Deepak Chopra: Michael Jackson Thought He Wasn’t 'Good Enough'

I completely understand what Chopra said, but he-s beeing not that profesional saying drug addict here and there when in fact Michael was A CHRONIC INSONIAC who needed harder stuff like anesthetics and the most common prescriptions drugs, but he needed the propofol to sleep, people need to know Michael-s real problem was the insomnia
People leave Deepak ALONE.

Oh my god, seriously, that man has done nothing wrong against Michael. I'm sorry but if you need something like propofol to sleep - than your a drug addict. Big deal. I'm still a fan and always will be. I'm addict of sleeping medication myself! (cant sleep without it) Just because he's stating the fact gives people no reason to get angry with him.
People leave Deepak ALONE.

Oh my god, seriously, that man has done nothing wrong against Michael. I'm sorry but if you need something like propofol to sleep - than your a drug addict. Big deal. I'm still a fan and always will be. I'm addict of sleeping medication myself! (cant sleep without it) Just because he's stating the fact gives people no reason to get angry with him.

he was a drug addict, but not like a junkie, thats the point, i also need medication to sleep, im defending Deepak but he should (if he will keep on speaking about MJ and his problem), he should clearfy the real problem which was the insomnia, is that so hard to understand, i really dont think so.
he was a drug addict, but not like a junkie, thats the point, i also need medication to sleep, im defending Deepak but he should (if he will keep on speaking about MJ and his problem), he should clearfy the real problem which was the insomnia, is that so hard to understand, i really dont think so.
plenty of people have insomnia that don't use propofol to sleep. Having insomnia isn't an excuse for using propofol.
I guess all those who need ambien to sleep are drug addicts. or those who need anti-depressants to function at an acceptable level...all drug addicts.
I guess all those who need ambien to sleep are drug addicts. or those who need anti-depressants to function at an acceptable level...all drug addicts.
Nice try, but propofol is not a drug that is supposed to be used to make someone sleep. It's used to knock people out in a hospital setting. I don't think MJ was getting surgery every night.
Nice try, but propofol is not a drug that is supposed to be used to make someone sleep. It's used to knock people out in a hospital setting. I don't think MJ was getting surgery every night.

oh just let it go, you have your thoughts they have theirs.
And can you really blame people for being so defensive after everything they've seen Michael go through?
plenty of people have insomnia that don't use propofol to sleep. Having insomnia isn't an excuse for using propofol.
Im talking about CHRONIC INSOMNIA (its different than what some people cliam is insomnia), dont mess up everything...
Nice try, but propofol is not a drug that is supposed to be used to make someone sleep. It's used to knock people out in a hospital setting. I don't think MJ was getting surgery every night.
I never said it was right, NEVER, but Michael was bad adviced as we all know
This fool should shut up. Was he one of those spreading the "MJ is an addict" story?

I completely agree, I'm tired of him runnin his mouth. I saw him on Ellen the other day showing pics of him and Michael and then he was promoting his new book -_-.

And yes, he is the one spreading the "MJ is an addict story"
You know what has become apparent to me since Michael passed? That none of his real friends have made negative statements to the media about his private life. His real friends would never break that promise. Because his friends know very well that he would be extremely unhappy with that and they are honoring his wishes. So, if you hear someone like Chopra, blabbing on about Michael's private matters, you know he wasn't a true friend.
Please. Chopra wasn't talking about Propofol. He was yapping about other drugs -- painkillers and all kinds of pills. He went with all those rumors that MJ took Demerol, Oxycontin and who knows what else, before the autopsy results were announced.

This is one of the reasons why I don't trust Grace, because she's been feeding him all these drug stories.

