Deepak Chopra: Michael Jackson Thought He Wasn’t 'Good Enough'

Deepak Chopra and his son are nothing but media whores. They both were on the airwaves almost immediately after he passed away proclaiming that his death didn't surprise them at all while spreading all kinds of malicious (and subsequently confirmed false) drug rumors alongside Brian Oxman. They both make me sick and I couldn't care the least what they say at this point, be it positive or negative.
Confirmed false? MJ died because of propofol.
I think MJ would be SHOCKED at the maturity level of some of his fans. Michael was good friends with Deepak and his son.

I dont like how some of the fans have this watchdog mentality. To me it's not the way Michael would want you behaving. It's like anyone that says anything about Michael that you're not ready to hear or dont want to hear, all of a sudden they are evil people and have ill will against Michael. Deepak is just making a point and sharing things about Michael in a positive way, to show you his humane side. I dont get it.
Exactly! Too many fans have a mentality that they have to discredit and shout down anyone that doesn't say MJ was about bunny rabbits and lolipops. I think MJ would be ashamed at how some of his fans are acting.
^whatever... but a kid who's not really known for his musical or writing ability to blog that he helped Michael write his songs with a thesaurus and a dictionary doesn't even deserve a second look, much less derision. all I have to say to that assertion is a big fat "PLEASE". for more, please see my sig.

how convenient (as the Church Lady would say). Mike's not here any more to contradict him/them.

I'm sorry but after reading that fake blog of his, I have NOTHING but derision for Gotham Chopra. what a douche!
MJ was a drug addict because he had severe insomnia and was desperate to sleep?
Yes he was. Just because he was a drug addict doesn't mean he was walking the streets like a junkie looking to score drugs. There are many types of drug addicts and you are assuming the worst of them. MJ wasn't that, but he did needs drugs to sleep according to reports. MJ shouldn't have been using propofol to make himself sleep.
The correct term to use is "insomnia".
in⋅som⋅ni⋅a  /ɪnˈsɒm
ə/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [in-som-nee-uh]

–noun inability to obtain sufficient sleep, esp. when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness.

Members of the medical profession were supposed to be
helping Michael Jackson be as well as he could be with his insomnia.
Instead, the patient was the victim of a "homicide".
Exactly! Too many fans have a mentality that they have to discredit and shout down anyone that doesn't say MJ was about bunny rabbits and lolipops. I think MJ would be ashamed at how some of his fans are acting.

You obviously can't speak for Michael.

You really think Michael would be disappointed with fans that defends his name and honor?? you really believe that??:hysterical::hysterical:

For the last 25 years people have criticized, scrutinized, ridiculed, condemn, attack, disparage, denigrate, slam, trash, nitpick everything about Michael Jackson.
You think Michael really needs "his fans" doing the same thing?

I will not be casting any stones at Michael.

I have already stated how i feel about the chopra's so... will not waste my time re-posting.

You obviously can't speak for Michael.

You really think Michael would be disappointed with fans that defends his name and honor?? you really believe that??:hysterical::hysterical:

For the last 25 years people have criticized, scrutinized, ridiculed, condemn, attack, disparage, denigrate, slam, trash, nitpick everything about Michael Jackson.
You think Michael really needs "his fans" doing the same thing?

I will not be casting any stones at Michael.

I have already stated how i feel about the chopra's so... will not waste my time re-posting.
I don't speak for MJ, that's why I said 'I think' MJ would be ashamed the way some people are acting. I didn't say 'I know'.
I don't speak for MJ, that's why I said 'I think' MJ would be ashamed the way some people are acting. I didn't say 'I know'.

I think... I know.. semantics.

you really think Michael would be ok with you... calling him a drug addict?

you think michael would really be ok with deepak calling mj manipulative?

let me not list all the shit the chopras have said or written.

you think mj would be ok with gotham calling mj a freak...? a so called friend?
ERIC- you all find these people all of a sudden coming out of their holes praising michael and have no problem with it great.

don't sit here and criticize the fans .... you can love and praise and defend the likes of chopra with out taking a shot at Michael's FANS.

the audacity of self righteous and judgmental people who never knew Michael for a minute, a day, a month, a year, etc.
I think... I know.. semantics.

you really think Michael would be ok with you... calling him a drug addict?

you think michael would really be ok with deepak calling mj manipulative?

let me not list all the shit the chopras have said or written.

you think mj would be ok with gotham calling mj a freak...? a so called friend?
I'm sure no one likes being called a drug addict. The fact of the matter is that MJ was addicted to drugs that would make him sleep. Am I just supposed to pretend that didn't happen? MJ is not a God and he had problems just like everyone else because he was a human. I'm not defending anyone. I just don't live in a fantasy world where people think MJ's life was perfect.
I think Chopra has real good point, but not the right term which is "drug adict" why? cause people's common mind tends to think of junkies,

Michael had a hard adicction, but was cause he was an INSOMNIAC not cause he wanted to be HIGH, like many drug addicts do.

