Describe your dream lady for Michael

I saw this video at the end of the Bambi Awards and they were trying to take a picture. Mike was either calling her to come over and be in the picture or getting somebody to get her and be in the picture. :)

I'd have to look for it...

So MJ wanted Halle to be in the pic with him? Awww how cute! :wub: I wanna see this video if you can find it. Hmm maybe MJ thought she was pretty :)
Honestly I've been thinking about this a lot. I don't really have a life lol and I like to think about Michael being with his perfect someone.
She wouldn't have to be famous. She would just need to be someone who would listen to him when he needed to talk, especially since he liked to talk to someone in the middle of the night and early in the morning. She would have to accept who he was and that he loved his fans so she couldn't get jealous when she saw him on stage being hugged and kissed by some YANA girl or even a girl for TWYMMF. Being able to comfort him when he's feeling down by simply being able to make him laugh or just being there to give him a hug and telling him she loved him and would never hurt him like the people of the world did.
She wouldn't have to be the best looking person in the world, MJ wasn't shallow but she still would have to make him go crazy at just the site of her. She would for sure need to love Children and be willing to be fully committed to Michael and their children. She would also need to have a love for the world and be more than willing to go with Michael to an orphanage or a hospital and be able to give love to the children.
One of the most important qualities she would need is to be able to be like a child and be able to play around with him and not feel weird when he would rather play with children than to go on an outing with some adults. She would have to be strong though and be able to tell him no when needed.

So she doesn't have to be perfect but she would have to be there for him and love him for him and not expect Michael Jackson the performer but Michael Jackson the human being, the husband, and father.
Here's the dream girl I did, she's sexy huh?

She's sorta kinda had a physical resemblance to Mana Tatsumiya of Negima.
But the woman I did is actually Japanese Canadian and look she has an MJ tattoo on her belly isn't that cute? Now, I named the woman "Aki", that's Japanese for "autumn", she's a huge Michael fan like us, she loves to dance and her favourite songs of Michael's are "Dirty Diana", "Man In The Mirror", "Billie Jean" and "Dangerous". Her dream is to marry Michael and to be with him. I always that Michael can be such a ladies man because that's the Michael I really love to see. I don't know to describe more. But like I said here she is. What do ya think?
Awww that's cute. I can tell you have a love for Anime, eh? :p
Thank you and Yes indeed I have so much love for Anime. In fact, I've been in love with Anime for years.
Are you referring to my drawing?:D
I don't know if there's been a thread like this before, and I hope it's ok that I made one.
I have always thought to myself over the years since being a MJ fan that the one thing he has missing in his life is a woman; how complete he would be if he just had that someone.

So the aim of this thread is for you to describe the ideal lady for Michael i.e. her hair colour, her body shape and of course; her status. Should she be/have been famous? If so, name and shame :D lol

Sometimes I would think a red-head would have suited Michael! But she's kind of petite; shorter than him and very skinny.

I don't know of any particular female celebrities who're red heads, though. But sort of like that girl from The Time Traveller's wife.

Other days, I think of someone with beach-blonde hair, high cheekbones and very skinny.

Your turn :)

haha im a redhead!! :wild: thats made my night!! hehe
i think he wanted a sweet and innocent girl, but also someone who's famous, because otherwise it would be such a shock to get used to all the paparazzi and stuff. But that combo is hard to come by... On the other hand, if I could choose for him, I'd pick someone with a very strong personality, who could talk back to him and not just say 'yes Michael'. In my mind, she would be Native American with very long hair and big brown eyes. She would have a slender body size but not skinny. She would be a great cook and make sure that MJ put on some weight too! :D and she would be a professional ballroom dancer so she and Michael could relate and dance together a lot at parties!!! :D and not every eye would be on him for a change, cause she would also steal the show :D

thats my elaborate answer, sorry if it was a bit long. :)