And I don't think MJ was addicted to Propofol. All indications are he only used it when he's on tour. Otherwise he would have a doctor living with him 24/7. And considering his last tour was 13 years ago, that doesn't exactly look like an addiction to me.
My thoughts exactly. He said so himself. When he toured he could not eat or sleep and he would get dehydrated.
Some of the same people on this sight on several occasions tend to defend others against MJ. I'm not saying MJ was perfect because he wasn't but he is not here to speak for himself any longer and we trust any fool that speaks against him as their word being the truth. I think we should investigate these fools words thoroughly first.
Some of the same people on this sight on several occasions tend to defend others against MJ. I'm not saying MJ was perfect because he wasn't but he is not here to speak for himself any longer and we trust any fool that speaks against him as their word being the truth. I think we should investigate these fools words thoroughly first.
I will defend others when I think they are wrongly being jumped on by MJ fans on this board. What there is too much of on this board is MJ fans that completely tear down someone that says anything remotely not positive about MJ. As if MJ is a perfect being and he has never done anything wrong in his life. There's no way MJ could have taken the "This Is It" tapes from Paul Anka. There's no way MJ was addicted to drugs before he died. There's no way he was getting all those injections for Dr. Klein's medical records. It's kind of hard to have a rational discussion with someone when they think MJ can do no wrong.
I will defend others when I think they are wrongly being jumped on by MJ fans on this board. What there is too much of on this board is MJ fans that completely tear down someone that says anything remotely not positive about MJ. As if MJ is a perfect being and he has never done anything wrong in his life. There's no way MJ could have taken the "This Is It" tapes from Paul Anka. There's no way MJ was addicted to drugs before he died. There's no way he was getting all those injections for Dr. Klein's medical records. It's kind of hard to have a rational discussion with someone when they think MJ can do no wrong.

I know Michael wasn't perfect, who is? What I have a problem with is people claiming to be his friends making negative statements to the press. Would you do that to someone you considered a friend? Even if it were true, I would not do that. Theese people should stop claiming to be Michaels friends and just tell the truth. They are making statements to the press because they want the fame, attention and money that brings.
I think the basic point is that when a person dies, one should stay focused on the positive things and stop bringing up the negative things about them... unfortunately some are only willing to bring up the negative about MJ.
I know Michael wasn't perfect, who is? What I have a problem with is people claiming to be his friends making negative statements to the press. Would you do that to someone you considered a friend? Even if it were true, I would not do that. Theese people should stop claiming to be Michaels friends and just tell the truth. They are making statements to the press because they want the fame, attention and money that brings.
I agree. I do not have a problem with the truth as long as the truth is not embellish. I agree Michael should not have use that drug but I do not believe he was a drug addict the way some media people are trying to play up. I think people need to explain what they mean IF they are going to do it. Look, alot of these folks were talking about PAIN KILLERS and look, in the end, that was NOT in MJ system (so if he was still addicted to painkillers, it would have been in his system). I will even go as far as to say I wish MJ would not have used this drug for sleep; however, it was a DOCTOR(s) who gave it to him when they should have turned him down. This is not like crack or cocaine where you can go in the street and purchase; a MEDICAL LICENSE person MUST get this drug and that alone is a disgrace. Drug dealers on the street are one thing but when you are a doctor, you have an obligation to uphold to your patients.
What I have a problem with is people claiming to be his friends making negative statements to the press. Would you do that to someone you considered a friend?
becasue there werent. mj didnt have many real friends. b4 mj was cold he was doing the rounds saying he was a druggie. just like oxman
becasue there werent. mj didnt have many real friends. b4 mj was cold he was doing the rounds saying he was a druggie. just like oxman
Exactly. YOu do NOT see people like Liz Taylor, Steve Harvey, Chris Tucker, Emanual Lewis, or Mac Caulkin (and friends who were not famous) talking to the press about MJ.
I have always said that words like "Friend" and "love" get used in wrong way more than anything. People need to learn the true meaning of these words. Alot of these people were really "associates" of Michael, not friends. DO not get me wrong, Real friends will tell you when you are wrong but they should not talk to press in the manner in which this guy is doing.
I have always said that words like "Friend" and "love" get used in wrong way more than anything. People need to learn the true meaning of these words. Alot of these people were really "associates" of Michael, not friends. DO not get me wrong, Real friends will tell you when you are wrong but they should not talk to press in the manner in which this guy is doing.

You hit the nail on the head! Real friends tell YOU when they have a concern. They don't run to the press. And no true friend runs you down after you are gone, to anyone, let alone the press.
Exactly. YOu do NOT see people like Liz Taylor, Steve Harvey, Chris Tucker, Emanual Lewis, or Mac Caulkin (and friends who were not famous) talking to the press about MJ.

