE. He loved humanity. Even when humanity spat in his eye.

There's more...
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Michael is not Jesus Christ. He was inspired by the Lord but he was NOT God. I think Michael would actually be offended by this also.
No. Like has been said, Michael is Michael. He is NOT a God/Messiah/Jesus. He was a wonderful person and entertainer to a point that it may seem superhuman but he was human. Please keep a sense of perspective.
I was totally confused over the spiritual meaning - or lack thereof - of Michael's death less than a week ago myself. I was looking for all kinds of explanations as to why something so unfair could have happened, especially why the world of three innocent children had to collapse like that. I thought it was perhaps because we worshipped Michael too much, or that we weren't good enough people to deserve him. But I've talked to certain people and had time to calm down and think it over. I think we should try not to go there, really, because it won't do us any good. Michael was a human being. He was exceptional and wonderful, he was a treasure, and he did have a tremendous impact on millions of lives, but he didn't carry the woes of the world on his shoulders. We don't know the exact cause of death yet, so I don't want to jump to conclusions and start blaming people left and right, but there's a strong probability that Michael died because either he or some medical quack made a highly unreasonable decision, disregarding other people's advice. I'm no expert as far as religion goes, but I don't believe there's much God can do when people don't listen. Now I'm not judging, there are a thousand reasons and life experiences that lead people to genuinely think they are doing what's best for themselves or others, even though they're not. We are imperfect, we all make mistakes, that's the way we are. So, from a spiritual perspective, I don't believe that Michael was deliberately "taken away" from us by God or any higher force, I think that his death was "allowed" by that force, in the sense that the wrong decision was made for him either by himself or somebody else, despite previous warnings and interventions to save him, and that no more could be done for him at that point. But from a human perspective, I just know his death could have been prevented, if only neglect and/or incompetence hadn't come into the picture... It's unfair, it's absurd, it's stupid, it utterly sucks, but Michael simply died a human's death, I don't know what else to say.
I knew I would love this thread as soon as I saw the name. :)

I thought about this as well but with different twists and turns. I kind of feel like Michael was a prophet of sorts. Like a Ghandi but different. Nah he's not Jesus but he sure was Jesus-like. :) Especially when he talked about "the children". I could hug him right now just thinking about it.

The main thread of Michael's life has always been ~Love~ and boy oh boy could I feel that love through the anguish and tears yesterday. It was a physical feeling as if God let him touch us all with his smile while we mourned. I never felt my mother's presence like this when she died 3 years ago. Then again two totally different people. Oh Michael has made an impact that will last the rest of my life and then some.

I love whoever came up with "Michael Jackson 1958 - Forever" because it's true.

About the memorial. The Jackson's are Jehovah's Witness, the choir was Andre Crouch and Christian, Michael was supposedly a Muslim, there was a variety of pastors and people and ended with a Baptist Minister. Would you say the effing walls came crashing down? :D I would. And why, because we all LOVE Michael. Hmm Love huh? ;)

God is Love and Love doesn't have a denomination. ;)

The way we all fit together yesterday - all of us all over the globe - is what Michael has been striving for. *soft smile here folks. I'm going to keep the fire burning and do something about it. I'm gonna be "startin something". :) Because I'm just another part of him.

Were sendin out
A major LOVE
And this is our
Message to you
(message to you)
The planets are linin up
Were bringin brighter days
They're all in line
Waitin for you
Cant you see . . .?
You're just another part of me