Michael Jackson was an INSOMNIAC, he used drugs and harder stuff like Diprivan (if his level of insomnia was such to the need to use an ANESTHESIA, i can only say, he was strong, cause he kept on, cause is not easy, and he did kept on, what happen with murray, that part is UNSOLVED, but he kept on under the supervision of Dr.Murray) he used proprofol but he had a doctor, lets not forget that, Michael thought he was well taken care, but the need of using prpofol to try to sleep just shows this man Michael Jackson had a level, a certain obsession for beeing perfect on EVERYTHING, like an obsession which led him Unable to relax(sleep), and the doctor did not try to help, he just gave Michael what Michael asked, not to be high but to SLEEP thats how high Michael's level of insomnia was, again when people like Chopra or anyone says "drug addict" common people directly thinks of junkies like Hollywood ppl who are junkies (the same),

Chopra should EXPLAIN WHY MICHAEL USED THE ANESTHESIA which he did on this video but should RECALLED MICHAEL HAD INSOMNIA, everyone seem to forget that part, he was an INSOMNIAC thats the cause of his need for anesthesia, not cause he wanted to be "high", that the part that fans (i myself include) dont like

they do not explain enough times Michael was an INSOMNIAC, Michael was an insoniac he NEEDED drugs to sleep, NOT to get high, GOD, its that so hard to explain??, why people in the media always "forget" that part, its a convenient part for forgettin...

that is the part Chopra should explain, cause sadly people seem ignorant and authomatically think Michael was a junkie, when in fact his problem was INSOMNIA, which is one of the ugliest unberable things that can ever happen to a human beeing, its horrible
Deepak Chopra and his son are nothing but media whores. They both were on the airwaves almost immediately after he passed away proclaiming that his death didn't surprise them at all while spreading all kinds of malicious (and subsequently confirmed false) drug rumors alongside Brian Oxman. They both make me sick and I couldn't care the least what they say at this point, be it positive or negative.

I'm sure no one likes being called a drug addict. The fact of the matter is that MJ was addicted to drugs that would make him sleep. Am I just supposed to pretend that didn't happen? MJ is not a God and he had problems just like everyone else because he was a human. I'm not defending anyone. I just don't live in a fantasy world where people think MJ's life was perfect.

Addicted? We only have Murray's story as the source for that claim and Murray has proven to be a consistent liar. If you are willing to believe Murray's conflicting account of that night, then fine. Do you believe him when he said he was giving CPR at a particular time? Turns out he was on the phone at that same time too. :smilerolleyes:

We know MJ is not perfect. People who disagree with you aren't naive or living in a fantasy world. You're not defending anyone? Really? Seems like your defending Deepak and all his statements about MJ to me.
I'm sure no one likes being called a drug addict. The fact of the matter is that MJ was addicted to drugs that would make him sleep. Am I just supposed to pretend that didn't happen? MJ is not a God and he had problems just like everyone else because he was a human. I'm not defending anyone. I just don't live in a fantasy world where people think MJ's life was perfect.

Exactly, MJ was not God. He IS NOT God. He never claimed to be one. I never said he was.

Isn't that part of the point? He was human, like us . Therefore he had flaws.
Do we really want to sit her and pick apart his life. Do we have a right to judge and pick on that? Don't you think enough people in this world do a good job at it? Like the Deepak, Gotham, Rabbi, etc.
There is one God to ME.. His name is Christ.


You and others want to sit here and judge other fans and criticize other fans because we are not fawning over with praise for gotham or anyone else that has negative things to say about MJ even when they mask it with praise.

Or worst, when MJ was alive these fools abandoned michael, called him names, shortly after MJs passing they called more names. Then months later they may write one positive article... what ... life is suppose to be great.

I am suppose to sit here and bow down and worship the chopra's. Knowing what they have / has said in the past?

HE WASN'T a drug addict.

What about the autopsy supports the "drug addict" label? Right NOTHING!!!!!
Michael had an issue with pain killers in the PAST! He addressed the issue and moved on. PERIOD!

It is MEDICAL FACT that if a person is in fact addicted to drugs and has abused drugs for a long period of time which Deepak and a good amount of "other friends" have suggested there would have been damage to Michael's INTERNAL ORGANS. BUT THERE WASN'T. His internal and major internal organs were "normal". Except for the affects that his Lupus had on his lungs I believe.

And just FYI Propofol in is an anesthesia, and anesthesia's are NOT and I repeat, ARE NOT addictive substances. So this whole MJJ was a junkie story that Mr. Deepak and his son and everyone else is trying to sell is total BS! These are MEDICAL FACTS! PERIOD!