Amen to that! And I got much respect to them for it.
Deepak, another guy in the same category as Schmuley who really grinds my gears. Friends shouldn't air each other's business. And if Deepak was a physician to Michael, then he should lose his license for discussing his client. . . . I wish we could erase the late 90s associations of Deepak, Uri Geller, and Schmuley.
I have always said that words like "Friend" and "love" get used in wrong way more than anything. People need to learn the true meaning of these words. Alot of these people were really "associates" of Michael, not friends. DO not get me wrong, Real friends will tell you when you are wrong but they should not talk to press in the manner in which this guy is doing.
I have to agree
Some of the same people on this sight on several occasions tend to defend others against MJ. I'm not saying MJ was perfect because he wasn't but he is not here to speak for himself any longer and we trust any fool that speaks against him as their word being the truth. I think we should investigate these fools words thoroughly first.
You are right, but Deepak is not like Schmuley, no way....

I will defend others when I think they are wrongly being jumped on by MJ fans on this board. What there is too much of on this board is MJ fans that completely tear down someone that says anything remotely not positive about MJ. As if MJ is a perfect being and he has never done anything wrong in his life. There's no way MJ could have taken the "This Is It" tapes from Paul Anka. There's no way MJ was addicted to drugs before he died. There's no way he was getting all those injections for Dr. Klein's medical records. It's kind of hard to have a rational discussion with someone when they think MJ can do no wrong.
The paul anka part IS a lie, but i agre he wasnt perfect, of course he was human,
about the Klein matter i wont comment, that man is too smart, he could have manipulated Michael, Klein is one smart guy, thats why i dont like him

I think the basic point is that when a person dies, one should stay focused on the positive things and stop bringing up the negative things about them... unfortunately some are only willing to bring up the negative about MJ.
Deepak is trying to bring the good out of the bad that happened to Michael,
i mean he's expresses himself bad when he does not say the insomnia part, but he's not like Klein or Schmuley, come on, dont put him in the same bag.

I agree. I do not have a problem with the truth as long as the truth is not embellish. I agree Michael should not have use that drug but I do not believe he was a drug addict the way some media people are trying to play up. I think people need to explain what they mean IF they are going to do it. Look, alot of these folks were talking about PAIN KILLERS and look, in the end, that was NOT in MJ system (so if he was still addicted to painkillers, it would have been in his system). I will even go as far as to say I wish MJ would not have used this drug for sleep; however, it was a DOCTOR(s) who gave it to him when they should have turned him down. This is not like crack or cocaine where you can go in the street and purchase; a MEDICAL LICENSE person MUST get this drug and that alone is a disgrace. Drug dealers on the street are one thing but when you are a doctor, you have an obligation to uphold to your patients.
exactly what im saying

Deepak, another guy in the same category as Schmuley who really grinds my gears. Friends shouldn't air each other's business. And if Deepak was a physician to Michael, then he should lose his license for discussing his client. . . . I wish we could erase the late 90s associations of Deepak, Uri Geller, and Schmuley.
Deepak is nothing liek Schmuley, not one bity, dont mess up people here, michael was friends with Deepak till his death, nothing like in schmuley case
Eh, my point is it's pretty scummy to air your friend's/associate's business. Some friend Deepak turned out to be. I think Schmuley and Deepak are both garbage so there are your similarities . . . I'm w/ Michaelsson and and done giving this fool any attention.
Eh, my point is it's pretty scummy to air your friend's/associate's business. Some friend Deepak turned out to be. I think Schmuley and Deepak are both garbage so there are your similarities . . . I'm w/ Michaelsson and and done giving this fool any attention.
you are saying MY similarities???, i didnt get it, are you bashing me? or you just messed up words in the wrong way??
You are right, but Deepak is not like Schmuley, no way....

Deepak is trying to bring the good out of the bad that happened to Michael,
i mean he's expresses himself bad when he does not say the insomnia part, but he's not like Klein or Schmuley, come on, dont put him in the same bag.

Deepak is nothing liek Schmuley, not one bity, dont mess up people here, michael was friends with Deepak till his death, nothing like in schmuley case

I agree, Draliongirl. I think Deepak was genuinely upset after Michael passed away. He seemed to be really upset. I think he impulsively spoke out in coping with his grief and trying to make some sense of things.

I also do not like the "drug addict" part... but ... must add that I do not like the term in general. I find it dehumanizing.