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Addicted? We only have Murray's story as the source for that claim and Murray has proven to be a consistent liar. If you are willing to believe Murray's conflicting account of that night, then fine. Do you believe him when he said he was giving CPR at a particular time? Turns out he was on the phone at that same time too. :smilerolleyes:

We know MJ is not perfect. People who disagree with you aren't naive or living in a fantasy world. You're not defending anyone? Really? Seems like your defending Deepak and all his statements about MJ to me.
So you really think the day MJ dies was the very first time he used propofol?
Michael had been using propofol for a long time, but his body was used to it, his body supported all that, yeah its aweful for him to have to endure all that just to sleep and be ok(using an IV to sleep, that must have been hurtful), but he was that way and if his doctor would have been a good one, Michael would be alive, he would.

FACT IS Dr. Murray made a mistake (he killed Michael Jackson, he killed a man), Michael Jackson shouldnt be dead, yes his life wasnt all dreamy but his body was already used to the propofol, if it was used correctly he will be alive, he will.

Murray did something wrong, and now Michael is dead cause of Murray mistake, Michael shouldnt be dead, no way, that was negligence by Murray's part, Michael hired him almost specially to do that stuff CORRECTLY, Murray did all WRONG, im not saying it was correct Michael used that, but i understand insomnia very well, and i can understand Michael's state but will never understand Murray's ways, never.
geez.. this thread went south fast. not that it began too far up north lol.

Anyways, Deepak has got a real good point, Michael wanted perfection but perfection does not exist, in fact with Michael did existed, but seems like he sometimes just couldnt see it, but i say it again Michael wouldnt have been Michael Jackson if he wouldnt have been the perfectionist he was, sometimes geniuses of this rare magnitude end up wrong. damn...
that is the part Chopra should explain, cause sadly people seem ignorant and authomatically think Michael was a junkie, when in fact his problem was INSOMNIA, which is one of the ugliest unberable things that can ever happen to a human beeing, its horrible
I have suffered for decades from the same problem, now it has become better, without using hard drugs, but I wasn't in the limelight like Michael.
But I understand how it happens: you ONLY want to have one thing, sometimes to get some peace! When I heard about this propofol thing which has killed Michael, I never heard before, I thought by myself, there was a time I would have liked to use at least a bit of it.
I have suffered for decades from the same problem, now it has become better, without using hard drugs, but I wasn't in the limelight like Michael.
But I understand how it happens: you ONLY want to have one thing, sometimes to get some peace! When I heard about this propofol thing which has killed Michael, I never heard before, I thought by myself, there was a time I would have liked to use at least a bit of it.
yeah, its aweful, i would have done the same Michael did at a time, cause is a desperation, its the uggliest thing, im better now, glad you are better too
Please. Chopra wasn't talking about Propofol. He was yapping about other drugs -- painkillers and all kinds of pills. He went with all those rumors that MJ took Demerol, Oxycontin and who knows what else, before the autopsy results were announced.

This is one of the reasons why I don't trust Grace, because she's been feeding him all these drug stories.

And I don't think MJ was addicted to Propofol. All indications are he only used it when he's on tour. Otherwise he would have a doctor living with him 24/7. And considering his last tour was 13 years ago, that doesn't exactly look like an addiction to me.
I don't believe MJ really used propfol for long periods of time like what murray said! He said he gave Mj Profol for 6 weeks straight!

I read some where on this website that if u use propofol for 7 days straight that it can cause liver damage. So imagine 6 weeks!? And we all know that MJ organs were healthy!

Gotham deepak son also said on larry king that MJ helped him go to college by writting him a letter of reconmendation and that he wish he still had the letter because IT WOULD BE WORTH A LOT! Now.......what kind of friend would say something like that?

*rolling my eyes at these FOOLS*
For him to have been this over the top pill poppin' addict, they surrrrrrrrre wanted to be in his company, didn't they? And THIS doesn't make any sense when THEY are supposed to be living such clean lives.

See that? The more they talk, the more they make themselves look and sound stupid. They really need to hurry up and wrap up their road trip. It is leading nowhere.
This is one of the reasons why I don't trust Grace, because she's been feeding him all these drug stories.
if I were Grace I would think it is time to sue those ones who put out this claim. Do you have a proof for what you are saying? I didn't get to read the article, cause I didn't get the link to work..but I do agree with some of what jaXXXon said...

But..I think that if you were close with Michael, you shouldn't talk (too much) to the press. Learn something from my fellow Norwegian Omer Bhatti..

What Kenny Ortega did at Oprah, I think that is something different. It was not something tabloid stuff he talked about. Or when Lisa Marie said a few lines in a Hello magazine..but I hope whoever talks to the press, know if that would be something Michael would be "OK" with..and some of the things..I dont know if he would..
You should respect him...Like for example Marlon Brando, he refused to talk about or say something about Marilyn Monroe after her death.."out of respect to her" he said. That's very respectful and admirable.
Deepak Chopra: Michael Jackson Thought He Wasn’t 'Good Enough'

i think its interesting cause Michael really was an extreme perfectionist, he was:(


When will Choppra a self confessed "Brahman" speak about the "Varna" caste system in India. This is a system based on skin shade and color.
This is why to some there MJ was a GOD and to others(this includes Choppra) he was despised.
The caste consist of:



Harijans(the untouchables)
Details about this system
